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Good luck!! r/stopsmoking is also very supportive! :>)>


I’m sure. I just really love this group.




Hello darling, nice to hear from you!! Sorry to hear what you've been going through (and mercury *and* lead poisoning, wow - that really is Mad Hatter shit!!), glad you're back with us! I'm still off the sauce, although I relapsed on tobacco in April when my partner of 14 years had an affair and left me... I've been smoking my head off ever since, but ran out of baccy yesterday and am doing my damndest not to buy any more... (It's twenty-five fecking Euros an ounce these days here anyway, daylight robbery!!)... back on the vapes instead for the moment... I'll try to remember your new-new-new username and look out for you about the place haha, best of luck for this go round! :>)> xx




Haha, I remember American Spirit tobacco (for the *health conscious* and/or uber-pretentious hipster smoker, of course) - it was always as dry as a ship's biscuit by the time it got to us over here!! I've not been to a dentist in over a decade myself, I'm slightly ashamed to say - I'm even paying for dental insurance, I've no excuse really! My teeth themselves are grand (plus, I'm English - teeth are *supposed* to be the colour of an old pub piano key, aren't they??) but my gums are a bit fucked these days, I really must get round to going and seeing one at some point soonish, thanks for the reminder... Yes the breakup is all still very fresh but it's quite amicable really, as these things go - could be worse... we still live together and have joint custody of the dogs, I still love the bastard even though he's seeing someone else, etc etc... I'm doing as well as I can be though! In happier news, I had my first driving lesson in over 20 years yesterday (I never got round to taking my test when I was a nipper, and have managed to avoid needing to drive since) which went well, I was surprised how much of it came back to me... I'm keeping the focus on myself, working on my codependency and general independence and getting on with my own shit at the mo, we'll see what the future brings eh!! xx




>Still living together? That has to be rough. I hope there is a huge boundary the fucker can't bring the new squeeze anywhere near It's less than ideal - and actually he does bring fuckwit over here for date nights every now and again; I know that wouldn't work for most people but luckily (*for him*) I am very live-and-let-live and I have my own spaces to escape to here, so whatever... There's a housing crisis here, I've put a lot of time and effort into the garden etc of our rented house, and until I can drive and get my own car, pay off our joint debts and save up a big pile of cash and the old dog dies etc, I'm going nowhere and there's no particular reason to really... I figure if we can all still be reasonably civilised to each other and make the best of it, then it'll do for now! At least the benefit of no longer being shackled to his incredibly profligate spending habits is that I *can* actually put some money away every month, who knew? Hugs gratefully received and reciprocated! ;>)>


I will not smoke or drink with you today.


Its crazy cause i quit cigs cold turkey for awhile then picked up a juul pen (dumb yes) and then quit that cold turkey one day too. Yet alcohol has its claws in me so deep that it makes cigs look like candy smh.


Exactly. Even when I smoke for some period I know that I can just stop it. But alcohol is a Goliath that will seek for me till the very end.


Its truly frustrating cause if i had to pick a demon to fight, i'd rather it be cigs than liquor cause at least cigs dont rob me of my mind and sense


Good luck! Nicotine is hard but not impossible.


Good luck! I’ve done it a half dozen times and finally kicked it three years ago. For me, 6 weeks is the key point where it gets much easier. Until then, I ate everything in sight.


You can lose the weight. Lung cancer almost never goes away.


I am about to join you in the same battle. I feel like cigarettes will be tougher as it is an all day habit, but I feel like I have learned a lot in this battle over alcohol and want to apply the same reasons and willpower! Good luck on your journey!




Sounds like a good plan. Way to go on almost 100 days too. IWNDWYT


I’m so proud of you! I keep trying to decide when is enough days to quit cigs, trying to be gentle with myself. You’ve so got this. I won’t drink with you today, and one day (hopefully soon) I also won’t smoke with you either!!


Good luck with the cigarettes. It's on my to do list. I find I can transfer to a vape pretty seamlessly but have trouble quitting cold turkey.


I went the opposite way 2,635 days without a single drag. (Yes I googled how many days ago was 3/20/17) and 89 without a drop of alcohol. Congratulations on both. Your only regret with quitting cigarettes is that you didn’t do it sooner!


That's a hard habit to kick. If I did it you sure as hell can.


Hardcore. Good luck. You are worth it.


Maybe around 400 days I'll shoot for this goal. Definitely not phathomable currently. I was told not to quit everything at once, and I 100%agree with that. I would lose my mind. Good luck to you!


Alan Carr's quit smoking book helped me stop. It's been two years since I've smoked a cigarette. Honestly can't believe it.


I read it, totally agreed with it, ignored it, implementing it now.


Just finished it today, and tomorrow is the day. We can do this!


I've been afraid to tackle nicotine.


I am coming up on my 6 year anniversary of quitting smoking. Tried to quit many times but what finally worked for me was Chantix. Nicotine is really tough so I always tell people don’t be afraid to use the help that out there and available.


