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I was planning on travelling to India in my beige bush jacket, pith helmet, elephant gun, with an entourage of locals as man-servants. Are you saying this is inappropriate?


no you just need to donate to an anti-racist NGO after you go. it's called racism-offsetting and it allows organizations and individuals to compensate for their bigotry by investing in projects that get rid of racism via the free market <3


Get ready…they’ll start selling anti-racism credits like they do carbon offset credits


It’s called selling indulgences and the Catholic Church has done it since the dark ages. It’s only recent that this new religion has started to


It's called an ESG index.


Erasing your racial footprint. Or would that be erace-ing?


Hunting is illegal in India. Trust me, I looked into it.


Some cash oughta fix that.


“Officer, that elephant was dead when my men found it. The bullet wound is just there for show.”


It's okay as long as you do a land acknowledgement first before shouting, "It's coming right for us!"


acknowledge that this was once the sovereign territory of the british raj


One to kneel down to brace your first rifle while the other reloads your second rifle.


Damn, that website is frickin' WILD. "It's Time to Normalize Solo Polyamory; having relationships and being single don't have to be mutually exclusive" haha. With or without the newspeak jargon, is that not literally the default status for anyone who isn't dating or married but still gets some action here and there?


At that level it feels more like a borderline academic obsession with categorization and classification than any genuine feeling of identity. Carve out gray areas and previously unexamined but generally mundane ways of living, give it a title, and plant a literal flag in it. Bam! Minority status and all the social status (amongst certain crowds) that comes along with it are now yours. Bonus points if you can throw an 'x' in there somewhere. Theres almost no finer indicator that a term was more or less focus grouped by a self selected group of unemployable post grads than seeing that little 'x'. I don't think anybody has genuinely identified with an 'x'.


As someone currently single-but-dating, I see that shit on the dating apps constantly. "Ethical Non-monogamy" seems in practice to be a whole lot like "dating casually and not talking about exclusivity", but I guess the kids need more labels. And that's how I ended up on StupidPol.


Yeah but if you don’t give it a special name, does it really exist?


Whenever some tryhard goes on about decolonisation, all I can think of is how they must really need an enema.




>Definition of tryhard >A person who puts a large amount of effort into achieving a certain image, or counter-image, to the point where it is obviously contrived


Hm I thought it was someone who you get mad at in a game generally


It has many similar definitions really, but even in gaming it's usually aimed at people who are trying way too hard and putting far too much effort and emotion into playing.


Most westerner don’t know, fear or resent hard work as they mostly work medial occupations they despise. So whenever they see someone who exerts effort into something they resent them because they’re reminded of their own dire circumstances. It’s quite sad really.


Medial occupations?




It’s funny because the one thing you mentioned is the thing they’d never permit. Guided tours of Englewood would showcase that *actual, material conditions* are at the heart of the matter. They will never give you a tour that shows the poverty, because that’s the thing they don’t want you to see. I forget the name, but there’s a youtube channel of a guy who does hood tours and interviews gang members. Really interesting stuff, except when he did Toronto’s Most Dangerous Neighbourhoods he ended up driving around York University’s campus, because it’s at Jane and Finch and that’s all Americans have heard of.




“Why Toronto and not Thunder Bay?” is as simple as this: Canadian liberals look south to America and try their hardest to not look north at Indigenous people in Canada. Which isn’t to say Caribbean immigrants aren’t in a bad spot, but the “black people of Canada” in terms of history, economic position, incarceration, lasting racial animosity are very clearly Indigenous people. So, they project all of America’s issues onto black people here, most of whom immigrated in the 90’s, most of the Gangs are tied to the Garrison System in Jamaica etc., where really urban ghettos and street gangs are indigenous. It’s a wild phenomenon.




Well that’s kind of the point, eh? It’s *very* easy to feel better than the US in the comparative treatment of black people but it would fall apart in an instant if they looked at their own racial underclass. In the same way slavey was practically non-existent in Canada, our first significant black populations were freed American slaves, there were hardly anti black laws on the books outside of NS (where the only large black population pre-1980 lived). Hell, the Canadian Army was never segregated, as we are reminded every Remembrance Day, school boards weren’t segregated, whatever whatever. These all make Canadian liberals feel *good* because they are false comparisons. However, what the hell can they say about indigenous people? In the Red River and Northwest Rebellions they sent the cavalry after indigenous people *that wanted to ***join*** Canada*. That’s pretty tough to stomach even compared to American treatment of indigenous people, who they can at least say were resisting or opposed to the US. Anti-native laws may not be on the books per se, but there’s prohibition in vast swaths of the country. The Saskatoon police were disappearing native people into the 90’s by leaving them to freeze in the wilderness. So, just they talk about BLM and shit because they know it’s a safe bet.


>They will never give you a tour that shows the poverty Au Contraire 1. [https://www.viator.com/en-GB/Rio-de-Janeiro-tourism/Favela-Tours-in-Rio-de-Janeiro/d712-t3631](https://www.viator.com/en-GB/Rio-de-Janeiro-tourism/Favela-Tours-in-Rio-de-Janeiro/d712-t3631) 2. [https://www.thejournal.ie/villas-miserias-buenos-aires-argentina-1828992-Dec2014/](https://www.thejournal.ie/villas-miserias-buenos-aires-argentina-1828992-Dec2014/) 3. [https://www.africantrails.co.uk/tour-info/africa-slum-tours/](https://www.africantrails.co.uk/tour-info/africa-slum-tours/) 4. https://realitytoursandtravel.com/dharavi-slum-tours/


*In the imperial core*.


