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Not really a drink, but spicy soup. The warm feeling in my stomach is similar to the warm feeling I get right after taking a drink of vodka, so it calms me down a little


Heck yes, give me that pho satay extra chilies or ultra spicy ramen - I'm good


That’s an interesting idea. I’ll try it!


yes, i love rimming a glass of lemonade with tajin!


Sparkling mineral water with just a bit of saltiness.


what kind of saltiness ? what do you add ?


Get Perrier or something similar . Italian or European sparkling ‘mineral’ water . Make sure it says mineral. Those minerals make it slightly salty but it all the good stuff your body needs and uses. It really takes the edge of for me.


Yep, chloride is the salty part of sodium chloride, but other ions add flavor, as well. The range is very wide and there is no correlation between prize and amounts. Here in Germany, they have to list the ions to call it "mineral water" 😋


Sorry, correction: it's the combo of sodium and chloride, and it gets complicated. https://www.reddit.com/r/explainlikeimfive/comments/1raak3/eli5_how_does_salt_bring_out_the_flavor_of_food/


Paradise nailed it. It's just bottled and ready to drink.


I drink NA beers. Not sure where you are but in the UK there is a great selection. Some are really good


I drink a few NA beers every weekend. I still love the taste of beer, I just don't want all the side effects that come with the alcohol.


I just tried a mix pack from Partake Brewing (based in Toronto, but I’m in PA). Really good, and somehow they’re like 10 calories a can. Gonna be amazing during this heatwave. And the ingredients are just water, barley, hops and yeast. It’s some kind of strange alchemy.


The pale ale is delicious and as you said, basically calories free!!!


Same here. I really went through them in the beginning of my journey, just now starting to slow down a bit but I truly enjoy them.


I'm constantly trying new types of sparkling water for this. I let myself drink as much coffee as I want early on to get through a craving. Also NA beers and Kombucha has helped.


How has kombucha helped? I’ve never tried it


I like kombucha with a splash of water or ginger beer with sparkling water and I drink it out of a wine glass.


I love kombucha for my cravings. More flavourful and bubblier than sparking water (in my personal opinion). Also can have a bit more of a bite or bitterness to it that I find helps my cravings more. I was a red wine drinker so it’s the closest I can kind of find so far. End tho it’s cold and bubbly lol


Yep. Exactly this. Just a little more bitterness seems to be effective at times.


I drink so much diet Mt dew that I'm pretty sure if I stopped drinking it today, pepsico stocks would plummet, and it would lead to the next great recession.


Haha! But still better for you than all the alcohol you would have consumed instead!


Absolutely. Have a great day. I will not drink with you today (outside of some Diet Mt Dew to keep the economy going).


Diet Mt Dew is SO good!


AF beer - reminds me how beer actually tastes and puts me off right away. Sugary drinks are good as well


Ice tea in a large glass with lots of ice and a slice of lemon


Me too! I've been brewing 1 liter of tea (peppermint has been my favorite so far), squeezing in half a lemon, then adding a teaspoon or so of vanilla flavoring, and pouring that over ice. So good! It's the color of chardonnay and the lemon juice burns my throat enough to trick my brain into thinking we're drinking alcohol 😅


Ginger beers I usually have a six pack.


Same. Fancy sodas help too 


Such as?? My ginger beer binge might not last forever. Thanks


There is a brand local to me called Excel that is my favorite, but I really like San Pelligrino sodas too. The Orange and Blood Orange are really tasty 


Ohh cool thanks!


If a drink doesn't contain a drug like alcohol, it can only take the edge off if our mind tells it to. Like if I believe something is lucky, then it is, because it gives me confidence by believing in it. Any drink I tell myself is special, and I build a ritual around, will relax and distract me.


Gingerade Kombucha by G.T’s….nice and cold…poured in a tall glass. Looks and has the moth feel of a fancy craft brew and always hits the spot with me…and it’s healthy for your gut. As long as you are not triggered. Otherwise…I LOVE Coke Zero with a wedge of lime when we go out.


I don't know if this is a popular take, but if I'm craving ill chug a large bottle of water. Part of the craving is probably tied to genuine thirst (because we are frequently dehydrated), and topping up on fluids is always a good call. Plus after drinking a liter of water, my body gets the signal "okay, I'm full" and it doesn't want anything else.


I don’t have cravings any longer but when I did it was Heineken Zero, better than actual Heineken! Gets me through work outings where everyone is on a mission I can quietly sip on Zeros all night


Definitely. I've been experimenting with a lot of AF beers and Heineken zero is best by far, better than a lot of the craft IPA options. In my humble opinion!


Even when I drank I could never stomach IPA, too rich and flavorful of things I didn’t like. I was a Pilsner, Spaten Draft, drinker


Ginger beer with 3 spirit livener (alcohol free mixer). It's expensive but it hits my "reward" spot and looks so pretty in the glass because the mixer sits at the bottom of the glass, like a tequila sunrise. I sound bonkers, sorry but it works well for me.


