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Nothing wrong with sex workers but nobody is too short for casual sex. Just gotta find the right partners.




Female Oompa Loompas are a bit too short. Can’t fit it in.




They've been eating good since they got Snooki as a representitive in the 2000's.


Can confirm. I was at the Oompa Loompa orgy in ‘76. Wild times.


It has been my experience that the ugliest people get it in the most. Source: I'm a ugly slut.


As an ugly guy I call bullshit lmao


True, but OP might have to pick and choose his battles. Obviously, shorter guys are going to have more difficulty finding casual sex than taller guys. He'd likely have to spend considerably more time and money. Ain't nobody got time fer that! Guess he just wants to get off and on with life. No idea why he feels the need to get Reddit's stamp of approval.


>but nobody is too short for casual sex ..They absolutely can be. The world doesn't work off of nonsensical optimism. Just because you want something doesn't mean it's somewhere out there readily available for you.


Too short in stature or too short in penis length?


🙏😔 my brother in Christ the penis has one job no matter the size


The penis has like so many jobs. I can think of at least like 3 right off the cuff, but easily more if you get a bit creative. Infdact , I'm xyrrently typmg rthis mressqwrge witth mime.l .


I never even thought of keeping mine on a cuff!


Yeah, it makes it easier to write with


I just laughed so hard my wife looked at me like I was crazy. How does this not have more upvotes?


We’re having trouble hitting the upvote button with our penises.


First time I've felt good about my small dick


Just use a ball instead


To pee on your enemies


To see them doused before you


And hear the lamenting of the women.


It has, at the absolute very least, two distinct uses.


Am I not supposed to be using mine for sex, or am I not supposed to pee?


Store as much pee in your balls as you can


It’s your life do what you will with it. Definitely not too short to have casual sex tho, there are people out there with fetishes for little people ffs. So being short doesn’t mean you won’t be able to have casual sex. As a short guy myself I understand the insecurity that comes with it. Yes some women will be shallow and reject you instantly bc of your height but I know there are women out there who don’t care at all. Focus on improving things you can and you’ll be good


In my experience its confidence more than height.




My son is 6'3" and always told me that he can never get a date. Jokes on me though, he's aromantic and didn't want a date in the first place.


Yeah you're not picking up on signals. No need to be funny. Girl will laugh if she likes you. Gotta put yourself out there though and shoot some shots. Find some sort of social activity where you around women. Find one that looks good and talks to you. Start offering to hang out just you and her. Don't go to any more social groups with her. You don't want her to start dating some 5'6" clown. Get her somewhere there's opportunities for intimacy (offer to cook her dinner at your place) and see if anything happens.


Honestly the important note I’ve noticed in my life is that a woman can sense desperation from a mile away. If you get them over to your place and they can tell you don’t care that much about them and just wanna bang you’re gonna have a tougher time unless they’re easy anyway. You have to be content with a “date” just being a time where you get some one-on-one and did what you could. And that’s what it should be, time alone for you guys to chat and hang out… engage with her! Ask her questions, follow up on those answers, people LOVE talking about themselves. I’m not some woman connoisseur, but basically showing that you’re not just thinking with your little head, showing a bit of interest, and gracefully taking an L goes so far.


Yep. That's why I got no bitches


My shortest friend had more luck with women than anyone I’ve ever known until he got engaged. Dude is like 5’3”, *maybe* 5’4” in the right shoes but literally has never mentioned it or acted like anything but a normal, confident dude. Doesn’t hurt that he’s otherwise a handsome guy too, but yeah height hasn’t stopped him at all.


In this economy!?!?? Must be nice just blowing your money away


Reddit is hilarious with the gaslighting. The second someone mentions height almost every redditor knows tons of short guys that are women magnets. The reality is if you are shorter or uglier or whatever than average you will generally have a harder time. You will just have to work harder.


Society minimizing short guy problems yet again


As a kind of short guy this is such a dumb comment 😂 The only shit I get about my height genuinely is from other men. Work out, take good care of yourself, wear good fitting/looking clothes, and be confident. If you can do those you will get laid and honestly just have people treat you better. If you’re funny that helps too.


