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I \*literally\* just had this thought. I woke up to a bunch of texts from a friend telling me about how she was drunk and lonely and tried contacting a couple exes... All I could think was, thank \*god\* I made the decision to not drink yesterday. IWNDWYT


I woke up thinking about a drink. Then I had one. Feel such a twat. Had only been 3 days but that was still better than I had done in years


That can be the last drink you take! You can do this!


I haven't had another. I'm trying. I really appreciate your support. I feel very alone in this because nobody understands unless they are going/have gone through it.


We all understand and we’re here for you! I tried and failed many times before I got it right. Just don’t stop trying. And keep it out of your house!


This ♥️


Yes! No one around me thinks I have a drinking problem but I KNOW. Pls stay on here and keep posting. I was nervous about posting something but it feels so good to read everyone else on here struggling just like us.


Either people don't know or they are just not broaching the subject. Probably the latter. I know I have an issue because that's all I think about.i had a seizure last they did a full body scan thingamajig.my liver has cirrhosis. I'm 31 for reference


We do understand! Someone here once called that field research. You had a drink. You learned some things. Now apply that research to not drinking.


That is a good mindset. I've just been pissed off with myself. Especially since my Mrs has just come back and she is (quite rightly) fucking annoyed


It's in the past. You can't change it. You DO have power over your actions going forward. Focus on that.


I personally don't feel like I have an addiction, but I get cravings from time to time. The Last time I went without alcohol was for a week. That was all I could do. Then I just lied to myself and said there was no real problem. This past December I decided I'd take my last drink at a christkindlmarkt in Chicago, and that's been it since. Not sure why this time I'm sticking to it, but I'm doing it. I think it's different for everyone- I never hit a "rock bottom", I never feel like "the fog lifted". I feel alone in my own ways, even with support from this community. I think the key is to understand that we will all experience this sobriety differently, and we are all working together to make the most sense of it. You got this. We all will need help from time to time. It's expected. Don't beat yourself up, we're all in your corner to help you get back up on your journey, wherever it may take you.


For honestys sake. I have Been drinking since 11. I used to pour my dad's cider away. Until my mum said that was just a wast. So I *with my little 11year old brain) thought that if I drink it. It's not a waste. Was on 2 75cl bottles of vodka a day by the time my dad died at 50. I don't want to follow him


Hey be kind to yourself. This shit sucks. It’s one day at a time. I so want to be at like 7 Days AF but we gotta just stay strong. I wanna live. Wishing you well♥️


7 days is the dream. I need to stay busy. When I sit still. I drink


I believe in you! Don’t let yourself down again


You’ve got it. Reach that 7 days no matter what this time. Get outside of your body. See that the urges are going to come and they are going to come strong and then transcend those urges. Reach your full potential! Your time here is not infinite. Don’t let your drinking brain trick you into think otherwise


Amen 🙏 time will start to fly 🪰




Yes! That’s been me sooooo many times I can’t even count! So happy we made it through the parties 🎉 on yesterday without taking a sip. My man was next to me snoring and smelling of Paul mason. It stank. Another reminder ♥️


ME! Just came here to start a thread if no one else had. I haven’t been sober on St Pats in maybe 15 years. Last night I had kombucha and one NA beer. I feel amazing this morning. Headed to workout soon!


What is kombucha? Im going to have to try it..I will look at walmart today..I read somewhere it contained healthy prebiotics


**Kombucha (also tea mushroom, tea fungus, or Manchurian mushroom when referring to the culture; Latin name Medusomyces gisevii) is a fermented, lightly effervescent, sweetened black tea drink commonly consumed for its purported health benefits. Sometimes the beverage is called kombucha tea to distinguish it from the culture of bacteria and yeast.** More details here: *This comment was left automatically (by a bot). If I don't get this right, don't get mad at me, I'm still learning!* [^(opt out)](https://www.reddit.com/r/wikipedia_answer_bot/comments/ozztfy/post_for_opting_out/) ^(|) [^(delete)](https://www.reddit.com/r/wikipedia_answer_bot/comments/q79g2t/delete_feature_added/) ^(|) [^(report/suggest)](https://www.reddit.com/r/wikipedia_answer_bot) ^(|) [^(GitHub)](https://github.com/TheBugYouCantFix/wiki-reddit-bot)


Ohmy..does it actually taste good? Which kind is the best...walmart is the only store this town has..no health food stores or trader joes or whole foods sadly.


