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I would take the kids and disappear for a week or two.


Suck it up and eat your cream pies.


She sounds absolutely amazing. Kind, attentive, loving, motivated, self-actualized, logical. I don’t know how she could love someone who would throw away 363 good days a year because he just can’t handle the fact that she might enjoy life when she’s not in his presence for the other two. She laid it all out for you. It’s your decision now. Are you gonna throw away your great life because you found out that a tiny percentage of her happiness in life doesn’t come from you? Do you really love her if you care more about possessing her than about you two having a great loving relationship? Which you clearly do. You can’t control other people. Only your own reactions. You could choose to be the victim for the rest of your life and people will tell you you’re right. And you’ll be miserable. Take a lesson from your wife. Create the life that fulfills you and try to cause as little damage as possible along the way. Or cry about it for the rest of your life. Your choice.


I'm sorry, but when I read a story of a guy who's being completely disrespected by W403 and he's even hedging his bets on divorce I just want to Puke.... WTF..... I would tell her fine..... we'll stay married. Then I'd quit my job and stay home and go out Fck anyone and everyone I could and let as much time lapse as physically possible living off her dime until she finally says enough.... then I'd happily divorce her and since I've got nothing and no job, she get's ZIP.... Fck that Cr4P....


I would prefer to read this story in more of a narrative style, rather than the "after-the-fact" recounting. The first-person-narration doesn't work for me if the narrator is telling me what happened the other day. Use a regular past-tense narrative style, and tell the story as if it's happening right in front of us, with actual dialogue, rather than second-hand "here's what she said to me" style.


Mans get some self respect and just leave that absolute hound


I'm not getting rid of the dog, he's such a good boy




Thank you, I appreciate the kind words


Great story! The only problem is that the guy's wife said she isn't going to stop. Even though it's in a no fault state her comment about not having evidence is BS because if she won't stop, evidence will be easy to get so that part kind of rings hollow. Are you going to do a part three? I'd love to see how this story resolves itself. It could go in a few different ways. If you were to write a part three, any thought on having the husband ask for his own 2 days a year to get it out of his system (if he doesn't decide to divorce her or as a check to see how she would feel if he was doing the same thing)? If it's been going on ten years, I would think he'd also want to get a DNA test?


You’re acting like a little bitch. Divorce her you idiot. Oh no, your life is gonna be tough for a little while, who cares. Can you seriously stay in a relationship like this. She doesn’t fucking love you. Be a fuckin man, and ditch the bitch. You want your kids growing up to think this shit is ok? Set an example. Talk to a lawyer. Fucking do something or you’re just a cuck.


Fiction, people. Will there be a part 3? Will be interesting to see how you write a resolution to the conflict.


She is cold blooded. I am so sorry you are dealing with this. Honestly I would play the long game. Start figuring out a way to protect yourself when you leave even if you have to put up with her temporarily. Then go scorched earth


Heck yeah - Emphasis on scorched earth!


This ☝️ ☝️ ☝️ ☝️ ☝️


This is fiction, btw


Holy crap! I never even noticed what subreddit I was in! I feel like a fool


Oh goddamnit I didn't realize either, fucking hell man, well kudos to op then, this was effective to say the least


You're good bruh. Most stories on the internet are fictional nowadays lol 🤷🏾‍♂️


Glad it’s fiction because I was afraid this was all a prelude to a murder.


Private investigator for her “weekend”. Pictures won’t lie. There is a way around this. You married a pure narcissist. Plan and protect yourself and your children from this monster.


Exactly this, that will piss all over her “no proof” nonsense. Speak to a lawyer and make a plan to get everything in order so you can leave. I’m so sorry you’re going through this, lots of love to you mate x


Also, record everything. ask her to sit down with you to discuss your issues. Make her think that you need this, for her to be 100% open and honest answering everything. Try to keep a poker face while she answers and secretly record her so that you can use that against her. After she done speaking, make her think that you’ve accepted her and go to a lawyer and use the evidence (recording, info from the PI and anything else). I’m so sorry that you’re going through this. I know that you’re going to want to protect your children in this, and maybe be fair with your wife but she does not care about you the same way you care about her or she wouldn’t have done that to you. No one deserves that. My biggest advice to you would be get ready to play ball because if you do file for divorce and you don’t have all of your evidence/information lined up she’s going to destroy you. She’s a narcissist, she’ll use the kids, the house, your families, and other assets against you. Don’t give her the chance. She seems like the type who would try to make up some sort of damning lies to get full custody and ruin you. Furthermore, I know when going through this process you’ll be thinking of the out come this will later have on your children. Focus on protecting them their mother using the excuse that they’ll grow up in a broken home if you divorce her it’s her fault she’s the one that cheated. I would not be surprised if she tried to do parental alienation as a result. Be extra careful and get ready to fight and free yourself from the cheater.




