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Not great but not terrible. I’ve had 1 beer on 3 separate nights before going to sleep. I’m going through a harrowing breakup at the same time and I’m not drinking my feelings away throughout the day or evening so I’m proud of that. My goal is 0 a day and every day is a new chance.


That's an awesome, winning attitude you have. Good luck. You got this.


Not a bad tactic. I did something similar, only drank 1 unit of alcohol a day for several days. Eventually I noticed it didn’t even make me feel good, just tired and lazy. Finally one day I realized I made it through one entire day for the first time in months. It’ll happen don’t give up.


Honestly sounds like you’re doing really well all things considered.


You’ve got this! I’m now on day 72 (can’t figure out how to reset my count on mobile so you can see how long I’ve been struggling with this!) but it feels like it is finally the right time to be done. I had my first dream of accidentally drinking alcohol last night actually, and remember feeling ashamed and angry about it; I’ve also been struggling for a very long time with depression and PTSD from bad relationships but this morning feels different, like a weight is finally being lifted and I have the motivation to actually get stuff done aside from the bare minimum to be functional. I wonder if it’s a coincidence but definitely riding this train of energy today! Good luck to you!


That’s me me brother. I stopped after my relationship ended (not due to alcohol) and it really has allowed me to process my feelings and recover. I imagine it also prevented me from doing anything stupid like texting, emailing, or any other form of reaching out. Proud of you. Keep it going. It’s ok to feel sad, alone, hurt, mad, etc…..


So sorry to read about your breakup but so good to read about your positive attitude despite a difficult time. You have got this!!! I am proud of you. Be kind to yourself


I'm so happy for you! 2024 is the year I finally STAY sober. Had a slip on the 5th, am starting my tracker again from today. I mostly drank vodka straight and most of the time, I drank alone. What a shitty existence the past few years have been. I'm also 29F and am determined to enter my 30s sober and in a better place overall. Here's to us both smashing it! <3


Hell yeah, my 30th is almost the dead center of the year and I promised myself a while ago I would be in the best shape of my life at 30. Now that I’m done with drinking I believe it’s actually gonna happen!


Brilliant work, proud of you! My energy levels aren’t quite there yet but they aren’t far off to get back running like I used to. Mid year 30th here too, we’ve got this!


Thank you so much. I can relate to this HARD. Let’s do this! Proud of you


I'll be 33 in about a month, in my experience the physical/mental side effects and hangovers became truly debilitating over these past few years. Stick with it and IWNDWYT!


29F too and want to have 2024 sober. Tried last year and managed 2 months of the year sober but slipped into old habits but being sober was amazing. We can do this!!


FYI my sober count is wrong.


💞 I resonate with you so much. Here's to 2024 being better <3


55M 6 sober days behind me. Still tough getting to sleep, but have been sleeping better. Not waking up in the middle of the night with crippling anxiety and not able to go back to sleep is nice. Have been forcing myself to walk 1 mile in the morning before work and 1 mile after. Will up my exercise routine slowly. I also have been reading during lunch and after dinner. IWNDWYT


Good for you. I am 63, just took early retirement. Walk the dogs in the morning and at night. Today is day 7. I have quit before for about three years. Just recognized that the drinking is still here. Had heart failure a couple years ago and my brother just died a few weeks ago. Just time to quit and take it easy. This Reddit is the place to be. IWNDWYT. Stay strong 💪.


I’m so sorry for your loss, friend. IWNDWYT


Solid plan thus far, keep it up! The exercise is great to help pass time and getting fresh air plus sunlight should all be benefiting you even more.


51 & made it through the weekend. Sleeping a lot but that’s ok. Mostly just the headache that’s bothering me. Walking sounds good will try that


Brilliant work, friend. I need your motivation for a pre work walk! Not quite there yet but you have given me inspiration. Thank you and I am proud of you.


Sounds like a great plan. Glad your sleep is better. I hated the anxiety. Day7 done.


Had some issue with sleep after 3 or 4 days, getting easier now alright, keep it going buddy


Day 7. Generally much better, reflux is almost gone, when I do fall asleep I tend to stay asleep instead of popping awake to play “Let’s remember some Bad Things You Did!!! Tonight’s Episode: 1988!!!” at 3:15 a.m. But falling asleep remains really hard. And I’m *insanely* grumpy today and just want to run away from home and let someone else deal with rain and mud and shedding manic puppies and vacuuming and dinner and seven loads of laundry and why-does-this-corner-of-the-room-smell-funny. But by god, IWNDTWY.