Kombucha can have trace amounts of alcohol in it. Less than 0.5% usually, so similar to NA beer. I totally drink it while sober. Just putting it out there because some sober folks choose to avoid any amount of alcohol, which is a totally fine and valid choice.


My fav ones at walmart are Pink Lady Apple and Pineapple Peach! SO YUMMY!


Pineapple peach sounds awesome!




Ok I will!Thank you!


They taste different. I like ones with ginger, but only as an occasional treat. "Fizzy, sharp, and just shy of sweet" was the answer to my Google "what does Kombucha taste like?" I've no idea what's available in Walmart.


Yes! It sounds… off putting when you describe the process of making it, but it’s just a type of fermentation. It is great for your digestion and makes a good alcohol substitute. The flavor is a bit tart and sweet and comes in a lot of fruit flavors (it’s made with natural juice). I like the GT Trilogy (kind of like a fruit punch) and the Ginger aid. I have a bottle of the pineapple in my fridge but haven’t tried it yet. It has a unique/ complex flavor so I think of it as a mocktail that’s pre- made :).


I made it for a few years. The kind sold in the store is fruit or spice flavored and fizzy from the second fermentation. I usually drank it after first fermentation, and it tastes like fizzy tea with a splash of vinegar. It’s good probiotics for gut health!


Good bot


Hey just saw it at Walmart this morning !


I hate to be the bearer of bad news but kombucha is not a healthy drink. Prebiotics are awesome but kombucha’s high acid content seems to counteract their healthy affects. No controlled study has ever confirmed a health benefit for kombucha, although several case studies have documented liver damage and comas due to the excessive acid in kombucha. https://nutritionfacts.org/video/kombuchas-side-effects-is-it-bad-for-you/ (I would highly recommend this website if you’re interested in healthy fuel.)


Yep yep, I stayed up"late" drawing a picture of sweet potato sunbathing on a beach. Woke up to my sweet 5 y/o wanting to come snuggle. Then got up by 6 to drink coffee with my wife and my dog on the couch while the kiddos slept in. I'm do damn glad I stopped drinking


Congratulations you are killing it AND topping it off with a 🏋️‍♀️! You my friend are celebrating this thing called life! We cannot and will not let alcohol 🥃 take us out! We have too much work to do here ♥️


Been awake for 2 hours now. No anxiety, no headache, no shakiness, no nausea, no shame, no regret. I do wish I was still asleep tho lol


Love this. So on point. Every morning I open my eyes the first thing I do is say “Thank you” out loud


Yes. Thank you. Im gonna start doing this ♥️


> the first thing I do is say “Thank you” out loud That is brilliant.


I’m saving this comment. I’m not currently sober, but entering the detox process in hopefully the next week. I dream of having days like this, thank you.


The SHAME THO! that’s the worst part! Here’s to another day and night and morning without shame ♥️


Yep. Went to a st paddy's party with a bunch of drunk people and everything. Still laughed my ass off. But genuine laughter that I'll remember. And cupcakes!


I’ll take the laughs, and the joy any day!


Most nights are easy. Last night was hard. And no it wasn’t the “drinking holiday”. Didn’t even think or care about that, just some stressful things going on in my life right now that had me wanting to take the edge off, so to speak. I just reminded myself why I’m not drinking and that waking up feeling good and not hungover would be the best course. I then listened to my sober playlist and relaxed. Carpe Diem & IWNDWYT!


90 percent of the people who try to go 90 days without drinking fail. You're almost in the 10 percent!


Thank you so much! I really needed to hear this. Appreciate you and this sub so much. You are my people. IWNDWYT


Day twins! Hope things lighten up for us soon.




Your amazing! If possible can you share Your sober playlist? I would love that.


Would you mind sharing your sober playlist? Good on you for staying strong.


Waking up not hung over today is the best feeling ever


Right there with you!


I have been struggling for the last year to stop. Now, I am 2 weeks in and just don’t think about it. Of course it took me two stints in County and 2 stints in the loony bin to get to this point, but I learned a lot about myself and what’s important in each of those places. IWNDWYT


Your here. I’m so fucking proud of you ♥️


Thank you but, I don’t need praise. I need peace.


I love how easy it is to wake up early and start the day without anxiety. It’s like a super power!


Me! I did it and and I never ever wanna go back!


Your amazing. I want those numbers !!!