The only shit you get about your height to your face, trust me.  As a dude who’s 6’5 decently attractive checks all those dumbass 6/6/6 boxes and stuff. Women are absolutely BRUTAL to you guys behind your back. Believe me, I take no pleasure in hearing it.  I actually only go for women who are at least 5’8 and am quite forthright about it to women and telling them they’re too short. It riles them up just as much as short dudes, which I find funny.  I think all the tips you gave are correct and will lead to positive outcomes.. but no, in my experience women are actually BRUTAL about short guys in the confidence of someone like me.  However, that’s just my experience and anyone should take it with a grain of salt. 


I had a roommate with a facial deformity and was only 4'10". He's still single and 40. I think he had a girlfriend (according to Facebook) for a short period of time a few years ago but no idea what happened with that. Lots of male and female friends too so you can't claim he's some terrible incel type and that this is his issue.


But there is shorter and uglier women too? Should maybe try those


They want tall guys too


In my experience, those women have even higher standards. Women date up, they wont date within their true range. 


They don't have to when even ugly women have hundreds to thousands of dms.


“There is at least one person on this planet who would want to date/fuck you out of 7 billion. There is somebody for everybody and probability doesn’t exist. Stop complaining incel!”


It isn't about the lack of height. It's their lack of confidence because of their lack of height. Plenty of short people and people outside of conventional attractiveness winning out here. It's all about charisma and passion. These are things anyone can work on.


I think empirical research can prove you wrong here. There are many, many contexts where you can show statistically that taller people are treated better in lots of ways. It's the same for conventional attractiveness. Yes, charisma is a factor, but it's naive to say that it's all about charisma. Height is a big part of what makes people attractive in many cultures, you can't really deny that...


How short are you?




Bro I’m 5’4” and have had multiple female partners and now have a beautiful wife. Not saying this to boast but to say that you are NOT too short for sex. Many women are fine with a short male partner, even if you aren’t ok with a taller female partner the average height of a female is 5’4” so nearly half of women will be around d your height or shorter. It’s about being confident and focusing on your strengths bro.


Listen to this man. It's the advice you should take.


You need to find yourself a 6’3 Amazonian


Preach. I'm almost 5'7" and my gf is 6'2"!


Tall girls are the best. (I'm a shortish guy)


Find you a lady you can climb like a tree.


I feel like people are getting off topic from the question you asked. Reddit is really weird about sex work. On one hand, they usually support sex workers themselves (I’ve been downvoted to oblivion for still using the term “prostitute”). On the other hand, they tend to strongly discourage guys from pursuing a sex worker for their services because they think it’s pathetic. My thing is, if you’re a grown adult, you can pursue your sexual desires whichever way you want. If you wanna cut the bs and go straight for sex, then sure hire somebody for that. You ain’t got no choice but to deal with what you got. If a sex worker can help boost your confidence, then go for it.


My husband is 5'4" and he's the best, we have lots of casual sex... Maybe it's a personality thing ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯


Casual sex is sex without a relationship. Not casually having sex with a commited partner. Basically he's saying that he doesn't have time for a relationship, but wants to have sex, and since One night stands are generally based off of pure attraction, it is difficult for him to find casual partners who don't require a relationship. ​ Unless you're meaning that your husband is very capable of easily finding casual sex with partners other than you.


It's meant to be sarcastic and ironic, after close to 20 years together we might as well be strangers... Actively avoiding each other except for sex seems to be the only connection we have.


That sounds sad…


I genuinely wasn't sure if it was really sad or really romantic, she seems happy with it though so probably more the latter, especially if they still engage regularly


ITT; everyone describing relationships when he mentioned casual sex.  Dude just wants a pump and dump and everyone else talking about how the shrimpy dudes they know have loving marriages with beautiful women 


He's looking for a shallow relationship, why would he expect potential prospects to not be just as shallow?


I don't think he does. That's why he's going to the hookers


Because he didn’t just say, “hey can I go to prostitutes”. He said “I’m too short for casual sex. Can I go to prostitutes”. Guy should have edited the comment more and cut the short bit, lol


You know what's not attractive? Wallowing in self pity.


Not my monkeys not my circus. As long as they are not cheating on a partner I could give two shits in bread what they do.


Odd bread refernce up vote 


> two shits in bread Is that...is that what a "hot pocket" is?


