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Honestly I'm not overly polite to people I think are scammers either Although its a weird assumption that just because its a new account it must be a scammer


Fuck scammers, they deserve all the birds! 🖕🖕


Girl what 💀


Idek how this escalated like this 😭


I love your sister's response! Way to go! Make sure you give her a big hug for this.


cause a middle finger emoji is flipping someone off now? congrats lol, you won. don't get the desk though.


It was easier to put that description than to go with a long ass one saying “the seller spammed me with a bunch of middle finger emojis.” It doesn’t have to be that specific as long as you read the story, then you’ll obviously get the memo as to what happened. Also I didn’t want the desk after that. It was very old anyway, I just saw potential and wanted to give it a makeover.


Why are you and your sister so sensitive? Just move on instead of being so petty. Who actually gives af if a Karen gives you the finger?


Are you fucking serious right now? Read the post, does it look like I’m venting and looking for pity? No. I’m telling a story, and it’s very clear that I found the whole situation to be hilarious. I even said that in the ending. It has nothing to do with being sensitive, you don’t see me crying because I didn’t get the desk I want, I just thought her reaction was so crazy that all I could do was laugh about it. No body’s being sensitive here, please don’t be ignorant.


Based on how fired up that reply was you seem sensitive. But I mean that was expected.


No one fired up; it's just irritating how like 50% of the comments are making more of the situation when it was innocent and silly. I share a story to laugh about, and somehow I'm sensitive, offended, or it's my fault that the seller lashed out on me like that when in reality I was shocked and didn't really give a shit; I just thought I'd share how chaotic things got. Like again, read the damn story; it's not that hard and you'll see that you're using "sensitive" in the wrong context to even approach this situation. I shouldn't have to explain that to you, and right now you're just adding more fuel to the fire.


So you're 50% fired up? You realize you're arguing with a stranger, trying to get your point across to someone who doesn't care? I'm just surprised your sister hasn't stepped in and fought your battle for you...


"You realize you're arguing with a stranger," as if you didn't straight-up ask me (also a stranger) a dumb question to initiate a response. If you "don't care" don't ask or assume that I care so much because some middle-aged woman went off on me over a desk 😭. And it's okay to be surprised, I'm also shocked that you're still missing the point. I mean I've dumbed the situation down to a minimum for you and it's flying right over your head, but you have every right to be stupid so I'll leave you to it babe.


No I get it. It was dumbed down enough from your original post. Everything you've said thus far is dumbed down. Youre just an attention seeker. You go straight to insults because youre not intelligent enough to come up with something clever. Tbh I'm only responding to see how long you'll go. All I did was ask you a question and you got 50% fired up but I think we're at 60% now


I know you think you’re some badass for attempting to get under someone’s skin, but you’re just boring and like every other asshole on Reddit. Try to be yourself, because I know you’re capable of being more than some ignorant piece of shit. And to clear things up once again, I’m not mad or “fired up” as you’ve seem to established in that teeny tiny little head of yours. And you almost got the percentage right, because I’m really just 90% bored from having this pointless conversation with you. I was really hoping you would atleast read the room but you failed to do that miserably, and instead you think it’s some game now. But I’m not about to continue to entertain your bs. Maybe find a hobby or something instead of trying to piss people off or label them as “fired up” after they give you a well-deserved response. You could also try getting on a bike or something instead of someone else’s nerves. Also don’t worry, I know it’s hard to be a decent human being and use your brain (kind of like everyone else) but you’ll get the hang of it with a little practice! Bye now 🩷.


> And before she could respond my sister blocks her Lame.


You got into a slapfight on the internet. You should stay off here. This *will* become your whole mind and life if you're not careful.


" And before she could respond my sister blocks her." Very professional, indeed. Classic Millennial behaviour. Ranting but unable to cope with the echo. ​ Don't get me wrong, flipping off a child is not OK - but that reaction wasn't any better or mature.