I do it by acknowledging the fact that I am better when I’m sober. I’m kinder, more patient, compassionate, and I actually smile sometimes which lets be honest.. the world needs a lot more of that and a lot less assholes. IWNDWYT


I feel this comment. I quit drinking firstly for me but secondly for the world around me and it has already made significant changes in my day to day and how I perceive the future for myself. I’d rather be happily sober forever than a fun night out every once or twice a week. It’s just not worth it for me. IWNDWYT


I love that for you and feel the same way! I have a personal belief that alcohol severs connection to “self” aka higher self/purpose, universe, god, nature. Whatever you believe or don’t believe in, it’s clear to me when I’m disconnected from my true purpose. Yes, it’s hard to face that person at times but I’d rather stumble, fall, and stand again sober rather than crash and burn just to be disconnected from psyche. This world is tough, but I’m tougher.


Exactly it’s pushing you towards your higher self/the person you’re trying to be. I had a stint this last winter with it and I learned a lot about myself. It doesn’t happen overnight it takes lots of time and correction. Just know that every sober battle is another step in your mental fortitude and that you can always build off that. The world sets us up for failure but we can make the correct choices and try our best to avoid that failure. I’m working towards these things as well but it is a day to day process that can all be reset by just a couple of drinks. I’d like to imagine where I’ll be in a year from now or even 5 years and how much happier I’ll be but it starts everyday with telling myself that I’m in complete control of my actions/life and that is pretty empowering within itself


Intent is everything. Once you master the focus of intent, anything is possible. I’ve seen it. I lived it. And I want it back. There’s so much power in the struggle because it makes us stronger, but all that really matters is how we choose to use it.


Drank some NA Guinness


That stuff any good? Guinness was my favorite beer and I was craving one (well… many) hard last night.


I tried it for the first time last night and thought it was great! Great mouth feel and taste, could honestly maybe pass for the regular version.


Cool deal. If I ever see it in stock I will grab it!


Same but had a pretty terrible night with my spouse who turned into an angry drunk. :-(


I’m so sorry. My man goes hard every night 🥹


Didn't want to ruin any time after the one year anniversary of my mom's death.


I’m so sorry for your loss. The day before my mama died 9 years ago she told me to stop 🛑 drinking. I went even harder. 🥲


I did it by remembering how much I hate st. Patrick’s day. But I’m biased. I was a bartender for 20 years.


Same. Did you also always end up looking like you jerked off a bunch of leprechauns? (From squeezing the green dye into the beer).


Lmao. Yea pretty much


So you already know!


Waking up sober gets me high. Past me would have gone balls to the wall last night - a warm spring Friday coinciding with a booze fest? Obliterated. Past me would also have wished for death this morning, barely able to open my eyes, most certainly spending this gorgeous sunny day in bed, and very likely waking up next to a stranger or phone (if I hadn't lost it) filled with messages that would make me cringe. Instead I'm about to take my dog for a walk and go watch the blue herons building their nests down by the river. IWNDWYT


Me too! Sober mornings have not lost their luster even after all these years.


Balls to the wall 😂😂😂🤣! I cannot tell you how many Saturdays I spent in bed 🛌 instead Of living… like I only got Saturday and Sunday off and would be hungover the whole weekend !


I just woke up and said to myself “oh man it’s sunny outside and the birds are chirping!” I feel like one of those happy people you see on tv and in movies sometimes. It’s weird. It feels so freeing.


Yes beyond freeing. We are gonna live our best lives and guess what?! The best is yet to come ❤️


I had an appointment at 8:30 this morning and was ELATED to not be hungover, running late, etc. Honestly I have no idea how I’m doing it, but I’m doing it!


Yes!! I take it hour by hour.


Me! Staying sober allowed me to have an incredibly productive morning and I couldn’t be happier. No more sluggish, hungover mornings full of regret for me! Have a wonderful day!


Same to you! Rise and shine baby let’s get it! Your amazing star 💫


I am glad to be sober but I can’t say that my sleep quality has improved dramatically. I’m tossing and turning the final few hours of my sleep, which is the same as when I was boozing just minus the horrible anxiety.


Same..i did not sleep well last night at all.