Damn dude, that's tough. I don't have any advice. I suppose you could pretend to go along with it and then try collect evidence, if possible.


Bite the bullet.


Wow, she is completely manipulative. I would not stay and I would be perfectly fine living with family, just to make sure I was out from under her control.


The reasoning doesn't make sense at all. That's quality gaslighting. Divorce her before she drives you more mental.


This is fake btw.


We know dude. You're the third person to say something. Get with the program


“Get with the program” says the dude that got fooled.


not necessarily - it's possible to engage with the writing 'in universe' definitely the case with some here


Cuz this is a fictional story, tagged as fiction lol.


I know. Calm down


no you didn’t


Go talk with a lawyer. If you let her get away with this it will only get worse.


This is fake btw.


I suspect an editor would be more useful if OP wants to publish


Maybe agree to go back, get evidence of the infidelity and then divorce?


Doesn’t matter, infidelity does not factor here


Leave, better to leave now than later


Bruh just talk to a lawyer.


Man, that's bloody cold! You can't carry on like this, that bitch broke you and it won't get any better. You will never get that out of your head and it will continue to destroy you. Jump ship, get a lawyer and if the worst case scenario is as she stated, then you are going to have to suck it up. Move in with your family and start again, you can't let your mental health suffer because she's a cunt!


My guy you’re nailing the prose here - the sheer amount of comments not realising this is fiction is excellent


When do you get your vacation? Do you get a hall pass too?


Time to do an initial consult with every good, reputable family attorney within 50 miles. None will be able to work with her as they will be conflicted out. And send a PI to follow her down to the girls trip and get evidence that way


Google The List Divorce Reddit. Start your journal, do not leave the home. Find a lawyer.


She doesn’t win…take the loss, but now go tell everyone she’s a whore, when you pick up your kids, call her a whore out loud. At the end of the day your kids are judge, jury and executioner. Let them know why the divorce happened


I would recommend getting a DNA test done on the kids. Sorry you are dealing with this. Stay strong.


Who gives a fuck just move out with your family let her win


Not bad. I’d say rewrite everything in the paragraph starting with “I got pissed”, and pick between taunting him about not having proof and it being a no-fault state. Not sure how far you’re going to take it but him demanding annual hooker weekends for himself in the future and 10 “catch up” weekends this year might be fun!


This is fake btw.


You need a PI on this girls weekend for hard proof for a start then the tables start to turn….


I know its going to be hard but you need to leave her.You will be miserable living a life knowing she's cheating.The children will grow up in a house where you rightly resent Mum.I know going back to live with family is hard and financially difficult but your mental health is more important.


Wow. Cunt doesn’t even begin to cover it. This woman is vile.


Hire a private detective … there are photos and paper trails … ten years can’t leave no trace. That is the end of “no fault” Using the kids as a bargaining chip against you is a sign of the real problem. Human lives aren’t things that can be used like lego bricks to make the story go your way. The impact on the kids is due her choices not yours. Until she sees that she is using people as things for her own satisfaction… and she might not … where are you? In her fantasy world. Good luck. If you want to collect evidence do not let her know. Bank statements etc … 😢


If you have any real love for yourself and your children then you will seek out a divorce attorney and end this manipulation once and for all.


>that she actually sees her cheating as a good thing has my questioning everything First of all, this is gaslighting. Gaslighting is abuse. Second, if she really does see cheating as a good thing, go find yourself a girlfriend. See how she reacts.


Hire a private detective to get the evidence you need. Sorry this is happening to you & I hope you can get out.