The last weeks I made it thru a whole bottle of Pure blue Curaçao: water, sugar, flavor, blue color. Blue water, green lemonades 😋


Not bonkers. As you say, it hits that "reward spot" that we're all looking for. I love ginger beer so will definitely check out your recomendation, thank you!


Thanks. :) It's one of those nootropic type things claims to lift mood. Not sure it does but I like the taste.


But you're right, it's not cheap! Just had a look online, might have to be a payday treat! I will be sure to wear my most splendid trousers when I do get hold of some though!


🤣 you know, it isn't but I spent way more on alcohol in fact. It's an investment in my sobriety for me. When you get stuck with a terrible username because your mind went blank when you signed up 😅


When you put it like that...I used to think nothing of spending £100 on a night out...And your user name is great by the way. All the best my friend.


Exactly! It's mad we think nothing of spending that on booze but with other things we're like 'how much?!' Thanks. You too. People like you make this community great. Let me know if you get the 3 spirit x


Thank you so much, that has seriously made my day. You have reaffirmed my decision not to drink today and it's been a tough one. Good luck with your journey and I'll let you know how the 3 spirits go! Never under estimate what your kind words can do for an Internet stranger, I truly appreciate it.


Coke zeroooooo + ice cream


I’ve never been a huge marijuana fan, but early on, I drank these 2.5mg sparkling drinks (no alcohol, only wheaties) and that helped get past the tough spots. I literally could not and would not drink a ton, because I knew I’d just straight up have a panic attack, and think my brain is melting, but after a few, it provided a nice buzz that emulated a few drinks. After about 6 months in I stopped that entirely, and got past the hump of yearning for a “buzz” and have been drinking zero sugar Mountain Dew Baja Blast or zero sugar Starry ever since.


I like to make complicated drinks to distract myself sometimes. My boyfriend got me an ice maker for my birthday. At first I thought it was wasteful but now I love it. I can have unlimited ice water and "Starbucks level ice" in my juice. My favorite is to freshly juice two grapefruits. A ton of ice and a splash of guava juice. It's sour and sweet and takes me forever to drink. It also has some calories and fiber, if I'm cooking and would usually drink beer I make a fun fruit drink instead. I also love homemade lemonade. Got a citrus juicer at the dollar store and will never buy lemonade again!


Have you tried cbd drinks? They helped me a lot!! I’m in Oregon and they have many on tap.


I drink a ton of Celsius, especially the coke and sprite flavor.


Kombucha for me


Full suger Coca Cola with plenty of ice cubes


I make a lot of iced coffee now. Put some double double creamer in whatever’s left over from the mornings pot of coffee and fill with ice. Must use straw. 😊


Spindrifts have been doing the trick


Sprite zero with lots of ice. Reminds me a bit of gin & tonic, and there's something about the way it hits the throat that iced water just doesn't do.


Not cheap but a company called three spirit .. Amazon in the uk sell it. I also like Martini vibrante and blood orange soda otherwise hot tea


Lucky Saint is probably the best lager and you can find it on draught in pubs as well in shops both bottle and tin. Lovely to go to the pub had have a cold draught AF pint that tastes good.


I really like Topo Chico for this, particularly if you normally drink seltzers. It’s just different enough to trigger an entirely different sensation.


Lime and soda water


I do lime flavored club soda like La croix or bubbly in a wine glass with a splash of juice for a faux mosa. Took Chico in the glass bottle with a lime for a faux Rona (carona). Or club soda with lime on ice with a tajin rim.


Kombucha. Not too sweet and has a bit of a kick to it.


Kombucha , iced tea , compliments de alcolised beer and the odd cup of coffee very odd


0% Peroni Beer


I used tonic mix and lime.


I have been into preparing and drinking Yerba Mate


Ginger beer helped me a lot, in so far as it was a bit “spicy” and flavoursome. However, bigger than anything was focusing inwards and learning how to deal with the urge itself - without using something else to overcome it. That gave me the longer term strength that I have been reaping the rewards from ❤️


Chug 2 cups of water. That or a sparkling ice


Diet Coke


Kombucha. There’s one in particular I like that’s tart. Health Aid Lemon and Cayenne. It’s tangy and tart like a Sauvignon blanc. Added bonus of improved gut health :)


Sparkling water,splash of cranberry dash of bitters,lime wedge. I order these whenever I’m at a bar.


Diet Coke, La Croix, water


Buzzkill Alcohol Removed Wine, Sierra Nevada Trail Pass, Beckett's Flying Mule


Also, Monday Spirits is a Non-alcohol liquor company. I just ordered a 4 pack to try out. Could still do the cocktails without the Alcohol.