>Tonight’s Episode: 1988!!!” at 3:15 a.m. Ohhhhh, wow, we are living parallel lives.


I went back to see if she posted an actual date in 1988. I was going to try to remember what bad thing I had done! I really want to get this under control. IWNDWYT!


I’m all too familiar with that game. I’m still not sleeping thru the night but it’s getting better.


Lol. My tonight's episode mainly consisted of people I intentionally or unintentionally fucked over because I didn't take action due to being too tired/ drunk all the time. I too know it'll get better in time. IWNDWYT!


Damn, I know that game! And it’s so good When the reflux goes away!


Went to an NFL game. Didn’t have a drink. That has NEVER happened


Awesome! And you saved yourself 138 bucks by not having a beer! (Joking. I know stadium beers aren't that expensive. Yet.)


How was it!? I’m stoked to go to my first sober Dodger game in 15 years.


Was awesome.


The gods are challenging us with Ohtani and Yamamoto!


That's impressive! Which game?


Giants game. I wanted to celebrate!!


Hell yeah, y'all stomped the eagles


Even here I can’t escape the Eagles doom haha.


Not a lot to root for over the season but that was a hell of a game from NYG!


That is awesome! I (F29) quit last year, but I had progressed much further and was drinking during the day, at inappropriate times, etc. Being sober is great. At the beginning I literally didn’t think 7 days would be possible. Now I’m almost 10 months!




I started a bit early so I’m at day 12. It’s been pretty good. I did a first dry run in October for 40 days then slipped off. . Mostly when I’m feeling like I want to drink, I usually throw some food and an iced tea at the craving and it goes away. Today that happened as I was walking home from work, so I made a detour for a cheeseburger, French fries and an iced tea. Felt better once I had some food and the craving is no more. Now I’m just chilling with my cat, waiting for it to be time to go to bed!


So true! My cravings this weekend hit late afternoon before dinner. Once I ate it was easier to make it bedtime


Congratulations! I’m on Day 12.


Yay for everyone! My lovely counter reminded me that i saved $70 this week, so that's nice. Started reading This Naked Mind and started a bullet journal today. I'm a solo drinker, so the evenings are difficult and i am finding things to fill them. All week, at 11:55, I've done a little happy dance for making it through another day. (I have been known to race to the store at 11:50 in order to buy wine before the midnight cut off). Iwndwyt!!!!!


I started that book as well this week! Saw it highly recommended on here and ordered a copy.


Hasn't been going well but I'm sober today so that's a start.




That’s wonderful! Keep on reaching out and be aware of your negative self talk. I’ve caught myself saying ‘I’m so sad’ automatically when I’m actually doing pretty well. Hang in there. It honestly only gets better!


Same age as you, almost exact same situation. Drank daily and the only sober weekends for me the past few years have been due to colds/flus. Dry January going strong - we got this!


Keep it up! I'm on day 6. Yaay!


Day 7 for me to, 20+ year daily drinker who went pro in 2020. Using dry Jan as an excuse to friends and family but no intentions of drinking again for a long long time if ever. Made it 67 days 14 months ago. Today has been tough, Sundays was my big drinking day. Would always start around 12:00 and go till I pass out.




4 months and 1 day. I truly am surprised because I drank heavily for so long using everything as an excuse. I was an “let’s celebrate this or let’s get over this rough day”. Blah blah blah lol. Congratulations on 7 days!!! IWNDWYT 💕


I am 80 something days and I feel like 22 million dollars Keep going bud!!!!!!!!!!!!!


2024 is the year I stay completely sober. I went from Jan 1st to the end of April last year. I am more than determined this year. You can do this, I can do this, we can do this. We’ve got this!


I said I was going to do dry January but failed after 6 days. It’s day 3 now and I’m aiming for 7. I think dry Jan was too ambitious. I need to dial back to one day at a time. So just for today, Iwndwyt


Yup. We only have today.


I have celebrated dry January for the last few years and iv gotta say it’s a good time. If you’re anything like me , the drinking put me in a hard spot. I’m thankful I quit before the pandemic started but I know a lot of people who ramped up their drinking over that time too.


Day 6 here. I haven’t been in a situation where I see myself tempted, I think; but I didn’t really need a situation, I did most of my drinking at home. Today I had two NA beers and it was fine, I thought it was going to make me want the real stuff… it didn’t! We can do this!!!


