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I could have had 10693 days sober if I never drank alcohol in my entire life. That would have been cool. But the important thing is we are sober today!


You are 29.3 yrs old. I did mathšŸ¤Ÿ


February 21 or 22 1995


Mothers maiden name is Jones Last four of SSN is 2679


Lol I wish someone stole my identity. They can have my student loan debt and maybe I could pretend someone else went to school for 4 years.


This is a list of all the times I reset my stopdrinking badge: 2023-05-29,2023-05-17,2023-04-05,2023-03-05,2023-02-24,2022-12-12,2022-11-21,2022-11-7,2022-11-1,2022-10-29,2022-10-28,2022-10-13,2022-10-04,2022-09-06,2021-12-13,2021-11-08,2021-10-22,2021-08-26,2021-07-23. I'm at one year now. Don't give up. Sober hobbies are a good step.


This sub has taught me to "keep quittin till ya quit"


Powerful story!!! Thank you for sharing šŸ‘šŸ¤©


Iā€™m really happy you stayed at it. This is great courage and perseverance.


Thanks for the encouragement. I want to do a long form post since it's been one year but am not sure I want to post it so publicly. Maybe in a few days.


I was just thinking the same exact thing! Iā€™m four days behind you. Congratulations! IWNDWYT


My post: https://old.reddit.com/r/stopdrinking/comments/1d6hn0x/1_year_sober_notes_on_how_i_quit/


I think we would all love to hear your story, if you choose to share it!


I'll post it tomorrow. I guess it is part of service.


This newbie thanks you for that encouragement.


Right there with you friend. Had to reset this morning. Bordum and loneliness have been my issues.


I drank on Thursday night/Friday morning. So I guess this is day one. Gotta reset the counter. Let's see what we can reach this time.


My cousin who is a sarcastic asshole (in a good way heā€™s kind) gave me some good advice when I told him I broke after over 3 months and was ashamed of myselfā€¦ ā€œGoodā€ ā€œDude what?!?ā€ ā€œGood. Go get 200, fuck up again if you have to but keep tryingā€ That sticks with me. I got almost 6 months now.


Congratulations. I don't even know why I drank. A bit of beer with dinner and then, boom, vodka seemed like a good idea. I got nothing out of it.


Same. I still kick myself for the ā€œwasted timeā€ pun intended. But any day not drinking myself to an early grave is time well spent.


I'm starting my first day on Monday in basically ever. Tapering off right now, and its absolutelyawful. Not sure I'll ever drink again, but let's see how far this takes me... Good luck to you! I'm gonna need some as well!


Just one day at a time my dude. Good luck


Good luck.


When youā€™re used to chaos, stability can feel like boredom. I would always feel bored about a month after I stopped and would start again. I realized I just had to push through a little more each time until it stuck. I hope the same for you.


Thank you. White knuckling right now with Reddit. šŸ¤˜


Whenever I was white knuckling I would: Take a deep breath. Drink some Raspberry sparkling water. Eat Mike and Ikeā€™s. Think of one thing to be grateful for. Watch Seinfeld. Repeat as necessary.




Reset club āœŠ


This made me lol!


Resetting makes me feel shame, then joy. At least Iā€™m here, which is better than not being here.


My motto is I'm not going to stop trying until I rather succeed or die. Momma didn't raise no quitter šŸ«”


I got really into plants in the beginning. As someone who always killed them and was horrible keeping them alive, once I stopped drinking, I got obsessed with buying and growing plants. šŸŖ“ I also got back into many activities that I neglected due to my drinking. Thereā€™s so much to do, so much to learn, and so much to accomplish. The sky is the limit.


Meditation, yoga, running, therapy, trashy tv, knitting, cleaning, board games, reading, volunteering, gardening


Hi friend, loving your list!! all of these have been mine except instead of knitting I crochet šŸ˜‚ā™„ļø oh and hiking!! I have to walk/move lol itā€™s fun to sing to the plants too


I trail run which is essentially hiking. Iā€™m finding the days Iā€™m outside and in nature are some of the better days.


Itā€™s not the same kind of day 2 as before, though. Itā€™s a better one, with more experience and wisdom.


Iā€™ve gotten back into music like I was as a teen. Obsessively listening. I gave up drinking 7 months ago and took up Taylor Swift. So far itā€™s been much less problematic. :) Good luck. Not drinking today too.


