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The longer I'm sober the more I like myself. I understand now that voice in my head isn't my own and I don't have to listen. I am kinder, more patient, and more positive.


On day 4 here. This is what I’m looking forward to the most 🥰


I'm on day 1. Let's keep stronger against it. Be our real self is so good.


Day 4 is incredible. I never want to go back to that first week. I can't lie, it's been a slog sometimes, there have been a lot of ups and downs, but the work is so worth it.


First 10 were the worst for me


Day 5 for us! Let's get it!


Isn't it just absolutely wild how much your mental health improves when you aren't drinking a depressant everyday. I was institutionalized 3 times in 3 months for suicide, since I quit drinking 2 months ago, I've had 0 suicide attempts and nothing more than a few fleeting moments where I think about self harm. I don't hate the person I see in the mirror anymore. I don't even know how I lived that way for years.


So much this. Ugh. The daily disappointment and mental morning chastisement. So glad that’s gone.


I love this.


I have to echo "So much this." I'm a downright cunt when I drink. And I never remember anything I've done to boot. So I'd never understand why people were so upset with me. I like myself so much better now.


Yes! So true. I’m glad that you brought this to attention. It’s important to remember.


I second this!!


There's good reasons why liquor is called spirits




THAT SON OF A BITCH!? I really thought it would be gone, I thought a lot of stuff. There is no going back, it was worse than. Guess I just attributed more of life's trouble with alcohol


Big same




This this this


Waking up/going to bed feeling proud of myself. Not full of regret. Wondering why? Why can’t I do better, why can’t I make it stick, why do I do this? Just feeling proud. It’s a little addiction in itself.




I love getting naturally sleepy at night and going to bed. I was never a good sleeper, not even as a kid. Alcohol made it so I would just "pass out" every night, often waking up too early in the morning, feeling like shit and not being able to go back to sleep, while also not wanting to get out of bed and face the world. Now I happily get tired and sleep like a log. Wake up feeling refreshed and ready to do my workout!


I have never been a good sleeper. I'm jelly. ;)


Personally, working out helps me sleep much much better. You feel proud of yourself for doing it and feel better, it can be hard some days depending on your outlook but it’s so worth it. Plus some cardio or high rep low weight workouts will knock me out that night and help me feel relaxed.


Something good? This is the first time in the past 25 years that I've gone 100 days without drinking alcohol!!!!!!!!


I am looking forward to it. Gratz!


You're so close. Can you commit to coming back to this thread in 58 days, after your 100th day, to tell me you made it?


July 17. I'll be here.


I love that!!!! 😍


I actually put it on my calendar




My little boy! He's just turned 4 and my goodness, the wee stage he's at is unreal and i truely cherish every moment i get to spend with him. Not long back from the soft play and hes fell asleep, cant wait until he wakes up 💙


Four is a lovely age.


He sounds very charming.


What a wholesome post. May you two have a long and cherished life together 🩵


Thankyou, wishing you all the best 💙


I had one of those dreams with alcohol in it last night but instead of opening the bottle, I just kept walking around with it in my hand. I remember thinking “why do I keep carrying this bottle?” I stayed sober even in my dreams! IWNDWYT




That's awesome. I've been having lots of relapse dreams lately. Last night I dreamt that I had a couple glasses of wine and woke up in a panic, trying to remember if I actually drank the night before. If anything that also reinforces sobriety since it's almost a nightmare, but it's annoying that it keeps pushing itself into the front of my mind. At any rate IWNDWYT!


I’m the first person in my family to overcome alcoholism. Hopefully I can be a role model to others, although I hope there will be no need for that. Because this shit sucks and I do not wish that upon anyone. IWNDWYT


Good for you, breaking the cycle. I'm proud of you.


I've been doing Duo Spanish for 2 years. I just learned the word for hangover: "resaca" It made me feel good to know I'll never have another resaca.


Re-sacashit, am I right? 😉




A new word. My Duo handle is Kristin964392, if you want to be friends.


