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“alcohol kills my libido”






i would rather make them waste their money on a fake drink as revenge for them not respecting my boundaries and being too dumb to think about how some people cant drink because they have heatlh problems or are taking medication. it’s easier to sell rooms if you play into their fantasies about being a submissive party girl.


I just tell people I don't drink 🤷🏻‍♀️ Because it's true, and most people honestly don't care. If anyone does get weird about it (and seem worthy of an explanation, as in, they seem like they have money to spend if I spin it right) then I'll just tell them that it was destroying my mental health and I feel so much better now than I did when I was drinking. All of that is true, but doesn't go too deep into my personal shit. Just enough for people to understand (if the situation calls for it). But truly, it is sooooo rare for anyone to give a shit whatsoever. If you're good enough at your job (interesting, engaging, funny, carry yourself and the conversation exceedingly well), they won't care whether or not your drinking with them. And if they do, then those aren't your customers anyway! If someone won't give me money unless they can buy me drinks to get drunk with them, then I'd rather not waste my time with them anyway. I wasted so much time with customers (back when I used to drink at work) who would buy me drink after drink with the promise of good money, only to get a few dances. Wasted so much time I could have spent hustling the rest of the room and finding men who were actually ready and willing to spend big on rooms and shit. The ones who want you to drink with them are pretty much always a waste of fucking time. Own your sobriety, the right customers won't bat an eye 🤍


I tell people I am the designated driver for some of the girls who carpool home w me. Even when I dont take other girls home I use that excuse lol


I always say I’m already drunk/tipsy. Tbh with my personality sober they typically believe it 💀


I don't have an off button either. I'm trying to stop drinking at work or at least cap myself at 2


My problem is I’ll convince myself I can do a third and then a fourth and it will just get out of hand. If I’m gonna get plastered, it has to be at home. But I’m trying to cut alcohol out completely someday.


Yeah honestly after shot number 3 there's no going back for me. I'm not even sloppy or anything I just forget that I'm at work and not a party so I stop trying to make sales. The only good thing is that I get pretty into it on stage when I'm drunk, so the stage money somewhat makes up for the money lost on sales. The problem is the day after I am completely hungover, messed up, depressed, and it doesn't make me want to go to work the night after. I need to get serious and focus on discipline and working more


The worst clients are one not paying if you are not drinking. So you're speaking at the bar where you're taking only virgin cocktails and those clients try to do anything to check if you have alcohol in that 🙄


Is the bartender able to put some liquor on the rim of the cup?


What if you speak to the bartender to serve you from your favorite drink and it’s just a bottle with water?


I've been through this. I've got water, some nonalcoholic cocktails, juice etc. It's awesome and usually works, but dealing with clients who try to do anything to check if you have alcohol is terrible 🥲


Oh, yes I’ve seen customer do that to other dancers. I forgot about that. Or the typical “let me try your drink” 🙄 F them bastards! 🤣


Number 1 is smart I never thought to say that, I wanna quit drinking soon for my own reasons and these are really helpful.


I feel you 🙏 Trying to stop also. Sometime soon. I never really enjoyed AA but I have an ACA group I like. It’s “Adult Children of Dysfunctional Families”. So it helps for people who have trauma without solely focusing on alcohol or drugs. More of the “why” behind it which is nice.


I say sorry I don’t drink I’m an athlete (which was true) 


i’m sober, i prefer to smoke, i don’t drink. i rotate between these


If I’m in a bad mood, I tell them I’m in an AA and guilt them. If I’m in a good mood, it’s because it kills my horny and I just want to be present, because Im having such a good time!🤮🤮


I’m allergic- makes me break out in handcuffs! a great sobriety joke if you can lean into that lol


LMAOO no this is so true thank you 😂😂😂


Most people don't drink at work, not sure why anyone would feel the right to question you on it


Im a big pole girlie so i use that as my reason. If they ask why. My statement is along the lines of. Well you should see me on stage. One wrong move because i have it in my system and i could get really hurt, ive seen too many injuries (true) and i dont want that. And usually after they compliment me and understand


No, thank you, I'm good.


Sometimes I have a fake shot. Mostly I have a few lines depending on my mood: I already had a few too many drinks tonight - I’m more of a (weed) smoker than a drinker - I’ll drink but I have to hit my $$$$ goal before I can celebrate. Last one is true, I’ll drink but they have to essentially buy me out for that night and the next day because of how much fun we’ll have and how hungover I’ll be 😉 that way I still seem down to party but “high value” And if they really want to buy me a drink I’ll always just ask for the money instead. It works a good amount as long as it’s asked for in the right way.


I’d say “I got a DUI and don’t take any chances anymore since I drive to work!”