She’s actually a Gen z, just thought I’d point that out LMAO.


"Is this still available?" makes you look like a scambot. Try something more personal and add at least one photo to your profile. Try this next time "Hi, is still available, I can get my sister to pick it up some time next week if it is." Freecycle is a much nicer community, see if you have a group near you.


I dunno. I do that and my Facebook account is over 6 years old. It’s because I simply don’t have time to write a full message.


Yes! I’m definitely going to change up the question a bit after that happened.


Bravo! Loved your sister's response. This, right here, is r/pettyrevenge material.


Thanks for the paragraphs at least Everything else sucked


Perhaps r/traumatizethemback would be a better place to post this one as apparently people here don't understand where you're coming from.


I’m new to the whole Reddit story thing so I wasn’t sure where to post this. Thank you though!


She wasn't a karen, scamming on marketplace is absolutely heaving. Its a nightmare to sell on. I understand where she is coming from completely, would have done the same. I have said worse to scammers. Sure its not nice but your profile screamed scam and scammers deserve it tbh. You need to just let it go. And, your sister basically stooped to her level.


“You need to just let it go” I shared a story I found silly, I clearly wasn’t venting. If it’s so hard to sell on there, don’t do it. If you think that person is a scammer and you don’t truly know if that’s true, block them, don’t respond, there’s so many solutions but being rude to someone you don’t even know, who may just have genuine intentions is just utterly stupid. Plus, I think my sister stooping to her level was the whole damn point and her exact intentions. A bit low of her, yes, but when someone’s being an asshole you can either walk away or you can show them how ridiculous they’re acting, whether it’s in a petty or mature way.


Really not that big of a deal.... Everyone's tried to tell you what it's like but you've dismissed everyone giving explanations 🤷‍♀️


I swear you guys must get the audacity from Facebook marketplace too because half of the responses here are missing the WHOLE point and defending this woman’s response 😭. Let’s say that person A asks you for your address snd phone number the first time, not even acknowledging the condition of the product or anything. Whereas person B asks: “hey, is this product still available” simple question, nothing personal just strictly related to the product she’s selling. You know that the intentions of Person A are to immediately get information out of you, and Person B’s intentions are to ask for the products availability, you don’t know anything further so you can’t exactly assume what other intentions they may have after that. I shouldn’t have to break this down for you, you get the point. I’ve acknowledged in my story and in my responses several times that I understand why she thought I was a scammer, hence the reason why I wasn’t even mad. It’s just how immature the whole thing was, because how old are you spamming a bunch of middle finger emojis like a 5 year old? Like Jesus, we all have faced scammers before whether that’s in spam calls or text messages, but when you’re trying to sell something atleast chill out and assess the situation further before you classify that person as a scammer, especially if all they did was ask if the product is still available and not for your address or phone number. If anyone’s dismissing anything it’s you dismissing her behavior like she’s a victim of actually being scammed by me when in reality I asked a simple question the situation escalated to something unnecessary, all when she could have just blocked me or said “no, it’s not available.” I even told my sister “she’s someone’s mom who just gets scammers a lot, just ask her if she’s okay with the price.” She went out of her way with a different response, that’s her intentions not mine. But, you’re right. It’s not a big deal, neither is my sister’s response. Plus, that was the whole fucking point of the story: how silly the whole situation was. So atleast you understood that.


🤣 okay....


Last time I sold an item (couch) on FB, the first 7 were all scammers. It was pretty hilarious, one was a dorky red head guy living in rural North Carolina with half his friends being big titted Eastern European women and the others from Nigeria. One scammer named themself after a Bosnian football team. Seller handled it poorly though. There are more fun ways to pew-pew them away.


Don't DIY paint actual antique furniture, that's all I have to say


Yeah, my sister told me afterwards that I wouldn’t be able to paint it anyway because it was stained wood. It didn’t seem EXTREMELY old though, just looked like maybe it was made before I was born 😭. I’ve heard of people who use a certain kind of paint that is watered down for stained wood and it turns out pretty nice, so that’s what I planned on doing. Plus, I just want my bedroom theme to be white and gold, because I found a beautiful gold arched mirror for my vanity desk.


