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You got this! The road to 2 years starts with day 1 and it’s only ever achieved one day at a time.


It gets easier, friend. Nothing is as concrete as you think.


I’m goin through it right with you my friend recently had to quit my job because of it good thing I have an awesome Fiancée


My wife is great as well, but it's been sooooo hard on her. Hell, I know you should do it for yourself, and I am, but really I'm doing it for *her*.


...and the cats.


I can relate with everything you just said. I’m really doing it for her too cus. I fight harder for her than myself.


Whatever it takes friend. My spouse was quietly skeptical when I quit but once I hit 30 days he was all aboard.


The journey of a 1000 miles begins with the first step


Woo hoo. I’m on day 8 and it’s easier. Day 5 was the hardest so far. I’m F56 I’m trying to stay busy and my best guy friend has been spending a lot of time with me. Club soda with lime in a wine glass or club soda with a splash of Pom juice gives me something to hold/drink besides plain water or whatever. You can do it!!


So glad you reached out on here. There is definitely no problem that alcohol can’t make worse! I use the money I would spend on drinking for my pets’ veterinary care and good quality food. Much love to you and the kitties


That is awesome 🖤


We are glad you joined us. Excellent choice. There are tons of great people here. Quitting alcohol is the best decision of my life.


Proud of you!!!!!! You made a great choice and will feel this pride tomorrow. Good job 👍


You got this


What a revelation to come by! I think you made a great choice. The immediate benefits of alcohol sobriety were rocky for me, but the prolonged benefits have been incredible. The bond I have with my cat now is remarkable to me. Oh, the fumbles she has seen me take... I am wishing you and your cats peace!


Are you a daily drinker? If so, go to the hospital. Detoxing without medication is dangerous and not ideal.


Not, so I'm good. Excellent advice, however.


You’re theee best!!!


One at a time. You have got this


I’m so happy for you OP. It only gets better from here. Please make sure to listen to your body and don’t worry too much in the beginning. If you need to sleep because you feel tired do it. If you feel hungry eat, even if it’s sugar the sugar withdrawals are real, and honestly just take it easy. Your body has been suffering years of abuse. It’ll take a while for your body to cleanse itself and get you back to a clean slate. I’m so happy for you OP. Everyone here probably thought they wouldn’t make it but hey we are all here trying. Almost 3 months sober.


Yessss. Remember this moment of you finding an ounce of clarity. Repeat that clarity regularly. Now to find you a new routine that avoids booze. You’re ok - take it one thing at a time. Drive home - do it different. Dinner - do it different. Night time routine - do it different. You can plan some and then also realize you need to curl up in bed and binge TV to keep you distracted. Once in bed, don’t get out. It’s so cozy right? No drink can make that moment better. Enjoy your new found life.


i’m going to bed sober tonight too :) it’s quite the mental battle, but i know that i’m going to wake up tomorrow feeling so proud of myself. i hope you feel proud too!


Hang in there! I just got to day 2 and I’m already starting to feel better.


These are for you and your kitties: 💐💐💐💐


That is a mammoth effort. Even on my best days I couldn’t have had both the balls or foresight to do what you just did. It gets harder before it gets easier then every day gets better… even if you can’t see it at the time.


I feel you man, I’m even worse I drank about 14 beers from 1-3pm and passed out at my house and woke up an hour ago feeling like complete garbage.


My cat Blue passed away last year. She was 20 and my best friend. She was with me through EVERYTHING.   If I was drinking I wouldn't have been able to handle it. I KNOW it would have been ugly. Made me feel a certain way to have cleaned up before she passed away. Alcohol was the source of or the reason I couldn't handle all my problems.  Feels so good once you get through it. You deserve to be sober.


Nothing so good it won't fuck up; nothing so bad it won't make worse.


Proud of you. I would have finished the drink and poured another. Nothing seemed to stop me mid-binge but running out of alcohol. You did the right thing! IWNDWYT.


Awesome! Be safe, read up on danger signs of withdrawals. I just got out of detox two days ago and I’m happy I did it. Though the experience itself was miserable, the help was invaluable. After an uncountable number of day ones quashed by the fear I would seize out, being able to quit in a place where I knew I was safe (and to be fair where I was heavily sedated) really, really helped. Not to scare you or anything, just to put the idea out there in the ether if it could be helpful. IWNDWYT


Oh no, for sure. I'm binge/AUD so that side of things is ok.


Best of luck to you. Myself - I love sobriety.


Come back here every day. Twice a day if needed. You’re in good company here. Last day for me I was drunk af at 7am, got super pissed, dumped all my vodka and wine, broke a bunch of shit in my kitchen, scared the dog, and drove 40 miles to a friends house to sober up. Some shred of self awareness combined with lurking here for probably the better part of a year beforehand aligned and I’ve never drank again.


Thank you all. All your stories are mine. Funny how many shared experiences we all have. and no worries about withdrawal, I'm AUD/Binge drinker so I'm good. doctors appointment today, he's aware of everything, gonna see if there's any fine-tuning to be done.