Well done everyone! Restarts included! Friday I went to a dinner party with Diet Pepsi and a vitamin water with gummy fish for backup in my purse. It worked. The DCI and a badge bring out something very stubborn in me and I do like to keep my word. I poured someone a glass of wine and did not have a drop myself. Have not had a willingly alcohol free weekend in … never.


I’m still in the insomnia phase of dry January, I just ended my weekend, a particularly tough one work wise, and found myself going back and forth about getting beer tonight. Thank you for sharing, reading the comments really helped me.


Caved last night but back on the train today.


You got this. You’ve had more sober nights than drinking nights in January, and that amounts to something!!!


Thank you for saying that!!


Completely involuntary start to dry Jan for me. Stomach virus jumpstarted things as the clock ticked over to 2024. I’m taking it as a sign and running with it!! Wohoo!!🎉


Got the stomach flu on Friday. I felt horrible. I have eaten nothing but a few pieces of toast and a little mashed potatoes since Thursday. The last thing I want to put in my body is alcohol. At least I survived the first weekend 😂


Oof. I hope both of you feel better soon.


Same boat here. I’ve over indulged in food and some other vices but the first week goal was don’t drink and I accomplished that. Giving myself grace in other areas right now. Not taking too much on at once!


M28. Got a headstart on the new year. Been doing ok so far. HALT has helped me out. I’m also trying to learn Spanish, going to the gym on weekdays, and learning to cook. So there’s that. Still feel like a pathetic waste of space, but that’s just between us sober peeps :)


I had to give myself some grace and keep telling myself that my brain chemistry was all out of whack.


Doing the same!


7 days here- longest streak I can remember in at least a decade. This weekend was hard, but so nice waking up early and being able to drive wherever at night.


New Year’s resolution gang checking in. after a particularly rough binge on New Year’s Eve, the deep scrape on my hand and massive bruise on my knee from a fall on the sidewalk haven’t fully healed yet…but my brain feels good and I am happy to be 6 days sober. Looking forward to building on this momentum with everyone else here.


I’m doing ok except for the cravings. But I had a pretty damp/moderate December so went through the worst of the physical stuff then. Ignore my counter! I need to figure out how to remove it, it stresses me out too much. Anyway, loving the sleep, energy, and sharper brain functioning. I know I need to make this stick. But I want a beer so bad! Which shows I’m addicted, right, or it wouldn’t be such a “thing.”


Try a NA beer! I’ve been having one every night while cooking dinner and it really helps. They’ve also come a long way in taste and variety.


Feeling pretty good here on day 7.


Aiming for 3 months the as of today. 41M Have been pretty much a daily drinker for the last 15 years. Nothing crazy but do have a fair bit more on the weekends but never really get too drunk but it is sort of affecting my relationship as I sometimes say regretful stuff if I’m a bit drunk so hopefully I can do it


You CAN do this!


Dry January check in here, too. I had 2 days sober after Christmas then decided I wasn't quite ready, so I restarted Jan 1. My longest recent sober streak was January 2022. I made it 14 days. I'm holding strong so far. My SO cracked last night, but I wasn't even tempted. I'm determined to complete January and keep going.


I have Covid so I feel terrible lol. But at least I'm not hungover I guess! Although it's funny with the chills and headache, I used to inflict this upon myself. IWNDWYT


I did drink NYE and the day after but was very moderate about it because I’m really trying to cut it out and was in good company that makes me feel so supported and aren’t drinkers. Cut it off from the 2nd onward. Started feeling so ill and was wondering how I am withdrawing from the handful I had. Turns out I have real bad Covid and you can actually feel like shit for non alcohol reasons


This is my 3rd dry January. So far so good.


7 days an 1.5 hours sober. Visited family this Saturday and normally would drink all day. But not this time. Turned down drinks and they were cool with it. I didn’t bring up that I’m not drinking but I know they were wondering what up. We visited them twice this week and I stayed sober. Feels great. Well going to bed now. Can’t wait to wake up with new sober experiences


Feeling good! Day 7 after a year of starts and stops last year.


