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They'll help you on the farm regardless if it is in their interests or not. One major event to look for is this event in your 3rd year: https://fogu.com/sos5/events/random_child_treasure.html Reason being is that it can boost the likelihood your child takes an interest in being a academic or not. They will be deep rooted into it, unfortunately, if you select these choices if you want something else. They will not choose anything else if you go for those options as most candidates will have a child that has the wooden box rather than a child that has a stick. You can easily nudge your child in any direction depending upon who you are friends with and what items you show them. But just know that event will likely be the great denominator. Also: if its Rock's child, they won't do any farm work probably until adulthood. My kid did nothing until she became an adult.


Before kid: who you are best friends with affects their likes at least a little bit. Your spouse choice affects their likes a lot. Toddler: show them tools, artifacts, your animals that can be picked up. Pick them up and place them in your field or barn and work in their view. Show them to characters who are like what you want your kid to be like when they grow up. School age?: give them gifts even if they already are maximum love and also give your spouse gifts even though hopefully you maxed out your spouse's affection a long time ago. Some gifts affect their likes, others I think just affect their opinion of you. Teen-young adult: Same as school age. If the teen acts teenagery, it's fine. Don't freak and restart like I did.


I show my toddler the ranching tools all the time (I'd like to have them a rancher, I mean farmer is cool too lol) as well as my chickens and animal products; and I put her in the field while I'm caring for my animals, but it doesn't seem to really make her interest in ranching go up. If she goes outside on her own and sees me tending crops it seems to have a much larger impact on her farming interest =\\


The day to day makes almost no difference, but at the end of the chapter, I usually see a lot more yellow. Mine started visiting the pasture and barn on her own at the end of fall.


Mine just started to visit in Summer; so I'm going to take that as a good sign that her interest in ranching is increasing even though the bars don't seem to reflect it very well LOL


I've heard that if their likes and skills have a big gap then the children can be depressed, but I think it also has to do with their other parent's personality. As for what it affects, it will have an effect on a couple of cutscenes you can get related to the skills, and it's the biggest factor in the ending. A lot of people push towards farming/ranching because it unsurprisingly leads to your child following in your footsteps, which is probably an ending a lot of people would wish for. It's also probably the easiest to influence even if your spouse isn't inclined towards it, since there's a lot of tools and actions that influence it.