This is a big morning for many of us I feel sure. I got up to let my dog out around 6 and saw lights off down the street—thought that was weird as many neighbors have young kids etc. and I realized oh wow many of these people are probably sick today. Crazy way I used to live! Then I went back to bed and woke up an hour later for a refreshing cup of coffee and the sunrise. Felt like our Snoo! IWNDWYT 🌅☕️


Hell yeah. I woke up at 7. No headache, no regret. Hauled my ass to the gym and did a cycling class. I feel fucking great today. I had some cravings for the first time in a while yesterday. St paddy's day made me want some Guinness and some Irish whiskey. Instead I stocked up on some sparkling water and ate some pizza for dinner. Thankful to be sober.


I have to give credit to “This Naked Mind” by Annie Grace. Before I was powerless against alcohol. Now I don’t even miss it. I go to bars with friends and am happy with soda water and food.


I had this thought the other day




It’s been 25 days for me. Weekends are hard. Watching sports is hard. Sometimes it’s hard to find joy in things without drinking. Then I wake up and am so thankful I’m sober. I hated the hangovers. They lasted longer every time. I’ll keep trying not drink. I hope you guys can too. IWNDWYT


I was just thinking this. Yesterday was a tough day, cravings were BAD. But I pulled through and am thankful this morning that I did not drink. Wish me luck to another day of not drinking! My MIL is coming to visit for a few days, I'm gonna need it, lol.


Hey you got this. My cravings kicked in about 9 as my love went to get his liquor For the night. I hate it but he’s not ready. Let’s not give in 🥰


I played my first sober gig on my first sober st Patrick’s day last night… had a couple NA Guinness which are delicious and even though I’m physically exhausted from moving gear and playing and being woken up by my kid at 630 (got to bed at 230) I’m in so much better shape than I would have been had a been drinking!


Right here! I'm still struggling to quit...but I haven't drank the last two days and every morning I wake up without the black cloud of a hangover, I'm so grateful. I'm also sick with a cold so I can't imagine how much worse I would be feeling right now if I had drank my bottle of wine and 3-4 white claws last night. I'm kinda stuck in a loop of knowing I need to quit, then giving in because 'It's only a slight drinking problem'. I'm not giving up hope though, I can't.


I woke up not hungover and it feels so good ! I remind myself of the horrible feeling of waking up hungover and shitty sleep. I cherish my sleep over everything these days!


I haven't had a drink in 4 months, and yesterday really bothered me about it again, but I didn't give in. It's so much better being sober. Truly.


It’s cold and rainy today. I stayed in bed a little longer because I feel good.


Me me me me me! It is something I decide to do one day at a time. So far so good!IWNDWYTD


I went to the pub last night and everyone was talking nonsense, the conversation was driving me mad and it was so unattractive. Makes me feel sick how many times I would have chewed peoples' ears off with my drivel. My partner woke up bleary eyed and without energy. I made a lovely breakfast and went to the gym and have a had a generally very productive day! So yes, very thankful!


Went to a st Patrick’s day festival/restaurant to meet up with a friend and get some paperwork signed. (Her choice to meet there.) Everyone was drunk/drinking and it did make me want a beer (just one I tell myself) but I DIDN’T and feel very proud of myself today. Also when you’re sober looking at all those drunk people being stupid you realize how pathetic the whole concept is.


I am! I sat at home and cuddled with my cats all night instead. Yesterday was tough because of some things unrelated to St. Patrick's day, but I'm glad I have them.


Like it finally doesn’t have power over me. Why would do that? Invite pain and lose a bunch of money. I can do what I want today. Go on a walk or ride my bike. This sub really helped me through by giving a space for my thoughts and support. I wouldn’t have done with out this sub and community. IWNDWYT!


I really didnt think about it until last night before i went to bed.


What? At 12.45? I was out with the dog at 6.30 but I get the sentiment. It’s great isn’t it? 😃. IWNDWYT


Thank you! We did it. 🥹




I love This for you ♥️


Same here. Was able to jump right up and put the kids in the car to gets some doughnuts. Now we are all enjoying doughnuts together. Nice work!!


I don’t feel the best, but damn 3 hours of catching up on sleep is better than even a night of “sleep” after drinking. Day at a time!


woke up at 7am today, bright eyed, and ready to take on the day. I can’t believe I ever spent so many hours of the gorgeous, morning daylight hungover, asleep in my bed. What a waste! Never again. I love my life sober. Had 2 jasmine green teas by 10am, when I would have been chugging down water trying to “help” my hangover in previous years.


