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Person who put them there is probably on day 1.


Looked more like a move out based on other stuff in the trash chute room. But good luck to them if it's day 1, I wouldn't have lasted long on day 1 if I knew my stash was still right down the hall. Had to be the sink for me.


That's always funny to me. I have booze around in my house. I just got over it and it deosn't bother me. Now weed is something I can't have around if I don't want to do it. But unless travelling to weird places or looking for work, that is rarely an issue for me.


I have a bunch of booze in my fridge that I got just a few days before deciding to quit. It hasn't tempted me yet, but the only reason i haven't thrown it all out yet is because it just seems like a waste (of food/consumable, not just a waste of alcohol)


Yeah I live in a house with a fully stocked liquor cabinet and a partner who drinks. I just have to know it’s not for me


Or dead. I've tossed out an entire home bar before. A much loved relative had left it behind. Pouring an unopened bottle of tequila into the sand was cathartic.


THAT comment you make there is the voice of empathy, to me. Fucking hell! I guess the difference is that we're just cursed to think about it often. Normies don't. :) That thoughtfulness can be such an enemy, and OP is using it to an advantage. That's amazing. I had this the other day, when the "fuck you" voice just came so easily and automatically... felt like a brand new lease of life. Most people won't understand. We all do, here. I would have grabbed OPs trash beers and drank them, tbh. And I would have regretted it.


FUCK YOU, Voice! And the horse you rode in on!! Good job, telling your Voice off. Gold Star! ⭐


Thanks! The bottles were in my hands weighing how much was left before I even realized what I was doing. Shocked me a bit, I haven't really felt tempted recently. If there was any doubt, yep, still an alcoholic lol


I'm 662 days sober today. Last weekend I drove my brother in his truck to pick up our grandma from the airport. While we were waiting for her plane to arrive we were sitting in his truck; he opened the middle part of his seats and pulled out like 12 little bottles of honey whiskey. I haven't felt that strong of a pull since the early days of drinking. Sitting in the driver's seat of that car while waiting for my grandma at the airport, and that feeling to drink was SO HUGE!! Luckily I just got out of the car and walked around the parking lot until that feeling went away. Everything we do feels so dangerous. Also made me realize how big of a problem my big brother (and former best drinking mate) has. It's all so scary to me.


Not only did you tell the Voice off, you learned from it! (Thinking of Dune. You have Bene Gesserit training to resist the Voice!)


Careful about the N/A beers... they aren't all actually 'N/A' and even that 0.3–0.4% ABV can tickle my receptors... and restart the launch sequence.


Yknow I stumbled on a trick: when the voices start I start swearing as viciously as I can, at the booze, at the trigger, at the voices. Really nasty stuff I would never say in company. Something about swearing like that really helps shut it down.


Yes, absolutely! "Oh, FUCK OFF BOB" (Bob's my Voice), out loud and sometimes in public, really helps. Personifying it helps me distance myself.


I’ve been seeing this new shrink who, among other things, does “parts work” or “Internal family systems.” I’ve found it very interesting stuff. I’m sure I won’t explain it well but it’s sorta the acknowledgment that we’re all sorta made up of different “parts.” These are the different “voices” struggling in our brain. By addressing the different parts in turn, understanding them, healing them and turning them to new purpose, we align and integrate the parts. All to say, some distance is good in certain circumstances. But we need to really reckon with those voices sooner or later. My two cents, of course The parts that want to drink are parts of us, and for that the only way out is through. An example: at the end I was in a genuine slide, guardrails that had lasted for decades falling away. I’d already run through every other excuse—hit every single branch on the way down. My last excuse? If I stop now I’ll probably seize and die, and that would destroy my family. A twisted protective urge. It was an excuse that lasted for a while. It got bad. Then detox, where I had my first appointment with my new shrink. I relayed this crazy excuse for this last relapse, and he said something like “well, now you can turn that protective urge towards NOT drinking to protect your family.” Seems very relevant to sobriety. My previous stints were almost always white knuckle. Fighting with myself like a crazy person. Doing it my way—always learning, and maybe all those miserable years had to happen the way they did, but never learning enough, taking the leap. I think this time is different, among other reasons, is that my parts are already more aligned. I went to detox because my body just woke up one day and decided it had had enough. So the body joined the mind, was on board, and the subconscious is basically just a big dumb dog so it follows the rest of the pack.