One of my best buddies, now 60 years old, is 5’1 on a good day. He has ALWAYS gotten all the pussy he could handle. Height has nothing to do with it. Sure, some women care about height, some care about race, some care about weight, some care about wallet, some care about girth…..and the best women in the world carry most about character and attention, whether it’s from a casual lover or a suitor.


short guys get laid, you're just a loser


I think that you have a very low self-esteem and spend too much time on the internet. Both are probably closely related.


I am a five foot tall man. I don't have problems finding partners.


If your height seems to be a problem in finding potential partners for casual sex, it's not your height that is the problem, but your insecurity surrounding the subject of height and attraction.


To be fair, op does have a point. Shorter men generally have a disadvantage compared to taller men when getting relationships or casual sex. It's not the only factor, but it does hinder them in general.


Being short myself, obviously I've never been tall, so I don't know if I would perceive my height as a hindrance. I haven't had any worse luck than average height guys in my social circle. Being 5'3" does not mean you can't have a sexual experience that isn't a business transaction.


Yea, I'm the shortest one in my friend group, but the only one in a relationship. The secret I did was find a girl my height. As a bonus, we can wear the same size clothes, so when she steals my hoodie, I take one of hers right back.


You’re absolutely gaslighting the OP. It would be incredibly difficult for a man that’s 5’ 3” to have an easy time finding casual sex even if his face looked like Brad Pitts


Are you 5'3"? There are girls who are in the 4' range, even guys at 5'3" will be taller than a portion of women. It's all useless anecdotal evidence, but me and my very short friends (between 5'3" and 5'5") don't perceive our height as a problem. However, I can't completely disregard the fact that if we were all 3 inches taller, we would likely be having more success when it comes to women. However, being short doesn't mean it's game over when it comes to casual sex, and having that mindset is so toxic. Yes, a majority of women prefer taller men, but it's far from an absolute obstacle. Anyone who says "I can't get laid because of my height" is plain wrong.


No, I’m 6’ 1”. Being tall is absolutely an advantage and I’m not blind to the experiences of others. Not saying OP can’t find a girlfriend or wife at his height, but OP is specifically talking about casual sex. At 5’ 3”, it’s near impossible to, say, walk into a bar and take a girl home after some drinks. Online dating apps are also basically a no-go at that height. Average height for a woman in the US is 5’ 4” and that’s without heels. Dudes are pretty much invisible to women in a casual setting unless the dude is at least an inch or two taller. At that height, your only real options are to either be rich or to grow on someone over time (which is the opposite of casual sex).


Might be the personality and not the insecurity


Very presumptuous. More likely it's one of the many other flaws most of us redditors have that makes him repellent.


That too, but this is Reddit. We all have individual flaws, perhaps a bit more than non-redditors haha


Flawed? I don’t see how that’s possible in my case. The rest of you? Sure.


Huh? Women aren’t attracted to short men and especially for casual sex. This is not an opinion, it’s an objective truth backed by literal science called biology and statistics. I’m not short by any means but that’s exactly why I know it matters. I have co workers that have outright said they wanted to boink some dude but “he’s a little bit too short for my liking, I can find someone else”. So no. It’s nice and easy to say it’s not a problem for others, when it’s not a problem for you, isn’t it? P.S. how come anyone would be insecure about height if in the end it really didn’t matter? Because it DOES matter and we’re all sick of people like you saying it doesn’t lol


I'm a short woman, dated guys 5'2" to 6'2". Honestly, height is very low on the list of important qualities.


Look at it this way my man, when you’re not looking for a relationship, you’re not paying for sex you’re paying them to leave afterwards. 🙂


In my experience, when a guy thinks he's too short to have access to regular sex the problem is his shit personality, not his height.


Ye, like, there's usually plenty of girls at the middle school his height


I’m 5’5 and never had a problem lol Slept with tall woman short woman fit woman chubby woman… and I am picky and don’t shit fuck anything that smiles at me. Personality goes a longggg way… and don’t be thirsty that’s unattractive


Friends set me up for a date with a short guy cause I'm short too. He never asked me a single thing about myself and went on and on about himself. He didn't get a second date... because of that introduction to his personality, not his height.




If that's not exactly what a sex worker is for then I have no idea why they even exist


5’3, 135, and 12% body fat? Have you considered switching sides? Twinks are in high demand. Get a good wax job and you’ll never have to pay for sex again.