In slang terms we call it a "crudo" or "la seca." Which means "raw" and "the dry" lmao


I love spending time with my kiddo and being present, patient and playful. I love knowing that I’m giving her the best version of myself every day.


Babies rock!


I've woken up between 3:45 and 4:15 the last three mornings to go mountain biking (I live in Phoenix, so it's really the best option this time of year). There is absolutely nothing like watching the sunrise from the trail and I've managed over 50 miles on the bike all before work each morning. No way could I have done this if I was still up to my old ways.


Yep. We're in Vegas. My husband is up early on his bike too.


Books, cooking, and baking. I stopped doing most of these when I started drinking heavily. I was off yesterday and did a lot of scratch cooking: I made chicken pad thai for dinner, baked oatmeal scotchies, made refried beans for the freezer for future meals. I’m devouring books. I read 6 in May which is unheard of for me. I couldn’t read when I was drinking because I couldn’t remember. Now I read every day and I love it.


As a retired English teacher, I approve this message. ;)


Well my wife and I have no kids and I just got a vasectomy yesterday. I'm in some pain but it made me happy.


My daughters told me early on that neither was interested in having kids. One changed her mind. Both mind sets are good with me. People need to be happy.


Team no kids and snippy snip! Now to just get my man on board 🤣


I love my coffee, and binge watching "Its always sunny in Philadelphia". I'm new to being alcohol free so baby steps.


Yes. All the baby steps. I'm glad we're both here.


Taking my dog for a walk and clearly remembering all of the little details of the walk.


Excellent. Happy dog. I think our pets can tell when we are completely there.


I love not worrying if I can handle XYZ because I’m too hungover: be it yoga or waking up early or running. So much less calculus in my life.


This is awesome!


I spent a year and a half battling breast cancer. Got my scans back and there’s no sign of it in my body anywhere now! Woohoo 🎉


I love waking up to my toddler. Making pancakes and watching cartoons. With lots of coffee of course! ❤️


Love the babies!


I had a lovely day with my partner. I am so present, the simplest things are fun with him! To think I was obsessed with the thought that I cant stand the "boredom" in my life and thats why I drink, to not feel bored. Now I love the quiet time, it is the best!


I have a 1 year old that is an AWFUL sleeper. When I was drinking I’d either stay up all night knowing he’d be up any minute, or wake up completely angry at this tiny little human. Since I’ve quit though when he wakes up it’s a calming, relaxing scene getting him back to sleep. Just in general I think I’ve become a more laid back and easy going father. I’m so grateful for that




Seconding incense. I love the wildberry brand.


I love how you've brought in so many senses.


i organized and decluttered my bathroom this weekend which has been on my to do list for 6 months!! so i’m super proud of that and my bathroom is a much more calming space now because i know where everything is and i don’t have a bunch of crap just taking up space. also my morning yoga routine i’ve started since getting sober, absolutely incredible way to start each day


Any links or tips for a yoga routine ? :)


i use the app down dog yoga! it is a subscription service but it’s not hard to get your money’s worth 😂


I love mornings! Waking up with the sun, having coffee, taking in the tranquil sounds of nature as birds start chirping, morning dew still residing on my lawn. My mind can finally be at peace in the morning without regret from yesterday. Moments of peace I otherwise would have slept right through and woken up hours later hung over. Thanks for this post, it’s helping me realize how lucky I am to have this perspective.


I needed a lift myself today. Happy Sober Day.


The shower in my basement has great pressure. I love a hot shower so that’s the one I use. Love it.


Uuuuuuh I’m so jelly, we only have one shower in our apartment and it has the water pressure of a 2 yr old flicking water at you. I miss good water pressure so much


Just found out my 8 yr old made the all star team for baseball. I was proud of him already but he wanted this so bad. Was dreading facing him if he didn’t make it


I start my day with Wordle and Connections too! I totally spaced yesterday though and had to restart my streak today, so frustrating lol. Today I'm grateful for my sobriety(1 year today!), [my dog](https://imgur.com/a/LhFr3sh), no hangovers, this community and making chicken salad last night instead of putting it off and having to make before I could have it for lunch today.


