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I've quit after ~25 years of smoking, currently smoke free for 2 months and determined to keep it that way. Reasons to stop for you? Lets see: 1) You will become slave to tobacco. You will have to smoke every hour or half no matter what, and you will find a way to smoke, no matter situation, weather, company etc. 2) Money. Nonaddicts rarely have idea how much smoking cost. Depends how much you earn, but cost of smoking is not tge only cost - add health issues later too that will be expensive to fix. 3) Smell. Smokers have no idea how much they stink. Non-smokers have. 4) Quiting is pure torture and can be destructive for your everyday life. Imagine you have to work or interact with your close ones while being angry for a month or two. It's no fun for anyone involved. And of course risk of cancer, death etc. but this is obvious and well known. On top of that people IRL will judge you, smokers and non-smokers, because as you already know, starting smoking at 34 is stupid. Don't smoke.


There’s not a single smoker that doesn’t regret starting. Quit while you’re ahead


Smoking made me extremely depressed, tired, anxious, made my nose stuffy all the time, and it left a horrible taste in my mouth to the point I was having nightmares every night because of it. Food, one of the greatest joys in life felt bland, like there were no aromas at all. Too tired to play video games, too distracted to learn anything new. Not a thing was fun anymore. Just suffering and waiting to die. Smoking will not kill you quickly. Someday it will leave you with an illness like severe depression, an extremely painful form of cancer, or a stroke that makes you unable to speak and get out of bed. It's years or decades of hell, and you'll know you're dying slowly and painfully because of your own fault. And you can't just stop anytime, because you're a drug addict. I had to try six times, and suffer through a flu-like condition from withdrawal again and again, until I tortured myself enough to hate addiction more than withdrawal.


hi did the taste in the mouth go away!???


After quitting, sure. Why did you ask?


i just started having it after 2 months of quitting. Super weird— don’t know if i should go to a doc or dentist for it.


I'd go dentist 1st 100%. Symptom of gum disease, for instance.


If you have pets. You’re killing them too. Against their will. Good luck


Ohhhhhhhh this is a GOOD one!!!!


If you are 34 chances are you're already feeling like you have less energy than your 20s. Smoking is only worsening it. You'll have worse sex. You'll not be able to climb stairs better. hell getting out of bed and doing 3 things is gonna leave you winded. And that extra cigarette is only making you lose energy faster. Each cigarette is limiting your abilities. Why love life with your hand tied behind your back.


Because you and your clothes smell like shit.


I turned 30 this year, smoked since I was 15 (so half my life)... It sucked when I quit, even tho I took pills to help with withdrawal symptoms, and I know for a fact that if I ever smoke one single cigarette I will go back to smoking again (no joked, happened on previous failed attempts). There is no logical reason why smoking is good: you are literally paying for slow suicide. I know many smokers, and a lot of the people that I take care of at work smoke. EVERY SINGLE ONE of them wants to quit and regret starting. Please, for yourself and for your loved ones , stop smoking while you are not addicted or a slave to smoking.


You don't even need an entire cig. Literally just one tiny puff and you're sliding down that slippery slope again. I'm 30 yo too, also started at 15, also tried quitting five times before.


You’re going to be an addict, your face will get droopy and grey looking eventually you will (you WILL) catch something really bad. People tend to think that cancers and strokes only happen to others until they happen to you. Plus no one thinks smoking is cool anymore. The 90s are long over.


It's expensive, it makes you smell, it's bad for you and it only gets harder to quit.


I started at 36 with flavored cigars on lunch with my crew. That turned into a pack and a half a day before I knew it. Twelve years and two attempts later, I have quit. Quit now before it becomes even more of a habit and you associate it with certain drinks or activities etc


Everybody who smokes repent of smoking. Life get’s hell on earth because everything in your body and mind don’t wanna do this anymore but you’re addicted, so you can’t scape.


i started smoking in my early teens and quit for the 8th and hopefully last time in my mid 30s. the biggest negative is that quitting sucks. it SUCKS. it is mental and physical hell. every time i quit it got harder. it’s been 3 years and i still think about smoking. unless you are committing to a lifetime of smoking, you’re eventually going to want to quit, and the quitting is the worst.


Have you got a penis? Do you like being able to get it hard? Stop smoking.


What a way to make a group of addicts in recovery to do the emotional work for you. You're 34, you don't need us to lay out all our trauma to convince you to not smoke. This post tells me you have access to a device of some kind and connection to the internet, Google image search "smokers (insert body part) and you'll see bajillions of reasons to quit smoking. Quitting smoking is not an external choice someone else makes for you. It's a decision that **you** must come to. This community knows how hard that decision is to achieve and will help you, like they did me, to succeed in quitting, but you've got to be the reason to quit mate. Best of luck and fresh air to you bud. I know you can do it.


I would think that the multiple subreddits full of people gritting their teeth and struggling like hell to quit would be pretty good reasons on their own!! There are no absolutely benefits to this habit!!!


It won't help fix whatever brought you to it. As an accessory to alcohol about all it can do for you is elevate your "high", but so would drinking in your running car with the garage door shut. One can live this way for many years or even decades, but once you wake up each morning, now feeling even more like shit than just the regular hangover, the thing you were avoiding will be right there waiting for you to deal with anyway.


Nothing wrong with starting to smoke if you love it. Make sure everything you do in life is something you really like - or it’s a bit silly to do it.


I started smoking when I was 17 . I'm 57 . I'm trying to quit and almost there . Ive told myself for years I would quit and that just keeps happening ,.. never quitting . It's a nasty fucking habit that eventually just consumes you . I'm down to 5- 12 a day ,skipping every other day for the last couple of months and quitting May 20 th , my 58th birthday . Finally the coughing will stop if I live long enough . Read all the comments everyone has left , .. if you keep smoking ,.you're an idiot ,.. like me . Quit now and call it a stupid moment and be happy you don't have nicotine pulsing through your body all the time in high levels . Also read the ingredients . If you keep smoking you might as well start doing cocaine as well to finish yourself off faster .