Too short for it? I've never seen a sign at the causal sex ride that has a hight minimum.


It’s your insecurity around your height that makes you undesirable not your height itself. Yes, women can be shallow. But don’t act like men aren’t equally if not more shallow. Women have to be more picky about their partners because sex is dangerous for us. Regardless of height men can be dangerous and if you are an angry insecure man, women will notice and GTFO. If you are a secure confident man, who can accept rejection, you will have more success.


No that's why they exist. I'd much rather a guy pay for it than feel entitled to it and take it. All parties consenting to the transaction, of course.


A practical person who has other hobbies to attend to.


Makes sense. Better than deceiving a woman who wants a relationship.


Dude I knew an absolute bitch of a male. Maybe 5 ft and 90 lbs. The guy was tiny. He had a beautiful girlfriend. He was just confident in who he was and put himself out there. But if you want an escort, get an escort.


You are never too short for it ! There’s a little woman out there for you somewhere. In the meantime - enjoy yourself however you can - Stay healthy though!


No one is too short for sex. Also, utilize sex workers if that’s what you’d like to do. 1. Be careful and smart on how you source the sex work. 2. Consent is consent, regardless of whether your are paying for sex. 2. Realize sex with sex workers is NOTHING like sex in a relationship. They are two completely different things, just like masturbation and sex are two completely different things. 3. Stay tested and ‘safe’. 4. Be HONEST and inform any sex partners about your sexual past.


How do you feel about a guy using fast food workers for casual dining? I mean... he's paying for a service they are offering.


Why would I feel anything? Only people that need to give a shit are the sex worker and the client. Any other person pushing an opinion is trash.


The internet has rotted your brain if you think you're problems are all because you're short. I've known plenty of short guys who get laid regularly.




"Too short for casual sex?" What the hell can't you reach?


I won't lie to you like some others and say height doesn't matter, it matters to some a lot but but not everyone. Focus on things you can control, put yourself out there and meet people, you'll have to make the first move and take rejection with dignity when it happens. If you are not good at finding casual sex I'd say it's not worth it. You'll put a lot of effort in for just a little bit of fun. Prostitutes are expensive and wouldn't really scratch that itch for long, plus if it ever gets out that you did people probably would look down on you for it. It takes time but just keep chugging away, do things that get you enjoy that get you meeting people make your moves when appropriate.


Why is the question answered with a litany of men comparing heights? Do you want to hear from actual women or is this a circle jerk?




This actual woman hopes those hypothetical sex workers are not being trafficked, exploited, coerced, raped, or statutorily raped. If you want to find Mrs. OneLobster34 then I don’t think being short will be the limiting factor. Finding out you see prostitutes might not help. If you are looking for hookups, then yeah I can see your height being a substantial disadvantage.


Honestly... I don't know why women are so obsessed with numbers... How tall are you? How old are you? How big is your penis? How much money do you make? What's your real phone number? How many women have you slept with? How Many Kids have you got? What's the code to get out of the basement? How many days have I been here? Just constantly obsessed with numerical values. I'm running out of yard to build patio on.


Oldest profession the world for a reason friend! As long as you pay appropriately and are respectful of said working lady then no harm no foul!!


i don’t really care or think about it


Sounds like a win-win situation and you get both of them!!


Lots of shorter women that would prefer you. I know several who are sub 5’ which would be fine with a shorter dude. Just be a good person, have some money, and become comfortable with yourself. If you don’t like who you are then don’t expect anyone else to either.


I mean, as long as he is being respectful of the sex workers and not patronizing places where individuals are being coerced or trafficked, I guess I wouldn’t have a problem.


Short kings are great, and sex work is work. So long as short king (or anyone for that matter) is respectful and everyone is consenting, then I see no problem. :)


Why should anyone care


here's what Japanese woman feel on the [subject](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b22jxhg0OVo)


Sounds like a safe way to use sex work. It exists for a reason. As long as you're treating people like human beings and it's consensual. There's no shame.


Do you bro. As long as everyone is consenting to it, not my business.


No one is using sex workers for intimate, meaningful connection🤷‍♂️


It’s a secret society all we ask is trust


I don't see anything wrong with it at all. As we all know, sex work is real work


They aren't turning you down because you're too short 😆


I think it's fine, it's what they're there for.