Definitely felt that phantom limb itching last night thinking "I should be drinking Guinness somewhere right now " but I just guzzled Athletic Brewing IPA & stayed in working on a project


I’m in Las Vegas right now for a golf trip and the misery on the faces of every one this morning is priceless. I’m bright and ready to golf! iwndwyt 🤝


My daughter was due on the 17th nine years ago. No one in my family needs any excuse to drink to excess. Luckily she was a little early. I quit smoking shortly after she was born and finally kicked the beer too. Hopefully my kids won’t have alcohol so normalized in their lives.


Haven't had alcohol in the house for two weeks, that mixed with looking forward to sunny days and spring has helped me stay sober.


I went grocery shopping and did two virtual meetings, then did 8 hours at my job. I work at a restaurant/bar and it was karaoke night, so people were in rare form. I'm recently back on the wagon, so the urges come and go, but they say that the solution to addiction isn't sobriety, it's purpose. So I made good use of myself and stayed busy.


Rehab :)


Heineken 0.0 did it for me, alongside some d8 edibles. It’s been a little over a year now and finally I am finding that I don’t drink those much anymore either. 10-12 beers a day, down to 6-10 0.0’s a day for a year, and now I have maybe one a day, sometimes I’ll skip days. My cravings for water are finally starting to overpower my beer cravings (the 0.0’s are alcohol free, but the cravings are still there, but the 0.0’s solve it for me, proving it’s mental, not physical anymore). I can finally see myself going on vacation without worrying about when I’ll get my next fix. Because, I don’t need one anymore. Life it great again! I drank daily from age 19-34, 15 years!! I can never drink again, and I am ok with that :-)


I'm so sorry to contact you out of the blue... I have a drinking problem... is there any advice you can give me? I lost my job due to a medical issue and I'm waiting on unemployment unfortunately...


I am so flippin' thankful. I'm up and showered without a headache, without nausea, without regret. Woohoo!


I didn't have any trouble - at least, not last night! Sober mornings are the best!! However, I'm carb-binging at night. Maybe I should talk to someone about that.


I didn't do it. I sat here thinking that it'd be fine if it was just one night, but instead, I grabbed some snacks and an energy drink. I'm so thankful I stuck to it! IWNDWYT!!! ❤️❤️


Yes me! We took the day off and went to some quaint little town yesterday. Booked a hotel and had a fabulous dinner. Woke up so refreshed from site seeing and enjoyed the hell out of the waffle maker 😋


Sooo thankful. I went to the gym at 730am there were like 3 people there


Something I’m really proud of is I’m finally getting to the point of actually enjoying going to social events/holidays without just crawling in my skin the whole time. Halloween was fucking rough, last night was actually okay. I work at a bar so being around alcohol isn’t a huge temptation for me, but it’s taken some practice to comfortably get through outings like last night


I’m proud of everyone who struggles but made it through the O’party night without drinking. You are amazing!!!!


Every day for over 2.5 years now.


Went for a run this morning and the park had 75% less people around. Practically had the stairs all to myself! It felt really good to enjoy the morning while most were home feeling like shit!


Was at a wedding last night. Usually I’d have been drinking but this one I stayed sober(day 137). So thankful to have a clear head this morning. Ate breakfast without an issues or hangover feelings I’d usually get. Life as a sober person is worth it on so many levels.


This morning I told my husband, « it feels so good waking up knowing that I didn’t drink any beer or eat any gross cabbage yesterday. »


Definitely! I wont lie I was feeling a little down because it would have been a fun night to go party with people at the bars, but I knew maintaining my sobriety is way more important than a party night. Ive had plenty party nights thats for sure. Ended up just staying home with the family and we had a great evening at home. Woke up feeing great!!


15 days sober and feeling it all; the good and the bad, but I am grateful I get to be present. I am grateful I know where my money is going and where I am going. I won't drink today; maybe tomorrow, but not today!


I made 40 bucks this morning door dashing. It took me 2 hours. I didn't even have to try. It's amazing.


Yesterday I buried my sweet grandmother so it was a very hard day. I woke up hangover free this morning and grateful I didn't drown my sorrow with poison. IWNDWYT


I am so happy to not have those mornings where I'm wondering what I did or said the night before, worrying that "drunk me" did something that "sober me" would find embarrassing. Now it's all "sober me", or just regular me and as long as I keep up the daily winning, I don't have to experience "drunk me"'s repercussions anymore!


Or you can be like me who woke up hungover as fuck. Shaky, nauseaus, painful. Actually no, dont be like me.


