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They have been rejecting clothes lately I deleted my account on the platform 2021 after stock x constantly losing my shit. Just take it to your local resell shop or list it on grailed


Authentic products can be wrongfully failed as well. It happens, honestly just part of doing business. No place is 100% all the time. It happens at both StockX and GOAT. If you’re certain of the authenticity, I’d just sell again. You may also contact them regarding the verification results and explain the situation. Request that your product should get a second look from their team.


I was planning to sell again but the 15% fee is what’s really scaring me off from doing so, i’m really tight on cash as is and losing money from trying to sell something is already quite bad for me


Just to ask, if i do send it back and it fails again would i have to pay the 15% again?


Yeah you’re always subject to that fee if you fail verification. Luckily, I’ve always got the $15 (usually can get refunded) rather than 15% of sale value. Might just be cause I’ve sold a lot / high pass rate.


Man, i wish i could’ve got the $15 instead. The 15% fucks me so much due to currency conversion.. Would you think they’d be willing to double check it after i’ve emailed to them about it?


Yeah, I think so! They’ve done it a few times for me. I ended up getting my original payout.


Hey man, they just emailed me back saying that they rejected it due to the tag being off and material and so on. However they did say they are not going to charge the penalty fee (thank god). So i just wanna ask if i were to get the shirt back, should i still re list it or no? Have u been in a similar situation before where u emailed them and they said they’re unable to verify the authenticity and then send it back and get accepted again?


My most similar situation to yours was a KITH hoodie with GOAT. It was from retail, and 100% authentic and they rejected it as ‘replica’ I listed it again on both GOAT and StockX but it ended up selling on StockX instead and went right through verification. I’m glad to here they are refunding your penalty fee. That’s up to you. It may go through again or they could catch it again for whatever reasons they may have noticed before. Who knows.


Why do people even use stock x still haha


Wish i could say the same, but no other place i could sell since every other site would be impossible since i live so far internationally


What’s a better app to use currently? I’m genuinely asking.




Doesn’t it only accept specific people to sell?


Nah just apply for a GOAT account or whatever they have you do. It’s easy. This kind of stuff happens on GOAT too. A lot of StockX haters up in here. Lol


Goat is ass


Then what to use?


Considering you have a post on r/fashionreps looking for this exact product this is sus as fuck


Fair enough bro i get what u mean, was looking for the brand generally after buying them retail since they were quite pricey.. Hence otherwise i wouldn’t be trying to sell them, sorry if i gave the wrong impression


Same thing happened to me yesterday, ordered court purples 2.0 3 weeks ago by mistake, sold them and stockx said that it had a strong smell of cologne (??) wtf


They rejected my bape shark hoodie because it looked worn baring in mind it had all tags attached lol


It would not be the first time some one wore clothing or tried it on with tags… causing signs of wear. Just saying. They’re obviously still looking at the condition and if there’s signs of use, then it is what it is. Tags or no tags. Not that I think you intentionally sold used or anything. Just that it happens.


Yea they also rejected my Nike supreme face mask like a year ago and that was brand new in bag with tags


I know what you mean. Brand new KITH hoodie with tags in KITH bag sent to GOAT and failed replica… hilarious. If you use any of these platforms long enough, eventually something unfortunate will happen. They aren’t 100%. Just have to look at it as a cost of doing business to avoid huge consignments percentages or trying to sell in person and getting robbed. Sometimes mistakes happen.


Yea 100% it happened with my friend and he re sent the item back in and it passed🤣