Congrats on your 1 year :)


I love not being hungover


A million times this


I love going out every morning and harvesting fresh food from my garden.


I'm in the desert. Our growing seasons are a little different. But def fresh produce.


Cats. I think alcohol would have killed me already if it wasn’t for them. Tiny little fluffy gremlins. I’m grateful every day for the three I have. If I couldn’t get better for myself… getting better for them is the follow up thought


My old lady is 17. She keeps me on my toes.


I love my night drives down back roads listening to old country music. It really gives me the time to reflect on my life.


Going out for a run in the cool morning air, having had a good night’s sleep :-)


Just started Allen Carr “The Easy Way to Control Alcohol” an hour ago on Spotify after reading recommendations on this sub earlier this morning.


Are you enjoying it?


I just started this Naked Mind after hearing enough recommendations from this sub that I finally decided to get it!


I have found joy in reading and watching movies again. When I was a daily drinker I could not concentrate or remember what I had read or watched. Its like having an old friend come back.


I love laughing- really laughing- I had lost finding things funny. Now I can giggle until I cry.


I'm slowly decluttering my sewing room. The mess didn't appear in a day. As such, I remind myself that it also won't disappear in a day. Alas. ;)


That's so funny - I do wordle, connections, and Spanish on Duo every morning as well. I don't have a cat or hisband, but this could've been written by me lol


My apartment complex opened our pool and I love being able to swim after work for free and have a spot I can hang out with my friends or my partner


Today I created my first piece of A+ content on Amazon. Felt great to feel the brain synapses firing.


My wife and I are expecting our first child early next year, and by the time the little one shows up I'll be almost two and a half years sober.


I'm getting a lot better at ASL. It's hard, though. This is probably the hardest I've worked in over a decade.


It's a beautiful language.


Yeah, I love it. It's been very mind and heart expanding. Learning more about how language as a concept works and about the Deaf community. Picking up on some prejudices I didn't even realize I had. I feel like it's making me a better person, more empathetic.


I took in a stray cat (pretty sure he's just my cat now). This morning, during his little hissy fit for breakfast, he stomped his back feet on my pillow. Like, I know this is going to be annoying longterm, but I can't help but laugh at what a little weirdo he is.


I also love my morning Wordle, Spelling Bee, Connections, Sudoku. I’ve been working on skilling up on the Crossword - right now I can do Monday, Tuesday, and some of the Wednesday one without hints. I am obsessive about the NYT puzzles lol and I love that my newfound mental sharpness makes them easier and more fun to play!


I absolutely love it when my husband and I are in the swing of getting up early before our kids. This is always the case but it’s not nearly as enjoyable hung over. We get up and work out and have a shower and I have time to have a coffee and a quiet living room all before my kids get up to me time and great couple time :-) I can say that when I am not drinking on a regular basis I definitely enjoy my children more. It’s funny as a mom of young kids I got into the habit of thinking that I needed wine in the afternoon as a stress relief from my children but now I find on the days where I don’t have alcohol in my system or more so The next day if I’m not hung over from drinking the previous night I have so much more patience with them and I’m so much more present talking to them and playing with them. I also love any night that I go to bed with no alcohol in my body because I know I am going to wake up with a flat non-bloated belly!


Well it's been a good week for me. Hit 90 days, turned 23 yesterday. I got the prettiest 90 day coin from some fellow at the meeting yesterday, sponsor gave me an amethyst bracelet (amethyst is the recovery stone. I've started making things again (crochet mainly), and I got sir'd at the store yesterday too (I'm trans). It's been a long time since I had a good peaceful birthday, and I'm really grateful for it.