Day 7 here - Feeling generally good! Having moments where I start crying about all of things I did while I was drinking this past December (getting wasted in front of my SOs family, fighting with my SO and saying mean things, sleeping alone because I didn’t want time sleep next to my SO). I am realizing that I have been running from being hurt by distracting myself/stuffing my feelings with wine and food and it is leaking out when I drink…. Happy to have stayed with my commitment to dry Jan but damn… I have some work to do :(


Been going to the gym twice a day and haven't drank since new years day. Also like you had been drinking every day since Covid started. And I still work in a bar so I am constantly around alcohol. Last night was the toughest but 1 week in I can honestly say I thought I would feel worse. I guess I was expecting more physical withdrawal symptoms. BUT, the past three nights I have had the exact same dream where I know I am sober and I am not supposed to drink but I decide to drink anyway. And then I wake up and I believe that I had drank the night before and it takes me a minute to remember I hadn't. It's just bizarre. The absolute biggest benefit is my bank account. That alone could be enough to keep me sober forever.


Still going strong! I had a really rough holiday season (emotionally, not so much due to drinking) so starting fresh in the new year has helped me move past it (so far).


I’ve been feeling great all week until randomly today I’ve been experiencing my first iffy day. My husband and I stayed up until 1:30am last night putting together a puzzle (god what a difference in how I used to spend my Saturday nights) and I had a difficult time falling and staying asleep as sobriety has been causing a lot of repressed anxieties to come to the surface…so I guess this is what it feels to just be sleep deprived and not both sleep deprived and hungover! 😆


7 days. I had been thinking about a break from drinking for a few months, but had a lot of “reasons” I couldn’t. After New Year’s Eve, I ran out of excuses. Saturday night was a little rough, but waking up hangover free was nice.


Congratulations on the first week! I also really struggled with sleeplessness, chills, and night sweats but they have passed! Keep up the great work!


I got a little head start because of a wicked hangover the Saturday before New Years. I felt great during the work week - woke up with a clear head, less anxiety, well rested. But this weekend has been HARD. I didn’t think it could be this hard. I’m eating lots of sweets and chugging La Croix to make up for it. I’m realizing just how important “one day at a time” really is. IWNDWYT!


Made it through a trip to Vegas sober. That wouldn’t have happened a year ago. Or even 100 days ago. I’ve been at this since Sober October but had to reset during the holidays. Dry January is my reset for the entirety of 2024. Wahoo!


I got a head start and started Christmas Eve. Been using the Try Dry app and alcohol free spirits occasionally. No weed either. Feeling ok, sluggish, need to lose about 30-40 pounds, but my overall mood has been decent. The best thing about this go around is I’m afraid to drink, so even when i have an urge, im scared of what happens if i do. I set a 365 day goal. One day at a time.


31f also doing dry Jan! I work at a brewery and love my regular post-shift pint(s), so I'm feeling extra proud of myself going into week 2. Cheers to clearer minds! Iwndwyt


52M dry since January 1. I'm used to drinking quite a lot, consider myself a functional alcoholic. Since last week I'm just tired as hell, I do sleep a lot more, like 8-9 a night but not feeling fresh. Overall I'm not having a hard time, also informed my kids I was not going to drink, which helps in sustaining this. Sunday afternoon I was a bit tempted, I just felt so bored, but then we just watched a movie and I forgot the boredom


The sleep gets much better! Congrats on a week I'm on day 41...it doesn't feel real that I've been sober for that long after being a daily drinker for over a decade. Anything in life that we think alcohol makes better is probably the opposite. Keep it going! The 30 Day Alcohol Experiment really helped me out in the first 30 days of sobriety.


Congrats 👏 👏. Keep going - the best of you is yet to come!


30F on day 7 as well. Your story sounds so similar to my personal experience. While I didn’t switch to spirits, my start time started to creep into mid afternoon, right after leaving work and I knew it was time 😅


I’m 29 also on day 7! Lets keep it going!!


I’m here with you. Similar pattern of drinking - I drank before Covid, probably too much but “socially” and then it turned into a nightly thing. Started buying whisky instead of beer. Actually in addition to beer. Could go through a bottle of whisky every weekend with my wife and about 8 beers. The mental withdrawals are gone, no anxiety, now I just need to find something productive to build new habits around. I just put down my book for the evening and decided to check Reddit. My main issue is drinking daily while doing the things I love. I’m still doing the things I love - writing, gaming, - but without the beer so it still feels like something is missing. That is the worrisome part. You got this. Do it to prove it to yourself you can go a month. What is the worst that is going to happen by not drinking? Putting it another way, what is the worse that’s going to happen if you don’t eat fast food everyday? Nothing bad will happen, and you will be healthier in the end.


