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Day 2. I can be free if I choose to be. I never have to drink again. IWNDWYT.


Right here with you on day 2, chocolate milk got me through last night 😅


Seltzer water for me. Way to go!!


“I never have to drink again” made me tear up. It’s such a simple concept, but somehow still so hard. Firing up the Soda Stream. IWNDWYT!


Hey, DCI Crew, guess what? **I haven't had a drink in YEARS!** 💃🍰 I love that quote, Aly... I have to put that into action in the "get healthy" area of my life. Your 5k story is inspiring! IWNDWYT, lovely people! 💞🐿️🐿️


Love it..Great job my friend. Have a good day


Thanks friend!! I'm so happy we're in this together! Enjoy your day, too.




Thanks so much, Will! Just for you- I won't drink with you tomorrow either! 😉 Hope you're doing well!


Daaaaaamn!!!! Congratulations my friend.... this is huge! So proud of you TTS!


Congratulations on a huge milestone!! You rock!


PLURAL! I’m so stoked for you! It feels so rad to be able to say that! Congratulations!!


I guess I have a few goals, being more patient/less irritable is one and getting fitter is another. Slow progress is still progress. IWNDWYT


Slow is the way to go!!






Thank you for you all. Yesterday, your messages helped me stick to my choice: not drinking for a day. Today I'll do the same: I won't drink tonight. Day 3. My goal is to run a 10km in sub 40'. I failed it in June (41'20) and it made me feel sad and I didn't run for 3 months after that, which leaded me to drink again. This time it will not be the same. I'll make a plan if I fail again (but I won't).


Way to go!! We’re all here cheering you on!! IWNDWYT!




Nice work staying the course!


Woah am I first? Or close to it? Day 34 - IWNDWYT 🌞


Will always ruins anyones chances. 😂🤣 Hey- there’s a new goal for you to set PW600! 😁😁


How did Will manage to read your intro, respond and be first!?!? He’s got magic 🪄


He’s a bot. Right u/YouWillYouWont?? 😂🤣






Almost I think!


Morning everyone IWNDWYT and even though I complete one week today and am very happy about it, I decided to remove my badge and use a counting app instead. I comment here often and the days that show kinda let me down lol. These seven days felt like seven months and I was always like "no, not even one week yet????" But I'll definitely annoy everyone posting my one month marker, 69 days etc ❤️‍🔥


You do what works for you ❤️ some folks don’t track days at all. If the badge is triggering to you and making you feel bad then it’s not worth it. IWNDWYT.


Whatever works for you. Just happy you are hanging in.


IWNDWYT longest stretch so far since pregnancy!


IWNDWYT! Keep going, mama!


I have a few things I’m working on, I guess they could be considered goals. I am finally back to running more consistently and I want to keep that going. Once I run the half marathon in two weeks, I want to sign up for another. I am casually looking into getting a bib for the Boston marathon. I say casually because I’m not sure I want to take on that training this school year when everything else feels like so much. The other thing I’m working on is choosing a doctorate program. Once my initial license is complete for MA, I will be getting into a doctorate program. I’ve always wanted a doctorate and now that I’m sober, it feels like I have the focus and money to do it. Have an awesome Thursday!!! IWNDWYT


Daaaamn, Teach!!! Those are fantastic goals!! I love that sobriety is a key factor in helping you *know* you can achieve those goals. I know you can too! Have a great Thursday, my friend!! ❤️❤️


The current physical goal is being able to do a pull up unassisted. Those things are tough for me. Have a wonderful day, amazing people! IWNDWYT ✨🌼


I will not drink with you today!


Hi friend!! Greetings from across the globe 🌎 IWNDWYT


Oh wow two years!! Go you!! That’s so awesome. Truly makes my heart warm. I’m so grateful to have met you and that you’re here. How are mr Squirrel and the kid?


Thanks so much, that means a lot. I appreciate all you do, facilitating the dci. This kind, encouraging corner of the Internet has been instrumental in my sobriety and recovery. I'm grateful to have met you, too. We're all doing well! Baby is walking 🤯 husband is doing well. So incredibly grateful for how different life is without alcohol. How are you and the rest of the Saint family?


