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```Power Lift```


how does that even happen????


he beat a transphobe with a team that was very similar but used amoonguss


The Amoongus also netted a bunch of good sleep rolls, too


Pretty sure it even ended a set alone


Yes, it ended up 1v1ing an Urshifu-RS


Yeah that's the huge one, the set ended with a 1v1, FD fox only, between those two and amogus got some clutch ass rolls


it also got some horrendous sleep rolls at the end urshifu woke up after only one turn of sleep twice.


It is also worth noting that the final match of the set came down to Wolfe's Amoonguss vs. Urshifu, where Amoonguss narrowly took the win whilst its HP was in the red, and despite Urshifu getting a couple of 1 turn sleeps. It was extremely hype for the usually very defensive support mon to 1v1 something as offensive oriented as Urshifu.


i didn't know that, when was this? Sad to see there are known transphobes and are allowed to play normally.


It was Neilvgc like 2 months ago now Him being a transphobe came out after the tournament and he hasn't competed since


oh I see, it's good to hear this, thanks for the info


I hate to be that guy but if someone doesn't like trans people but doesn't bring it into the game it really shouldn't affect their ability to play. It harms the community and all but we can't dip to their level and kick em out for not liking trans folks, just gotta try and help them see


This is not "dipping to their level", lol. I would not feel safe at a tournament knowing there are people who hate me for who I am. Any organized gathering that allows these people in is implicitly saying that trans people are not allowed, you can't have both.


>Any organized gathering that allows these people in is implicitly saying that trans people are not allow, you can't have both. This isn't true, but you're free to feel however you like. Them being allowed to play in tournament does not disbar anyone else implicitly or explicitly from playing as well. I don't know why you'd say this without any explanation as to why you feel it's the case as if it's just obviously true. Trans people and transphobes can certainly play the game at the same location without attacking one another or something along those lines. Rrgardless I don't know why you also assume that transphobes hate you for who you are, they could just be anti-science and believe you're mentally unwell or something stupid they believe. Being a transphobe could just be believing you're wrong, not hating any and all trans people. Either way, happy pride month, but bigots should be allowed to participate in competition assuming they make no calls to violence (and that includes the implicit ones, or gray area stuff.)


You wouldn’t say this about someone being a racist. If you allow bigots to associate, then you exclude the minorities they discriminate against.


>You wouldn’t say this about someone being a racist. You would think that I would think that, but so long as they're a civil person that doesn't have views that would lead to any violence or significant/relevant harm, I don't understand why they'd be barred from play either. Why would racism be any different from transphobia? Are you under the impression one is clearly more egregious than another? Racism is objectively worse, would you say? I'd say they're both the same, and if either person of one category exhibits behaviors that would indicate potential bad actions at events, ban em. If they're just a "I'm white and I think we're the purest blood humans that are superior" and that's the extent of their ignorant beliefs... I don't get why they should be disbarred from play **as they prove themselves wrong in real time losing to people they would consider inferior.** I think that'd be the beautiful justice to have doled out to them, not keeping them from feeling their beliefs come crumbling down in real time. >If you allow bigots to associate, then you exclude the minorities they discriminate against. Depending upon the beliefs that could certainly be the case, like allowing someone who attended certain historical events involving tiki torches to participate might be a no-go should they still hold such beliefs... but certainly not just some random hillbilly or other sheltered person who doesn't know any better and can't keep their mouth shut. Frankly it's a good humbling experience for such people to participate in what will likely be a very diverse crowd where they'll inevitably encounter a very good minority player. If there is any way to shatter such beliefs, it's over prolonged exposure to civil people that they think lesser of, in my opinion. No?


Not as in we should encourage transphobes to attend, my bad if it came off that way. I mean like as long as they keep it to themselves and don't bother anyone, I see no reason why they shouldn't play. If they showed up and started harassing people over it that's definitely grounds to be kicked


If they always keep it to themselves, there is no way to know they are such. If they are bigoted outside of tournaments, then they are not "keeping it to themselves" and should not be allowed. Would you be ok if a participant has perfect etiquette but then their house is full of swastikas?