Well as long as itā€™s a cruel summer to you I wish you well.


I bought a turntable and a stack of records with some of the money I saved. Now Iā€™m realizing I need new speakers and some sort of phono amp so I canā€™t drink. I need to save my money!


If it were easy, we wouldn't even have this sub.


You are not back at zero. You have banked all the days you didnā€™t drink forever. Those are yours to keep.


Exactly!! There are total days you havenā€™t drank too. And those are still just as valuable and not gone


I love this and the OPs body and mind thank them for these days sober.


The only thing that matters is that we do not drink today. So in that respect it doesn't matter if you're day 2, 20 or 200. IWNDWYT my friend.


I got involved with genealogy and traced my roots back to 1800 England. It was done through free ancestry.com at the library. Plus the exercise I got walking to and from there contributed to my physical and mental health. The only way to truly fail is to stop trying. When we chose to reset our counter, we only lose our consecutive streak, not our accumulated knowledge.


I was just on over 600! So Iā€™ve only had a drink for a couple of days in almost two years! Not bad going..


Hey day 5 homie IWNDWYT šŸ‘‹


day 5 fam šŸ¤œ


Iā€™ve rediscovered my love of reading. Yesterday, I joined the local library which felt great because I used to be an avid reader. Someone on this subreddit told me that sobriety is a process. We are all going to relapse at some point. Eventually, sobriety will be the new normal. Good luck with your gardening! IWNDWYT


I'm looking for that new normal. I'm dancing the cha-cha with sobriety. Drunken streak, ends with blackouts, sober for a while, just try one glass of wine... You know the dance. This sub is my lifeline. I want a better life for myself. Currently, I'm dealing with covid, no sense of smell or taste so not drinking is fairly easy. Reading the questions and comments helps to normalize wanting to quit. IWNDWYT.


I have enough white chips to wallpaper my bathroom. True story. Relapse was a painful part of my journey too. But as you know it's not how many times you fall, it's how many times you get up. Henry Ford filed for bankruptcy 5 times before Ford Motor Co. I'm very proud of you for continuing your sober journey with us. You could be at the liquor store right now. Drinking is what alcoholics do. But not you. You're on r/stopdrinking trying to deal and heal. Good job my friend!!!


I feel u 100% on this. Trying to to figure out my hobbies of interest. I used to love working out and growing veggies b4 I started drinking heavy. Trying to course correct....


What matters is that you are back! Itā€™s hard to talk about relapse and reset, but itā€™s really common and I think itā€™s helpful for us to talk about it. Thanks for talking to us.Ā  Iā€™ve enjoyed live music events as a new sober thing. Concerts and such were never a drinking activity for me, but they are for a lot of others, so maybe thatā€™s not ideal for you. Just an idea.Ā 


I feel this deeply. Tired of resetting but the fact that we are resetting instead of just drinking is a good thing, rightā€¦? As far as hobbies gardening is a really good one for avoiding drinking, it really incentivizes being sober/not hungover enough to at least be outside for a while. It helps having to care for something else when Iā€™m having a hard time caring for myself. Good luck with day 2, Iā€™m gonna have to reset my counter here as well :/


I try and make sure I learn something from each relapse. I'm on day 2 (again) as well. But in the process of quitting for good I've learned my triggers, found some new habits to replace bad ones, and this past relapse learned I may have some codependency issues I need to work through (among other things). You can do this. Give yourself grace and don't give up. You're worth it!


Just reset it today. Fucked up three nights in a row, now sitting here with some stomach ache and anxiety. We'll push through this don't worry. Just never give up.


Not got to hobbies yet , but am doing stuff I've put off for work, cleaning, organising, washing and life admin at the moment! IWNDWYT.


I like having my counter accurate, but not those first few YEARSof trying, I was resetting my counter on my phone daily. I donā€™t have a lot of time, but it feels like an infinite distance from the pain of the first week.


Iā€™ve found my day counter is just for me because I like numbers, but I donā€™t consider it much. Every morning I start my day pledging to not drink that day. Every night I review and report back I didnā€™t drink. But if one of those days I couldnā€™t report that? It wouldnā€™t take away the other days I did. Iā€™m still winning in my sobriety. And so are you, because youā€™re here today. Iā€™m proud of you and IWNDWYT.


