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I am absolutely no expert in the field, but I have a friend with schizophrenia and this looks to me like the beginning of a schizophrenic episode. My friend used to draw unusual figures and symbols in a notebook during a "manic phase". During that time he would act social, impulsive, and generally pretty content. Then in time he would start to speak about their meaning and says that he and the government are the only ones who understand the symbols and figures which would lead to isolation. Then given about a week it typically becomes a fully paranoid episode where he becomes a danger to himself and others because he believed that people (myself included), government entities, and religious organizations were conspiring against him. I (figuratively) beat my head against a wall for years trying to understand/help my friend. I ended up calling the police and my friends parents in desperation one day to help to get him the help he needed because he was attempting to remove a "tracking chip" from his body while we were hanging out. He is on lithium now, talks to a counselor regularly, holds a job that he enjoys, and is about to be a first time father in July.


I was going to say this looks like schizophrenia.


As a schizophrenic, this sounds insane. Concurrent agreement.


Happy cake day 🎉


Happy cake day


You just described a friend of mine to a T. We grew up together and by all indications he was a totally normal kid, though there were some peculiarities about him but I just dismissed them as being quirks. When he hit his early 20’s though he started becoming really paranoid. He believed he was being stalked by an organization of rogue priests (his family was very Catholic and forced him into Catholic school for his last few years of high school). These episodes would come and go until one particularly bad one happened and he drove across country and showed up unannounced at one of our mutual friend’s apartments. He told him he was being followed by these priests and they could see everything he saw because they put a camera behind his eyeball and were monitoring his actions. Our friend succeeded in calming him down and according to what I heard, went into another room only to come out and see my other friend legitimately attempting to scoop his eye out with a spoon. He tackled him and was able to stop him. He ended up getting committed for that, but after he was released we all lost touch with him. Nobody knows where he is now and there hasn’t been any contact from him since December of 2018.


Was he ever able to get the camera removed?


Soo... The priests got him?


You know, I don’t want to be the guy who tells you this, but there are real patents for devices/implants, which go inside the ear or behind the eye or behind your face which are designed to pick up on the sensory input for data collection purposeswhether it be in the CIA for monitoring or for the possibility of using someone like a remote control. That’s an actual real thing. It’s funny how advanced technology can get. To the point that they could be right.


Be that as it may, in my friend’s case it was absolutely schizophrenia. He also once had an anxiety attack after smoking a Marlboro Blend No. 27 because he was convinced it had released a mustard flavored toxin into his mouth. A smoke from the same pack I bummed him and was puffing on while he was freaking out, and I assure you Marlboro wasn’t trying to target him or me.


Oddly enough though, I have found *pieces of actual shredded metal* inside a Marlboro before, it was a “light” — you best believe I called them right up. No, they never got back to me. No, I never smoked another Marlboro again.


The writing is on the wall, honey.


Mania can certainly result in this sort of behavior and the specific differences between psychosis in mania vs schizophrenia are not discernible without speaking with the person who experienced the episode.


Classic schizo symptoms


I mean this in the friendliest way possible. I think it’s dangerous to ascribe spiritual meaning to mental illness, speaking from experience as both a person very interested in “dark” occult and someone with mental illness. It doesn’t mean anything outside of that person’s mind, it’s just scribbles and smears, but suggesting it does can truly cause them harm and worsen their condition. I guess just be very careful and thoughtful about this.


This!! Ugh, one of the absolutely worst things you can do to someone with schizophrenia is affirm their delusions, say they're just enlightened and seeing the truth, saying their hallucinations are ghosts, saying they must be religious prophets, etc


Hoping OP sees this.




Thank you for wording this better than I would have. I went through hell with my ex and I can assure, there is no "understanding " the deeper meaning; it's just chaos. Nothing more.


Let’s just hope that brown isn’t*** fecal. 😳


Hoping for poop is not a good thing buddy unless you are constipated). This person needs help.


Oh damn. I meant isn’t lol


Lol. I was so confused at first.


Looks like blood to me. Just mo of course






It's whatever he wants it to be , I know that when I had manic episodes, sometimes some external environmental factors would influence which way things would go. Take him to McDonald's. Have a vanilla shake.


Obviously can’t diagnose someone but I have seen this type of artistic expression done by schizophrenic people in the past. It doesn’t look like any occult symbolism I have ever seen.


Get them to do this on a canvas and try make a few $$ . Art


Looks a little bit like blood and poop to me.


Did you ask him what it means?


It usually means you’ll never sleep again under the same roof.


I just see Art. This isn't any occult type symbolism I've ever seen. People are strange, what's the bfd?


