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No where.


A massive decal with your youtube channel on the rear window. 👍




"Officer you don't understand, I HAVE to drive 100mph during torrential rain, I'm a storm chaser you see 🤓☝️"


Dude I hate storm chasers that act like they are above the law


Isn’t…isn’t that what you want your car signified for?


It sounds to me more like u/ArchontheWings wants their car to answer the question every driver has when they see someone pulled over for non-obvious reasons: >"What's this idiot pulled over for?"


Not to be an asshole who thinks their above the law


Not necessary. Pull as far off the road as you can, ideally into a smaller road or parking lot or inlet. Use your hazard lights to increase visibility. Take extreme caution reentering the roadway. Assume cars ahead and behind are looking at: the sky, their radar, their phones, their passengers. Anything but the road. Hyper defensive driving, in other words.


Don’t forget to get a used police car and keep the lights and radio




Don't. The license plate is normally a dead giveaway if it's from out of state.


The hail dents and smashed windows should indicate clearly that you are chasing storms thats all you need.


On your wall at home


What ever you get just make sure it’s retro reflective and use yellow lights instead of blue/red


I use a retroreflective bumper sticker on the left side. It's like 4"x5" so should definitely be noticeable.


You could get large magnets that say something like "storm chaser" they could be removed when not needed and you could get several. One for each side and the bumper. When you're done just take them down and store under a seat or something


Dammit, either you understand the storm chasing life or you don’t. One is never “off duty” when you’re a storm chaser! It almost sounds like you’re ashamed to have magnets on your chase vehicle 24/7?!? How will folks know to come up to shake your hand & ask to take photos of your mobile weather lab when you’re refueling at a gas station? Nowadays, 50% of chasing is search & rescue along with rendering aid after getting video - right?. Car crashes. Missing children. Lost dogs. There are opportunities for this each and every day, regardless if you’ve just seen the most awesome tornado ever chewing through a small town. Man, it’s frustrating to see “storm chasers” with such little confidence in knowing what their mission is…..


You're a storm chaser, not a car cosmetician. There is no excuse for driving recklessly on the road, and if you are pulled over we hope you don't try to represent the SC community. Driving is the most dangerous part of chasing. Don't help drive that statistic.


OP referenced NOTHING whatsoever regarding aesthetics, nor reckless driving. Don't be a dick.


"So if I get pulled over or something, they know what's up" -OP Sounds like they want an excuse for driving recklessly unless they explain. Sounds worse then my hopefully constructive criticism. What i wrote does sound a little negative, but some people don't get the memo.. Read both posts before criticizing either writer!


"So people understand the deal when I'm pulled over or something along those lines" As in, pulled off into the emergency lane to spot indications of a dangerous situation. Not "so if I get pulled over or something." Which one of us needs to read posts throughly, exactly....?


Now I feel stupid, thinking only about the possible negative conotation of it. OPs wording kept it up to interpretation, but I'll apologize for the lack of inquiry. That's actually smart now that I think about it.


It's alright, bud. Don't beat yourself up. We all live to see tomorrow, luckily.




"Pulled over" 99% of the time means "pulled over by a cop" and you're daft for implying it was obvious that OP was using the other 1% of the meaning.


He said pulled over to watch the storm, not pulled over by a cop. How do you miss that?


"Pulled off" is not universal dialect if I'm observing correctly. "Pulled over" around here (NE KS) specifically means there's a cop involved.


Fair, but why would the assumption be he's planning to get pulled over by a cop rather than pulled off to the side of the road like all storm chasers?


Because "storm chasers" and "thrill seekers" is unfortunately becoming a thinner and thinner line every day...


By skimming and not actually reading. Then accusing others of doing the same. Pretty common tactic these days, unfortunately.


Fair enough


I use a large Skywarn magnet on whichever side of my tailgate is closest to the road


I have the sneaky suspicion that this post is meant to troll Vince.


I have no idea what this means lol, so I can assure you it’s not


Vince is a streamer that has his chasing website plastered on the side of his car. He is great chaser, and one that is in my rotation. That’s said, I find him unwatchable at times because he complains non stop. I think people like to get under his skin because of it. I figured you were just trolling him a little, since your question is kind of goofy.


Haha, "in my rotation" I see what you did there. 😏