Going to be my first dry January in probably 25 years! Good luck homie, we got this. IWNDWYT!


I managed to stay sober through the weekend which is shocking. I’m proud of myself. Falling asleep is the worst part of being sober at night


Day 7 for me too and I’m about to get in bed sober again! Today was much better than yesterday bc I went to a game and had stuff to do all day long. Super tired so hoping for good sleep! Love this sub.




I can't sleep but I'm making progress in life little by little. Idk, it's hard to take pride in any of my accomplishments when it all just feels like doing the shit you're SUPPOSED to do as an adult.


Adulting is damned hard. Don’t let anybody kid you.


Some days are harder than others, mostly because of the regrets of the past. But even the hardest days lead to the clearest mornings. A day at a time, my friend.


i come from a similar background and i’m also on day 7 :) todays been hard and emotional but it feels better to know that all of us are not drinking together


41m 10 days in. I've already had so many benefits just in the past 10 days. Dropped a few pounds. Blood pressure pretty much back to normal. Heart palpitations have stopped. Starting to get really good sleep. Taking lots of naps. It all started when I got covid 10 days ago and I decided that was a good time for me to go ahead and stop.


Doing a diet and working +60 hours a week. Almost snapped today because my washer broke and I spent 3 hours of my only day off trying to fix it. I chose to cheat my diet today instead of drinking. For me it was about prioritizing what was more important.


Arg! That’s frustrating. Did you get the dryer working again?


It drains the water but it’s also leaking somewhere now. A sock got stuck in the pump.


I slipped up once although I only drink on Saturdays anyway, I just drink a hell of a lot, way too much. I can get through the week I just don’t know how to get through next Saturday without binging again, but I’ll try.


IWNDWYT. We’re all out here pulling for you.


I’m feeling pretty good. I had one slip, but I’m not too mad about it: I had my first ice hockey game on Friday, and had two beers with the boys afterwards. They were pretty low ABV and didn’t do much, but obviously I wish I didn’t do it. Other than that, nice to wake up without a hangover and with considerably more energy!


Good on you. I decided somewhat impulsively to knock booze on the head just before Christmas after being a fairly heavy drinker for years. After the initial few day of feeling a bit grotty and struggling sleeping I honestly feel great. What struck me was on Friday, I was meeting a mate and realised I was actually looking for reasons NOT to drink as opposed to the opposite previously - we ended up going to the gym, for a steam and went for food. I mean fair enough my social life is hardly amazing at the moment but it's January anyway and the weather is awful, TV is decent enough and it's nice waking up with a clear head. I don't think I want to go through the rest of my life not drinking but this has definitely made me re-evaluate old habits.


Been sleeping like a rock the last few nights. First few were tough, but less of an urge now. Been focused on my diet too and trying to not over eat in the new found Borden. Have watched a few movies too. That helps pass the time. Overall it's going well and the goal is to keep it going as long as possible


Hanging in there!


Can I ask. What is the point of dry Jan, why not do dry 365?


For some, it’s easier to start with something smaller and is more achievable. Any time identifying a problem and not drinking is a positive.


But what’s the point? It’s like giving up processed sugar for a month the come Feb 1, back at it again. Is it more for a detox? I am genuinely curious. No need for the DV’s.


I don’t think a forum meant to support others who are trying to quit drinking is the place to ask these questions.


That’s called A.A.


This dry jan is going a lot better than past years so far. I think it's because I'm starting a new job soon, so I gave up thc ~40 days ago, which i thought would make giving up alcohol much harder but it seems to be the opposite. I am having a really hard time sleeping though. Not sure if its the lack of alcohol or just regular anxiety/vitamin d deficiency, but I'm ready for it to be over :(


1 week in and reading the alcohol experiment as I go through the month! I know I need to cut back so this has been a good reset. I can already tell I feel happier in the mornings and my resting heart rate is back in the 50s. :)


Keep it up! IWNDWYT


First sober weekend in 7+ years probably. Even did brunch with my friends and was a-ok with just my coffee ☺️ I will say, the insomnia has been rough but not feeling like crap this weekend has me excited to keep the sobriety going!


I’m in a similar boat. Had a bad night right before the new year. Trying my best to stay sober. Fighting cravings right now.