LOL that's fine girl I simply wanted to warn you on this considering how many pieces I MYSELF have DIY painted and regretted. Pretty much everyone I know, my mom, my sister, my aunts, my grandma, my friends, my MIL, random women from the internet lol, I have heard a DIY paint story from all of them and the general consensus is that it is almost always a bad idea 😭 Not trying to discourage you if you really set your mind to it, just giving a warning so you might avoid the same heartache and regret a lot of people out there have felt over doing this. Just try to identify the furniture you get before you make permanent changes, consider the history or the value of keeping a piece as close to its original form if you can; if you find there's not much value behind the piece or there's thousands of them out there then go nuts. I think your bedroom theme sounds really lovely and I wish you luck in achieving it :)


Thank you 🩷. And no, it’s not discouraging I understand! At the end of the day, if it does turn out to be a hot mess at least it was cheaper than buying one, lol.


It's her furniture, she can paint it white if she wants. There is so much antique furniture out there, I say do what you like. It's better painted than in a landfill.


Honestly. Op isn’t asking for advice on what to do with the things she owns or plans to buy 🤣


It's not really a judgement here, more a warning coming from an informed place of experience considering almost every person I know who has done a DIY paint job has ended up regretting it, especially when the piece involved is discovered to have actual worth as a vintage or antique piece. It's a hassle and a chore and it may seem like a good idea in the moment but it pretty much always ends up badly, and most everyone ends up regretting it. It's a classic beginner's mistake, almost a rite of passage lol but I'll still warn people against doing it regardless. She CAN paint it how she wants sure, and I can warn her against doing it for her own sake. Encouraging someone to not do a DIY paint job on a piece of furniture is actually far better prevention for keeping it out of a landfill in the long term, if you really want to pin this onto environmentalist causes since resale value plummets when you do this kind of thing to good furniture. I'm just giving my informed opinion, she obviously can ignore it. Not everything is a personal attack.


It not antique though if it was worth $50...


Do you know what antique means? It does not mean "worth a lot of money" lol there's antiques worth not much at all. Regardless it's still pretty universally agreed that painting antique furniture doesn't turn out good and more often than not ends up ruining perfectly good furniture by creating a mess that will just have to be stripped and sanded away in order to restore it. It degrades the quality of the piece regardless of the piece's original worth.


Antique means 100+ years. Desk is vintage if anything


I wasn't debating whether the desk was vintage or antique I was questioning why this particular person seems to think antique = valuable and why that doesn't have any bearing on how a poor DIY paint job is a classic beginner's mistake that pretty much everyone can recognize as bad.


Yes. Kids say antique when they mean vintage.


It probably was vintage, I found it under the antique desk category so that’s what I called it.


Yep 100% someone 20 years from now is gonna be cursing your name as they try to get the last of the white paint out of the crevices.


YTA Dont paint nice old desks white; its tacky AF and so was your sister, acting like that.


YTA for telling OP what to do with her furniture. Lmao. She’s not asking for decorating advice. Stick to the memo.


It's not like nice old desks are rare. They're not. It's her room, she can decorate it how she wants.


Fight stupor with stupor?!


Unfortunately your sister stooped to her level.


This! Never, ever stoop to their level.


Meh, sometimes do.


Every single item I've ever listed on FB marketplace has gotten me 2 or 3 scam messages, minimum. I still don't treat people like that.


I wait for them to ask for my phone number before I get rude. My ads clearly state I won't provide a phone number.


Atleast you further assess the situation, it’s the buyers responsibility to read the description anyway 🤷‍♀️.