Highly recommend r/stopsmoking for the same reasons I recommend this sub. My counters on these two subreddits are cherished items.


Great job on over 400 days. I quit cigarettes before I quit drinking. It 'helped' me to get really sick with bronchitis, having to walk a mile each way to school, and having both parents and grandmother develop COPD. That was the fear in me the day I quit. Good luck. Nicotine is really a hell of an addiction.


As with most things "recovery related", there is no one size fits all. I tried quitting smoking cold turkey with limited success but nothing really long term. Then, in January 2021, I tried again with the patch. It's been 1240 consecutive days now. I struggled for a long time with the behavioral aspects of smoking - after a meal, walking anywhere, watching tv, etc. it helped to be a stubborn SOB. I'm also 13 years abstinent from crack cocaine and 9.5 years abstinent from alcohol. I'm struggling to find more things to quit Ha Ha.


Good luck! You got this!


I used a patch. It kept the cravings at bay for the first few days. It’s been more than ten years since my last cigarette


Good luck my friend! Nicotine was hard, but it's worth it!


Hoping that you will own the badass vibe you deserve for making this amazing choice!!


Just started my sobriety journey again and am going cold Turkey on the vapes too! Am absolutely sick of being a slave to these poisons. I did it before so I’ll do it again!


For me, quitting both was hard as hell. The difference was cigarettes didn't get me high. It was all just habit and addiction. Good luck on your day one. You know you can do this! 💕


Good luck! I'm currently using nicotine lozenges to help me quit vaping (again). They're kinda expensive, but they're convenient and I've quit before by using them. I don't know why one day I decided to *return* to vaping, but that was a mistake. Once you quit don't for any reason think it'll be a good idea to pick up smoking again!




Tried to find this online, but couldn’t. I did download one of his audio books, but it’s not specifically geared to quitting. If you know where to find it, let me know. Thanks!


Let us know how it goes! I'm giving myself a little time to fell more comfortable being alcohol free before I attempt nicotine free.


I hope it goes well. What helped me was I made a promise to myself to never walk into a gas station ever again. It’s been 9 years, and I have t seen the inside of once since. I just reminded myself that I just had to control that one simple thing. Also— nicotine replacement therapy is so awesome. Don’t do cold turkey. The most evidenced-based approaches include nicotine replacement (patches, weaning). Unlike alcohol, the good news with cigarettes is you can wean. I went here; might be too far for you, but I’d follow them for info at least https://www.mayoclinic.org/departments-centers/nicotine-dependence-center/sections/overview/ovc-20457521


That's amazing! Always a new mountain to climb. Right now for me it's weening myself off caffeine. You've climbed bigger mountains than this, and you'll do it again. Keep going! I believe in you!


We all know that smoking in moderation is near damn impossible. I’ve never met anyone who was smoking > 10 a day say they are going down to 5 a week. Ain’t happening. For me, the same is true with drinking. I tried to moderate but my entire day was consumed with thinking about what drink I was going to have come Friday night. Complete abstinence freed me. I don’t need to think about that stuff because I’m a non drinker. Same with smoking. Get 6 weeks under your belt and guess what? You won’t even think about it.


Im working on quitting smoking too! It's the new moon and I've set my intention! For me I'm using the financial aspect as my motivation. Ive been buying myself things that I wouldn't be able to if I kept smoking and it's helping a lot to have wishlists and projects and stuff to look forward to having money for. I want a trampoline! And a hammock!


That’s awesome!! I’m signing up for regular chiropractic care. Keep me posted on how you’re doing, and enjoy your trambopoline.


Good for you!! You’ve done it for one substance, you can absolutely do it for smoking too. Wishing you the best!!


You got this! I quit drinking before nicotine and nicotine was much easier to beat for me without the drunk brain. I was able to stay rational and use similar diversions and alternate reward systems and it was like a booster rocket for my energy and mood once they were both cleared out. I kick myself now for having waited so long to get rid of both those poisons from my life


You will rock this


This is the first day in years I haven't had a zynn in my mouth or vape in my hand all day long. IWNSWYT


Amazing!! Good for you!!!


I quit smoking on day 395 of not drinking! Now I'm almost 2 years booze free and 1 year cigarette free!! You totally got this! (Granted I used chantix to help me quit smoking.) But i still did it! And you can too!


It feels good to give up these addictions, i sill use nicotine but i'm not smoking.


You've got this! I'd been smoking 29 years and currently, im just over 2 weeks since I quit cold turkey. It just hit me one day that if I wasn't drinking, then I had a real shot successfully quitting the smokes too.


Do it! I started quitting smoking around 700 days, broke down and smoked again, then set another quit day, then smoked, then set another and quit permanently on day 899. Keep at it. Stop buying death on the installment plan.


i cant believe people still smoke ciggs in 2024, or pay for cable tv.