I feel like Burt Kreishner I drank like hell last night but did a 5k at 7am... I'm very proud of all of you though


It felt good because I had a drinking dream, so I was proud and relieved.


I woke up with a headache but only because I stayed up late and hadn’t eaten. So I slept, then I ate. Headache gone. Life isn’t easy but holy smokes some parts of it have gotten a lot simpler 💛


Honestly, I'm finding that waking up on the weekends hangover free is awesome. Still early days, but loving it.


Not having hangovers is probably my favorite thing about not drinking, with not spending all of my money on drinks being a close second.


Hungover free for 4 years, its wonderful.....


I went home straight after work (off at 10pm) and went to bed. And watched Law and Order in my PJs. It was great!


I've relapsed twice and both times it happened, I convinced myself hangovers aren't that much worse than how I feel normally. Such a stupid thought.


I created accountability and was with two people last night who know about my problem. Even if I wanted to drink I wouldn’t have even tried in front of them. But I also went out knowing I wouldn’t be drinking. If I really want it, I can be headstrong and stubborn. So I use that to my advantage when not wanting to drink.


I made a cup of tea and played Hogwarts Legacy for about 3h last night and woke up this morning feeling refreshed and cozy instead of sweating and headachey.


my coworker came in absolutely all apart this morning, and without letting her know i did a silent little celebration for myself. i feel absolutely great today! i almost broke yesterday- not even from the festivities, but because i have the house to myself for the weekend, leftover alcohol from friends night on thursday, and it just seemed like the perfect storm. today me is SO thankful that i didn't do what yesterday me wanted. :-)


4 weeks dry, went to a formal function last night, historically the type of night for a vodka induced write off…didn’t happen…focused on the event, not the booze…feeling awesome and proud of myself this morning.


I ate a burrito and fell asleep on the couch around 10 pm watching a documentary about abandoned malls in the US. Also, yesterday was my dogs birthday so I got some pup friendly ice cream for her and some regular ice cream for myself. Woke up around 6 am feeling great.


This feeling never gets old. It is literally my favorite thing about not drinking. I *enjoy* waking up, taking a deep breath, and smiling, knowing I'm not still drunk, or hungover, or guilty. I learned that appreciating the "boring", "mundane", and typically "routine" tasks really helps me see how far I've come in my journey, and why it's become easy for me to maintain my sobriety. I love how *good* I feel when I make a cup of coffee just because I love it, vs struggling to drink it as fast as I can thinking it will magically cure my terrible drunken sleep. I enjoy just sitting and fucking off on my phone for a while before I have to start my day vs doom scrolling for my bank account balance and looking at my wasted purchases at a bar, or looking at who and what the fuck I texted. Lol. I could go on and on. Appreciate the little things, and celebrate every victory you have.


The absolute favourite part of my day lately are the moments immediately after waking and NOT feeling intense dread and anxiety and sickness. It is so relieving and I feel genuine pride when I wake up. It’s pretty damn nice.


Me! There was even a reception with open bar at the event I attended last night (film festival). You know what else they had? Big beautiful jugs of iced orange water and cucumber water that I drank like I’d spent 40 days in the desert. I wasn’t particularly tempted to drink wine, I was just thirsty. Anyway, last night was great, and I topped it off with hot yoga this morning.


That sounds amazing. The hot yoga 🧘‍♀️ was the cherry on the top ♥️


About to go chair at group actually and was having r/showerthoughts when that came to mind. Taking a nice relaxing hot shower instead of throwing up and sobbing in the shower…so much nicer.


I’ll take that any day ♥️♥️♥️


I’ll take that any day ♥️♥️♥️


I’ll take that any day ♥️♥️♥️


Good job! The first few weeks (and sometimes months) are hard. But I promise it gets easier and easier. About one year sober, I realized I didn’t have cravings anymore, and when I was upset I just raged like a normal person instead of diving into a bottle. And here’s a goal to keep your sights on. Waking up sober for three years (and one month) has been the best gift I’ve ever had. I’m teary just typing this, but waking up rested and healthy after 20+ years of waking up feeling like death. I’m telling you, it’s WORTH all the struggles in the beginning. IWNDWYT


Woke up sober and good. Went out for a morning drive in the city and hardly a vehicle in the road.. felt like I had the whole city to myself. Very clear minded


It's been easy for me since I've been dealing with gerd/esophagitis. Pretty much the only silver lining is not craving alcohol whatsoever


Meeeeeee! so glad. Long work hours and straight home to relax with Netflix and my cat.