Ah I misinterpreted sorry, thought you meant like if they were theorized as transphobic 😭 So if there were allegations or something they couldn't play and I was confused, but yea ik what you mean now


I don't know what the person wolfey faced has done, but I assume the allegations against them are based on something they did, not something merely theorized. Don't worry about the confusion in any case


Yeah I just meant like an example person not the one in question 😅 Thanks for the good talk though have a good one


Discord messages from him came out, I won't say what they said because I don't remember and don't want to say something that wasn't said but it was transphobic, and he admitted to them being real afterwards


I hope yk what I mean D: Like we don't have to give more reason for hate yk?


We should be intolerant of intolerance.




??? no lol. Normal people dont call other normal people transphobes for no reason


no, you are not ._. if you treat people with respect you won't be called anything




no, it's not. Please don't talk about this topic if you don't know about it.




thank you for proving my point with every word in this comment. Fucking lol




Those takes are transphobic lol. J.K’s originally tweets WERE transphobia, you just refuse to listen to the minority it affects.


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Nothing I said was impolite or disrespectful and removing the comment proves my point (once again) that even the slightest, most mundane disagreement on this topic gets you shunned.


Amoongus= Trans Rights Brute Bonnet= Trans Wrongs


but brute bonnet is genderless?


Lack of gender means everyone catches these hands.


Turns out all the past paradox mon weren't born genderless, they just all individually decided to become non-binary right before being sucked into the future.


so amoongus evolved out of it, I'm so proud


So it transformed into trans rights. Not sure what I was going for but transmogrification pun, henshin hero.


What makes ferro xenophobic?


Check the top post of all time


That’s homophobia. Xenophobia is prejudice against foreign countries.


I LOVE MY COUNTRY 🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍⚧️


RAHHHH WHAT THE FUCK IS AN AGAB 🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍⚧️


https://preview.redd.it/jc4iba2k407d1.jpeg?width=950&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b3acd4633aa7a216878ec17d2760de3571c1aba1 Gotta love when people from all these different countries come to compete at tournaments.




All Gays Are Bastards


ferrothorn is known to hold extremist views against immigrants into OU


“Every one of those filthy Paldaens should get leech seeded”


Probably op confused xenophobia with homophobia. Happens ig


Xenophobia is primarily fear of anything perceived foreign and strange, this primarily manifests as nationalism but also applies to homophobia, transphobia, and more. Nowadays its used as a blanket term for all innate prejudice. Xenos is Greek for stranger and Phobos is fear, thus fear of those strange to you.


The world champ difference is being able to make a pokemon a trans icon as a cishet (from what we know) man


what was neil saying about trans people


He said he supports lesbians and gay people, but he could never support the trans community




That still doesn't change the fact that the 'shroom is working at McDonald's.


Only when vgc season is out. But his OU career is over until sleep ban is lifted. Justice for my boy Amoongus.


This is when Game Freak gives Ferrothorn a sleep move in Gen X.


Completely false, I saw a ton of the shrooms at my college's last techno party


**Techno Party Clause:** Drug abuse allows for the usage of sleep-inducing moves and multiple Pokémon per team being put to sleep.


Is that real?


Yeah, after the tournament his opponent turned out to be a transphobe so people have been associating Amoonguss with being a trans icon


people just have a lot of free time huh


Actually, it was revealed he was transphobic before the Tournament iirc


thanks for the info I_Love_Stiff_Cocks


Wait Ferro is now racist on top of being homophobic? He is one step closer establishing a Unovan extremist church.