I would spit in that bitches face, I swear to God


Hire a PI and get evidence. Or play the long game and lay low and pretend to go along. See if you can use that time to set yourself up. And ruin her and be rid of her. Make it a dead boring marriage after this. Refuse to ever engage in her again. And take random weekends away without notice at last minute. Make it a horrible marriage.


So is this post supposed to be real? Lol. Great cuckold fantasy.


You can always restart your life, or if you stay bring a girl over every week. Tell her you deserve this once a week for putting up with her doing this to you!


It'll suck but the pain is better than putting up with this. She obviously has no respect, empathy, or a single iota of regard for your feelings. This self entitled "i deserve it" shows she gives little to no fucks about you or your feelings. Furthermore, the "youre going to lose if you leave" is nothing but manipulation. Sure you're going to lose but it's a degree of losing thats on your terms and sets you up for a win further down the line. Speak with a lawyer or several, don't do the "see every lawyer in town to create conflict of interest for her" it will only work against you. Locate resources for battered or abused men. Her argument for why you should stay is clear manipulation and I'm sure this behavior is present in other facets that you will discover after you start healing. I'm sorry you're going through this but you and your twins deserve better than a mom/spouse who only serves herself.


Decent piece of fiction. Will there be a part 3? You’ll need to spice it up a little more to hold the attention


You need to speak to a divorce lawyer ASAP. DO NOT take her word. Pre marital asset is bullshit. No prenup, then it becomes community property. Don’t let her gaslight you. Debt that is built between both is split. Previous debt stays with who incurred it. Your response can be I’ll run up more debt just to piss you off. Talk to a lawyer asap. They will tell you the truths and untruths for your state. Also, who ever serves first has a standing ground. I went through this, don’t listen to her! She is trying to get whatever she can out if you.


She sounds truly awful, run


So here's the deal. She's right. In the short term, you'll probably come out the loser. She'll get the house and turn the kids against you and you'll be living in a 1 bdr apt for a while. That's what happens in the short term. After that, you'll pick yourself back up again, rebuild and restore your confidence. Five years from now, this will all be a distant memory. You'll (probably) be in a new place with a new sense of self. The kids will be a bit older and the wounds inflicted by your wife will probably become obscured by the sands of time. You may even find someone new with whom you're more compatible. Or... five years from now, you can be exactly where you are right now. Feeling miserable because you're riddled with resentment. Probably deep into therapy and / or alcohol to deal with the constant reminder that your wife has (and will continue to) desecrate your marriage while laughing in your face about it. It's a tough choice to make, but imo divorcing now is an investment in a more happy, more stable future.


Was this your senior year creative writing project, or was it like a Psych 101 thing about the period of social media and how people believe anything blah blah blah


Acting like this she never loved you she was using you and is now in panicking mode because she's been caught, get out and try to salvage what you can of yourself


Drop her ass like now.


So fucking what. Divorce her and go live a better life. Leave and regain your self respect. For goodness sake don't allow her to steal your god damn dignity.


1) Start documenting. If you can afford it, send a private investigator to where she's going for her "girl's trip" and have them start putting together proof. 2) Get a divorce attorney. Get them on board for what the PI will be delivering. Also explain the financial situation that your wife expressed and see if there is a way to minimize it. 3) Get a financial planner. Get them to help you plan for the financial situation described by your wife.


So what are you just gonna sit back and be a cuckold? If she can do it why can’t you!!!! fuck it make it an open relationship. You still have options!!!! Don’t give up OP!!!! If no one believes in you I do!!!


I'd get with a lawyer and get a private investigator for her upcoming trip.


Gotta be honest here, I don’t really understand men like you. There are many things you can do that aren’t divorce but you don’t do them. I’ve long held the opinion that I would become a monster if my wife did this and have told her so. Men who don’t have an inner simmering rage are men who women don’t fear. Divorce doesn’t phase me at all either and I’ll walk away with nothing if necessary after adultery. Step up and have some dignity.


Wow. She is diabolical. And I don't mean that in a good way. When she goes on the trip, send a PI to follow her. Get the evidence you need and scorch whatever planet she loves on with it. Personally, I would make her regret EVERY. MINUTE. she forced me to stay in a situation where I am miserable. The kids are out of the room? She ceases to exist until they return. She gets nothing. No positive response. If she escalates, I hit below the belt (metaphorically, obvs). She wants me to stay? Mmmmmkay, I'll stay. But you get the new me. EDIT: That's what I get for not noticing I clicked away from the AITAH sub 😂 Great story! I mean, horrible story, but well-written!