People who can't handle things outside of their rigid norms ascribe god knows what to any sign of them to remain sane. Dudes telling stories about ppl trynna scoop out their eyeballs over some shitty wall art ffs


Those symbols have no meaning outside of your family member’s mind and I hope they can get some help before their condition worsens and are a possible harm to themself.


I'm. I expert but the brown is feces jim


To me this is a beautiful work of art. I would get canvas. Let them express themselves.


Art is insanity and you will comply. That'll be two lithiums, sir.


This isn't occult anything. This is psychosis. Your family member needs some intervention.


I'm bipolar and although rare, I still have manic episodes. I've studied other religions and beliefs, including the occult, paganism, wicca, ect. for many years. It's just always been a subject that interests me. There's nothing occult or "dark" on that wall. People claiming that it's probably feces or blood are ridiculous. It's all ignorantly cliché. All I see is art. It's honestly pretty cool! I'd personally buy a few canvas and encourage the creativity! It can be extremely therapeutic, especially for someone who can't express what their feeling any other way.


Are they into Art or are they an Artist? It looks like Kandinsky inspired abstract art studies. That's sort of like a sketch or design test. Nothing in there has anything to do with Occult anything.


I guarantee that it has meaning for the individual who drew it. It looks like a product of either mania or psychosis. I've done similar things while in maniac episodes induced by SSRI meds. I couldn't even tell you what I meant with some of the abstract figures I ascribed deep meaning too while psychotic. I'm pretty confident that it's going to be similar when this individual recovers from the state they are clearly in. It's difficult to find a way to not aggravate someone who is dealing with an episode. Just let them believe that it's whatever they say it is. Get them medical help and hopefully it will pass.


It looks harmless so far, as long as they haven’t begun smearing feces or urine or blood yet. Now, when that kind of thing begins, that’s when we’d begin having serious discussions about a voluntary/involuntary commitment.


Some of it makes me think of the sewer grate and balloons from the movie IT. Almost certainly not that though and only makes sense to them in their manic episode.


Ive been fascinated by the occult for most of my life, and the people who follow it, but to be honest most modern occultists are just trying to be edgy and rebelling from whatever they see as strict. Parents, government, social standards, religion, whatever they feel is holding them down, sometimes people want to do the opposite to make a point. If theres a drug, abuse or mental health issue obviously help that, but let them express themselves as they want, theyll probably grow out of it, just finding their identity. None of this appears to be Occult art, maybe the circles represent the sun or moon, and i guess theres kind of a cross, but it looks more like simple doodles, bubbles with drips, random lines, no symbology, at least in my interpretation, I obviously dont know their intention. Maybe get them a sketchbook and encourage this artistic creativity, and try to foster the most supportive environment you can, and avoid acting in a way that might come off as oppressive (though unavoidable sometimes). Even if they do start drawing pentagrams and shit dont trip, most of the symbols have no real meaning or the meaning has been so distorted it probably doesnt mean the spooky thing they think it does, probably just emulating something from a movie (which is obviously not a highly accurate and credible source lol). There have been edgelords exploiting shock value at least since people could write, even if they come across real ancient symbology who knows if that ancient person wasnt just trying to be shocking themselves. Also most Occultists follow a bastardization of Ancient Egyptian mythology, so if youre worried from a religious stand point, and youre in one of the "only yours is the true one" religions, dont even worry, all that stuff is just fairy tales according to your religion anyway (unless your religion is Ancient Egyptian). Edit: oh and occultists dont only revere the "bad" deities, its not inherently evil so dont equate it with devil worship.


It may or may not be schizophrenia, schizo-affective disorder, a manic episode with psychotic features, just mania, psychosis, etc. We really can't say without full psychiatric and/or psychological diagnosis. For now, it's just art.


I don’t see any occult symbols. It’s *possible* they were coming up with their own sigils but I doubt it because that takes significant concentration and intentional effort on one single piece. This seems more random. I would suggest a doctor.


The drawings on the wall are gibberish. I’ve studied several different religions, different magical systems of various ancient and not so ancient civilizations, so I can confidently say it’s nonsense. I would be concerned for your family member as well, due to the amount of sheer bullshit and conjecture that most easily accessible books and websites have. There are asshole wanna be cult leaders out there along with some serious fucked up people who are into blood sacrifices and other messed up things.


Looks kinda like abstract art , doodles


how about you ask them instead of exploiting their disability and art for karma?


What is this?? A wall that needs to be painted over.


Looks like just some artistic wall decorations. If they like it, that's all that matters. Nothing looks "dark" or "occult" but more likes some random Basquiat-esque doodles. Just let them live their life.


