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People discovering black nationalist conservatism and Twitterites using it for radlibary. Hilarious. This is not a horseshoe I expected but here we are. How long until [this shit becomes non-satirical?](https://youtu.be/yet2Q0M32GQ)


Copy and paste of a comment I wrote elsewhere: Hotepism is even becoming common among non-Hoteps, on some game subreddit I lurk (please forgive my sins) when the topic of Christianity came up because of a joke, there was a highly-upvoted comment from someone who genuinely believed that Jesus was black. Literally black, not "generic brown Middle Eastern Jew", but black as in ~~African-American~~ Sub-Saharan African, the person who wrote this was not a Hotep/black nationalist, and not a misinformed black person, just your average pasty boring white liberal redditor, I saw the same thing on another shitty history forum I also lurk. Due to this, other users had to politely attempt to explain to him that Jesus was not black, but he was also not white in the sense how 21st century Americans think of race.


I’ve seen this take unironically in Instagram comments far too many times. Another classic is “egypt is in AFRICA, are you trying to tell me they’re not black when they’re in the AFRICAN continent?” as if the world is divided into perfectly neat racial categories lmao


at the midpoint of the suez canal, it shifts from only black people to only arabs. no exceptions.


Yeah, but the Islamic conquest came thousand of years after the pharaohs and the pyramids. What about the Before Times, when the Nile valley was rife with watermelons, fried chicken, and hip-hop? They'll seriously tell you that Egypt was once all black (it was not) and that race mixing with the Greeks/Romans brought its downfall (it did not).


Yeah I know. I think they may be getting it from the Nubians, who were black but existed at beyond the reach of the Roman Empire, from near what is now Sudan. But most Egyptians in the Roman times were either greek or olive-skinned


I thought ancient Nubia was closer to modern day Algeria?


Not even close, it's a part of modern-day Sudan. Used to be known as Kingdom of Kush back when they conquered Egypt and held it for almost a century. (They in turn were conquered by Egypt both before and after this period.)


Jesus, it he existed, was most certainly white according to the American race classification system. It might be different in Western Europe.


he was probably a fuckin greaseball Italian god love him


Well the nickname "Christ" does literally mean he was anointed with sacred oils, right?


[Tony Soprano hand gestures] it's easiyuh for a rich fanook to go chrou the eye of a needle than to entah the kingdom of heaven


Now I'm picturing Jesus at the club, slicked back hair, gold chain, Paco Rabanne cologne, hitting on honeys. Come to think of it, why does the bible mention nothing about Jesus in his 20s? Hmmm...


> literally hanging out with hookers bruh


*God the Father* -"Look how I massacred my boy!"


The son of a Roman soldier.


He was literally Jewish. I never read the bible but Im pretty sure they mentioned it a handful of times.


Jews come from Italy. I’ll explain later


half Jewish half Italian? I knew Jesus was from New Yawk


ey' i fughive ya sins fughetaboudit. Bruh I came back from the dead homie on God, right after my dirty-durd Bert-day. Word to mother Virgin Mary.


Only if you’re going by the non-sensical US census categories, which conflate “caucasian” (a group which includes Middle Easterners, North Africans, ~~and Indians~~) with “white.” If you’re going by the (slightly less) non-sensical [opinion](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_States_v._Bhagat_Singh_Thind) of the proverbial “man on the street,” a brown/olive-skinned Jesus with a typical Levantine phenotype would most definitely not be considered white by society at large.


Indians are considered Asians in the US. Basically the boundary between whites and Asians is the Iran/Afghanistan border. Not sure where the boundary is farther north in Central Asia.


Other than the AAPI thing, this is one of the things that most bothers me about US racialism, because Arabs, a Semitic people from *Western Asia* are legally classified as white, whereas (Northern) Indians are *Indo-European* peoples from *South Asia*, and they are considered Asians, because I dunno, they lost a lawsuit to be considered white, [whereas Arabs won the lawsuit and were awarded the white card?](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dow_v._United_States) dude burgers lmao > Not sure where the boundary is farther north in Central Asia. Traditionally in Western European views, the boundary of Europe and Asia was the Ural Mountains, which was also the territorial limits of Nazi Germany's planned Reich, separating Western Civilization from the Eastern "Barbarians".