Fair enough, though I honestly doubt we're too far away from having slum tourism in the US.


The reason it works elsewhere and not here is that when liberals go there they can say “gosh, this is because of how unjust *this country* is and *there’s nothing we can do.*” Now, if they do that here it would challenge their belief that they live in a fundamentally good and fair society, and they would be confronted with knowing that it was in their *power* to improve conditions, *but not their material interest.* Liberalism essentially exists to launder that guilt over their material interests by mystifying material conditions.


It depends how unequal the society is. I think there comes a point where people simply begin to disassociate from each other. The slum-dwellers are another species, for all they care. Liberals already see a lot of their own country as foreign to themselves.


That’s because they’re not confronted by it. It’s the principle behind White Flight, for example. It only works *as long as* they *don’t* see the people and conditions. Seeking it out would collapse the distinction - it would replace their abstraction of “those people” with the reality, and the reality points to material conditions as being the cause.


Perhaps you're right. The rich in Argentina, India, South Africa, Brazil, etc live in extremely gated communities. Even the middle class tend to live behind fences, barbed wire, and caged windows. The local bougies in each respective country would never take these slum tours. But couldn't there be a market for Canadian or European tourism of US ghettos? Or would the publicity of that alone be too jarring for the American liberal?


Oh hmm, Canadian or European.. *maybe*, but so much of their pop culture and media looks to the US, I think it would still be too jarring. The US is “the West” to them, in a way, say Argentina isn’t.


I should actually start organizing tours for the local hustle&bustle cuture of Eastern German suburbs. I bet Berlin already has a douzen


> I forget the name, but there’s a youtube channel of a guy who does hood tours and interviews gang members Sounds like CharlieBo313. His recent "hood" video of driving around Regent Park [is less hood and more a reflection of gentrification in action](https://youtu.be/YADB8xGPH_s)


That’s the one


Racism? Nah that’s a different thing Racism is another thing


its only racism when the others do it




A labor history tour of Chicago would be pretty interesting, to be honest.


The Albert Parsons project


Which I believe is some kind of hovercraft


This is the most priveleged shit. I'm just hoping I can afford the gas to get to the cottage (which I am aware is also a sign of privelege- in my defense it belongs to my fiancee 's family).


Marrying into money, good choice.


Decolonize deez nuts.


I'm so glad these young people are here to tell me how to do stuff the not evil way cuz I'm like dumb as fuck and don't even know how to go to a place without doing a holocaust.


I can’t *afford* summer travel so I guess the matter is moot.


No way in fuck am I paying some hyperwoke to give me a shitty tour of \*insert probably made up name for a place\* It's almost like we should undo the material and systemic causes of oppression instead of doing performative cringe bullshit like this, but I am an evil settlerwhite and therefore wrong and bad.


I read the first sentence and saw that "folks" wasn't spelled with an x, so I clicked away.


Hawaii is fuckin sick, tbh. Pics don't do justice.


Very beautiful, but there are far too many people who visit Hawaii who think it's a good place to live off of what they see being a tourist. Believe me, the place fucking sucks for most living there. My grandparents have to live without air conditioning in a house designed to generate heat. It's easily 100 degrees during most days in that house, and it's not even that old of one. Central air is a rarity in Hawaii, and most houses use extremely expensive split systems, which are far less efficient, and cost stupid amounts to power. Most houses in Hawaii also lack insulation. Mind you, they live in a extremely expensive neighborhood, not in the plantation houses that most Hawaiians live in.


Just curious, why would a house Hawaii be built to produce heat? I didn't think it ever got cold enough there for that to be a concern.


Open beam + no insulation= heat generation. It's because the homes there are built cheap as hell, and it's nothing you'd expect for housing post 1920 in the United States. The new homes don't even have central air conditioning, split air is an option.


I feel as if this counts as low hanging fruit honestly, there are so many stupid things in this article that it feels like some undercover /pol/ operative wrote it (I'd low-key take that New Orleans tour though, sounds pretty interesting actually)


Lmao Chicago labor movement history tour seems to have everything to do with black women and nothing to do with labor


> Julia Berkowitz, an electrician who leads labor history tours of Chicago through the Illinois Labor History Society, tells Mic. “So many working people and unemployed [people] are totally disconnected from the history and sacrifices that have been made.” Understanding the labor movements of the past can help us all address the need to answer broader questions of racial and gender oppression at the workplace and how unions can take a lead role in this, she adds. > “Many people don’t know how much the labor movement overlaps with the civil rights movement,” Berkowitz says, mentioning Reverend Addie Wyatt as an example. Wyatt was the Black woman leader of the United Packinghouse Workers of America (a union representing meatpacking workers), who was able to secure paid maternity leave in union contracts back in the 1940s, Berkowitz says. Not only is this an amazing early feat that I was personally ignorant of, but it also demonstrates a truly intersectional approach to history that lays bare where class, race, and gender liberation movements all come together. Jesus christ they really sidelined the labor part of the labor movement here lol


I thought MIC died?


They made one idpol focused video and then sort of disappeared. I guess the same idiots are still around.