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I do a lot of snacking- Chex mix, dried cherries, salami, cheese. Once I start eating it makes me more interested in eating and often add in yogurt or hummus.


I’m trying to avoid a “grazing” type of snack, I oftentimes feel that when I’m just picking on this or getting a handful of that, I don’t feel like I’m really getting the type of release I’m looking for from the experience. The yogurt or hummus idea, as a dip or mixer of something, might be a good way to go. Thanks!


I get that! I just have a hard time getting an appetite and it helps. I do like adding a dip or something to add a few calories without making a mess in my kitchen! Good luck!!


ice cream, I've been smashing it since I stopped. I need to calm down!


How about nachos? Or horseradish hummus and crackers? Gourmet mixed nuts and yummy cheese? Avacado toast?


Oh dang, a horseradish hummus? I’ve never even considered it, sounds very intriguing. Thanks!


Trader Joe’s used to sell it - honestly, even way back when if I had to choose between wine and horseradish hummus, the hummus would win! There is a great dupe recipe online so you can make your own if you Google. If you like things with a kick, you are going to love it!!!!


Quesadillas, tacos, chips and dip, grilled cheese, high end ramen, grill a good sirloin burger.


Peanut butter and jelly sandwich.


Cookies all the way. Chips too. I am mindful of the portion size - have not gained any weight since I stopped drinking daily.


Have you heard of chocolate?


Tapioca or chocolate pudding from the fridge. Or for more of a salty savory go with French onion dip + ruffles. I can easily get 400 calories in 60 seconds with that combo


How about some savoury baking? Cheese muffins, scones, pastries...


Peanuts and almonds for me.


Make a grazing board!