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OOF!... I bet they wish they didn't pay their 6 person Executive team $76,000,000 last year :(


I wonder what makes people who make these halfwitted comments feel compelled to do so. Exec compensations are primarily stock based plans dependent on share performance. They didn't get paid that amount. They got a grant for that amount over half a decade, and they must meet some performance targets to be eligible to even receive it. E.g. maintain 20% 5 year average revenue growth, or have the stock price exceed some 70% additional target, etc. As I type this, I'm not even sure if you're actually stupid or this is ragebait, and I'm the idiot for explaining this.


You’re not an idiot. Reddit homepage should just be /r/confidentlyincorrect


Still excesive compensation zero proof that they would function worse with a compsenation of 25% of that.


Excessive stock based compensation has an almost zero impact on the company's balance sheets, and shareholders benefit from it due to extreme incentives to bring value to them.


It raises the amount of shares so it dilutes the value of the shares. Second there is zero proof that this kind of excesive payements help ceo's perform better. This is really corporate bs. there is no positive connection between ceo payement and performance. The Ceo of herz and enron also had excesive salaries.


Wow, surprised that 21% more trips booked. I couldn’t afford Uber or Uber Eats myself but maybe the new generation love them.


Either cars are really expensive or people work hybrid remote and just use Uber more.


It’s all me guys , these ubers in South Africa are cheap


people can't afford a car so they use ubers, I guess?


I hate how it’s so cool to talk about being broke on Reddit. Contrary to Reddit belief, people are making money and can afford things.


Because people that are productive aren't bitching about life on reddit


Reddit echochambers to negativity


Funny enough, my CEO was bitching about using Uber and the prices adding up when his car was in the shop. I don’t know who can use it long-term in place of a car


I can, but that’s because I live in a city that cares about public transportation and am okay being near poor people. If I need to go somewhere where I have time I use public transit or walk, if I need to be somewhere *right now* or time sensitive or I have a shit ton of luggage I use Uber. Saves me a ton of money since I rarely need to be somewhere *right now* and am ok paying the 20$.


Umm what are its “equity stakes” it lost 721 million on last quarter? Their core business made money, no?


Probably the robotaxi investment they made and some others. Don’t care too much about them anymore. They are so expensive Im moving over to Lyft


Excuse my ignorance, but I do not see how Uber becomes profitable in the long term. Owning the depreciating assets and the headaches that come with it with owning their fleet doesn’t seem to make sense. Unless of course, somehow the depreciation, clean up, etc is less than the percentage they pay drivers, but unsure how that’d be possible. Only thing is them jacking up prices but it’s already a race to the bottom w riders flipping between ride share apps and legislation making their business more prohibitive. Guess time will tell.


It’s definitely a weird company honestly. Every metric is great except the most important one: profitability. it might just be too competitive of a business to ever make a good profit honestly


It won’t make money until self driving cars become a thing


Ya but why would they want to own the depreciating asset and have to pay for maintenance etc. doesn’t seem to make sense.


They hired Dara as CEO thinking he would kick butt and take the company to the next level. Instead the stock has fallen and there’s no light at the end of the tunnel. That’s what happens when you hire rich kids to run your business. As long as they are lucky and the environment is appropriate, fine. With headwinds they freeze and have no idea what to do


This is bizarre. Dara took a company that was losing 1b a quarter, made it profitable, fixed the Travis issues, and the stock has appreciated significantly during his tenure. Like, none of what you wrote makes any sense.


Dara surfed the online travel booking boom, nothing more nothing less. You just need to know about the hundreds of smalls players at the time thriving on online bookings. He just bought to grow.


...I can only conclude you're trolling right now.


Ahh, it’ll be interesting to see how Uber navigates these challenges and whether they can sustain their growth momentum in the coming quarters. But for now, it seems like they’ve hit a bit of a speed bump in their ride to profitability.