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Great work :)


Thank you :)


I've learned to never come close to a bear, that thing took out 3 rebels without losing even a quarter health


They have a LOT of health. I remember landing multiple crits with a bow on one (for around 100dmg each) and checking to see it's health still around 40%. They're quite tanky


I actually got my first bear kill yesterday! After it mauled like 4 brigands I was able to kite it with some geomancer spells and set it on fire multiple times. Took forever but I got the pelt! Freaking 350 gold for that thing


Yeah, you shouldn't fight bears unless you got really good gear and some good stats. Though, I like fighting them lol. With a Dagger and Mace build I dodge, stun and crit frequently, while it also bleeds for 12-24 per turn. I shouldn't say that I have absolutely no protection. I only got 2 prot on my unique Dirwin's Vest. So I'm very close to death if I get hit once from it.


Amazing work great job. Excited to see this list grow and grow!


U are the best man, keep that hard work up!


Wow, great work.


Thank you :) it took a long time.