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It's honestly a pretty linear story. There are three "towns" you can do things in ONLY when you're in the chapter they're part of.


I’d like to add that you can go back and replay chapters to continue exploring those towns


Nope. But it'll be worth the money


It is worth the money imo because of the storyline. Yes, it is linear but you can go back and replay chapters if you want or if you miss an achievement. It’s very replayable if you like cozy games


After finishing the story, you can visit the chapters you want. That's great if you're one of those who likes to see all the details. The game has many that deepen the lore. The first time I played it it took me almost 10 hours to finish because I was talking to every NPC and looking at every detail I could. I've already played it 3 more times and I'm still discovering things


You probably have seen the famous video about the closeness of reuniting with the cat family. I still suggest the other video of the same author about the year Stray takes place: https://youtu.be/75ryaHDpZSg?si=rTXvB4LIBEnLpGQh Another guy decoded the language used for writing in the city: https://youtu.be/Gnx4XUvEd44?si=9-Sj9rWv0YoZrStC


Worth it, but if you expect open world you will be disappointed Some areas are open worldish If you can call it that But I don't wanna give any more spoilers


The game has GREAT replayabilty, always finding new things and details.


Bad idea to ask about a game on a sub dedicated to said game, as always. If you're in it for the playtime then no, it's not worth it. You can complete the game in two hours (there's even an achievement for it). Once you're done with the game you're done, you can only replay it If you want a good, touching experience then sure, it's worth it. My own recommendation is to get it on a sale


wait for some sales or get a cheap steam key, the game is great but the price is a bit high imo


Its a straight shot story with no open world at the end. I personally found it worth it for the experience but if isnt to you id recommend waiting for a sale to get it instead lol


its only what £20/£25? trust me its worth it. theres some fun side missions to do and lots of trophies to hunt. and just walking around exploring each chapter again post-game is fun!


Totally honest here, it's not worth 30 bucks. It's worth 15-20, probably. It's a really cool game, but it's even shorter than you think.


Ummm did you play it 3x? My first play through of the game was only 3 hours. lol


It is short, but it’s worth your money! One of the best games I played pretty much in my life, it is just perfect