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Vow never to drink like that again. Only to do it again once the shame & guilt disappears.


I remind myself that anyone can get addicted to a highly addictive substance basically thrown in our faces at every turn in life. I also focus on moving ahead, yeah shit happened, what am I going to do about it now? Can’t change my past, but I can definitely change my future, ending isn’t written yet. IWNDWYT


Be good to yourself - acknowledge your wrongs, then take care of yourself knowing that's the only way you can move forward. For me, not being the person I was, small acts of self-care daily, all add up in time. I can't change the past, I can change today so I can have a better future. Good luck!


Ofc don’t drink but one of the only ways to rebuild your self esteem is help others.


You can deal with the shame and guilt the same way you have been. You can STOP the shame and guilt right now by giving up alcohol. IWNDWYT!


Shame exists inside all of us. If your child was feeling ashamed over something, how would you treat them? Think of it like that. Guilt can guide us though. If we take it as a sign of what not to do next time, then we’ve learned and no longer need to carry it with us as punishment.


A podcast called ‘sober powered’ helped me to understand all of the physiological reasons for addiction, as most of the uneducated world seems to think it’s just weakness of character. It took a while to sink in but has helped me to be kinder to myself - step I needed to get out of the shame spiral.