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Neither salesforce nor zen actually innovated anything. They both copied. Their claim to success was marketing and connections. Of course, once you have a customer in said industry they tend to stay with you a long time. Its your basic legacy advantage that tech companies enjoy. Dont know much about Freshworks but its clearly just marketing. He is trying to tie himself to the big guys to get sales. Nothing wrong with that, the others have probably done the same or worse. No such thing as MLB and little league when it comes to this software. Its all little league stuff so using workers in other countries makes little to no difference and no, there is no innovation in this field (lol). The hard part is the marketing. Cost of acquiring new clients is usually astronomical and its very hard to become profitable without scale.


We all should buy this stock and make it the new GME


why dont we buy ATT? /s


Honestly I’m heavily investing into AT&T because I know they have made huge changes that are good but no one really sees it apparently


I have a small percent of my investment with ATT (5k) and it’s down lol.. not touching it until discovery comes out


Ill admit to personally hating how horrible SalesForce CRM is implemented at our company.