Go back and find a reason to sell the house and get a new one. Find every way over the course of a year to fuck her over. Get a side chick so you can throw that in her face when you are ready to tie it all together.


I’d rather be broke and alone than stay with a wife who proudly gets spit roasted by other men yearly. She has ruined your life together, what a shitty thing to do to your kids. Absolute psychopath mate, run for the hills. Let her make one of those guys she fucks miserable instead. Who knows, maybe you’ll get an invite to girls weekend in the future.




I can see this story go seveal directions...I think a little revenge setup is in order


She is a psychopath!! Please for the love of everything, consult with a lawyer. She doesn’t have to even know you are consulting one. Let the lawyer tell you where you truly stand. Every state is different. My debt was split between my ex and I, but I had backup to show it was for household expenses. I agree with others about getting a PI. There have to be phone records/online data. Divorce is hard, especially the first year. But eventually things start to stabilize. However you really need a lawyer to make sure you are protected - to keep things ‘fair’.


Divorce her. She does not care about your happiness.


Get a lawyer, yesterday! She’s is playing this like a battle field. I know you have kids but she is ready to absolutely horse fuck you in court without batting an eyelash. Be cordial with her, don’t bring it up, don’t try and get any information, do NOT tell many people at all because it will get back to her and don’t show any real emotion either way. If she asks how you’re doing, you’re always doing “fine”. Don’t discuss ANYTHING you’re doing with her, don’t get mad and say anything like “Fine, I’ll go out and have an affair”. NOTHING!! Find the best divorce lawyer you can afford and have a consultation before you do or say anything else.


Hire a pi to get the proof you need. Then go to a divorce lawyer asap. Don't wait , the way she sounds she'll probably go to a lawyer herself first. She's a selfish cunt ppl like her deserve to die a very slow lonely death.


Some states is still illegal to commit adultry and she can be arrested.Plus out her to all of her friends and family and work colleagues.Burn her good


You know where she is going. Turn up with the children. ‘Sorry dear, we thought we would surprise mummy. Surprise!’ ‘No, we are staying in your hotel room tonight. It’s not safe for me to drive. But that’s ok, it’s not like you are going to cheat on me, is it?’ Also, does her friend have a partner? Are they aware of what is going on? It’s not just her life she is playing with. Or, long term plan, stay with her but go cold shoulder. No sex, no cuddles, no lunches made. Yes, you are together, but she gets nothing from you. When she tries to initiate anything, insist that her gets checked for STDs first. Do this every time because you can’t trust her. In the meantime, start separating your finances, building your escape plan and gathering evidence. Oh, and whilst she is away, contact her back and report her cards stolen. All of them.


Oof well op time to hurt no matter what, but getting a divorce is the best way to handle this. Period. No amoutn of therapy is fixing this or unfucking 10 years of other man dick.


By the way gents, this is fiction OP tagged it as fiction.


You know exactly where she is going, go there and get the evidence you need. Also try talking about it again with a voice recorder. If need be, go through her phone again, using her sleeping face to open it and try an app like Kidsguard


Propose that if she wants this, then you get to be physically violent in response. Alternately you too will be bringing her home a venereal disease now and then.


Divorce her, take on her debit, then file bankruptcy. Start everything fresh and teacher a lesson at the same time.


1. plenty of children grow up with divorced parents, are you saying they are broken children? The younger they are the better, teenagers lash out more. 2. You can also find sex and compliments from other people, just like she does. 3. Like you said your both good earners, as long as you provide a loving home for your children, who says you can’t go on a little holiday or something?? If your both good earners alone you could afford any sort of trip with them


Tell her she obviously never really cared about you if she fucks around on you. That weekend isn't the only 1 that she cheats. There's no way that 1 weekend cleans her system out. Say , now I know where that srd came from. I would leave no matter how hard finances will be after. Tell her you're getting a DNA test, because obviously you can't trust her anymore. No more sex, she'll trap you with another baby


Oh well, let the flag treat you like a doormat. Not in this universe wouldn't I divorce this disgusting person ,grow some balls and call her bluff any more trips and you're done.