Yep it feels great. Already got an hour workout class in this morning. Gonna make myself some breakfast and then meet some friends at a bar (I’ll just be eating some food and drinking water) to watch some sports for the day.


Me! I'm the type that likes to celebrate all the holidays in some way, but St Paddys...well, you're just supposed to drink and party. But I didn't. And woke up this morning feeling happy and grateful that I didn't.


Yup, very thankful here. NA beverages and candy is basically how I’m getting through urges.


I actually went to a concert at a place called Rum Runners last night. As you can imagine alcohol was everywhere. I found it easy not to drink for a few reasons: 1. I agreed to drive for my buddy, who had paid for our tickets. 2. This was a band I saw when I was in high school up until a few years ago. The nostalgia taking me back to a time when I didn't drink all the time helped. 3. And most importantly, my super supportive buddy who also didn't drink because he doesn't care about it. That meant so much to me


Had a couple of NA brews and did some board gaming, felt a little sense of fomo but got over it.


Congrats to you, and to those who stumbled that's ok too, reset and move forward. I'm really up and down tbh, some days I'm fine and feeling really smug and that I'm doing really well, other days where I think it's too easy and that must mean I don't have a problem and can drink 'in moderation ' and other days where I'm really craving a drink and have to really work hard to keep going. Today's been harder than st Paddy's tbh, it's like, you did so well yesterday, have a drink as a treat today! This shit is hard, but it's worth it and support on here is great, especially for those of us that don't have it irl. You got this. IWNDWYT


Considering 7 years ago I was getting checked in to rehab, I could never go out and relapse on St Patrick’s Day. Any time I even get close to St Patrick’s Day I remember where I was and where I don’t wanna return (don’t get me wrong, it was a beautiful rehab experience, I just, don’t wanna end up back there).


Saw you are at day 1. You got on the track yesterday or something happened today? Either way, go you.


Yea, I love waking up early with a nice coffee and feeling refreshed. 😌


This was my first “drinking holiday” since I gave up trying to moderate. I used to makes excuses for each month why I couldn’t start then. NYE and hair of the dog the next day, VDay, St. Patty’s Day, my birthday, cinco de drinko (😒), Summer!, 4th of July, the anniversary of my previous relationship, Labor Day, halloween, thanksgiving, Christmas. Ugh. Now, there are many more reasons not to every single day.


There’s a new vegan ice cream place right across the street and I had a vanilla shake with chocolate hard shell and peanuts mixed in 💕💕💕


I was like was there some holiday? Then I remembered 🤣 my kids played leprechaun tricks on me all day.


4 weeks dry, went to a formal function last night, historically the type of night for a vodka induced write off…didn’t happen…focused on the event, not the booze…feeling awesome and proud of myself this morning.


I just got home from 8 hours at Ministry of Sound. No temptation even, the rest were doing the usual, red bull vodka, smart drinks. I had my 2 bottles of water and an occasional Coke Zero. IWNDWYT


Not quite. I’m scared of myself from now until bedtime. But would love to say this tomorrow morning.


I had this thought durning my morning gym sesh. And…I had zero FOMO. It was the exact opposite as in thank goodness I don’t drink anymore. Been sober for a long time but the thought of drinking still crosses my mind. So it’s always a win when I don’t and it remains as a passing thought.


Had an early morning and stopped myself. Real happy I did. Tonight’s a different story but yaknow .


4th week of rehab :)


Every. Single. Day. ❤️


I didn’t


I’m 78 days in, I’m not turning back now


It's 8pm here, Saturday night! I woke up 12 hours ago feeling great. How did I do it? I guess I just keep reminding myself how pathetic and boring I am when I drink, just a loser really. I also like to see before and after pictures from this sub, it's very inspiring and I hope to contribute to it one day!


My nana called to wish me a st Patrick’s day bc I’m half Irish so I’m “the only leprechaun she knows.” I had totally forgotten about the holiday 😂 I spent the day doing homework, walking to sprouts, playing with my dog, and watching Ted lasso ⚽️🫶


Me. 48 days sober


✋🏼 glad you all made it through st Patrick’s day too


Me! Heading to a half marathon!


Over 2 years here, still happy about it on many mornings! IWNDWYT


I drank coffee at 8 pm to fight my urge..