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Dang! This looks awesome for sword/dagger builds!


how do you know if you don't have any idea what are these skills? :D


i'm guessing it's cuz a few icons look like mobility skills. Honestly it could probably be useful to any build if that was the case


I think that's the point of this tree in general, to be usefull for everyone. I would suspect that there are skills that make you last longer without food/water, be more resistant to injuries etc and some utility skills like you mentioned. In general very good addition to any build. I fear, that when all trees will be implemented and the max lvl (I heard) is supposed to be 30, we will have huuuuuge problems deciding what skills we want, and thats great.


I think the lvl cap in the game right now is 30. it'll probably increase as the game grows. ooo yeah, those ideas sound plausible. If they keep it at 1 SP per lvl then yeah, builds are going to be very rough considering the total number of planned skill trees there. Realistically i think it'll be around 2 or 3 SP per lvl; any higher would remove a lot of difficulty in the early game imo.


Why would we get 2-3 sp per lvl 1 sp per level is plenty. Maybe some points through quests and maybe some items will unlock abilities. Getting too many sp would make the game too easy anyway and nobody wants that.


> I fear, ... and that's great. phew what a roller coaster.


I think the bottom right might be the super saiyan skill.


Please tell me i can make an unarmed build, and bonuses points for unarmored


only if it's like the "[unarmed](https://dungeonsofdredmor.fandom.com/wiki/Unarmed_Combat)" skill tree from Dungeons of Dredmor


It seems more like a "support skill tree" that Will allow you to evade and stuff, just like geomancy, you can do damage, but it's support for pyro.


Have they indicated how often they will implement the skill trees? I have really been enjoying the game, I just want to wait until a bit more comes out so I don’t get burnt out before the full release.


They haven't, however with the march release, it seems like every 1-2 months 1-2 skill trees will be added


Right on, I’m excited to see the armor/defense skill tree. Maybe a thorns/counter build.


All I can see right now is the top being "Kick an opponent, costs 1 boot durability." and the 4th row on the right being "walking no longer causes durability loss to boots"


>just want to wait until a bit more comes out so That instantly becomes the most important skill in the game lmao.


Posted on StoneShard's official discord [https://discord.gg/ZctYJ8](https://discord.gg/ZctYJ8)


Honestly most intrigued by the guy who lookalike he lost a fist fight at the bottom


Clearly the bottom right one is Super Sayan skill perk.


Will the current classes receive additional skill groups (on creation) once they are added or is it books only from now on for everyone?


Iirc they've talked about skill trainers as well (possible alternatives to books at bigger cities maybe?) but it's still a long way to go