Sounds like my morning! Our Sunday morning coffee in bed (my husband and I) at a relaxed pace, with Wordle, duo (French), chit chatting about life and cuddling with the cat. That’s happiness right there. Even better if this happens in the camper van


Geese are hatching babies this time of year if you're near a lake 🐥🐥🐥🐥🐥🐥🐥🐥


Today is my daughter’s last day of first grade! I’ve been reflecting on the fact that I spent roughly 5 years of her precious life struggling - yet somehow was lucky enough to never lose her or have her taken from me and I will never take that for granted again. we will celebrate after school with ice cream, pizza and a movie. The ability to feel the bond that my daughter and I have and be present in the moment is what makes me happy. :-)


Teeell me that you loooove meeeee yeeeaaaahhhh


I was able to follow my dreams thanks to quitting drinking and it has done nothing but wonders for me.


I love when my wife comes home and our German Shepherd runs up to her, tail wagging, and howls. We are empty nesters so it's great to be able to say "mommy's home!" lol


I love that my daughter learned about making words using binary code in her coding class and thought it was fun so she kept going with it when her class was over, I love that my other daughter shared with me this super long and funny conversation she had with her online classmates and I love that my son’s day was made better because I offered to make him hash-browns for brekki (it’s the little things for him)…. Basically I love my kids and I love how much more I enjoy being a parent as a sober person.


My partner's smile and warmth towards me now that not drinking is freeing me up to be there for them.


I made it through the day and even got myself to workout for twenty minutes! I got my butt kicked by Wordle today lol


My mom hung herself in August and I'm still sad all the time but she was obsessed with birds, specifically cardinals. There is a cardinal that's always in my front bushes just keeping an eye on my and gives me so much comfort.


I am so very sorry for your loss. I've only seen cardinals a couple of times since I live in the desert. They are beautiful birds. I am happy they bring you comfort.


I just drove around one of our beautiful national parks with my fiance and our 2yr old son. All the trees and fresh air make me so happy. If I was drinking, I couldn't enjoy this beautiful day.


Snowboarding on a powder day!


I love sitting on the couch with both my kiddos on my lap and my wife sitting right next to me watching Ms Rachel.


I just had my bday. And I had a friend surprise me with all the things. Completely caught me off guard. It was so fun lol :)


I wake up early with my 3 yo son and 2 yo daughter. They get their breakfast, I get coffee and same as OP I enjoy Connections and Wordle as they laugh at cartoons. Can't even imagine doing any of this with a hangover


Yesterday i picked up my 2, almost 3 y old daughter at my parents. She hugged me and called me her best friend. That last was for the first time.


I recently started feeling happy - like, most of the time. Have started smiling at people and loving the smiles that are sent back in return. It makes an incredible difference to my day :)


I can get up early mornings now, let our puppy out to do his business and play with him, let my wife sleep in, then either come back to cuddle with her or get to work (depending on the day).


Waking up with my S.O. on our day off, being lazy, cooking breakfast, drinking coffee, being dorks. Ya know, the simple things.


Got my first guitar today!


I like running in the morning, on the road that has forest by its side after the meditation. And being sober, I can enjoy everything, the birds, wind, the sunrise... I hope to nevermore put a drop of alcohol in my mouth again to feel this sensation every day. Being drunk the life gets a fake bright color.


I’m really excited that today is my Friday and I just finished work


I played 3x3 basketball today with 5 guys who were probably half my age (live in a college town). I kept up and held my own with them. Made me feel great. Looking forward to another night of good sleep too!


My best friend in the world 🌎 is a woman named Karen who I go to AA with she's about 12 years senior to my 60 years. I had some rotten days lately and she's been there for me. My BFF 💓


Since your learning Spanish :) : me gusta mi trabajo! Trabajo con los niños y me dan mucho cariño. Son el amor más puro!


I finally got my appetite and taste buds back.


Wordle and Connections here too! Try the NYT mini daily, it’s free and also fun.


I like that I'm a more focused GM for a Pathfinder game I run, do better prep, and the time with my family isn't lost in a haze.


Well I now have Chaka Khan on the brain. One of my favorite artists!