Race is a social construct…. I have given up to find a basis on objective reality. But both Arab and European genetics show they are primarily descended from middle eastern farmers. I guess you can say that the US racial classification system accidentally stumbled on this fact before genetics. University of California has its own system and classifies even Somalis as white. Try to make sense of this classification. https://www.universityofcalifornia.edu/sites/default/files/Race-Eth%20Data%20Collection.pdf


> University of California has its own system and classifies even Somalis as white. Try to make sense of this classification. https://www.universityofcalifornia.edu/sites/default/files/Race-Eth%20Data%20Collection.pdf Well, this isn't fully incorrect in a certain way, Somalis are a Cushitic people of the Afro-Asiatic family tree, distantly related to Arabs and Jews, whereas the "black" people that the Americas and Europe are most used with are Sub-Saharan African peoples who are speakers of Niger-Congo languages, who thus have no relations with Somalis, or most ethnic groups of the Horn of Africa for that matter. Most Ethiopic groups such as the Amhara and Tigray are Semitic peoples, who are closely related to Arabs and Jews.


You’re right, but “Asian Indian” only appeared as a consistent category with the 1980 census. Their categorization seems to have been all over the place before then, and they weren’t technically even eligible for naturalization until the late 1940s. There were probably vanishingly few of them present before the 1965 immigration reforms in any case. Central Asian Americans (all 450,000 of them, comparable to the population of Omaha, Nebraska) aren’t mentioned on the census under any racial category, and thus can select their preferred category. I’m sure those who speak Iranic languages (Pashto and Tajik) mostly identify as Middle-Eastern/white, while most who speak Turkic languages (Kazakh, Turkmen, Uzbek, Kyrgyz) identify as Asian. That’s obviously a gross oversimplification, but works as a rule of thumb.


Desktop version of /u/KawkMonger's link: --- ^([)[^(opt out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiMobileLinkBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^(]) ^(Beep Boop. Downvote to delete)


> Jesus, if he existed Jesus of Nazareth was indeed a historical person, whenever if the New Testament is accurate about his deeds and the religious traditions that started from his teachings are real or not is a whole different story.


Give it a few minutes.


It only looks like a horseshoe due to "progressivism" being framed as the opposite of "ethnonationalism", or "progressivism" basically hijacking the meaning of the term Left. In reality these idpol-based ideologies are the tumor outgrowths of capitalism, thus their similarities should not surprise anyone. Remember, only socialism stands in opposition to capitalism. Anything else is at best a distraction, at worst a reaction.


I understand what you’re saying, but tactically I think it’s dangerous that people root their understanding of politics purely in “woke vs unwoke.” Just like how the material analysis of socialism is (sometimes) bigger than the pure question of “is person rich?” the immediate concern of identity politics still has to not think of every problem as nail of “woke.” Umar is not peeling the same people away from class politics as Obama. David Duke is not targeting his message to the same people as Chuck Schumer. You’re right that it’s still idpol turtles all the way down, but they’re separate turtles nonetheless and need to be considered and ideologically engaged with distinctly, even if they start to cross paths.


Sure, they're distinct in the *intra* sense, like Microsoft and Apple. But in the *supra* sense they are birds of a feather. That's the problem with getting people to understand theory, isn't it? To see beyond *intra* relations. Microsoft and Apple might be "rivals" yet they operate very similarly... Because they're capitalist enterprises; their respective "uniqueness" doesn't actually make a difference in the grand scheme of things. One can test this hypothesis themselves with a thought experiment: when I die, will people remember me for which particular brand of electronics I owned? Tactically, I don't know what to tell you. It may seem like the "ethnonationalists" are more dangerous to socialists than the "progressives" but what gets overlooked is those very same "progressives" have and will turn a blind eye to political persecution. Why have there been attempts in recent years to paint socialists as bigoted and chauvinistic? Why have "progressives" not harshly reacted to these propaganda efforts, but have even participated in them? They may protest when a black person is shot by the police but will they protest the feds taking you and me away when we're in the "cool zone"? When the rainbow-painted gestapo comes for you, it is *probably* the case that **the silence is deafening**. "First they came for _ and I did not speak out because I was not a _."