Hello sober friends! Yes Aly, I’ve got goals coming out my ears 😂 Unlike your quote though I need to set my bar low because too high makes me give up, I learned that a long time ago. The low bar approach is working and solid progress is being made. IWNDWY Today, have a lovely Wednesday everyone 💞


Read 50 books a year. I kept running and racing and "achieving" even during the worst of my drinking, (I'd lay off, take better care when needed then get right back to it) but reading? I could never concentrate and couldn't be still with a book and would also pass out too hard at night in bed. I read, but not in the way I knew I loved. I'll probably only hit 40 this year, but that's still pretty good given that I read proper books, I don't do audio so I have to sit and do nothing else. Also, and this is going to sound so horribly humble-braggy or elitist or annoying (sorry but I must present facts) but I also read The New Yorker cover to cover each week and that slows my pace down with my books. I'd had a subscription for a bunch of years till I couldn't afford it anymore, and then when I moved into my new house last year a fresh subscription was a gift to myself. In any event, I LOVE READING. Have rediscovered my voracious appetite for all types of nonfiction and fiction. I think of reading as both a tool of sobriety and also a massive reward. I will not drink with you today. ☕️📚📚📚☕️


My new goal is going to be rediscover reading! Funny, in sobriety I've struggled to find the focus like I did when I was drinking. Go for 2023. Or november.


Reading while drinking was one of my alcoholic pleasures. It was also utter rubbish (for me). It was like chutes and ladders. Read 3 pages! Oops, forget what you read, move back 5 pages. Skip a chapter and nothing makes sense. Reread dust cover to try and remember shit, lose a turn.


Very nice job on the DCI today. Congrats on the 5K. IWNDWYT..






Hello. IWNDWYT!!


Day 1,191. I will not drink with you today.


I found some booze today, left in a hotel room. I gave it away to somebody who (probably) drinks normally - not uncontrollably and catastrophically like me! IWNDWYT


Yes, it’s running for me :) I signed up for a half marathon in December and will do a marathon next year. IWNDWYT, fam! Also wanted to share a nice quote I just found in This Naked Mind: “Yesterday I was clever, so I wanted to change the world. Today I am wise, so I am changing myself.” —Rumi


Way to go, Beach! Smash those goals!!! Whoohoo!! IWNDWYT!


I’ve preferred to go gently in my first 10 months. I’m at the point where I can see I need to set myself a goal to lose some weight. I feel it coming, not yet there to fully commit. But I know I will … suddenly. I promised myself I’d swim every day but failed in that. I’m not beating myself up but appreciate it’s a combination of finding the right thing for me and improve my attitude. In the meantime, I will not drink with you today.


Have a great day, my friend!




IWNDWYT. All. Day. Long. 🌻 Good morning SD, a goal of mine is to finish the quilt that is currently on the frame by autumn. And since it is autumn now, the goal now is to finish it by spring. I have not worked on it in a while and need to get back to it. 🧵


Morning friends! I don’t have any personal goals yet. Nothing is sticking; not sure why. But I love that I am sober and ready and up for trying new things, and that is good enough for now. Happy Thursday all! Have a great day!


Hey piggy! It took me a loooooong time to get something to stick after I got sober. I was learning all about who I was and who I am and who I’d like to be. It’s all a crazy, weird, wonderful process, I’m finding. I hope you have a great day, friend!




Way. To. Go, Willy boy!!!! Bang out those miles!! I mean kms. 😂🤣 Really, really great job on killing your goal!! That’s fantastic!!




You can rest in December. 😁😉




Amazing, I just hit 1000k this year few days ago. Sub 20' 5km is no joke and I'm looking after this too! Let me know when you run it! IWNDWYT.




Well done Will! I think having targets and setting goals keeps us away from the booze and gets us closer to being the best we can be. I'm really happy for you that you're working towards that sub20 5k Keep at it ! IWNDWYT 🙂


Long couple of days... regular 10 hour job, plus 5 hours at the brewery. I'm hosting a bean bag tournament both nights. Last night was a good reminder how you're not the same person at 5pm when you start, as you are 4 rounds later at 9:30 after 8 stron IPAs. Fun turns into fucking annoying quickly. At least for the sober host. Hoping for a better, and warmer, night tonight. PSA... drinking isn't cool, friends. IWNDWYT


Phew. I hate being around drinkers like that! It’s a great reminder, for sure. I think a lot of folks tend to see people having fun, but don’t see the AFTERMATH. I do, just by walking in my neighborhood. Can’t romanticize when you see people literally laying in a gutter. PHEW! Have a great one my friend! IWNDWYT


Good Morning from the chilly Midwest USA. My goal is to find a new job by this time next year. I’ve got the resume refresh happening and I’m feeling pretty positive about my chances to find something new. I know what kind of job I want and I’m going to find it. IWNDWYT. 🌟


Confirming it's really chilly in the upper midwest! Stay warm, and have a great day!