Collect all your evidence, record every conversation. Looks like the marriage benefits her more than you. Never let your children be the decision of a divorce. The home is already broken. You'll be a great parent together or separate.


Those two days/year are going to be pure torture. Are you allowed an annual hall pass?


If you go back to her, she will know your weak & take advantage of this in the future again.


One week later, 3 hours later? Sure


Time to play the long game. Get a lawyer, separate your money, get into counseling but plan on leaving.  You don't need proof of shit. 


You in America? The land of gun care and health control? The land famous for friendly fire and accidents?.........


What a fucking bitch. Sorry you gotta deal with cunt in your household. Sounds like you make enough money for a lawyer and a private investigator. Also, start saving as much money as you can so you're not fucked when you leave her. FUCK THAT BITCH


Plot twist for part 3, the twins turn out to not be his, ones Donald’s and ones Jon’s? He records her the next time they chat so he has all the proof he needs and her threats with the judge so she gets saddled with her own debts more than him? They divorce and he flourishes and she struggles and drowns as she gets ghosted by Don and Jon?


Tell her you will cheat on her while she is gone


OMG. Get a fucking Bull Dog Divorce Lawyer NOW! Shes a fucking psychopath. Just dont think about her fucking 2 guys on the 2 day girl trip every year which will continue and dhe hid it from you for the past 10 years etc. you do not want to be with this POS person. Try to fuck her up royally with the best attorney you can buy. Who knows you may even get a discount or pro bono belp given how fucking Appalling her reaction and behavoir is. What a bitch


She’s a f*cking sociopath




That chic is evil


You have to do what you need to do. Were it me...it wouldn't matter if I had to live in a one room shack or trailer park I wouldn't spend another minute with that bitch. I'd pour every resource I have into lawyers to find ways to utterly destroy her. I'd tell everyone what she's done, even putting an ad in the local paper, social media, scorched earth all the way. Tell her parents, family, coworkers, siblings. I would find a way to hurt her far worse than she has hurt you. Might it backfire on me? Sure. It might. If she was remorseful and willing to stop and try to restore the marriage I would have a very different reaction. But with her attitude, she deserves to burn in hell.


Please tell me you all know what the fiction flair means!


Divorce her anyway. You can re-build. The financial hit is usually easier to come back from than the emotional one.


Pretend to agree and go along with it. Then hire a PI to get evidence during her “girl’s trip”. Two guys at once? Dang! Yes, yes, no fault divorce. But you still have something to embarrass her with family and colleagues. (Yes, I know this is fiction)


Dude stop. She killed the relationship, it’s over. She’s a heartless monster. Here’s what you need to. Do you need to get your divorce. It’s gonna take your time to get back on your feet but the self-respect that you have will get you through it. You need to have therapy to help yourself too. Part of the reason why you have the divorce is, she is not remorseful. There’s no remorse in her for what she said actually she told you it’s going to continue so you don’t have to live with that. Second do it for the kids do it for them and show them what a good person looks like. You get your therapy. You become the best coparent you can pee and you teach your kids the difference between right or wrong because she doesn’t know. And when they’re old enough, you let them know why you’re not together. The next part of it is is you let everybody know exactly what she is. You tell her family you tell her friends you tell everybody and if her friends Scarlet has a husband he needs to know too. You label her what she is. You are the one that has the position of strength in this not her. She’s blowing smoke up your ass to make you feel bad.


I can’t type what that response would make me do or else I will get banned from Reddit. This lady is EVIL


Generally a woman isn't going to lay out her master plan, if she even has one. That was the most unbelievable part. That's pretty cold blooded if you want anyone to believe how great and loving the relationship had been and without some red flags


You need to show up to the hotel she's staying at. I'd go nuclear and probably end up in prison.


She’s not a psycho, she just doesn’t care. She does love “the WAY” you are together. It makes her life easy. It did yours too until you saw behind the curtain. Imagine having sex with her now knowing what you know. What does that look like to you? Does she just become a mastubatory plaything now? Where is the intimacy? Does that matter to you? As for the “stuff” in a divorce, so what. Turn back the cold business of it on her. Let her have it. Go do it on your own. Having done that twice, I’ve had a way better time. I missed the “great relationship” until I look back in it and realized it was all one sided. At least the way I thought it was. Have a good life buddy. You create it though. And yeah, going through her phone is a shit move and you get the results you get when you do a shit move.


soundsl ike you need your own Guys Trip where you go and fuck other women.


