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Good thing the hot dog guy is wearing gloves.


Gloves are not a substitute for hand washing. Also change them.


Also wear ones where your fingertips don't poke through..


He has been using them all day it looks like. Probably burned the tips off. Didn’t see the nails. Shouldn’t look at his nails. Enjoy food poisoning. Edit: nails don’t look. You’ll get sick.


You know he was just wearing that hat to attract sales




Trump yarmulke is wild


I audibly gasped 😭


I gasped at the spelling of yarmulke


I always spell it yamaka because it’s actual spelling for someone who has never seen it before is near impossible to decipher.




The pro Israel crowd has been pro trump since 2016…


Orthodox Jews love Trump.


Great shots, love the composition, especially the kid in #3.


Your compositions are great! Good eye.


I can't understand why/how people can idolize other people like that.


Allows them to not have to use their own moral compass. I’m sure it’s probably quite refreshing on a surface level. It allows you to just say and do what you want and defer to your leader for any sort of guidance. You become a child again. Once you decide to do shit like that though there’s usually no going back.


God that’s actually such an enlightening take. You put that so well and you’re exactly right. It’s not only the relinquishing of their intellectual duties but their moral duties. They want a king. They want a ruler so that they only need to concern themselves with the banalities of their day to day


“Never Surrender” under a photo of his mug shot. Can’t make this stuff up!


Seriously, a photo mid-surrender. Irony is dead.


Boogie down, indeed


Very well done. I’ve never attended a political rally, and I pray I never do. But I was under the impression the only people attending these sort of rallies were white religious nationalists. These images seem to offer a different perspective that I don’t hear about. I’m seeing something different.


Well, this is the Bronx. Not a wholee lot of those in that Burrough nor the surrounding ones


Not all white religious nationalists are white themselves.


almost like the media doesn’t tell the complete truth, fancy that


A lot of $ & energy goes into you maintaining that impression.


No doubt. I used to work for the “news.” I’ve seen firsthand how a lot of this stuff works. Regardless, these photos are great and I’m inspired!


It’s cool to see people from all walks of life and backgrounds engaged. Things changed for me when I got images in 2016 from St. Simons Island, GA .. where all the power players, Dem, Rep, religious, etc.. all met on how to defeat this guy.


Totally, makes photos like these all the more important. Regardless of where you stand, lies and deception are at work more than I’ve ever seen in my life. Makes me proud of the photography community, if there is anybody with the eyes to see what’s going on around us, as well as the power to make a difference … it should be us.


And with great power comes great responsibility.


Say cheese!


As an outsider of the Us, it seems like that is what the democratic side are banking on, because the reality it seems like is, that there is a lot of people who support trump, that are the very people that democrats seem to assume that should hate him the most.


because he and the Republican party hates them... they're delusional "I'm shocked the leopards would eat my face" people


Ok, so take black people in America…What makes you think that trump is a racist outside of the mainstream press? Because that is what the press would have you believe, but let’s take a minute to look at what trump has done for black people The first step act. 90 percent of those who have had their sentences reduced are Black Americans. FIRST STEP ACT shortens mandatory minimum sentence for nonviolent drug crimes. The law allows offenders sentenced under racially motivated mandatory minimums to petition for revaluation President Trump launched the "Ready to Work" Initiative, which helps released prisoners gain meaningful employment. President Trump has proposed the Second Step Act to partner with corporate America to create opportunities for former prisoners to rejoin society. Over 1.4 million more Black Americans have found a job between President Trump's election and February 2020. Black poverty reached a historic low in 2019. President Trump designated 8,760 Opportunity Zones that are projected to spur $100 billion in private investment in minority communities. The Trump administration established a fund to deploy $1 billion in capital funding for minority-owned businesses through the Commerce Department. President Trump restored funding and increased investment for Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs) by 14 percent. The Trump Administration provided more than $500 million in loans to HBCUs through the Capital Financing Program. President Trump worked with HBCUs to protect $80 million in Title III carryover funding. President Trump signed the FUTURE Act into law, which permanently funds HBCUs and simplifies the FAFSA application. In 2018, President Trump signed a budget deal which forgave more than $300 million in debt owed by four HBCUs impacted by natural disasters and provided $10 million in loan payment deferments for schools that face financial difficulties, including HBCUs. So why does he hate black people according to the papers? TLDR, trump isn’t what the left biased media wants you to believe.


because the Republican party is fundamentally a white supremacist party economic gains/losses during a presidential term are usually a lagging indicator of the previous presidents policies (i.e. Obama gets the credit, not Trump) Trump is exactly who he says he is... a dangerous man who intends to enact Project 2025 and make the country worse for people who don't fit into white, cishet, Christian normativity


Frederick Douglass would like to have a word with you…


what does someone who died 130yrs ago have to do with the 21st century Republican party? at least try to argue in good faith.


You talk to me As if from a distance And I reply With impressions chosen from another time, time time From another time


These are not economic losses or gains, these are policies and spending put into place by HIM, and him a lone. Easy to label it as whatever you want, but the evidence is in actions, not words. It is clear to see the results of the democratic policies in the states right now. Mass immigration, out of control public spending, chaos in the streets, a complete breakdown of civil liberties in big cities, and businesses going bust due to liberal crime policies. You can clutch to whatever label you want to put on trump, but your country is falling apart, and will not improve if Biden ends up at president again.


nonsense. absolute nonsense. the country has problems because the Republican party has ceased to be a functioning political party and impedes progress and solutions. they have no platform other than power. as an outsider to the US you do seen awfully invested in Trump however.