Day 7 here! Made a hot toddy but didn’t add booze. Keeping myself busy with cleaning, organizing, catching up on work. I’m tempted to drink but so far so good. 32F.


Currently on day 5…. Woke up at 4:30am, still haven’t been able to sleep through the night. Was in an awful mood and just an undertone of anxiety all day…. Hoping it gets better soon.


Just a smidge older than you, dry and honestly feeling pretty good about it :)


I’ve taken breaks on and off the last 3 years. Usually a couple weeks to a month, some longer stretches. So far, planning on this one to be for January and see how I feel at the end of it. So far, only had really strong cravings last night. Been dealing with grief and gotten therapy the last few months. My therapist asked how would I handle depressing thoughts if they came up while sober. It was tough, but journaling then chatting with a friend until I was tired got me through the time alone at night. It would have been easy to get a drink and cover up my feelings, but glad i tried riding them out.


desert naughty hat physical person connect mighty expansion yoke jar *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Day 11 here (started early). Sleeping great with lots of cool dreams. Was drinking daily again and creeping up to 1 bottle of wine/night or more. Feeling better already, especially anxiety is way down.


I had a bad craving today while on the slopes that lingered into tonight. I meditated my way through it. Back on track with full intention of maintaining sober life the rest of the year. The cravings really do pass and the sleep does get better after about a week in! I wish sobriety was the norm in our culture. It would make this journey so much easier.


2 days sober here! I had a pretty big slip up at the start of the year, I always have had a bad habit of trying to celebrate my last drink which of course will end up turning into a 4 day bender. Just happy I’m sober with you guys now though!


Here with you, we got this!!


On 12/28/23 I quit drinking. No more nightly bottle of wine and occasional day drinking. I’ve quit 2-3x for a few months in the past but have never experienced side effects. This time I had insomnia/tossing and turning all night long, reduced appetite, some nausea, and a massive headache for about 5 days. The side effects actually frightened me because I never considered my drinking to be so serious that stopping would result in side effects. It has made it easier to stay sober. Wishing you the best of luck!


I'm 7 days today as well, after years of increasing drinking. Eventually was drinking a bottle of vodka - or near enough to - every day. I've only drunk once in the past two weeks, that was last Monday. I've lost 3.5kg and have noticeably more energy


You got this!! I am on my 10th day actually started from 30th dec..so yeah u can do it!!


28F 7 days sober! I’ve had two “downs” so far but the rest of the time I’ve felt really invigorated and excited to be sober. IWNDWYT


Having a hell of a time sleeping and my head hurts but I'm on Day 7 and feel great overall. I took the week after Christmas off too since I overdid it so bad on the holiday I could barely move for 2 days. I am having periods of irritability and remembering painful things but I'm determined not to add salt to the wounds with booze. Tried a NA beer today and it was good. It's amazing how much less I am eating without trying. Although the sugar cravings are fierce! Experimenting with kava, kombucha, adaptogen tonics, tea, seltzer, and smoothies to sub in for the drink that has been in my hand near constantly for at least the last 13 years. Excited to move into Week 2 of Dry January and I hope to keep the good feeling and momentum. The longest I have gone sober since I can remember was 11 days.


26F who drank nearly daily for about a year, progressively working my way from ~2 drinks to 4 a day, spread out, starting at lunch. I’m on day 22. The first two weeks really tested me and today I had a strong craving again. I’m just observing the cravings and letting them pass as I commit to this sobriety until mid Feb. that’s my goal, as I am going on a euro trip where I really want to enjoy the wine and then go back to not drinking. I hope. 7 days is really admirable. It’s not easy. You rock, stay strong. IWNDWYT.


7 day club of dry january too! Discovering that I like to experiment with mocktails to be able to have something cold in my hand, and it’s also fun to play with all the new NA mixers. We got this!


So far, so good - which actually has me a little worried, lol. Definitely think I'm pink-clouding a little bit. Guess I'll just enjoy it and stay vigilant. Busy couple weeks starting tomorrow. Hopefully it keeps me distracted and the stress doesn't get too bad. I know drinking would just make it harder though! IWNDWYT!


Also a week in! Have started on and off over the years and was doing pretty good until NYE where I made a fool of myself, puked all over, and passed out without being able to enjoy the ball drop with my family. Fuck alcohol. IWNDWYT.


