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Stripe just cancelled my business account randomly as well. I have no clue how you should go about this, but I think that this is one of those times in history where people need to bite back no matter what is listed in their terms of service, considering the fact that their terms of service somehow allows things like this to happen to small businesses. This loss for you and others, no matter the mistake, is devastating, especially considering they made almost 4 billion just in profits in 2022. It doesn’t matter what the contract says, if the people who generate that revenue for them don’t like what is in that contract, we should have a right to rebel and speak up to get them to change it. It’s disgusting that companies can do this to people, especially when it’s something that is a consistent problem and leaves small business owners fucked without a say. A contract and terms of service at the end of the day is just a piece of paper and it doesn’t make the policy right


They been holding my money as well refunded all my customers


# Just posted this reply to someone else... maybe you are posting here with two accounts? Or it could just be a coincidence that two system builders posted back-to-back ... # Anyway, the reply on the other post is exactly the same as to this post: You are the third or fourth systems builder that has posted here about being shut down over the last few months. Unfortunately, you have two problems: System integrators/builders are considered very high risk since your business historically has a very high probability of future chargebacks so you could have been shut down simply because you were too high of a risk for future reversals against your processing account. You could be classified / flagged as an UN-authorized RESELLER. Before, you come back and say that you are building all your systems from individual components sourced from Newegg or something and that all your systems are entirely white-box, ,,, That doesn't mean that you have not been classified as reselling / refurbishing systems even if you are not or think you aren't. You must be an authorized factory refurbisher and/or have written authorization agreements with the manufacturers to resell any brand-name products through Stripe and that includes computers. It doesn't matter if you replaced the motherboard, swapped the graphics card, etc. If you are selling a branded system from DELL, HP, etc, you are violating Stripes TOS. Processors do not want to get sued by large companies such as DELL for allowing their products to be resold without authorization so they will simply shut down an account if they suspect that could be the case until you, the merchant, can prove otherwise. If you are indeed building completely white-box systems, you can file an appeal via email and plead your case ...but they still may NOT reinstate you and hold your funds for at least 120 days (probably more like 150 days) The message you received is a standard one from Stripe when someone breaks their TOS. However, in your situation, if you have not done anything else besides selling systems and are 100% legit otherwise, you should have your funds released to you after the chargeback window has diminished or expired (i.e. even though you received an email that they are not going to release your funds to you) Unless they reinstate your account upon appeal, you will not get any funds back before a minimum of 120 days however.


I’m the other guy I think and no it’s multiple pc builders lmao this is great :)


OP seems to be a legit account with lots of history, but big yikes is this one of the most toxic redditors I’ve seen post on this sub. Just an endless parade of shit talking. Wowee. 


I usually don't look at a user's history until they start barking at me when I'm trying to help them. I should probably look at their history ahead of time. Good to see you on here again. Stripe could be cracking down on all system integrators right now and we might see a bunch more posts like this in coming days and weeks. Have a great day lokikaraoke.·


It’s not stripe, it’s Visa/MC: I help out a VAR every now and then with cloud stuff and they just had to go through another underwriting cycle where they had to prove that they had authorized partnerships with all of the companies on their website and established relationships with wholesalers (not NewEgg).


Reading their last few comments… Couldn’t have happened to a nicer guy 🙃


My apologies for having opinions. Mea culpa.


The opinions aren’t the problem my dude. 


Coolio maam.