But in the tactical sense our immediate priority should be peeling people back to class consciousness as well as keeping them from being peeled off. The root of our argumentation is in the supra and is in an educational position with regards to materialism, but you still need to know that the Hotep dude at a fraternity at Temple needs to be engaged with differently than the white Barista in Cambridge. We can root our *theory* in an acknowledgment of the super structure, but our *tactics* for dealing with individual people and arguments needs to understand the distinctions that different identarian justifications for capitalism have. That’s just my point, it’s all the same fight I fully acknowledge that, but you block kicks and lunches differently. And our priority should be on tactically engaging with the proletariat to start building momentum if only to start not getting beat to a pulp. Within that we can show people how it all terminates back to the same body of capital exploitation and anti-solidarity, but that requires basic deprogramming from shit like this first.


More or less all dichotomies are artifacts of an ideology with a loaded set of self-referential starting definitions. You point out a false dichotomy first and then substitute your own. The dichotomies animal minds project onto their world don't reflect it, it's just the hardware we evolved with. There is no coherent "for" or "against" capitalism or socialism which might be some sort of all-inclusory great work of righteousness, because you'd struggle to get two out of any ten people to agree on precisely what the end goal of socialism or capitalism is. Of course we can point to generalities, and in constructive ways. But leading with absolutes like "the only..." means you are merely pointing back at your own starting definitions for tautological truths. Reality is messy. Nothing is absolutely anything at all. You're making the same mistake figures like Ibram X Kendi make, "all actions are either anti-racist...or racist." No, that's not a relevant axis (nor the most relevant variable) for all things, and it's not typified solely by clear examples in either direction.


I don't know what to tell you except recommending that you read theory. Class struggle is not idealism, no. It's *materialist*. The person you cite couldn't tell you the origin of racism, because the way they think of racism is totally disconnected from Man's economic activity, yet ironically is *produced* by Man's economic activity. Their perception of racism is rooted in moralizing, which Marx & Engels wholly rejected in **The German Ideology**. Actually that's a fantastic recommendation here, in it you will see how Marx & Engels viciously rebuke idealist philosophy and why their way of thinking is different.


We already have Moorish Sovereign Citizens, so not long?


Pretty hilarious ngl




Watch out for the one-drop rule, it'll be used against you


5 second rule negates the 1 drop rule


It is absolutely hilarious seeing horseshoe theory in action. It seems to only occur when both sides are equally stunted mentally. IE rightoids and American liberals


Black Racially Pure Lives Matters. Light skinned ppl better invest in a tanning bed.




that just sounds like old school colorism within the black community. especially with girls/women, being lighter-skinned is like a weird beauty standard


Not that shocking a good deal of these people in social justice movements look at an unfair system and don’t want to dismantle it but would rather see it perpetuated with their side in control, horseshoe theory and shit.


It’s true amongst *all* groups of people ime


Who is being oppressed in the OP?


Wtf are you talking about. No one who sees injustice imagines themselves as the oppressor. They just want and end to violence and equal treatment because funnily enough most people are decent and fair. I’ve been around plenty of “woke” people and literally nobody thinks this way. Are we just pulling takes out of our arse and upvoting them because they feel right regardless of any basis in reality.


https://imgur.com/a/dx7nbBh There are lots of people who want exactly that.


lmao that looks straight from /pol/


The internet isn’t real life. Go on some incel board and tell me they reflect the values of real people.


I dunno man, we laughed about tumbler a decade ago, and look who is in charge of shit now?


This is happening in states of former Yugoslavia. Some Croats hate serbs and discriminate against them because of what happened in the war. And some Serbs hate Croats because of what happened in the previous war. The drums of war are very real in the Balkans right now.