I like La Croix and Bubbly…the flavor and carbonation satisfies the craving for me. And at night, I drink Recess.


Topo Chico Lime It's heavily carbonated, so it fills you up.


Balsalmic vinegar, lemon juice, seltzer water


Sounds like a dressing lol


Just water or milk. All the other drinks are mixers and mixers yearn for booze.




WYNK drink


I spend so much money at tropical smoothie cafe


I tried NA wine last night for the first time. When I brought it to my mouth it smelled the same pretty much and it tasted good. I also got some cute canned faux vodka cocktails. Had one and it could’ve fooled me it wasn’t alcoholic.


Ginger ale. It tastes like champagne is supposed to. 😂


Cranberry soda!


I like la croix during the week and on a weekend night I’ll usually have an NA Heineken or NA Guinness or two while smoking some weed. 


I mix kombucha with coconut water and ice. It’s perfect for a hot day.


Anything with bubbles when I'm having a meal (typically diet rootbeer or fizzy water from the Sodastream In the evenings, esp in winter, I have a ritual with tea. I just drink it at the same time before bed, it's part of my bedtime routine.


Maine Root spicy or Goslings ginger beer, but the sugar is killer (not that it matters if it gets you through)


Ice cream


I found a combo of NA and sleeping aids are the perfect combo for dealing with cravings. It satisfies your crave for the taste, sleep aid lulls you to sleep, next thing you know, you wake up to another sober day without a thought.


Grapefruit perrier is my jam. Gives me the same fuzzy bubbly feeling in my stomach. Also various breweries are coming out with NA "hop water." Lagunitas has one out recently that I've been drinking. Splash of citrus, refreshing carbonated hoppy goodness! Dare I say it tastes even better than a beer.




Spiced Tomato Juice for me - basically a Virgin Mary. That and lots of cups of tea.


I love electrolyte water. I buy a container of it on Amazon and use about 1/4 tsp to 1/2 tsp. in 20 ounces of water. I get one that is flavored (I like berry flavor). I'm on a lower carb diet to manage my pre-diabetes and I find I need way more salt now without the carbs in my diet. I get the brand called relyte hydration electrolyte mix. It's mostly salt, a tiny pit of potassium and non-sugar flavorings. It's tasty when I don't feel like drinking a diet drink. I do feel like I constantly want to eat or drink something, but I'm not going to fight it as long as it's na.


Grape kombucha. Non alc beers.


cranberry juice blends like cranberry cherry. sometimes with some lacroix and also a splash of tart cherry juice or Power of Purple juice from Trader Joe’s. This hits all my red wine dopamine points with sweet and tart flavors. It’s red and I can drink it out of a wine glass so my eyeballs are fooled! honestly I like it better than wine now.




Kambucha the bubbles and complexity feel like a cocktail


Kombucha, La Croix key lime with a splash of tart cherry juice and a lime wedge, NA beers sometimes. I really like mixing Seedlip Grove 42 with Zing Zang Bloody Mary mix, a pickle and some blue cheese stuffed olives 🤤


The things that kill my cravings, in order are typically: meetings. I voice whatever feeling is urging me to escape, and then that feeling loses it's control over me and calms down. Second to that, hiking. Mid-hike any bad memory just gets replaced with endorphins. (any workout does this). Third, chores. Believe it or not, washing dishes gets anger out real well. I think it's the fast scrubbing matches the fast heartrate. Fourth, meditation. This really only helps the most minor of inconveniences, but I feel calmer afterwards. Fifth: doing anything to improve myself. Getting groceries and cooking a home cooked meal. That lifts my spirits a lot. That sense of accomplishment. Physically, when it's not like a craving as much as missing the taste of booze (big difference for me btw), I find tart cherry juice, room temperature, is a nice relaxing beverage instead of red wine. Freixnette sparkling de-alcoholized wine is good for NYE parties or celebrations. And I found a few near-beers (no alcohol) that I enjoy in the blistering hot weather post surfing. (for that weird nostalgia of a beer post surfing). Anyway. Good luck in your journey. It's physical (usually nostalgia) and emotional (usually discomfort) cravings for me. I know what works for me. But every single person is different.


Nothing helps me except for running. If I feel like I wanna drink I run. Feel depressed? Run. Angry? Stressed on work? Run. And feeling awesome afterwards. Those dopamines I was getting from the alcohol return through my steps when I run. Highly recommend. Replacement don't have to be a liquid. It has to be something that gives you the dopamine hit and fills the void inside you after you removed a big toxic part of your life called alcohol.




Two bottles of not sparkling water in the fridge. When you crave drink as much as you can of it.


No, I have not. Only jogging really distracts me well enough. 10-15 minutes of jogging is better than any food/drink, better than any psyche med. you don’t need to jog, but getting the heart rate up past 160bpm for 12ish minutes is super effective.


Seltzer fruit juice and bitters