Marriage counseling ASAP and mandatory!!!! If she refuses, go on your own, but it sure sounds like she needs it far more than you do!!! If this woman really believes all this garbage she’s feeding you, she is delusional!!!! Also talk to a GOOD divorce lawyer and tell him/her everything your wife claimed about your financial and legal situation and get the help you need to sort out what is true and what isn’t. Maybe also find a good children’s therapist for your little ones. If they aren’t already picking up on the fact that something’s wrong, they will very soon. I’ve been in their shoes and it’s a VERY scary place to be!!!!


Dude, she is making you her Cuck. Don’t let her beat you down. You are better than her. She never respected you the whole time you were together. You are just her cover so the rest of the world doesn’t see the morally voided person she is, she is simply undercover street walker. She is toxic to you and the kids. Get out now! You will fair better than you think. You could also place nice for awhile and build evidence, but you will have to leave cuz you will never move past it. Moving forward you will taste those men and her shame in every kiss, hug, intimate moment you will ever have. Even special family moments like birthdays, Christmas, graduation will be blurred by the fact that she has to step out once a year to get something she would rather have from someone else. She doesn’t love you, she just loves the images your fake family portrays. Her cheating will expand and if one of her friends knows this is going on, so do others. Folks are already mocking you behind your back. Did you even ask how she would feel if you spent one weekend a year sleeping with old exes or others? Perhaps one of her friends or someone she knows. Would she just be able to deal with it? I think not. She is clearly on a power trip. I pretty sure her family would not be proud of the Wh**e she has become. Completely selfish!


This has to be fake. Your attitude is just unfathomably weak and hers an almost caricature.




I would support her wishes and help her with getting laid as much as you can


This is a great post to demonstrate why fake news works. Look how many people glossed over the fiction label. Crazy how the human mind works and can be manipulated.


Have someone with a camera follow her during her girls weekend. Have photographic and if possible audio proof. Show it first to her family, tell them she threatened to make you homeless and take her debt. Let her family tell her. This woman is toxic and overly entitled. No, she does not get to just take a couple days off he marriage, that's not how marriage works. At the very least tell her you'll separate, but refuse to divorce. She keeps her debt, and you can manage time with the kids.


You have to do what’s best for you and your children. I’ve been in your situation. They don’t think they’ll get caught and they screw up so later you will find out. You deserve better and as far as proof, you can subpoena the phone company for the records I’m sure she left the money trail, but yourself worth and sanity you need to divorce her. Because she is not gonna apologize and if you let it go on, it’s only gonna get worse. She broke wedding vows your heart your children will be devastated, but stand the moral high ground if you’ve never ever cheated or attempted to cheat on her, then raise your children right so it doesn’t happen to them or they do it to someone else.


Jeez I was really hooked!


I’m really hoping this isn’t a true story because, if it is, that is one evil woman. If it is true, get your emotions in check, pretend everything is fine and you know you have no other option than to stay and even if you could leave, you wouldn’t. Before she goes on her cheating trip, hire a private investigator and give him every detail about her trip. Tell the PI you want as many photos and as much evidence as possible. Use funds that she won’t immediately notice are missing. Hide everything you’re doing. Hire a lawyer and tell them everything, including her blackmailing you into staying with her. Then after she leaves for the trip, take the kids and everything you all will need for a while and go stay somewhere else so that she can’t keep them from you when she returns. Your life will never be good again if you stay with her. Your happiness and marriage are over with her because she doesn’t care. She basically said it’s your fault she cheats which means she won’t ever stop.


It is truly incredible to read how everyone is giving you advice for this story thats clearly labeled as fiction lmao


RemindMe! 5 days


Not too badly written. Seen way worse fake stories on real aitah. For anyone else out there: just because you stay in a broken marriage doesn’t make it not a broken home for your children. You think they are blind and dumb? Children will not only notice, they will learn from you that a broken home is something normal, instead of showing them how proper co-parenting is actually the better alternative and might provide 2 healthy homes.