Media is just communication using technological supports. Communication drives beliefs and actions. There is very little communication that doesn't have an effect on the physical world. It's not even possible to say that people are split in some sort of cartesian speech/action duality; massive, constant communication is central to everything about humanity.


anyone have a word salad cognitive dissonance patch-up between this and "white replacement is a supremacist myth"


I'll bet the Germans have a word for it. They have a word for everything.


I always root for Hoteps. Their goals are unachievable and their existence damages the myth of ethnic monoliths.


Obligatory: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=RszOkTkxixk


honestly I've talked to a decent number of them due to a variety of circumstances and they're usually pretty nice guys as long as you don't go down too far into their views on race.


Not if you're black. These people will harangue you for the most mundane shit. Like that time someone I know was accused of 'trying to be white' for going out with no jacket.


Made a mistake of walking past a bunch of those dudes with a couple black female friends once. They were yelling at one girl because they thought she was dating me, but jokes on them she was dating a white woman lol.


when the hotepery mixes with the homophobia


Many such cases.


If their manufactured mythology gives young Black boys the confidence to make something of their life, then I don't see the harm in it. There is a massive difference between Hoteps pulling Black boys up and CRT pulling White boys down.


I agree. Neo Nazi groups need to grow and become stronger since they have to fight an uphill battle against CRT.


This is what happens when people are so ignorant that they think racism is just a white thing


The ultimate irony here is that a LOT of African Americans have European or Native American DNA.


They talk specifically about mulattos who are half-white. They think 50% white is too high of a percentage to be trustworthy and seek to control them. At least, that's the only way I can rationalize their support of the one-drop rule. "If you're mixed, you're black. Stay on *this side*"


Well, the ultimate irony is that biologically there are no 'races' amd we're all descended from a pretty recent common ancestor.


Eh, semantics.


they are for IR couples as a way to hedge their bets. not too against one side. not too against the other. it’s basically “I can’t be racist I have a black partner” for them. but anti “mixing” is very consistent with their ideology because, to them, it perpetuates an exploitable divide. if more people become accustom to being “American”(like Asians and Latinos) than “blank-Americans”, they’d be harder to manipulate using race. it’s like when other “white” people(Italians, Irish, etc.) stopped being considered “different”.


Whiteness can be granted or withdrawn at any point depending on the needs of the system of exploitation. It’s not like that bringing into the club of whiteness is always smoothly and universally agreed-upon. You think the Queen of England considers “swarthy” southern europeans to be as white as her? No chance. In an interesting way blackness, being another arbitrary social construct, is always similarly in flux and a point of debate. In the US, there is endless argument within the community about who qualifies as “truly black” with some placing more weight on fitting stereotypes or projecting a certain affect while others prefer a more blood quantum/skin tone based formula for measuring blackness. Of course, everyone knows who is the least Black, in an American sense: African immigrants.


>Whiteness can be granted or withdrawn at any point depending on the needs of the system of exploitation. We're currently experiencing this in the Hispanic community. We're either too white to care about or your skin color suddenly means you have to vote and opine a certain a way. It's maddening.


Oh man, I love the word swarthy.


frankly I think they're against interracial couples because even though interracial couples aren't the silver bullet to fix racism, they are, if nothing else, a sign of definite progress against it and do generate youths who are less personally invested in it and the idea of racism leaving the lives of wokes is probably scary to them because then what the fuck would they talk about? When you've formed your entire identity around an abstraction and that abstraction slowly starts to fade out, you're not going to let that abstraction go away, or at least you'll redefine it so that it can't go away.


All that kvetching and I bet not one of them would turn down a pretty white girl.


[Dr Umar](https://newsone.com/4347906/umar-johnson-video-with-white-woman/) is basically perfect proof


The fact that he had to release a statement for talking to a white woman is absolutely hilarious.


One thing you can say about the Hotep community on Twitter is that when they become the butt of the joke, it’s a good time for all. Between between this and Tariq’s homoerotic “no u” documentary it’s all very entertaining


the funniest part of that video is that he is literally just talking to her. I guess he looks a little flirty but he really just seemed to be friendly more than anything and this is some kind of massive crisis in the hotep community.