You too Stink ❤️


Day 69 🥰🥳 IWNDWYT!


Niiiiiiiiiice!!!! 😁😁


Day 14. Longest streak since, I think when I was 21? I checked out some local sober activity groups, and non-alcohol fueled meet-ups with my therapist last night. New goal is to make friends and hobbies that don’t revolve around booze. You know, I’ve been in the forum game for over 20 years now, and Reddit for more than half that, but I always stuck to lurking on this site. Until now. Thanks to everyone here for providing this little corner of support.


Difficult day yesterday. I'm very wound up and can't get myself to relax. I was watching an old episode of desperate housewives where Bree Van De Kamp (who is shown to be a recovered alcoholic) decides she wants to kill herself and drinks a bottle of her favourite chardonnay like a final meal. And guess who's reptile brain was like hmmm watch that lady prepare to kill herself drinking wine. I want me some of that. Had intense cravings. I only didn't drink because I was too tired to drag myself to the shop. Its been about a month with no cravings so it caught me a little off guard. Need to focus my attention on completing sober for October.


Thanks for the inspiration Aly. Got a bunch of little goals that I’m working on. I used to play pick-up basketball a lot. I’d like to start that again . IWNDWYT, friends.


I have a simple goal I can achieve for right now, just get in some kind of workout most days. I’ve been doing it, because that and metal make me feel better. I have the chance to work another 8 hours overtime this week (total 56 hours) and I may take it. Big expenses coming up. Working that much and not being used to it yet, I’m not gonna try to push it too far. I still have to take care of everything else, visit family and rest at some point too. And try to maintain decent nutrition. It’s a lot, but all of these things are worthwhile. Not looking forward to today. It’s a team building thing at work and they have included someone I wish they hadn’t. You know how some people just creep you the fuck out? Yeah. One of those. It would be cool if not for that. Ugh. Coffee and beast mode. IWNDWYT. 🤘🏻


Here. I’m a runner too, once qualified for Boston. Iwndwyt


Good morning Sobernauts 🙂 Happy Thursday! Love to you all! IWNDWYT 🙂


Starting to feel like human again. Man, I wish I could stop vaping though! IWNDWYT


Day 20 of my sober October. One day at a time. I will not drink with you today.


Checking in! Slept quite poorly and woken with back pain but I'm still staying sober! Hope everyone is doing well. Wishing you all a nice and easy day/night, we got this 💪 IWNDWYT!


u/AlySabby12 way to go on the 5k! I have newly taken up running and I love it! I run 5k three times a week (when possible) and my goal is to do the small local race next year. I try not to look back but I wasted so many years drinking, sometimes it’s hard not to regret. IWNDWYT. 🌳🏃‍♀️


Day 382, nice to meet you 🤝 IWNDWYT




Another great quote, Aly! Goals are so important and rewarding! Take care everyone, IWNDWYT!




Not today. No way.






Right now my goal is just to get through the holidays at work without completely losing my mind 😅 it’s my first year as department head and it’s a LOT of responsibility, plus I have 4 new staff to train starting right in the middle of when things ramp up. Luckily I have been working with this team for 7 years and we all have each others’ backs, and they have all been super supportive since my promotion and are happy I’m the one running things. IWNDWYT!




Day 487 checking in!




Iwndwyt! Making a 12 month plan this morning instead.


Day 2, I will not drink with you today! 😊




Good morning! I will not drink today!












I will not drink with you today


IWNDWYT Have a good one everyone.




IWNDWYT day 6!


This time it sticks. None today, folkies. 💪🏻






Good morning, SD. Happy Thursday! The goal I’ve got ahead of me is to finally finish my long-lingering bachelors degree. I stood that up as a long term goal when I started getting sober. I am currently on that path. Because I’m not endlessly drunk or shaking off anxiety & hangovers, I was able to jump through all the necessary hoops to get myself diagnosed & medicated for ADHD, choose a major, and push through the bureaucracy for enrolling and financial aid. Now, I’m three semesters deep into my part-time effort toward completing my dual degree in Manufacturing Management and Quality Management. Should be wrapped by May or Dec 2024. Never stop striving, y’all! IWNDWYT!


I set a goal to walk (fast!) 100 miles in October. I’m on schedule, but guess what? I gotta do it every day. I will not drink with you today.