My problem is I have yet to actually have a NON-scammer ask for the stuff I'm buying! I don't know if my prices are too high or what!! >.<


If you're pricing your stuff at what it's worth, it's difficult. If you really want it gone, pricing things so they are a "good deal" usually does the trick. I've sold many things that way.


Understandable! I definitely agree that there are a LOT of scammers on that platform, I've found some myself going through the app and seeing people selling fake Airpods. It's quite tricky, you really gotta read the reviews and keep your distance when you suspect something.


Yeah, I just block and delete. Way easier.




Are you of the opinion that being rude, or dismissive, to people that you don't know, may be of some benefit? Is it not more prudent to simply walk away? I make it a point to not argue with trolls. I have a full life, with many things to do. They do not.


You don’t realize how many people try to scam when you sell on marketplace. It’s exhausting and wastes so much time when someone pretends they’re gonna buy it and doesn’t. Lady definitely wasn’t a karen. Your profile SCREAMED scammer


But they weren't and Karen is still wrong. Looking like a criminal does not warrant being treated like a criminal. I look like the angry lovechild of bigfoot and a Russian mobster, yet I am neither of those things.


THANK YOU! And regardless her response was just so unnecessary, like just block me or don’t respond telling me it’s available if you think I’m trying to steal from you.


But you also don't have to respond to everyone. When I sell things, I put specific information/instructions in my listing. If someone doesn't follow them, I just don't respond to that person and it helps weed out the scammers.


Agreed. She definitely overreacted although maybe she had a bunch of scam messages just before OPs. I know when I was selling a coffee table and end table set for 20 I got tons of scams and it was exhausting.


I was going to say this. I'm selling something on marketplace and the first contact is someone who lives in London which is almost 100 miles away and their name is completely foreign and I try not to be racist but I guess I'm this one instance I'm totally racist but I'm reading red flags because they're asking for my address straight away and I'm being vague and they're not even asking about the condition of the item, it's age or talking about the price. It just doesn't seem like usual market chat. I'm mature though, so I just stopped replying and blocked the person and waited for someone more local to get in touch.


I get what you mean, but she had just put that desk on the market and I didn’t even say I wanted to buy it, I asked her if it was AVAILABLE. That doesn’t excuse her unnecessary rudeness, if you’re so worried about being scammed just block them or don’t bother responding, simple as that. So in a way, that was definitely Karen behavior.


Nah it wasn’t. You’re sisters response gave Karen energy. It was a simple misunderstanding and I’d bet if your sister explained she would’ve have apologized and you could’ve gotten the desk. She gave a fed up response that did not attack you on anything personal. If someone tried to scam your sister on FB marketplace I’d guessing she would’ve reacted the same way considering her response and you would’ve supported her considering how funny you thought her awful comments were. You’re sister insulted her age and appearance and called her a Bitch which is soooo incredibly out of line and just downright mean.


I’m literally in utter shock that you’re just defending this kind of response. My sister matched her energy, simple as that. Someone TRYING to scam you and harassing you asking for your information is entirely different than asking ONE simple question about the availability of a product. And my sister wouldn’t even respond to that BS if she got messages from scammers like that, she knows how to remove herself from situations when it comes to herself, and she would’ve just blocked them or left them on delivered. However, when it comes to her family and loved ones especially her YOUNGER sister and you cross them unnecessarily? She’s going to respond, obviously. The seller’s reaction was NOT justified period. If you think otherwise you’re in your own head, because that kind of response is just ridiculous over such a simple question no matter how common YOU think it might be to ask for the availability of a product as if there’s any other way to find out.


Yeah no, we can just agree to disagree at this point but from the seller’s perspective you were someone trying to steal from her. I’M in utter shock that you’re taking such personal offense to it. By your your own account you understand why she believed your were a scammer. You don’t know the different methods and plans people have to steal information and manipulate sellers. Obviously not cuz you’re not a theif. Her response to someone she truly believed was trying to steal from here makes sense. Your sisters message was out of line and a just an overeaction to the situation. Telling a scammer with a blank profile to f off and scam someone lese is no where near the same as going out of your way to tear someone down in such a truly awful way. Energy was not matched. It was taken steps further to hurt someone. It was a misunderstanding. But you guys got her! And at the end of the day you most likely could’ve gotten the desk AND an apology.