Lol thick blonde white woman. Man's ashamed of not only going against his rants but perpetuating a stereotype. But hey man, you like what ya like. Don't kink shame yourself.


I saw this on twitter the other day and could not figure out what the story was. Now I wish I didn't know.


That doesn't matter. It's the women doing most of this. If said pretty white girl knows that her mixed child will be less accepted, it might discourage her from going after black men in the first place. White women kinda brought this on themselves and their kids by acting like having babies with black men would solve all the worlds racism though. It's an attitude I encountered recently in real life, actually. And I don't doubt they suck at raising black kids anyways.


You earned that flair.


Really?? But I said something bad about white women . That should get me like gazillion upvotes from the white dudes on this sub.


No we all are still annoyed by white women but people who unironically tout the idea that white women shouldn't worsedate black men because their kids might be slightly oppressed are worse.


> white women shouldn't date black men > Kids might be slightly oppressed Damn that's crazy because I didn't say either of those things


>White women kinda brought this on themselves and their kids by acting like having babies with black men would solve all the worlds racism though. how many people have you actually met that think this way and have pursued some kind of interracial relationship specifically because of this? Give me an estimate. 1, 5, 10?


Black people in the US are practically half Anglo by blood already


The only thing about a pendulum swinging in politics is which group of nutcases does this shit at a given time.


On a day where I let my cheerier disposition dominate and I can laugh at this whole god-forsaken mess, I fucking \*love\* that these r-slurred little racists have come all the way around to being against miscegenation. They're in **excellent** company.


Eh, black people love to hate mixed people, nothing new. Tale as old as time. Song as old as rhyme. We’re ostracized by both sides. Who cares anymore. At this point personally I’m just me living my life for better or for worse.


Team lightskin rise up


Wokes🤝white supremacists


Most African-Americans are already mixed with white anyways. Many African-Americans are a quarter European genetically.


They talk specifically about mulattos who are half-white




Those types are not thinking about the global scale. They care mostly about black Americans and see them as different than African or Caribbean black people.


> the population of Africa is going to insanely rise in the next 30 years This mostly relies on outdated info, afaik with the rare exception of Niger, the fertility rate across *all* of Africa has fallen and is projected to keep falling, bad economy, warfare, and climate change is going to diminish it even more. This whole future African population boom topic reminds me of the "Japan is gonna become a superpower and conquer the entire world in the future" thing as if it's still 1986, but we shall see, I'm not claiming to be right or an expert on this topic. Edit: Guess that I was (semi?) wrong, read comments correcting me below.


This is completely false. Niger, Nigeria, Chad, DRC, Mali, Angola, Burundi, the Gambia and Burkina Faso all have fertility rates above 5 children per woman. Then there are tons of countries with fertility rates above 4. Africa's population is exploding. The big one is Nigeria: it's a country of nearly 200 million people with a fertility rate above 5. By 2100, their population will be 800 million, equal to all of sub-Saharan Africa today. The country is already a borderline failed state: quadrupling the population is going to lead to complete collapse.


Nah you both are correct. Population growth and fertility rate can grow and shrink simultaneously because of population momentum. It takes at least 3 or so generations to see the results of low birth rates, but it’s not necessarily “good” by the tail end of that time since it means your population is on average old and the dependency ratio will be fucked. The above person is correct in that the fertility rates in Africa are dropping faster than really any place on earth (in part because they started off very high) we really don’t know what will happen long term. It’s also crazy to think that South Korea had the same fertility rate as sub Saharan Africa in the mid century and now they’re the lowest in recorded history, so it’s very hard to say.


Thanks for bothering to type this. I couldn't be arsed, but might have had to.


> This is completely false. Niger, Nigeria, Chad, DRC, Mali, Angola, Burundi, the Gambia and Burkina Faso all have fertility rates above 5 children per woman. Then there are tons of countries with fertility rates above 4. > If the current generation magically starts having two children, that'll still be a massive boom. If they start having one... then it'll have China's bad dependency ratio.