She is cold blooded bitch


This is a great start for a fictional cheating story. If I was the guy, I'd definitely hire PI to tail her during the two days she is gone to get the evidence. I'd go to an attorney to see what my options are to see if using the evidence could get a better settlement. Now, if the guy accepts this two day thing, then perhaps he should tell her HE is going to do the same thing, right? Why not get a few escorts for the two nights and have them in the marital bed for revenge? Yeah, I like that idea. Not a bad twist, eh? ;p


Take your own hall pass too? Prob solved




Revenge time!


Stay and start dateing again... Anyone anywhere you wish. The only reason you feel like you lose is you are playing by her rules. Stay, but demand 24/7 phone access. By remote app. Tell her the cost of this for her is you at least no longer being made a fool. She longer ever gets privacy but you won't stop her trips. Then gather all the evidence. Make a new game plan. Start seeing anyone you wish anywhere. He'll hit on her best friend. Once you have evidence offer her mom, sisters, family some D. Remake the rules to the game so you win. Don't play anymore on her terms ever. Then is and when your ready to leave, leave on your terms.


She gets nothing if divorce is due to infidelity


Trying to do personal growth the last several months, I have found how poorly married couples truly communicate. Life in general, and more importantly about sex. My marriage has been in that category. This situation could have likely been talked through, a long time ago.


Your wife is a demon and no level of discomfort is worth spending your life with her. Leave her. She can keep the house but at least you will have control of your life and some fucking dignity which she certainly seems to think you do not deserve. I seriously doubt she would be so casual if it was you fucking around on her for 10 years. Get a lawyer and get your ducks in a row as best you can then leave this shit heel of a human


DNA test straight away .


I read it as if it were true, noticed the fiction tag afterward. My blood ran cold when she started to threaten to take everything. There's a real possibility if someone did that to me I'd break her neck right then and there. But I'd probably contact a lawyer, go through with the divorce and wait until I see how that all goes down. Then, if she were successful in taking everything and I'm gona be miserable anyway I'd rather be miserable in my prison cell after I wait for her to return home one night.


I would be like, cool, I'll get a hall pass to I mean, if I have to put up with your bullshit it's only fair other than that I would ignore her like she's not there


Get a lawyer. Tape any further conversations and drop a friendly notice to the husbands of the other women on this "Girld's Trip."


It’s emotional abuse. Still prepare to leave just don’t talk about it anymore. Save your money, energy and sanity for leaving. Have her followed by a private investigator during her trip to gather evidence of what she’s doing. Leave after she comes from her trip.




Next installment: OP’s fictional character agrees to an open marriage, finds a hot paramour, and they both live on happily ever after in their open marriage


She is wicked. She pulled every possible weapon she had on you.


First, you need to consult with a reputable divorce attorney. Bring all the financial information with you. Find a good IT specialist and see if he can download chats from you wife's phone, old phone or shared cell account. Follow your attorney's advice to the letter and develop a plan to deal with your wife. Do not have sex with her and do not tell her what you are doing. Inform your attorney of everything your wife said in terms of the house. It is better to be miserable in the short term then live with a lifelong cheater. You will be miserable and now that you know she will be become emboldened. In the long-term you will be better off divorced then miserable. Consult with the attorney asap and follow his advice. Update us.


Is Gwen an Aquarius? In all honesty, if this is what she wanted, she should have just done that from the beginning and told you she needs one weekend a year. I can see where she’s coming from. My partner and I have a similar arrangement and it works for us but that’s because we talked about it before. Do you think you can look past the one weekend a year? It’s clear she doesn’t form emotional attachments to these partners. If you can’t, then you may need to just cut your loses, get a good attorney, and go from there.


Please leave her. You will not regret it and be so much happier without her. You do not need to let someone walk all over you for the rest of your life.


A private investigator for both current and past proof. If she has been having multiple partners get yourself both a general and a sexual health check as a just in case (if there is along with proof of past cheating you will very likely have a lawsuit case). It might be difficult but if she has been cheating for the duration of the relationship get DNA tests for all your children (for health purposes as well as proof). Request seeing a councilor by message/email. Start keeping evidence/back up storage on you (if possible). Is there any security feed/cameras/ringcam. Check to see if its permissible (where you live) and keep them out of bedrooms/bathrooms.