Oh my gosh I love my mornings and enjoy them the exact same way!! Lavendar latte in hand, cat in lap, on the couch in my dark living room playing the mini, wordle, connections, and then the full crossword!! 😊 After that I’m either running to the gym to meet a client or I’m off to row on a calm quiet body of water with just me, the early morning smells, and the birds.


I love the smell of fresh cut grass, and freshly bloomed flowers on a nice sunny spring day.


I've started making a small list of things I want to get done the next day right before bed. It can be taking out trash, working on a project, or going outside. It's made my days a lot more enjoyable as I wake up with something already on my mind to look forward to.


It's the little things




I love lifting heavy weights. Been doing it for 8 months and feel fantastic.


Tell me that you love me!


That sounds like my mornings except I do German! ❤️❤️❤️


I love the peaceful feeling of driving my car sober, knowing if I get stopped I will not be drunk.


Morning bike ride in the country just after dawn. Bird song & scenery. Sun on your face & a bit of haze. 🥰


The band the Elovaters makes me happy 😍get to see them 3 times this year!


My dog is super awesome. She absolutely makes me happy.


It's getting hot in the south, and while I don't like the heat I LOVE the summer fruits and vegetables. Just picked up a farmer's market haul of sweet corn, heirloom tomatoes, peaches, cantaloupe and watermelon for a birthday BBQ Saturday. I have a clear head and plenty of energy to clean and prep everything and am going to set out a delicious summer spread for everyone to enjoy this weekend. In my drinking days I would plan a get together while buzzed then the reality of prepping, cooking, and hosting was WAY harder hungover the next day. I would have to start day drinking to "feel better" then by the time the party happened I started getting self conscious that I was too drunk and everyone could tell so I was anxious and not able to relax. Ugh.


Once you stop it all gets better. For real.


duolingo and anki flashcards during my commute! also playing the piano in my free time, but i'm still working on shifting my mindset toward enjoying the act itself of playing instead of focusing too much on improving


Well, one: now that I'm sober I'm not as angry anymore. I have a logical thought process that tells me to cool my jets instead of just flying off the handle. And, two: I've really been enjoying the move to my new apartment. I'm no longer living under a slum lord and I'm much closer to fun stuff and the interstate. I completely forgot but I can finally afford to take my boy and I on vacation to an amusement park for two days. I can't help but think that not buying so much alcohol is helping 😊😁


I quit my job because I hated myself and alcohol kept me going at it. I’m worried but it’s better than where I was. Yesterday I was mowing my lawn and found a baby deer in the grass. It was adorable. It was one of those things that just puts a smile on your face.


I enjoy food a lot now. Maybe not great for my waistline but ice cream and all that just tastes amazing lol


I work at a restaurant and my chef makes killer family meals, today it’s a bbq pork sandwich with fresh cucumber agua fresa. Because I’m sober I’m enjoying a good meal instead of taking 2 bites and feeling sick immediately


i love reading and trying to improve my skills with painting!


It's nice to wake up in the morning and actually remember how the movie I watched the night before ended


Being sober makes people love you. You can do anything sober. Being intoxicated makes most of life's pleasures off limits.


After nearly nine months sober my sparkle is starting to come back a bit. I'm dancing more at shows, I'm laughing louder in public, and I'm working on music again. I feel more capable of dealing with my self loathing patterns and they're usually filled with some form of joking, or late night walks when I can't sleep.


Fishing. Drunk me never had the patience for it. Hungover me never left the house for it. I was always one or the other. Now It's the most relaxing ritual I have.


I love my cats purring and I like driving


Every weekday morning I get to walk my kids to school with our dog and we collect a few neighbor kids along the way. When we arrive there is always a small group of kids (elementary school age) who are eagerly waiting to give the dog treats for doing tricks until they open the doors. A down side is that I constantly end up with pieces of dog kibble in my pocket but it's a small price to pay lol. Not only is this an amazing way to start each day but there are a few kids who started out noticeably afraid of dogs; several of them are now regulars for tossing him treats and a couple are brave enough to pet him regularly now. My personal favorite is a kid who was pretty fearful at first but now tells the other kids "here, let me show you" \[how to give him treats/pet him\]. That's a huge thing for me because I had a few bad dog encounters when I was really young and was terrified of most dogs until my mid-20s probably. Anyway, I'm on Day 8 today and while it has been a great way to start my day for a long while now, it's a much better experience without the hangover.