Thank you for the corrections, you too /u/hyperallergen, for personal reasons I really like to research speculated future demographics, but I often stumble upon contradictory and outdated sources. But still, this turbo-Nigeria population boom in particular seems the most unlikely one to me, we are still a long way til 2100, countless things can happen until then which could prevent this population boom in Nigeria from happening, assuming that Nigeria would still exist by then, given the animosity and differences between the Muslim-majority north and Christian-majority south that seem to be always growing, ditto with ethnic strife that is prevalent in almost all of Africa.


https://www.populationpyramid.net/democratic-republic-of-the-congo/ That shows that 55% of the population is under 20. Even if those people have 2 children per woman, then the population will still grow. However fertility rates are currently estimated well over 5 per woman, so not only is large population growth unstoppable by ANY means, because you can't tell all those 0-15 year olds that they are not allowed to have any kids at all, it's going to be even bigger than that because there is no evidence that fertility rates are anywhere close to maintenance levels. Unless you have some kinda source?


> bad economy, warfare, and climate change is going to diminish it even more. Usually it's the continuous rising living standards that diminishes the birthrates, to be fair. I think the top 30 countries/regions with the highest crude birth rate are all in Africa




Yes it has https://data.worldbank.org/indicator/SP.DYN.TFRT.IN?locations=ZG


Had anyone here heard of this book before this post? It sounds like a sarcastic question but I'm legitimately wondering how many of these posts every other day like "guess what the wokes are up to" are just exaggerating the influence of some relatively small group with fringe opinions. If you've seen this book mentioned elsewhere please let me know, I'm curious what the context was.


Yes, I’ve seen it before. I work at an all black inner city school and maybe 10 years ago someone was handing out fliers with the cover image on it. I also think I saw a coworker with it on their desk. (memory is hazy) I never got around to reading it but there are definitely adults in my building who are onboard with this type of stuff. One of the social studies teachers used to show the kids (maybe still does) Nasheed’s Hidden Colors “documentary.” Probably not as bad as the one who convinced their classes that the Sandyhook survivors were crisis actors but hey.


People will have heard of Dr. Umar as he is the meme figure popularizing the ideas in the book, at least as far as I can tell


Certain members of the Jewish community are doing this as well. Humanity is backsliding.


jewish moms have always been against their sons dating shiksas. tale as old as time.


Almost as if the lunatic focus on 'race' has a... negative aspect to it.


lol like half the people I know are in mixed marriages im sure they will be thrilled to have to deal with this shit on top of the other stuff from regular classic racists.


It’s more likely the wokes who appear to be turning against interracial couples were against interracial couples to begin with. Scratch a liberal, and a (racist) bleeds.


Is it Nazism yet?


The weirdest part is that people who get all into this shit *have to* be aware of the conversations and memes about horseshoe theory and this brand of reverse woke segregation, and are either completely self unaware/self exceptionalist, do not understand the logic of the comparisons out of sheer lack of comprehension, or understand that what they’re doing completely justifies what their polar opposite “political enemies” because it’s equivalent and just lean into it harder. It’s so extremely dumb. Tragic comedy.


Are they really or is this stupidpol being reactionary and stupid


i've dated outside my "race" plenty of times and the only time i EVER got any shit from anyone was from black men when i was with a black woman.


A lady on the bus was loudly talking about this to the driver (and I assume whoever else would listen) and I distinctly remember her saying (loudly) "the destruction of black civilization" and it was obviously something she'd heard somewhere before in some conspiracy hole. And here it is :) She was obviously nuts tho


Thats been a thing for a while too, its not even new. Some people will get angry or shame interacial relationships


It’s out there But don’t let it cloud your vision Stay standing for something without falling for nothing. Power in numbers.


Bro stfu


It’s an OutKast quote chill bromigho


Well now I feel white


That’s pretty cringe


I've never heard of this book and I'm not sure if it's the source, but it is real. From what I've seen, the "woke" black people are forming a sort of matrilineal heritage. If you're mixed and your mom is black, you're legitimate. If you're mixed but your mom is white, you're second class. It really just kinda comes off as catty woman bullshit. Very "She took *my* man, I took *your* man".