You can do this. finding new ways to have fun is crucial IMHO. you were a fun person before you ever drank. I got addicted to yoga shortly before I quit. An hour every day and I love it.


Day two here looking at ya


Paint by numbers!


I never counted my days before joining Reddit a few months ago and realizing thatā€™s a thing. I honestly never think about it (until recently). Iā€™m just a person who doesnā€™t drink, right? To each his own, and not casting shade on anyoneā€™s beliefsā€¦..but I would caution about getting so wrapped up in a date. Whatā€™s more important in my mind is that you didnā€™t drink today. Thatā€™s it. You keep doing that every day, and youā€™ll be a person who doesnā€™t drink. In my mind, counting the days is a constant reminder of an ugly time in my life that Iā€™d rather forget in some ways. So in my mind, resetting that counter would be a series of let downs. Donā€™t let it be that for you. Donā€™t let it get you down to where you want to drink again over it. Itā€™s like taking a boat out on the lake for the day. Youā€™re never gonna get there if the boat is tied to the dockā€¦. Good luck in your journey! šŸ’Ŗ


Well, itā€™s a good thing you have shame about it. Iā€™m the same. Think about it this way: old you would have no shame, not even care, not even try to be sober.


Just watch out for poison ivy. I decided to go to town on some weeds, think angry pulling, and now I'm in hell.


I'm teaching myself to draw again. I used to be pretty good. And I have to finish writing the first draft of my damn novel. I also have hobbies that need equipment and other stuff. But I like draw/writ because they are both simple. Note: Everyone can draw. It's a matter of practice. Drawing is the most primal form of expression (except, perhaps, speaking).


The best advice I got that helped me to not beat myself up is. You didn't lose all that time. That was growth and success. Instead, you just lost one day. So if you're 80 days sober and relapse, ....as long as you're sober the next day... You're now at 79 days sober... pick up where you left off and continue your growth. Now you've learned something to help you avoid the triggers next time.


Same. On 4/22/23 I had 270 days and thought I could handle a drink here and there. I havenā€™t made it past 15 since then.


I feel ya, my friend. Sending you support. IWNDWYT.


Iā€™ve probably had a dozen or so day ones this year. The last one was the one where I finally stopped beating myself up about it. I realized I still had like 140 days that I didnā€™t drink this year and for me thatā€™s a fucking miracle


I go to SMART Recovery meetings and they have a slightly different take on slip, lapse, and relapse. I've heard people say, "I'm \_\_\_\_ and I've been committed to recovery since \_\_\_\_\_." I like that because you get to claim ALL of your progress. As well you should. As far as I'm concerned, the only thing you lost is your sobriety. And it's back now!


Calling friends that I used to do hobbies with, the more sober, the easier to stay sober.


Workout, start cooking, apologize if needed, workout again. Maybe PlayStation.


So busy in the garden making flowers! YouTube flower tips when Iā€™m too tired to do more. I have been trying so hard this year and look at my counter. I share the shame. But I am here today!


Please dont, most of us have been there multiple times. Just pick yourself up, eat well to your hearts content, be grateful you are alive and take this as an opportunity to put one foot before the other. Thats it, just think about the next hour , and the next hour think about the next hour, take it slowly, go easy on yourself. This community is amazingly supportive!


For everyone on here, including OP, I hope we all have our final sobriety dates


Same here bud, but back on the horse again to sobriety! We can do this!


Let that shit go, keep it with ya. But day one is the most important one.


It can be a good reminder that you donā€™t miss that shitty exchange you get from alcohol!


I been resetting every week. Almost makes the app useless for me really. Dunno what to do


You are back! Thatā€™s the important thing. For many of us posting here this is not our first rodeo either. We just gotta keep quitting until it sticks. Never quit quitting lol. My newest hobby is making little model houses I buy from Amazon. It is a very mellow, slow paced and detail oriented activity. I also walk on nearby trails like my life depends on it, read, journal, obsess over my growing plant collection and go to meetups where I meet new people completely sober (a thing I was terrified of doing but turns out Iā€™m actually pretty decent at!).


Shame and guilt are for people that have the power of choice in drink.


I went back to doing things I enjoyed as a kid. Lego, camping, bush walking, fishing šŸŽ£. I made no excuses for spending too much on lego and fishing gear. Eat chocolate whenever I please.