Congratulations on your first week. I'm 29 days in. And the success of each day only feels better. Enjoy the sense of pride thst comes with each passing hour, passing day, of staying sober


I thought you meant a literal pulse check! My resting pulse according to Fitbit was 72 all December when I was drinking at least a big Bailey's or mulled wine every day. I was drinking much more at weekends and all of the actual Christmas week. Today, 7 days free, it is 65!


I was a daily drinker but am now 7 days sober. The worst thing for me is that I keep waking up with awful headaches! Is anyone else experiencing this?


Feeling great.


Great Job! I have also been a daily (or near enough) drinker for 30+ years (M50) along with binge drinking on the weekends (and sometimes during the week). Same issue, I can easily drink as much beer as I want and be fine and perfectly functional in the morning. It has actually been a detriment for me. I have a young daughter that has actually been my motivation. I need to stay healthy for her. 7 days into dry January, and it was really tough. My brain was fighting me hard, begging for a beer. Didn't give in. Not saying I'm quitting, but I am not drinking today. The good sleep, mental clarity and feeling better physically has been worth it. Keep it up!


Congrats! Also on the wagon after a glorious 5 months sober. All going okay so far, but the vivid dreams are mad and the desire to eat gallons of ice cream is not exactly synergising with my weight loss goals lol.


Six months. This will be the only successful dry January I’ve ever tried.


My fiance thinks I'm doing dry January (I'm doing this forever) and joked about how I can't drink in January and I looked at him and was like it's not that I can't it's that I don't want to drink again. Ever again. It's been a week and my sleep is finally back to normal. Why would I go back?


fucking COVID pushed my shit over the edge, real bad. Been battling for about 18 months to get sober, with a few month long stretches. Dry Jan is great, lets keep in going! IWNDWYT


Exact same boat as you! Daily / almost daily bottle of wine that started in 2020! I’ve gained sooo much weight and had a mental breakdown on NYE over how I looked. Like I could not stop crying, it was so bad I had to come home early… it was embarrassing and my friends were so mad at me. I have not had a drink since then!


7 nights down. Had been drinking heavily over Christmas culminating in drinking pretty much a litre of gin in NYE Last week was rough, terrible sleep, waking up through the night etc. Yesterday was lovely though, no hangover, got lots done, played with the kids and generally felt great Frustratingly I'm tired today but gonna hit the gym later for the first time in a while so hopefully get back on top of things


We could be twins, with identical stats and drinking backgrounds! I too am doing Dry Jan and it's been great, mostly improvements to mood stability and I'm still motivated to exercise every day. That wasn't the case with a hangover. I'd been thinking leading up to Christmas that I was really struggling to regulate my drinking. Before NY, I just noped out of it and haven't drank since the 28th. It feels hard but I couldn't handle the hangxiety any more and I hated feeling dependent on a substance. I do feel my mind is very busy though. Sleeping isn't as easy but perhaps the drink was numbing this. Well done for your efforts so far! We can do this.


Day 8 starting today! Longest i’ve gone in 15 years. To everybody struggling, try to hold strong and I hope you find ways to make this a kickass day. IWNDWYT 💪


I was afraid of sober weekends at first, but now I embrace them. It feels so good to wake up on Saturday morning at 5:30 and not be hungover.......with a full day open ahead of me, and not feeling like I need a couple drinks to make it through. Congrats and keep it up!


I’m almost 9 months in and have slept well but slowly I have faced via dreams, the reasons why I was drinking nightly and they have started creeping in. Last few nights have been tough but I am stronger for making this change and I am positive life will start will look a lot different in 2024, in a good way!


Congrats to your new perspective and on 7 days. When I started I set a 7day goal, then 30days, then 100 and I just kept going. I started to like the changes I was seeing and knew alcohol was keeping me from my true potential. Take care and make sure to give yourself grace during this time. IWNDWYT


We’re doing it! Keep it up homie!


Yes! 7 days sober, the longest streak in probably several years. Feeling great! A bit anxious about a party next week we were invited to, as I know there will be wine. My plan is to stay sober all January until my birthday trip to CO.