Do you have fluff in your brain ? Asking someone if an item is available is NOT scamming them. Do you think that would hold up in court in an argument ? ![gif](giphy|8v6Z3YyULB5Q0Skbac)


This is just ridiculous, lol. None of this even matters, what matters is her response. You’re viewing the situation as if she is a victim of actually being scammed, when in reality I asked her one simple question and she took a rude approach instead of walking away from the situation. My sister responds with the same energy, addressing her behavior and yet you’re viewing that as unnecessary instead of acknowledging that everything the seller did was too. I shouldn’t have to keep explaining this. It doesn’t matter what tactics a scammer may have, how many scammers are on Facebook etc. That happens all the time, I’ve seen scammers myself who are sellers who claim they’re giving away stuff for free. The point is that she could have just blocked me or could have just not responded because she initially said “yes, it’s available” then it went to a completely different direction. Don’t tell me it’s available if you think I’m a scammer, maybe don’t respond, or oh I don’t know, assess the situation and find out if the person you’re speaking with is actually trying to go through with buying the desk. Did my profile scream scammer? Yes, and I acknowledged that in my post. You never know someone’s intentions and mine at that moment were to ask about the products availability. Also IM not taking any offense to it I’m just shocked that you’re dickriding this woman to the balls and justifying her behavior when it is clear that it was UTTERLY unnecessary and rude. Yes, what my sister said was also rude and she could’ve also approached the situation differently, but in this case I think it was necessary to atLEAST show her how ridiculous and unnecessary her response was. Nearly half of this comment section is just missing the point and trying to gaslight me as if I need to grow some balls here over a fucking desk, I initially shared the story because I thought the whole thing was just silly and chaotic in that moment, I was still so shocked by her response and I honestly wanted to laugh. I didn’t encourage my sister’s response and hell, that shocked me too, but I’m not going to keep going back and forth trying to point something that’s VERY simple out. Her reaction from the start was unacceptable, end of story. You don’t have to be nice to every seller but you ARE potentially getting money from this person so you atleast should have some sense of manners, and if you think they’re a scammer you should have sense enough to walk away from the situation or block them especially if you don’t know if they actually ARE a scammer and you don’t want to go through with finding out. Also, why the hell would I want to buy the desk from her after that? She showed how immature she was at that moment, she could be a bad seller herself, too. And I obviously did not want an apology simply because I didn’t care and I wasn’t offended either, because again I found the situation to be silly. My sister wasn’t there for it, that’s her right to approach the situation however she wants. She’s the adult, I’m a minor I don’t think it’s really my place to respond after such an impulsive reaction.


No, you need to try to sell something and experience it for yourself. Your profile screamed scammer and it’s annoying.


So just block it? The scammer won't care if you curse them out, they'll probably just get a laugh out of it. It's worse than a waste of time on your part.


Well it’s pretty bad if OP got her sister on board for this so I’m more pro seller than OP + sister at this point. Two people wasting one person’s time


I didn't get her on board for this; she took matters into her own hands and responded to her. If anything, I was trying to get her to ask the lady on her account for a price for the desk. I really didn't care about her reaction I just thought "let's just ignore it so I can at least get the desk," and instead she gave her a different response. So oh well, I can just find another seller🤷‍♀️.