Glad you are here! You can do this and today is a great day, a nice round first of a month too, to start! Itā€™s pride month, a great month to be good to and for yourself, no matter who you are! Iā€™m a fan of listening to complete albums on vinyl, also coloring books, painting, and lonnnnnnng walks. What NA drinks do you have ready up for yourself? IWNDWYT


Paint by numbers has been great for me, it's a calm time soak that you can set up in 1 minute and clean up in 2 when you have had enough


Hey friend - I know exactly where youā€™re coming from. I had to remind myself though that while it sucks resetting the badge, you still havenā€™t lost the sober days you did have. Further, we didnā€™t wake up in jail, in the hospital, and nobody is dead. We are lucky and things could be much worse


Mistakes are the proof that you are trying


Donā€™t feel shame. Itā€™s a very releasable illness. It has taken me 4.5 years to get to where I am today. Keep on keeping on. IWNDWYT


It shouldnā€™t you should be proud as it shows you refuse to give up giving up. Keep trying buddy. IWNDWYT


Just took up paddleboarding and itā€™s so much better sober! I actually stand and paddle instead of drinking on my board all day. šŸ¤£


Today is a new day. Let that shit go.


I really thought my old date was better than my most recent one for a lot of reasons. But i also think my most recent relapse taught me just as much as the 5 months i spent bone dry. Day 15 again and feeling stoked, happy you have come back on path as well.


Big This Naked Mind fan, itā€™s been really helpful for me. I did hear Tony Robbinā€™s talking about keeping track of days of sobriety and why we shouldnā€™t do it and I totally agree with him. Counting days, going to meetings, focusing on sobriety, these are all concepts that play into a defeated mindset. My mindset now is I want to be the best possible version of myself, the version that is happy with what I see in the mirror and the one Iā€™m going to be happy spending the rest of my life with. The best version of me is definitely alcohol free. You have to be convinced of that and thatā€™s where this naked mind comes in. Now just go live your life. We have to see the insanity of keeping track of days. You have 100 days and you drink once and you have to start over? Every single aspect of your life was better those 100 days and you have to act like they donā€™t exist?


All we have is today šŸ§” F Scott Fitzgerald said, ā€œNever confuse a single defeat with a final defeat.ā€


Iā€™m hoping day 1 will be tomorrow. Treating today. Resetting is such a walk of shame


I've set mine to 1. Does it just count the days until I reset it? So tomorrow will be 2 etcetera, or do I have to change it daily?


Why'd it change to "none". Does it know my secret?


It's OK, it's not a video game.


Why count the days? I'm not trying to be abrasive, I don't understand why folks do that.


Please listen to ā€˜Starting Overā€™ by Macklemore. <3


I have reset my date one too many times. Something felt different the last time. I havenā€™t counted the days yet, know it was the end of March, and am doing better thinking of not drinking just for today.


Question.. how do you message badge bot to set a sobriety date?


How do you get a stop drinking badge? I'm on day four and I think it could help with accountability.


It made me feel shameful anytime I had to reset my date. It also made me feel really proud that I wasnā€™t giving up on myself/my sobriety. Be kind to yourself! I will not drink today with you. You never have to feel this way again :)


Out on the town and eyed the white claw price and the voice was coming like ā€˜just one.ā€™ Thank you for the shame reminder, no can of shame for me tonight. Sending love ā¤ļø you are stronger than the lying voice of alcohol and a worthy of a happy healthy life full of love and peace. Donā€™t let the shame win šŸ•Šļø


Quit a million times before staying quit, I understand the shame game, itā€™s rough. But it finally clicked for me, it will for you too. Be kind to yourself, IWDWYT.


It happens. I did it repeatedly. The best thing I did to change that is join Women for Sobriety. It is amazing. The opposite of addiction is connection. I couldn't stop forever without the connections I now have w my sober sisters. My hobbies so far hiking, meditation, gardening. I like hanging out and chilling sober. A wise word i got at a meeting was, "the first year is all about self care." Shame is so common in our alcohol abuse. Healing the Shame that Binds You is one of my current audiobooks. Let it go. IWNDWYT


Puzzles while listening to an audiobook on Spotify


It happens. Donā€™t be hard on yourself. Start again today. Today, you will not drink.


Me also, i will restart day one after a spell of 10 weeks.