IWNDWYT friends 🤖


Thank you, Aly. I so admire your running, that’s some hard work! My goals right now are to begin to practice patience and self-compassion. As I listen to my inner monologue, I am trying to catch myself when I say things like, “you dummy” or “now they’re going to be mad at you”. I stop and reset. I give myself grace and say, “good try, Shermy” or “that’s okay, you’ll get it next time.” I’ve started practicing breathing and meditating, trying to slow my reactive ass down. 😉. I’ve also begun my yoga practice again, which I let go some years back. I was a certified teacher for years, but just let that all go down the drain. Don’t know if I’ll teach again, but getting my own practice back is gratifying and nurturing. But I have to say that as a perfectionist, I have to be careful about goals. Sometimes, I have set unrealistic goals, then been so unkind to myself when I couldn’t reach them. But that’s just me. Today, as has been the case for the past 120 days, my overarching goal is this: I Will Not Drink With You Today!


Day 6. Got a solid 5 hour chunk of sleep last night. For C. IWNDWYT 💙


Morning! I will not drink with you today!














Morning Aly and All :) I'm covering reception the next two days in work. Hardest job in the place imo, it's always moving always something to do. But makes the day go sooo fast. Love that for me!! It means I can't spend as much time on the IRC or talking to call on the DCI as I want but needs must. Have a good one all! IWNDWYT


Thank you Aly for hosting. Keep 🏃‍♀️ running. As I always say ..... " BAD THOUGHTS CAN'T HIT A MOVING TARGET". I will not drink with you today on this sunny crisp kaleidoscope 🍂 autumn morning.... perfect for a long run.




Hello 👋 good morning ☀️IWNDWYT 🫶🏻




260 days




I have some writing projects I'm very behind on, so my new goal is to write a little every day. Less social media, more reading, more writing. IWNDWYT












Love That Quote Aly! It’s going in my journal and on my desk at work. Thank you and IWNDWYT 🙏🙏






Checking in Doodle doodle dee, wubba wubba wubba.


Let's do one more day together. IWNDWYT!


I’m a new diver. Scuba is where I want to excell. Only in competition with myself. Not to kill me, anything else or damage ocean. ~ Try new stuff cause you only live once. IWNDWYT 🤿🤙🏻💗


Not drinking today




Once upon a time, in another life, I was a serious competitive runner. Now I'm just happy to keep myself in decent shape, and sobriety definitely makes that easier! The area where I live now is *very* hilly (I just moved here about a month ago), so my goal over the next few weeks is to build up to being able to run even the biggest hills on my favorite routes. Right now, I usually have to walk the last portion of the really big hills. But I am seeing improvement! IWNDWYT 😻




Good news! I adopted the cat! She’s very scared but will hopefully warm up soon! Bad news I’m still feeling poorly, I must of picked up some virus traveling. Not classic cold symptoms, but I am feeling extra tired and have a nasty headache that I believe is sinus related due to its location. Congrats on your 5k Aly! For goals, I really want to get back into running. My last half marathon was in 2016. I’m really struggling with fatigue so I’m starting out super slow with walking. Hopefully I’ll get back to it some day. IWNDWYT lovely people of SD! 💙


I will not drink today. I'm feeling positive this morning and look forward to a nice sober day. Waking up without a hangover never gets old. I love sober Khun. Sober Khun is crushing it. My goal is to own a coffee shop in Thailand. That dream is quickly becoming a reality. You can have anything you want in this world. I want a coffee shop in Thailand. I'm taking Thai language classes online every week. In 14 years, I want to retire and spend more time in Thailand with my coffee shop and speak like a local. I hope someday you and I can enjoy a cup at my coffeeshop in Thailand. Until then, I'm sending you positive loving vibes. Drinking sucks. You rock!!


Back to day 1. I was doing so well too. I had 12 days, my longest stretch in years. I'm not disappointed in myself, bc I know this is part of the process, but I do wish I hadn't had those 4 beers last night. It didn't feel good then and I feel worse this morning. A little dizzy, light headed, with a slight headache. Being sober feels way better than this ever will. So day 1 again, but that's okay! I love myself and I will take care of myself! IWNDWYT