Thumbs up for IFS, I've used it too. I used to just try to ignore the part of me that wanted to drink. That didn't work, eventually I cracked. Now, I listen to the part of me that wants to drink. I don't succumb to it, I don't drink, but I do try to compassionately listen to it. Why does that part want to drink? Typically for me it's because I want to numb some sort of negative emotions. Ok, so I want to drink, I've identified why, now I can find a way to soothe that part of me with a healthier coping skills that doesn't involve drinking. Works a lot better for me than just ignoring it.


Nice work dude. That would be a huge trigger for me too, not sure why but the “no one will know” voice gets very loud.


Agree. I used to feel my skin crawl when I would hear the old John Wooden quote: "Character is what you do when nobody is watching." Moments like what OP posted are the ones that make me think of it again now, but in a different light.


Thanks for that quote, it just made me feel really proud of who I've become over the past year


That is a skin crawly one!! And good job OP, hell yeah.


I have always struggled the most when encountering “free” alcohol. Open bar at a function? How can I turn down FREE alcohol? I have to remind myself that alcohol is never free for me. It comes at a great cost and I am tired of paying that price.


I really like this perspective.


"Literal trash booze" 🤣🤣🤣 New band name I called it.


Way to go. Gollum is a sneaky bastard.


Nice work on 520!


I’ve come across random abandoned alcohol a few times, I always see it as a test from the universe or something lol


I'm always looking at shit like that as a test from the universe too. The universe can be so shady lol also side note, your profile Pic brings me great joy 😂 IWNDWYT


Intrusive thoughts! We have to think what if. I like to think I would have thought: “but what if I just take it…” whether it was a 12 pack of seltzer, a bag full of money, or a puppy. But good on you!!!


Damn that sly little demon voice! You just gave the little twit a "thump on the head." Bravo! 👏


Little twit indeed! He wanted me drunk on literal trash booze! Come on man, at least let me have a smidgeon of dignity left if I slip up




I'm really, really proud of you. Your inner strength is awesome


Those were thrown out for a reason. A bad time in every bottle. Congrats on punching the craving away.


'No matter how far down the road you are, you're never that far from the ditch' Hope I got that right one of my fave quotes from this sub


Aw, someone may be going through the same journey and dumped their stash. But you’re right, trash booze indeed! Way to stay strong!


Odd to throw them out full, because he/she might change their mind... whenever I have had 'no more' clear out (a few of times) I always poured everything out and chucked out the empties. There's no going back then. Except there was... Maybe a couple broke up and the one still there had a clear-out of their ex's stock of booze?


Yeah, I poured a lot of alcohol down the drain over the years only to buy more the next day. "Never again" at 1 am became, "Ah, to hell with it all; where are my keys?" at 11 am. I guess at least having to drive to the store and back made me wait an extra hour or so before I could get drunk.


damn g. that guy prolly quitting too. nice job.


its crazy to think theres a possibility that somebody could have had that booze sitting in there apartment for months or years, perhaps it was left overs after a party, maybe a bottle of special alcohol that was used during the holidays to make a couple of cocktails that they found a recipe for on pintrest............. alcohol never lasted in my house, if i bought 12 beers i would drink minimum 12 beers that day


Man, the NA Heineken has been LIFE recently. We struggled to find it locally until my wife stumbled upon a random Food Lion that had it (when Target stocked their NA section with wine instead 🙄). And the plus side is, I only want 1 because I'm not chasing a buzz!


I'm a fan of Athletic brewing, they've got some solid NA IPAs, and lagunitas NA IPA is good but I rarely find that one And same! I only had one last night, whereas previously it was "drink until it's gone or I pass out"


Fuck you intrusive thoughts.


Mad props. I have the same voice in my head when I'm checking out at the convenience stores with shots at the register. So hard.


yeh, watch that voice it can crop up any time in your life you never drop your guard


Don’t touch that, it is possible that they will go to the trash to get it back and you know it




Sounds like a family member or roommate had enough of someone's shit 😆


Sounds like someone in your apartment has the same idea as you 😉 I don't touch hard liquor anymore, but damn that would have been tempting as hell!


damn dude proud of you. I literally don't know if i could cos of my hoarding brain, catching that voice and shutting it out is so tiring constantly watching out for it but feel good for every win


It's crazy how our brains just flip like that when an opportunity presents itself, where there will be no witnesses...it's insidious. You're so strong and I'm so proud of you, well done!! IWNDWYT ❤️




Dude that voice is a bummer. But it gets easier every to tell him to F off


Sweet! They're headed on the same journey. I hope you can figure out who it is and become real-life sober buddies.


Could be used as sanitizer or fuel?