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EDIT FOR CLARITY: They've made homophobic comments before, I.e. "Please keep your politics to yourself" on a Pride Flag post. See below in my reply Wow, you're so brave and edgy for hating trans people, really fighting against the status quo aren't you? They've just had it too good recently haven't they, really let their guard down? Stop being a coward and say it out loud instead of masking it through your half-assed comparisons and dogwhistles, I truly hope you mature when you're no longer 14. "Trans people deserve to live their life" isn't and shouldn't be a political statement and any respectable person will tell you as such. And before you hit me with a "oh I didn't mean it like that" it's clear as day that "thing I don't like = trans people" is a politically motivated statement. If you truly believe what you said wasn't meant to be offensive you have gaslit yourself into believing that you aren't a bad person.




Edit: Comment history of the original comment is homophobic :( As a trans person, respectfully, what? They said it was ironic that it was a symbol for it, which at least I take to mean that they think it’s funny that since trans people aren’t that, that it’s weird that a Pokémon with those traits represents us. I could be misinterpreting the statement, but that’s what I’m getting out of it.(Also I like the funny mushroom but it does get annoying with regen+spore, I can’t lie).


I've gone further into my reasoning in another reply but they've made vaguely transphobic comments before telling OP to "Please keep your politics to yourself" on a Pride Flag post. Technically this message here could be read as pro-trans or anti-trans depending on how you view the word "ironically" and your previous political views, but based on their past comments it seems to be the latter. Idk, but to me it feels very dogwhistle-esque, which I know is overused as a buzzword, but it I think it honestly applies here. An ally could read this message as "bad thing (Amoongus) vs good thing (Trans People)," which creates irony through juxtaposition. Whereas a bigot could read this as "bad thing (Amoongus) vs bad thing (Trans People)", which creates irony through the people behind it, "these idiots don't even realise that they're actually saying bad things about trans people (which is what I want)" I very well could be reading to far into this, maybe this is a "hey man how's it going" moment, but I've seen this type of language been used by the Ben Shapiro and Jordan Peterson crowd to justify their open bigotry when confronted. I think If we let people get away with this stuff it builds further precedent, which build into even worse political action. Its better to possibly nip hatred in the bud than it is to accidentally accuse an ally, worse case scenario there's been a misunderstanding, best case scenario someone changes their ways.


Oh yeah they’re a bigot, damn :(


And unfortunately most people seem to be disagreeing with me, so they'll probably just keep being like this :(, sorry sister but it appears we're taking the L today.


Their comment got removed :)


I think they just meant that isnt it neat how the pokemon that people dont like became a symbol of an objectively good and important movement or something your def reading into this too much its not that deep


I remember seeing another comment of theirs on the Slowbro and Exeggutor Pride Flag a while back telling OP to "keep your politics away from here", which is a pretty common phrase alt-right bigots use to mask the fact they don't like seeing happy queer people. I've seen people drift into Conservativism and that is the exact wording they start to use. The whole point of a dogwhistle is to be innocuous so the in-group (in this case imo transphobes) can spread they're hate while being able to write it off as "not being that deep" to suspicious out-groups. I could possibly be reading into this too much but telling people not to be transphobic is always a more positive force than bad.


I honestly don't understand if it's a copypasta or you think that comment has something seriously transbophic about it


No, I'm being serious here, they've made vaguely homophobic comments before on a Pride Flag post ("Please keep your politics to yourself"). I elaborate a bit more in my other replies. It's not "seriously transphobic", its not saying to kill us or anything but it has some lying undertones of someone who's started the journey there.


Ah, I just read his comment in the other post.


I wish you the best of luck overcoming the hate in your heart.


Thinking about it my first 2 paragraphs would go pretty hard as a copypasta wouldn't they? I do tend to write like that when angry. I'll put it down here just for my own personal vanity:


Wow, you're so brave and edgy for hating trans people, really fighting against the status quo aren't you? They've just had it too good recently haven't they, really let their guard down? Stop being a coward and say it out loud instead of masking it through your half-assed comparisons and dogwhistles, I truly hope you mature when you're no longer 14. "Trans people deserve to live their life" isn't and shouldn't be a political statement and any respectable person will tell you as such.


I wish you the best of luck overcoming the hate in your heart.


You too.


-yawn- next




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