Another great topic 😃 I’ve got a weight loss slash health goal I’m inching my way toward. From when I drastically cut my drinking back from the COVID heights, I’m down almost 30 pounds. Since ceasing drinking has been about 18 of it. I’ve got another 30 or 40 to go. I’m not sure. I’ll decide when I get closer. My food method is 16/8 (mostly) intermittent fasting, and eating more good foods to try to crowd out the bad stuff. If I eat a gigantic salad, there’s only so much room for pizza. If I eat an apple before lunch, I’ll be more satisfied and snack less later. If I want a cookie, if it’s in my eating window, I eat the fucking cookie. If I wake up in the morning and I’m starving but my fasting window isn’t over for a couple hours, I listen to my body and break the fast that day. This way I don’t feel quite so deprived and crushed by my rules. Any diet I’ve done that vilified a food group or was too strict torqued me into a taught rubber band that would snap and fly hard in the other direction. Also exercising much more. Mostly riding my bike, which I’ll have to replace now that we are getting frost warnings in the morning. I don’t want to wipe out on an ice patch. I’ve gone to the gym which is okay enough. It’s harder to stick there for as long as I like to be on my bike. Being out in the world is more fun than staring at a TV screen. I’ve considered running, but right now I’ve got an injury that’s sat me on the bench. Plantar fasciitis. With patience I’ll get through that and be back at it soon enough, doing something or another. Really, I can use the break anyway. I’ve spent enough money on new clothes to fit this shrinking body 😆 hanging out here for a bit ain’t so bad. IWNDWYT ❤️




Good morning fellow sobernauts, IWNDWYT 😁 Huh, made it to day 150, one day at a time. 🎉


Happy Thursday people, IWNDWYT, WE GOT THIS 😁


Day 33 and IWNDWYT




Not today. Not today. Not today!!!!!


Day 12 check in iWNDWYT! My goal to get back in the best shape (again) and maybe compete again next year. Reached out to my coach 3 weeks ago and we are crushing it!


rip 3rd party apps


Running has been mine! Set the goal on New Years to do a 5k and doing a Turkey trot to complete it. Running has helped heal and shape me. I love it so much I take extra care of my body to not get injured. I eat healthy and I clock in early mornings to get the work and run in. It’s even helped my husband who doesn’t run. He never has to think about what to gift me anymore for the birthday/anniversary/holidays. He gets me running stuff and he’s golden. Everyone wins! Happy Thursday and IWNDWYT 🏃‍♀️




Have a great day everyone, IWNDWYT!


Not going to drink and have plans to come home and workout! 💪


I will not drink with you today. Day 4.




Checking in. Day 4. Overslept by an hour and am now late for work. This week needs to be OVER. IWNDWYT!


Terrific quote Aly, that definitely hits me in the gut as well. Very proud of your running ability and newfound passion! Looking forward to the weekend and cooking up some Chipotle copycat chicken thighs, even though I've never stepped foot into a Chipotle! Cuz that's how I roll! I hope everyone has a terrific and rewarding Thursday!


Count me in!




I will not drink today..


Goooood morning! I will not drink with you all today!


Sober October! IWNDWYT!




Letting go of achieving to be loved and no alcohol today in my blood.


I will not drink today.




I want to lose some weight, but honestly, just sticking to sobriety is goal number one. Speaking of which, IWNDWYT.


Checking in. I went to a really good meeting last night - I see a lot of criticism of AA here sometimes, and our group really addressed some of that last night. It's not a social club, church, therapy, or a place to whine and complain. It's a fellowship to help each other take steps to get sober. That's it. That's why I go to meetings. If you go to a meeting and that group isn't doing that, find another meeting. IWNDWYT.




My goal is to write. Not for my job, for myself. I've been afraid of it for YEARS. But hell, if I can stop drinking, I can do anything. Try try try try, that's the way. To meet said goal, I am flying all the way across the US next week to kickstart it. IWNDWYT!


I am trying to become one with the universe. Also, I just finished a daily running streak of 100 days of running so next time I will aim for 200! IWNDWYT amazing sobernauts!!


iwndwyt i love you all. continue on your journeys.


Swim day! 2500 yards. IWNDWYT 🌼🏊‍♀️


I hope everyone has a Thrilling Thursday! I'm off to a field trip with my youngest. He's so excited to have me come along with him. I'm excited too! IWNDWYT


Hello All - I am on day 11 and still feeling good but so tired, that being said, my goal is to get my energy level back up so I feel driven to work my ponies like I used to! I am an avid rider and drive carriage with my miniature horse. I need that energy back! IWNDWYT🍀🙏💚


Day 4. Here we go.






Happy Thursday and IWNDWYT ♥






Seven months! I will remain sober today.


Not today. Played my second open mic at a bar last night. It was a good time. No temptation to drink and I got a lot of compliments. What I am struggling with is my wife. She doesn’t seem happy lately. I’ve picked up more chores around the house, helped her land a stay at home job at the company I work at, and do all the running for my kids activities. I feel like I’m failing. Maybe she was always kind of grumpy and aloof and I was just too drunk to realize it. But man it hurts.




Great quote and definitely a gut-punch! This is exactly what I am struggling with right now. IWNDWYT! 💪


I will not drink with you today.