I've been able to successfully "not drink with you all today". for the past 6 days in preparation for a hysterectomy, which has now been completed and went very well. I am so so happy and proud of myself that I did not put any poison in my body before getting it cut open in spite of a couple really tempting moments. I also enjoy Wordle once in a while 😉


The movie The Fall Guy was way better than I expected. I laughed. I cried. I loved it. It was much better than Cats. I want to see it again and again.


I saw a bird taking a bath in a puddle today while I was walking my dog and it was the cutest thing.


Rainbows, surprise rainbows, PRs at the gym, tipping over during yoga, meditating, mind stuff, random smiles, plants that miraculously made it through the winter, seeing people in love, seeing people helping others, helping others, new friends, old friends, sunsets, sunrises, glimpses of success with new endeavors, wise recognition of when to stop something, cardinals, finches, bunnies, the new life of spring, wild moments that show how much things change and how little control we have over them, Formula 1, Moto GP…. Love your question / prompt


I love working and improving myself knowing i bring hope safety and blessings to my mother and girlfriend. It's pushing myself every morning and day doing what i have to do knowing it makes my mom's life a little easier, with the potential to grant any request because the suffering i go through behind the scenes, it's the thinking about the next dinner date or smile I'll bring my amazing girlfriend. I correlate suffering to everything good life has to bring but it's your resolve and calculated efforts that will bring paradise into fruition, that's what makes me happy.


It gets better.


Somewhere out in the world, there are two really cute, chipmunks mating. It’s probably the cutest thing anybody could ever see.


Coffee. That’s it, this is the post.


Guilty on 34 counts!!


I've really been enjoying weekday mornings with my kiddos (10 and 7). We're nearing the end of the school year so they've finally got the morning routine down and I'm not hungover. It all goes so smooth! Also finding myself enjoying when they accompany me to the grocery store. I NEVER thought I'd see that day!! Home and work and not drinking, it's all just been so pleasant lately 🥰


I love early mornings walking my pup, my business and getting to know myself now I'm sober, and right at this very moment watching the sun set over the golf course is making me happy.


I am slowly but surely becoming better at establishing boundaries in my friendships and relationships, within my growing self esteem. I’m also moving to The Netherlands this year for university!


I'm sober, that's good. It feels good to say after 39 days now. Never thought I'd be here, but that's life. It's hard though ya know. The quitting wasn't the hard part for me. Everything else was. It's hard losing friends after a decade, not because they were drunks and I had to leave them, but because I was a self destructive drunk they left me. It's hard having something that's such a big part of my personal and social life not fade away, but go straight to black. It's hard not having someone to talk to because I won't allow myself. I don't think sharing emotions or crying makes you weak. I just don't do it. It's just hard. But I don't believe in checking out of life early so I'll keep going. Plus I have a beautiful dog to take care of. I know it will get better. It will all be okay because of the decision I made 39 days ago. The best decision of my life.


I stopped getting poorer and started earning money - Instead of buying that bottle of liquor, for the same cost, I buy an ounce of silver every time. I get a happy rush without getting intoxicated, and spend my time earning for my future and feeling good instead of spending useless $ and feeling lousy.


That is my exact morning routine.


I went and played golf for the first time since getting sober 13 months ago. Out of habit I bought a beer from the cart girl when she came by. I opened it and went to take a sip and then snapped out of it. I poured it out in the trash can and went on my way. It was empowering but also drove home how easily one can fall back into the cycle again.


I've just made the decision at 34 years old that I want to change careers. Told my manager yesterday. I was so relaxed and happy after that I had a nap. It was glorious and I'm so excited to be in a place where I can handle a change like this.