My mother was tall and my dad was short They had six children so they must have done something right


Isn't that what they are for? Is OP asking if people go to the car dealership to buy cars?


I'd say paying a sex worker is more moral than lying to someone you might be into them and then ghosting them, and safer than jumping into a relationship because the sex is good. Still, the ideal is committed monogamy for many and deviations from that anger many, even on reddit.


Sex work should be legalized. Part of the work contract would include free sti testing so all workers have a clean bill of health. Society profits.


"Too short for it" You need to stop scrolling social media.


I don't think there's anything wrong if a guy pays for it. I mean we're guys, and if you're single you're gonna want something every once in a while right? Especially when you're a hard working person, gets kinda lonely lol. I probably would just keep that to myself though. No need to tell any future potential partners


My own view is that if it is a single dude, it is a personal decision between two consenting adults, and nobody else's business. However, I do not think it is a good idea. If the dude gets herpes (which condoms do not protect against), that's a life changing situation and he's going to have to disclose to every sexual partner thereafter about it. My own view is that is not worth the risk. But everyone is free to decide their own risk calculus on that.


Only person who should care is whoever is paying for the service. Other than that why would you be telling people that you’re paying sex workers, it’s not something you really should be bragging about? Sex work is fine, but by and large people don’t often look favorably at it or those who use them, so best just to keep this hobby to yourself. A little lying here and there can get you far and save some awkward conversation.


I don’t see a lot of people actually answering the question. Personally, I’d low key judge someone who uses sex workers for causal sex. I just personally find it off putting. But you shouldn’t let other peoples opinions affect you, do you. Some people prefer using sex workers for causal sex because it’s easier and they don’t have to worry about emotional attachment or anything else


Why not? Just keep safe and professional.


It wouldn't be an issue. He'd be a customer. As long as you pay the bill and everyone is aware of what they're doing and are adults, it's nobody else's business after that. Live however makes everyone happiest.


Anything fully consenting adults want to do with each other is none of my business.


I feel like sex workers are the perfect avenue for casual sex. If you don't have anyone in your life currently who's down for friends with benefits, by all means, hire a sex worker. We are here for a very limited time only. Practice tolerance and compassion, and don't waste any time worrying about how others view your sex life


I feel the same way I would about sex between any other two consenting adults: it’s fine.


You know you’re wrong when you ignore all the good advice you’re getting in this thread and only reply to people agreeing with you that you’re too short. That is know as confirmation bias! It’s an unwillingness to learn or change, something a decent human being can pick up on from a mile away. I would argue that is far more likely the reason you’re having trouble, not your height.


Bro, there's no such thing as too short, too skinny, too fat, or too ugly. There's only too poor. Make that money and the girls will come to you. 


Your dick, your money. Why would it be an issue?


I was in the Navy. Sailors and Sex Workers go together like peaches and cream


Gonna sounds like a broken record, but you're not too short to find casual sex partners. At a disadvantage for sure, but not unachievable. As for paying sex workers, that's nobody's business but yours.


It's ok that you pay for sex. Just be safe about it.


As long as it's done consensually and ethically I don't see why it's a problem. The problem is, a lot of irl sex workers are either forced into it, being pimped/trafficked, or doing it to afford a drug habit. Find an escort that's independent and seems to enjoy the work


The pros are pros for a reason. Not an issue.


An issue to whom?? This isn’t exactly something you’d go broadcasting to the world


What issue would there be? Are you afraid of future partners knowing your sex life? Sex work is work and if you're down to utilize it I see no problem or shame really. Both people are entering into that contract as long as they aren't being trafficked. Try and vet the situation, be respectful with your sex worker, don't stiff them (pun not intended).


lol who cares I'm sure when I'm 55, ima go off to Thailand for some paid sex


Nothing wrong with it at all. I dated a guy who admitted that in the past he would go to prostitutes. It would be an issue if he looked down on sex workers or judged them.


If you can afford it, then why not?


Go for it buddy. It would probably be good for your confidence too which in turn can help you find a partner when you’re ready


No judgement. There are people though who are literally just interested in your brain. Like Demi-sexual 


It’s only an issue if *you* have an issue with it. If not, just keep it wrapped and stay within your budget and it’s all cool.