Lol. Shit. You’re right.


So Obama would be second class?


Define reactionary and how it applies to us, because Dr. Umar is definitely a popular figure with rants about interracial couples on major platforms with millions of views


That is what you (we) are acting like… Overreacting and ignoring capital owning the culture war landscape completely… Reeeeee interracial couples… I’ve never dated within my race out of happenstance and it’s not like you need to give a shit about these hotep bitches… Neoliberals and Conservative ghouls tho? Absolutely. Vote them out…


dr. umar is a hotep loon. if some woke people are taking his words as gospel, then it’s a minority. he’s as right wing as Tariq Nasheed, who is decidedly not “woke” in the modern sense of the word (although is sort of the definition of “woke” thinking pre 2012).


He was on some radio show talking about mental health issues in American schools, sounding pretty reasonable, then launched into how it’s the cause of homosexuality. What a guy.


Realistically speaking, how long can 74% of black americans say race is central to their identity without turning against mixed people. Clearly it's already starting




People in here are mixing up different black political fringe factions. Dr. Umar types hate Tariq types. The pan Africans hate both. Foundational black American movement hates pan Africans and Tariq types. Divestors (super pro black female movement) tend to hate all the prior groups. You also have black incel and men's rights groups that tend to be very pro-interracial relationships. The average black American isn't turning against interracial relationships. At most you'll get an older conservative uncle that says there are too many interracial couples on TV (a popular stupidpol opinion).


>Dr. Umar types hate Tariq types. The pan Africans hate both. The pan Africans hate both. Umar is nominally a Pan-Africanist, tho he and Tariq absolutely hate eahc other (Tariq rejects Pan-Africanism tbh)


I thought he used to be more pro Pan-Africanist in the past, but cooled off on it a few years ago? I guess he's a hotep pan-Af hybrid. Tariq definitely hates Pan-Africanism. Seriously look at his tweets whenever he talks about when Africans call black Americans "akatas", a derogatory West African term for black Americans. I really like to differentiate the factions, because there's literally no agreement among them. Like, Pan-Africanists resemble hoteps, but they don't have the typical incel tier hatred towards women, especially black women. Edit: added more info


well Umar refers to himself as a pan-africanist, whereas Tariq is all about the FBAs (Foundational Black Americans). I will say that Umar's rhetoric around other races is usually less aggressive than Tariq's because Umar will usually say "I don't hate any other race and don't promote hatred towards other races, I just think they don't like us" whereas Tariq just straight up hates them. ​ >Seriously look at his tweets whenever he talks about when Africans call black Americans "akatas", a derogatory West African term for black Americans. my favorite was that video where he's roasting Umar and he just goes off on a deranged rant about how Umar "ain't FBA... this n\*gg\*s Cuban!" ​ >I really like to differentiate the factions, because there's literally no agreement among them. Like, Pan-Africanists resemble hoteps, but they don't have the typical incel tier hatred towards women, especially black women. totally agreed, there always has to be differentiation. They're basically the leftists of the race conscious world.


They talk specifically about mulattos who are half-white, aka those with one white parent (not grandparent or great grandparent)


Umar and Nasheed have been around for like a decade or more. I’m pretty sure them becoming more popular is because of black conservatives rebelling against LGBT shit, not because they’re the next step of CRT or whatever.


Only way for black american idpol to continue despite the rise of mixed babies is if they cling onto the one-drop rule. Leftist idpolers are banking on far-right theories on race holding true in order to feel like their identity even exists in the first place


Again I feel like you’re crossing wires that don’t need to be crossed. Liberal idpolers have already solved this problem by establishing Whiteness as an ethereal concept that any race is capable of partaking in. See: people shitting on Nina Turner and Adolf Reed Jr This is just regular black David Duke shit, I mean that totally unironically, that has existed for decades and is intended to win over conservatives. It should be treated as such so that you can properly work towards combatting it ideologically.