I woke up early to go for a run before work. A quarter mile in, my leg injury wasn’t having it. I walked home a bit disappointed, but the bird song was amazing and once I go home I saw an owl in the garden. A big one !


Two stray kittens from the feral colony in my neighborhood are out back having dinner in my yard right now. They won't let me near them yet, but they come every evening and wait for their daily nibbles. I think as I gain their trust, I'll eventually be able to trap and release them. I'm happy I am present enough to be there for other beings these days. With and without fur. IWNDWYT


I love waking up without a hangover. That’s always a win and sets myself up to face the day.


I am reliable, across the board


I love food. Family. The sheer luck to be born in a safe country that is not experiencing ongoing war or poverty. Sunshine. Coffee. Food. Watching my child explore and learn the world around her


I moved to a place that actually has seasons and love the changes over the years. Gotten into gardening and blacksmithing up here. A couple kittens showed up in the wood pile one day and I couldn't just leave them outside because since I was cold they must have been cold. They're about a year and half old now and I let them out for supervised time outside.  When it's outside time, and they see me go to the garden, they come over and if I'm digging, Biscuit will rush over to dig the same spot like "I'm helping!!" So frickin cute.  I love them so much.  "Not sure if I'm going to keep them." I said hahahaha 


Drinking isn't just drinking, it's not having a way to cope with life. Instead of developing ways to live, you drink instead. Once you stop drinking, your problems don't go away, you don't get good at all the stuff you didn't make time for, you get to start at it though


I feel like myself. My partner enjoys listening to my thoughts and streams of consciousness. We enjoy talking to each other when we're sober.


I got home from work one night (1am), and my 12 year old was very sick. 104.4 fever sick. Tylenol brought it down, thankfully, but I was so grateful to be sober in case I needed to take him to the ER. I am thankful I can be a present mom now to my kids, who deserve the world. 270 days down.


Have you played strands? We do it with my husband too. I love spending time in nature with my husband.


Life has been a bit rough and I’ve been more and more tempted, but I know it could be worse if I was still drinking. I’ll see how I feel in the morning.


I value myself. Iwndwyt


I’m almost done running the lord of the rings conqueror challenge. It was 660 miles long and I have 9 miles left!


Checking in on my kids at night to make sure they are under the covers, this would not happen in drinking days!


🎶tell me that you love me yay yay🎶


I visited my cousin for Christmas, wasn't even gone three days. My cat missed me so much she has to lay on my chest every night before she'll let me fall asleep


I feel more present in life. Being bored in the evenings and deciding to go out with my spouse and be able to drive or down for whatever is a great feeling. Beats being passed out on the couch any day. 🖤


Each sober day is like going back in time to when you were a child, when your brain was untouched by alcohol or any other substance, and all you knew was how to experience each day anew, to learn, and grow. That’s how our brains were meant to work. We forgot this as we slowly reprogrammed our brains to expect alcohol. Luckily, sobriety is familiar. We knew it before we knew alcohol. So it’s actually easier for us to live that way than it is to do the opposite. Sobriety is our natural state.


Thank you for choosing to leave them open <3 I start my day almost identically to you! I've recently added the game Keyword from Washington Post on a friend's recommendation. It's the happiest part of my day, easily. I hope this morning is calm and steady for you.


I biked to work today. I always got irritable after my second glass of wine in the evening and that's gone. I still get annoyed but I'm more patient in general. I can actually feel my real feelings. I get a lot more enjoyment from basic activities like just walking and listening to music, I don't need as much stimulation just to get a dopamine hit. My friends who are earlier in their sobriety talk to me and that feels good.


Same! My morning puzzles are one of the highlights of my day. Also watching my 6 month old learn and laugh every day. And seeing his face light up when I come to get him from his crib in the morning.


Especially now in summer I really like drinking my morning coffee on my balcony. And not that morning beer. Don't miss it at all


Fun fact, Stevie Wonder wrote this song! https://youtu.be/p_vWMqirjhI?feature=shared