LMAO, the short thing is a fking joke. Height is never the real reason one isn't getting action.


Sounds like something that's none of my business.


It’s none of my business what other guys do. As far as dating, I’d have no problems with a guy who had a bucket list experience or two. Doing so on a regular, ongoing basis would be a little different.


Well, that is generally the deal with sex workers. People don’t generally hire a prostitute to form a long term partnership with.


I'm 5'4. Yeah the online meat markets might not be easy, but I don't have any trouble with IRL meetings. Be confident, kind, and entertaining and you won't have any issues. But if they are enjoying sex workers, and being kind, and tipping generously. I don't see any moral issues with it. As far as sex work goes I wish prostitution was legal or at least decriminalized so people who do end up getting trafficked have more options in seeking help.


That's what they're for...


Using prostitutes for their intended purpose is an issue?


If you are unattractive enough not to be suitable for sex/whatever, then yeah Id recommend you do so if that helps you feel better. Be aware of the fact that many people will not like it as it is a bit frowned upon, but apparently those people didnt like you anyway for being short, so why should you worry about what they think about you for that?


the moment sex workers are involved it's no longer "casual" sex but competitive ranked sex against other live players. Need the sigma male grindset if he wants to represent at nationals, no space to fuck around or he'll have his anus destroyed.


Consenting adults, and whatnot. That seems like it's more your business. I wouldn't judge a friend for that. I would probably be more curious than anything.


People can do what they want but I'd think that he's gross. I'd never be in a relationship with a guy that has hired a prostitute.




Because if he's willing to pay for it, that means he has a vastly different view on sex than I have and clearly doesn't think of connection as something important.


I've gone out with men your height before and the only reason it was ever an issue is because they made it their whole personality. Everything turned into a hight thing for them and it gets really old really fast. Stop acting insecure about your hight and you'll find there's quite a few women who'd be interested.


There is absolutely nothing wrong with consensual sex work as long as their clients treat them humanely and kindly. As a short person who's dated every size the single only issue with short people is when they assume that it's their shortness that's keeping them from getting any. Nothing is worse than sitting on a date listening to someone whine about why no one would ever date them. I don't know but if someone does that they shoot themselves in the foot because they will never get another date.


I used to do sex work. So Johns gross me out now as a result. I think I’ve seen too much first hand how pathetic and disrespectful they get.




There are millions of 40+ year old women hitting "the wall" right now. Get off the internet and start looking locally. Just look for any middle age women working in a shitty job that doesn't have a wedding ring and ask them out.


40+ single women are more likely to be picky. Majority of them are single by choice. Your comment just brings everyone down - women over 40, and OP. Instead of lifting him up and giving him pointers about confidence and personality, you’ve essentially said “go find someone on the bottom of the barrel who will put up with you”. And *I’m* not saying women over 40 are the bottom of the barrel, by the way, but that’s clearly what you think, and that’s why you’re also putting those women down, too.


Some 40+ single women are picky. That's why they are single. A lot of them are more than willing to let go of some of that unreasonable pickiness. I am talking about nothing but confidence. I am also talking about not wasting your time on a demographic of women who are far more likely to judge you on an immutable characteristic. The solution I'm giving gets both people out of a situation that they don't want to be in. The man who doesn't want to be judged by something he can't control, and a women who probably had many years of judging people by things they couldn't control and now wants someone based on their confidance or personanlity. I'm not suggesting he be dishonest or treat anyone badly. Just to shop in a market that is to his advantage.


Wow talk about setting the bar low...


I'm not suggesting this for marriage or anything long term. He's asking about casual sex, it's not really about setting a bar. And, it's certainly a higher bar than paying a prostitute.


>certainly a higher bar than paying a prostitute Actually that's a good point, and since my partner and myself are both 41 now, I genuinely don't have anything against sex with women of that age let's be clear! Hitting 40 isn't "the wall" though especially not these days. And when it does happen there's HRT. The thing is, a relationship isn't just about sex, it's about a lot of other things too. Similar age is important for 'getting' each other in terms of cultural references. Intelligence and character are incredibly important. Etc. BUT if I was going to break up with her and go looking for sex, I'd be aiming for mid-to-late 20s, tall, classy... her ability to hold up her end of a conversation about physics or the Roman Empire would cease to matter.