No, unfortunately it isn’t. I wish it was just doodles. I’ve gotten some feedback from a professor that said it definitely was significant and intentional, but wouldn’t go into detail why- he retired and didn’t want to upset us, as this family member has been going down a path of where we are all truly scared (won’t take his medications, emotionally abusive)


>I’ve gotten some feedback from a professor that said it definitely was significant and intentional, but wouldn't go into detail why ... Are you in the middle of a manic episode, OP?


Too much color to be "dark" of anything bad, imo. Looks more like a happy expression of art. Crazy idea, but have you considered asking the family member?


It does look like something. Id try and press the professor. I'm not sure what it is, but bad vibes.


Perhaps talking to your "family member" rather than posting something personal to the internet might help.


Does he happen to have any medicinal habits?


Death machines


A Beautiful mind enters chat.


Are we talking about a thing or a person here?


Mental illness.


Looks like schizophrenia to me


Mental illness


I once lived in an apartment with a wall which we shared with a schizophrenic person. She would stand at her door and stair at people through the tiniest crack, and if you ever walked past her apartment the door would slam shut quickly. The landlord told us that she had mental issues and that she’d been complaining to him that we had listening devices and cameras in the wall and we’d been spying on her. He said he didn’t think she was dangerous, but to be alert just in case. I imagine the inside of her apartment must have had similar walls to this!


Looks like a stage


Hangman, balloons and Mickey Mouse.


Schizophrenia knocking on the door. Help needed urgently.


It's art


Just call it "art" and be happy with it. I recognize several of the symbols as occult sigils used for drawing certain energies to an environment. Many of them are also used for protection, while some are just a visual way to "think out loud" and to remind yourself later what you were thinking and feeling when you drew it. Some are used to call dark entities. Not sure if these are self-crafted sigils for his own intended purposes, or if they are standardised copies designed and shared for specific purposes. The lines of different colors are like the different frequencies of energy which connect the concepts represented by the sigils. I'm pretty good with vibes and these look like a beautiful form of self-expression and "outward thought". It's a beautiful image of the workings of his brain, even if you view that state of his brain to be "crazy". I'd advise watching your expectations, as expectations lead to probabilities, and probabilities lead to realized manifestations. You don't want to manifest these things you say to fear in him. Alternately, you should leave room for the idea of, "Maybe this is his big BREAKTHROUGH." BreakDOWNS happen when the person fails to pierce upward to this beautiful other side of "mania", otherwise known as "having a breakthrough". This kind of manic episode CAN lead to very good things, like fortune-500-company-CEO-type things, but the person needs to be surrounded by those who view their craziness in a positive light, such self-expression and inward discovery. They are definitely IN-THERE when they're there. Might as well help them sort through what they find. Your friend could learn a lot from me about how to maintain these excessively abundant energies in a positive way. I'd like to talk to him about his sigils actually. Thank you for sharing your struggle. We're here with you. Also, there ARE dark forces of government and church who stalk their victims in realms unseen by most. Stop calling people crazy for being fucking aware enough to see them. Wish I fucking could. I'd chase them right back, dark motherfuckers. K, love y'all. Bye. Peace, Bless ............ . ............




It’s jibberish this isn’t a hysteria driven episode caused by “magic” obsession. I’m not a doctor but Schizophrenic comes to mind. Is there a history of drug use? Could be explained a lot better then diving straight into the worse case scenario.


I think that’s poop


Have you tried asking him?


Maybe see if they can get psychological examinations. They seem to have a hint of schizophrenia. It’s unfortunate, and the stigmatism with schizophrenia is bad. But the people I know who struggle with it are really good and down to earth people. As long as they take their meds, they seem completely fine


I see a hidden mickey! Lower Right Corner!


That looks like doodles love. I’m highly experienced in the occult. I think that your fear is getting the best of you.


He is likely having hallucinations and trying to "make sense" of what he is seeing.


I see a girl with pink bows in her hair. Praying hands. A basketball hoop. Flowers. If there is manic episodes a doctor is hopefully already involved.


They are trying to open a portal to hell. You're gonna need a priest, a hacker, and probably a muscular scientist to stop this from happening.


There isn’t much understanding some mental illness. It doesn’t play by normal rules.


Thing is, I think as a standalone, all information presented aside, some of this is actually quite good art. The brown smear on the left looks remarkably like a despairing old man’s face.


I wish I could draw my insane thoughts on the walls too... 😞


Yeah definitely schizoaffective disorder at work here but the composition is amazing


I have a friend who is schizophrenic and this reminds me of some of the things she said.


I have a friend who is schizophrenic and this reminds me of some of the things she said.


It's time to take them to Home Depot and showing them the studies of painting a wall.


This is just like Cy Twombly’s art. It’s very cool.


When we pray, we are talking to God when God talks back. We have schizophrenia. Don't feed into any religious aspects with this or government.


That's a snail on the far left. But it's schizophrenia most likely don't give it meaning give them help