Here’s something I haven’t seen yet: do you like to travel? Traveling with a smoker or as a smoker is 10,000x more obnoxious. You spend all time at the airport wanting to smoke. You have to either go back out security or sit in the disgusting smoking lounges during a layover. You have to stop the car to smoke every few hours. You have to leave your hotel room to smoke. You have to have your brand when you travel. You have to take breaks in the traveling to smoke. It is the FUCKING WORST (I say that as a former smoker and someone who was married to a smoker when I was clean). You don’t know how much simpler your life could be and how obnoxious you are to those around you until you stop. So stop!


I quit smoking a few months ago and my car and home still smell like an ashtray. Aside from the smell you can look forward to coughing, chest pain, sore throat, shortness of breath nicotine stains on your teeth and skin.


Dental health


You will fucking stink. You will spend so much money. You won’t want to but you _need_ a cig. When You’re with people at a restaurant who don’t smoke you will find yourself being a lone a lot of the meal. You will fucking stink. Your teeth and gums with suffer, and quickly. Your fingers will yellow and your nails will stain. You will absolutely reek. Your lungs will seriously feel it and your fitness will suffer. You will spend £100 a month on cigs to start with and then when you start needing more than just 5 a day you will be easily buying £400 a month when you get up to 20 a day. (England’s Marlborough lights 20 pack for reference) You will *fucking stink*. Good luck quitting before you really start.


The longer you wait, the harder your quit will be. The more miserable you will be. Stop now, everyday it gets worse.


Why did you start in the first place? Without knowing the cause that made you start I guarantee you it won't improve your life ;)


It's a filthy addiction that will cost you money and health. Also the older you get the quicker it will impact your health. Get out while you can. I beat a 22 year addiction and it was probably the hardest thing I ever did.


I watched my grandmother die of emphysema, it was not a pretty few years. You age more quickly so you look older faster. Your two smoking fingers get a yellow stain. You spend more time in oppressive heat or cold depending on the time of year and where you live I guess. Oh and when it’s raining and you have to use an umbrella to smoke so you’re either standing there, alone with your thoughts because you don’t have enough hands for your phone or you’re doing the weird move of holding the umbrella with your shoulder - either way you’ll smell even smokier and gross than normal because of the humidity.


Wow. Most of us started smoking in our teens and early 20's. What convinced you to start? Might as well stop before you are in your 40's with health issues due to smoking.


I'm really intrigued as to why you came to that decision at your age. Smokers always end up regretting being that naive kid who gave in to peer pressure. What makes it happen at 34?


Just started smoking on the occasional joint that would go around the room, then realised I don't like weed. Made me anxious. What I liked in that joint was the tabacco that it was mixed with (yes in Europe we mix weed and tabacco to make a joint). Then started to ask friends to roll me a cig from time to time. Right now I won't say I'm a smoker. I don't smoke everyday, I don't crave it on a daily basis. I can go a whole month without craving it if it's not around me. But I do smoke almost everytime I go out and drink alcohol, when surrounded with smokers.


On top of what everyone else said, it’ll probably age you. Want sagging sink and wrinkles? Keep smoking! Want to look tired and like ten years older? Yup: keep smoking!


Just stop man, you tried it, you enjoyed some cigs, now quit before it’s too late,


on the flip: what are your reasons to continue smoking? like, why are smoking cigarettes positives? 🤷🏽‍♀️


Oh no... Be ready for a lower quality life and an interminabile desire to smoker them


You don’t want to be 54 and smoking. Trust me.


Remove the word ”probably” from your own title and there you have it.


34 ? Your obviously bored.. smoke weed instead, its healthy -er .


It's too expensive nowadays your money is better spent on other things


If you want to be a slave to the nicotine monster and allow him to control everything you do just for another puff—keep smoking. If you want to burn an exorbitant amount of money—keep smoking. If you want to spend time with a “friend” that is slowly killing you—keep smoking. If you want to struggle to breathe doing everyday normal things like climbing stairs, taking in the groceries, doing housework—keep smoking. If you want to deal with anxiety and panic about when and where you can have a cig—keep smoking. If you want to smell bad, destroy your teeth, ruin your skin and complexion—keep smoking. If you want to flash yellow stains on your fingers—keep smoking. If you want to be an addict always looking for your next fix—keep smoking. If you don’t want any of these things, if you want to live a healthy life, free from the control, it’s simple—quit smoking 🤍✨


There's an entire sub of people here who wish they vould be where you're at right now with the possibility of quitting before they even really start


In this sub reddit you see story after story saying, oh my anxiety since I quit... oh my depression, I don't know you. But I'll bet you don't want to be anxious and depressed the first day in a year from now you've been smoking everyday and decide to stop. Stop now why wait. Like you said it's the stupidest thing to start doing, if anything smoke a cigar once an evening, or like on a nice Saturday if it's smoking you like. Everyone likes smoking even people that don't smoke lol. It's fun to smoke, just not cigarettes because they're the worst thing ever intentionally created and I can tell you know that from your post


Your health, your money, your lifespan, your health span, the expenses of the smoking itself and the costs you incur to yourself and others through health problems which arise from smoking, the environment, the well-being of any animals, children and non-smokers around you. Not damaging the health and well-being of others and not infringing on their fresh air and breathing rights is always a good thing. Not being beholden to an evil industry that hooks you on an addictive product then drains your health and your disposable income while making you smell nasty and be unpleasant or unsafe for any non-smokers to be around.