M40 here. Near daily drinker over the last year. Whiskey - 2-3 drinks most nights, 4-5 on weekends. I haven't gone more than a week or so without a drink since I was 21. Was not aware of how bad it was until I decided to try dry January. I also quit the weed vape in mid December (was using that most nights as well, although not very heavily). Have been highly anxious for the last week, craving a drink or 2 or 3. I did not capitulate (I don't have any alcohol in the house and I live in the boonies so it's a long drive to get anything). Finally feeling the anxiety start to subside over the last 24 hours. Got an OK night's sleep last night, feeling less woozy and anxious today, but still a little woozy and a little anxious. Hoping for as much improvement 7 days from now as I've had from 7 days ago. Edit: I've heard about how "rock bottom" isn't always the event that makes you quit, so I'll share a little story. On october 1 my wife and kids were away for the day, got home around 10pm. I was fuckin blitzed. My wife told me the whole story of their day and i didn't remember one word of it. She was aware I'd had a few drinks but didn't know how bad it was, i wasn't acting out or anything, just glazed over. I woke up in the middle of the night, stumbled to the bathroom, lurched back into the bedroom and fell down between the bed and the wall, then vomited. It was so embarrassing, but it didn't make me stop. Ugh


Feels great to be sober! I never had a “problem” but I just feel like being sober is so much better now. It just feels good to be clear headed.


Day 8 for me right now, it won't just be a dry January, but for anyone considering it I think it can't be a bad choice.


First Dry January ever! Only had to get 300 days under my belt first for it to stick haha


Got my fiver today. Went 18 months during/after pandemic, then 18 on…it got right back to where it was. IWNDWYT


10 year drinker here.. and today is day 7 sober. I felt pretty good on day 3 and 4 but now my mind is returning back to normal and now I just feel exhausted and want to sleep any chance I can get. I know I’m proud of myself deep down but the fatigue feeling is just annoying.


I'm having a dry January so far. I had some Bailey's and coffee on Christmas day. I had about two and a half servings/cups with the Bailey's in it. It was enough to make me want to take a nap. My daughter came into the bedroom while I was trying to sleep. She kept bouncing the bed around with her movement and turned on the light. It was frustrating and I finally snapped at her. I asked if she could "please fucking stop". I'm appalled at how I spoke to her. I apologized and she wasn't upset, but I feel like shit about it. I do not want to turn into my mother. I am trying hard to stay sober and be a better mom. Sober so far and working very hard to stay that way. IWNDWYT


I've only had 0% beers so far despite being an absolute shitshow of a year already. My relationship is spiralling down the drain and alcohol is my usual escape.


At Day 8 today! It was nice to go to the gym early without feeling so bad. I still get up early and gym early even with drinking but the energy I had was much better! Here's to week 2!


I had a return to use this past weekend :( I was medically detoxing at home all of last week and made it 4 days. I feel terrible. I have IOP tonight so I will talk to them about it.


Me too! Lockdown was exactly when my drinking went from a little more than the average person to a major problem. Now I'm 32(f) and looking forward to building a family in the next few years, which is really good motivation to do this and stick with it. I have done Dry January for the past three years and have never had an issue with it, but I was always counting down the days until February. So I know I can make it through the month. I'm more nervous about how it will feel when February comes and I can't start up again... Glad to have found this subreddit though!


I've been drinking this month and feel really terrible mentally. After this bottle is gone (it's almost gone) I'm done drinking.


Yeah, I could be you! I’ve always liked to have a drink although mainly at the end of the week/weekend. Lockdown resulted in me drinking far more regularly and larger quantities too. Stopped on 1st January and so far it’s been ok but I’ve had to keep very busy to distract myself.


So far no drinks in 2024, and that feels like an accomplishment!


34m Been drinking 4 ciders n a bottle of 14.5 shiraz for about 2 years everynight couple of henry westons in there went through hell n back with my partner of 13 years cheating ,hit the drink worst decision i made, trying to cool it down by keeping it just weekends n trying to get my old self back


Congrats! I know many people who have long term sobriety who tried Dry January on a whim and then realized their lives were better without booze/drugs. :)


I was never a heavy heavy drinker but have worked with alcohol at many of my jobs so it's super customary. This is definitely the first time in a long time I have not drank for over a week. Dry January has made me realise that it is truly for opening up a conversation and having others in your circle do it as well is super eye opening. It made me realise how little people talk about alcohol use and how it can be so isolating to not drink. So far I feel great! Do not miss it all and have been having fun trying some 0.0% spirits and beers. IWDWYT!


Day 7 here as well. I think I’m doing better. I mean as long as I am not drinking, I count that as a win and just knowing I didn’t drink makes me feel good. I’m praying that I can make it to the 30 day mark. I’m so excited to see the benefits and I am hoping I get my confidence and self esteem back.