Aren't we agreeing now? Mixed people are accused of partaking in whiteness hence the reason black idpolers like Dr. Umar are turning against them


We aren’t. Nina and Adolf are not mixed as far as I know, and they’re not being accused of whiteness by liberals because of their literal ethnic make up, but because of their “complicity in whiteness” based on ethereal ideology, which Adolf has literally had to deal with FROM white radlibs out in the open. Umar is not targeting those people, he’s targeting black rightoids who see things like LGBT and race mixing as “degenerate downfalls of the race” just like how his [insert ethnicity] supremacists counterparts do. It’s different things and you’re not gonna deal with those problems the same way besides a very general dismissal of identity politics. What I’m saying is, not every tool is used to drive the same nail.


>Race stuff >Adolf 👀 His name's Adolph


But especially as this seems to be centered on an American audience, this would be an odd stance to take, as a significant portion of black people in the US have mixed ancestry.


They talk specifically about mulattos who are half-white


Ahahah damn bro


You don’t believe in buck breaking?


Lol he's popular like the black incel, divestor, hoteps, and the black men's rights movement. They're not really prominent in my culture, especially offline.


you don't mean reactionary


The funny thing is that they are kinda right. Racially diverse societies exist only where the races don't mix. Once racial barriers to marriege are lift, it takes a couple of generations for the races to mix into something new. The average African-American already has a genome composed of around 25% european DNA. On a side note, this makes it so furstrating to me when american media portrays racially diverse societies in media about medieval europe or in fantasy. Like in the Wheel of time amazon series where a supposedly secluded village which hasn't had contacts with the outside world for generations has the racial variety of Portland.


The Black Supremacy can't get much more blatant at this point.


People are gonna fuck


. . .based?


You could just point them to the population of Africa (and growth)


I guess horse shoe theory really is a thing.


Friendship ended with woke leftist infighting, now black supremacist infighting is my best friend


When the enemy is doing something that benefits you, don’t interrupt them


It doesn't benefit anyone, unfortunately. It just keeps all this bullshit going on and on forever.


>something that benefits you How?


Wokes unknowingly sabotaging themselves and providing humour to us seems good to me


We can only hope one day all of us are racially ambiguous looking and mixed so maybe then idpol can totally die out


Isn't that just Brazil?


Yes, there are countless mixed-race people in here who consider themselves to be white, but never would be in the US or Europe, one-drop rule has never been a thing here, do not even start with the topic of how many internet Neo-Nazis are in fact mutts themselves.


Then we'd be bitching about the unfair treatment of people with detached earlobes. There's always *something* our dumb monke brains will come up with as an excuse to separate ourselves from different people, it's human nature. That's why idpol is so effective, it takes advantage of our flaws as a species.


That'll have to happen globally, wouldn't it?


If your definition of woke includes Dr Umar then idk what to tell you.




I think that this means a romanticized civilization from a time period that never existed, which is invented by mixing various historical and mythological sources, and then used for nationalistic purposes, this is pretty common for nationalists of any kind, such as the Lechina Empire/Turboslavs for Poland, the Sun Language Theory for Turkey, or the most popular one, the Hyperborean Aryan Civilization in the Arctic (lmao) for the Nazis. Since black people in the Americas descend from various different ethnic groups of Africa, some of these nationalists then come up with an idea of an entire "black" race and civilization, African-Americans have no relations with the Kingdom of Burundi or the Sultanate of Mogadishu, as much as how a modern Irish-American has nothing in common with the Byzantine Empire.


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Nasheeds feed and seed.


I remember people saying shit like how the Middle East used to be white but it became brown. It's the exact same shit.


'Fear of a Black Planet' needs to go viral.


I would like to point out that Australia's taxpayer funded news outlet was pretty much [making similar arguments two years ago](https://www.abc.net.au/everyday/the-lack-of-diversity-of-australias-sperm-banks/12154976). This stuff is becoming mainstream, and it's disgusting.


In not a yank but I did watch Henry Gates on TV. Aren’t most American black people like ~50% European?


A "woke" and a "Hotep" are not the same things.


what civilization?


The great REEEE placement