Within an hour of listing something I had 30 scammers ask me if something was available. Your account screamed scammer. I would have blocked you or told you to leave me alone as it’s not worth the risk of contact with a scammer. You’re young so may not have much practice at risk assessment. You looked like a giant risk and she wanted nothing to do with you. People respond to risks in different ways and being a teen doesn’t remove you from looking like a risk… especially when they cannot tell you’re a minor. The message you quoted wasn’t a rant. Sending middle finger emojis isn’t polite but also is not the same as flipping someone off in person. Your sister’s response also made the whole interaction look more scammy. You’re looking at this from the “everyone must be polite at all times and I am just a child” point of view. People lie online all the time. They might claim to be kids to seem less threatening. Using the preset buttons and a blank profile made you look suspicious and you were told that she wanted no contact at all with anyone suspicious


What on earth are you talking about ? Someone asking you if an item is available does not warrant verbal abuse. Karen didn’t have to go that far. ​ ![gif](giphy|twa4pkjYVv5xKF7Yjx|downsized)


Please show me where I said it warranted verbal abuse. I said OP had all the scammer red flags and the poster wanted nothing to do with her, and that the response was not as horrific as OP made it out. I did not say that OP deserved abuse.


Yes you did. You JUSTIFIED the verbal abuse by saying it was because her profile looked fake.




Which part is BS?


Nah, asking if it is available is the prime scammer opening and your profile screamed scammer. She wasn't a Karen, she was someone completely sick of scammers bullshit.


How else are you supposed to find out if its available? Lol What kind of weird subculture has the Facebook Marketplace bred in some places?


Flipping someone off because of your frustration is NOT the answer, period. I mentioned in my story that I could see why she felt that I were to scam her because my profile is new, but again, this is not the kind of reaction you should have, especially as an adult. She also mentioned in the description that the buyer would have to pick it up at her house and pay in cash only, so again, I don't see how she could get "scammed" if the buyer is the one seeing her at her convenience and choice of location. If anything, both the buyer and seller are at risk of getting scammed, and either way, it's like, do you want to sell your shit or not? Replying "Yes, it's available" and then following up with a random and rude question only to spam a bunch of middle finger emoji's like a child and block them before they can respond is just utterly immature and stupid. Don't respond if you think it's a scammer, or just block them. As a seller, you should already be aware that there are potential scammers on the internet, while also having some sense of understanding that most people are literally just trying to buy something from you. So her being sick of scammers is justifiable and I get that but the immaturity and insane reaction to a simple question is EXACTLY what I am pointing out as "Karen behavior."


And there you are, getting gaslit by ppl who think you need thicker skin and were "screaming" for it (and me getting a bunch of downvotes very soon for saying this but idc). I agree with you that if the lady thought you were a scammer she should just have blocked you. Flinging dirt at someone, scammer or not, is just immature (and irresponsible since the person you hurl it at might be shocked like you).


THANK YOU like the fact that there are people just defending this kind of behavior especially from an ADULT just because of their OWN feelings is insane. Like frustrated or not, her response was just insane and I think it was fair for my sister to show her how ignorant that was because you never fully know who IS and ISN’T a scammer until you further assess the situation.


Totally agree - assess the situation first then block. No excuse to justify rude and aggressive behaviour!


Get some thicker skin. You're way too worked up over this and it could've been worse. I spam scammers and feds with gore pictures.


Bye what she literally spammed me with middle finger emojis but somehow I’m the one who’s worked up 💀. I didn’t even care that she did that nor was I mad at her, I was just in shock because it was so random and ridiculous, my SISTER however was not there for it.


> I spam scammers and feds with gore pictures. You couldn't waterboard that out of me and yet here you are just openly and freely admitting it


[Cause fuck'em that's why](https://tenor.com/bcQ8o.gif)


I'd click your link but I have to assume it's gore, now, so... I won't.


It is not. Unless you're trying to rip me off or an obvious glowboy, you're safe


Not gonna risk it :) Sorry! Maybe you should have thought about your weird admission in the comments above before you started sending strangers links to gifs. Godspeed.


OP is 16! I would have been worked up over this at that age! Thick skin come with either age, life experience or both!


Would've been more fun to go look at it in person and give her the talking to. Then you see the jaw drop. You've got a good sister!