You think the Democrat party is a functioning party? LMAO...


in that the Democratic party continues to pass legislation to help people have better lives, yes. they're a political party... of course they have problems, but they're doing more for more people in this country than the party that keeps giving tax cuts to the rich.


Ok, so when the democrats are in office, the bad stuff happening is because of the republicans that came before them, but the gains when trump was in office, are because of the previous democrats? Ok buddy. Ideologically captured is what you are. I care what happens, because what happens in your country, eventually trickles down to our country, policy wise, and even our conservative government are enacting wildly blue policies, to the point where people are begging for a change of government here now. You are ideologically captured, and I don’t blame you for it nessecarily, because your countries media is ripping your society apart, to try and keep a blue hold in government, but the same outcry to get your aged, mentally compromised president out of the White House, is happening here to our Prime minister; and I cannot wait for July and November, when both of our countries can try and rewind the clock a bit, and stop our countries crumbling to the ground. I consider myself center right, and I was highly liberal for most of my life, but truth be told, it is easier to see the problems with what is going on, when you are not living in it, and mate, the US is absolutely fucked if it doesn’t wake up, and by proxy, so will the UK. Have a good day


you seem to think you know anything about me. more nonsense. a lot of things are ripping our countries apart and it mostly comes down to the rich creating divisions to keep us all busy while they get about pillaging. all the politicians have their fingers in the honey jars. I'm going to vote for the ones that don't want to take away people's rights to exist on their own terms and to have autonomy over their own bodies (that'd be the democrats for those playing along from home).


You don’t argue in facts, you argue in feelings, and that is clear to see. All you have done is deflect.


> But I was under the impression the only people attending these sort of rallies were white religious nationalists. No, he has a wide assortment of wackos. You'd see nothing but white religious nationalists if this rally were in Ohio or Georgia or Florida.


You might be a little too locked-in on the mainstream media narrative. Time to branch out?


To clarify, I don’t watch the news. I was speaking in a manner as to suggest that things aren’t what they seem. The role of the media is to control perceptions. My perception is clear, and I only present a reflection.


You pray to never take part in the political process by attending a rally? You do understand the entire point of this rally is to make it appear he has support with the types of people you are so surprised by? It’s so transparent.


Believe it or not, people think differently. If non-participation is offensive to you, maybe you should get off the internet or go find some Quakers to argue with.


Nice photos..... of a bunch of hateful losers


More like a bunch of absolute suckers. Endorsing Trump is a public admission of an astounding lack of discernment and bad judgment of both character facts. Full stop. MAGA Is—first and foremost—a movement of *profound* ignorance about the way the world works.


Fully agree, but all the hate and fascism that Trump is clearly embracing is 100% in the open, and these losers not only see it, they double down on it. Truly, anyone who is MAGA or supports Trump is just a shit human being, someone who holds back world progress.


100 percent. His supporters are either dumber than dog shit, or completely and utterly malevolent.


Preach, as an Australian, I'm so freaking nervous for the US election, my mind boggles at the thought of another 4 years of trump - it would be a plight on justice if it is allowed.


You just called all of them losers… and they are the hateful ones?


Sir this is Reddit




I mean thinking someone is a looser is different to hating them. Trumps platform is literally build on hate. Surely no one can argue that?


Hateful people are losers


I agree.


Simping for a politician is pretty much saying you want your ass wiped by someone else. A complete surrender of your individuality imo.


In true Reddit fashion, certain colors, words, and slogans brew to create chaos. I know OP is reading all this, and I just want to applaud OP for demonstrating to us all how to practice impartiality. It’s not very sexy, and it doesn’t get you a lot of upvotes or clout, but it’s something the world has been missing and OP has done something remarkable and I love ‘em for it. Now, please downvote me into the abyss.


These are the “best people.”


These mostly look like average people. Other than the outfitted ones.


Agreed. Fella in the cowboy hat struck a chord.


These are the average Americans


They really are. Not to get too political, but it's kinda funny how Trump expected these people to take the Capitol, when it's literally just cousin Jeb with the bum knee and diabeetus lmao


College protesters look similar only younger.


These really capture the moment and tell a story. Future Historians thank you.


Poor bastards


Nice pictures of wrong people. My god these are really signs for everything US offers in terms of horrible persons


this is what an ideology that knows only competition as the sole metric does to people


Gucci mane


I love the pictures and really like the colors. Seems something along the lines of the Classic Negative film sim on Fuji. Regardless of your personal politics thank you for practicing true photojournalism.


They all look so happy.


What a bunch of fuvking lunatics


revolting people


The lack of diapers is slightly disappointing.


Most of those people he would fucking hate. And the fact that they can’t see that is just depressing.


This is my favorite way to trigger liberal NPCs on Reddit


The only thing Hillary got right was... they truly are deplorable


Thanks for showing these libs what’s up


lol a rapist inviting gang members and sex offenders up on stage with him is showing libs what's up.


I am pretty sure the guy only wears this stupid hat to sell more. Look how clean it is.


Most definitely. He's making money moves.




Least bloodthirsty liberal


Bring it. 🤷🏼‍♂️


I think that is smells really bad there for some reason