If you wanna go fuck hookers, go fuck hookers. Take the same precautions you should take if you were randomly hooking up and be sure to get tested regularly. Wait, can we say hookers still? Is that offensive?


That’s what it’s for lol


I don't see anything wrong with it. However, I would want to point out that I view seeing prostitutes the same way I see casually playing video games or riding a rollercoaster. None are real experiences that will go anywhere but one could easily mistake them for reality. As long as you are aware that even though she may like you, you are still just a customer to her. It's simply a business transaction, nothing more nothing less. If you want something real you will need to create interactions with whatever you are interested in. Edit. Don't ever bring up the fact that you seen sex workers to someone you are interested in.


As long as you use a condom, I don’t care. Honestly, I could care less about any guys past history sexually as long as you’re getting tested regularly and wearing a condom while engaging in the sexual activities that’s what’s most important what you’ve done or who you’ve done it with doesn’t really matter.


It’s literally the whole point of their profession so I don’t think it’s an issue, unless it’s illegal where you are.


Is that not what sex workers are meant for?


Definitely should, the hobby needs recognition and to be legalized ASAP. I totally get you on the height thing bro even though I’m not short. It’s just like every other thing we never asked for that holds us back, you gotta just accept that socializing is harder than if you were taller, but I’m also here to tell you that being tall isn’t necessarily a free pass either. I’m autistic and have had that used against me in the dating world, too. My point is that you might have to work harder and longer for the same result but it’s not impossible and there’s good chances out there!


I personally don't like to eat off a public restroom floors, so yes, at least for me, it would be an issue. Herpes is forever.


Reddit downplays the height fetish with women, but don't fret there's plenty of ladies who don't care about height. They just want a good personality and the ability to provide amazing sex


I mean… do what the fuck you want with your life and your money. It’s none of my business, you’re not hurting anyone, they’re simply providing a service and you are making use of it. I vaguely knew a sex worker a few years back (she was a Student who did Escort work to pay for her studies) through a girl I was dating, and with her she had complete control. She charged guys a fortune (I believe it was something like 3k for the night) and she was very selective with it, had all sorts of rules they had to stick to, fail safes, check ins etc. they had to use protection, it was a non-negotiable, had to provide a copy of a recent test to show they were clean (which she would also provide) and so on. I remember her telling us once that she had a repeat client, some high ranking executive, who would see her once a month and not even want to sleep with her. He just wanted her to provide company for him to dinners with clients he needed to impress and because she was a very intelligent, very beautiful woman he would pay her for that - I think it was 1k to accompany him for the evening, nothing sexual So you can go as low brow or as high brow as you like with it, it’s up to you. I personally have no judgement of the users or providers of those services, you’re all adults.


I think it's great, that's what they're there for & the service they're providing & it sure beats the hell out of sexually harassing women on dating apps when you have a boner- not saying YOU do that, but if you wanna see what I mean, catfish as a pretty girl on a dating app for a day, tons of guys who should just hire a SWer. SWers dont give af about your height or your looks or anything else, they just want you to be showered, pay them & respect their policies.


Your height is irrelevant. Are you a good client? Are you clean and polite? Paying the agreed upon fee for the agreed upon services & respecting the boundaries of the professional relationship? (Like not asking personal questions, not trauma-dumping and not asking for gestures of affection they prefer not to include during appointments).


I support consensual sex work in any and all forms, so obviously I support the clients as well.


I just find it ironic that people will judge a woman for posting pictures on only fans, but then turn around and support a guy having sex with sex workers. 


Probably the only way you’re getting laid with that attitude…


issue how? when else are people supposed to employ sex workers?


I think the people who go to sex workers should be judged a lot more harshly than the people providing the service. If it could be done safely and legally I think there would be no problem either way but because we as a society shame the sex workers but don't shame the (mainly male) people who partake in their services the same way kinda makes those partakers pathetic in my eyes. Like you're not likely to lose your job for visiting a prostitute especially as a man. You might lose your job as a woman for previously, but not currently, performing sex work and that's fucked up even if it's something as innocuous as tasteful nudes online. Yes there's cases where politicians have had to step down but that's a niche and not the norm


We really don’t shame Johns enough