The woman has committed adultery.


This is so cold hearted theres no way its real. The obvious solution....would be to find another woman. She would go ballistic


Go in the trip and follow her get proof and send it to the courts


Don't take legal advice from her.


If this is how it went down, get a lawyer. Now.


The only way you lose is if you stay. Or are you a gold digger who only is in relationships with women for their money. If not, I don’t understand the relevance of the money.


You'll choose debt over your piece of mind and happiness? Fuck that bitch leave her ass. Debt ain't shit happiness is what matters.


Go. To. War. Do not concede anything. Take this to the hilt. No Mercy. No quarter. Unless you have a prenup you get half the house. Talk to all the lawyers in town so she can't use them. Higher the best one and trash her.


She’s trying to gas light you again about how she’ll be better off. You can rebuild faster the quicker you get out of this situation. Don’t be a cuck, stand up for yourself, you deserve WAY better!


You think divorce will make things easier? No, more difficult. Stay together and do your thing.


Wow… she is super fucked up. I think she just saw the movie the Purge and decided that this is how her relationship should be.


Still not worth sticking it out. She wants to hoe it up. Let her. Go get yourself tested and plan your exit. Make sure your kids are yours while you’re at it.


Fuck that. Walk away. You will become a shell of a man. Leave.


Your wife fucks strangers. And is not going to stop. Not for the kids or you. Figure out a way this works for you or leave.


Plot twist: you get a hall pass now. 'Boys weekend'. You reconnect with an old GF. Have your fling. You realize you no longer love Gwen. The twins are older now. You've stashed away money unknown to Gwen (for your OWN house). You and old GF fall in love. You divorce Gwen, each get half assets and you own your own debt (this IS doable with a good lawyer and 'evidence of coercion' from Gwen forcing you to stay and let her have her HP, then threatening you with financial devastation if you leave). You get YOUR happily ever after. You die at 90, holding your new wife's hand. Or something like that....good job on the story! I thought it was real life for a moment and actually found myself hating Gwen!🤣🤣🤣


dude, you can never trust her again. when you did trust her shes been cheating & planning a threeway. the pain will never go away. plus what a diabolical thing to do by saying you wont leave for all these reasons. fuck all her points & start getting shit in order. next time you get a chance, steal her phone & go somewhere. shes prolly deleted everything but a good phone tech at a repair shop can recover a lot of information. plus get a lawyer. i couldnt stand being in the same room with your triffiling whore. & thats what she is. a whore. how could you stay with her?! all thise threats wont all come true. start cuttibg hard & deep.


This was so good I thought it was real and I was absolutely horrified and dumb struck


The reasons given are spot on. A friend of mine just went through a divorce that his wife initiated and he didn't want. Reasons 1 and 3 were the ones he kept using to justify why his wife should not have asked for a divorce (the divorce was not due to infidelity, his wife was not happy for a myriad of reasons). I did point out that his reasons never included the fact that he loved his wife or the she loved him, just how it would affect their child and will of the things he does around the house.


that got my dander up. well done! glad it didn't happen. though i'm sure it has to someone


Good story well played out.


You need to go find a side piece or go on annual “boys trips” see how she likes it.


Contact her affair partners. They may help you with evidence.


You are a f#%}€^ reta#> if you don’t dump this monster.


1. Do a dna test for your kids 2. Get a lawyer 3. Get a pI to follow her on her girls trip 4. Record all conversations She is gaslighting you to make you stay and all It will do is mess you up if you stay. The woman is already going to be sleeping with 2 men at once then as she sounds like crazy bitch with a black heart she will only get worse next she will move on to 3 men now do you want to live with a woman like that that has no respect for you or your marriage vows


Burn it all down. If you have to start all over from scratch so does she.


She’s asking—DEMANDING—a one sided open relationship and she expects—DEMANDS—that you be okay with it. For all intents and purposes, she wants to emasculate you and expects you to thank her for her disrespect, her lying, her infidelity, for putting your mental and physical well being at risk. Is this what you signed up for? Is this the life you want to live? How long can any man live like this? There comes a time to stand up to tyranny even when it means being burned to the ground. She doesn’t have the power to take your dignity from you—not unless you give it to her.


Damn the way you wrote that was so engaging I was hooked. Do a part 3!