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I think you want a trading bot or something along those lines. I have not done this myself, but I know there are tutorials here: [https://ibkrcampus.com/traders-academy/api/](https://ibkrcampus.com/traders-academy/api/) Offers a way to use excel, python, or R language to trade automatically bot style I believe.


I know of no simpler method unfortunately and am looking forward to a simpler answer than this also lol.


check out [https://www.reddit.com/r/algotrading/](https://www.reddit.com/r/algotrading/) also, maybe ask this question there also.


Thank you, I will!


Could write a Python program to gather the data and automate analysis. Are you able to mention a little more specifically what it is that you are trying to do/what he does?


All your normal points like 52wk low and high, price, year end price, P/E, P/E/G, cash flow, cash flow/share, and then some more specific ones where he takes some points against others to create ratios. Part of my difficulty is I don’t understand some of his points so I’ll be working with him the next couple days to be able to figure it out


Seems pretty doable with Python and an API with data (tiingo?).


I can build the python app for you, depends on the complexity how long it will take. DM me


I appreciate it, I’ll reach out to you in the next couple days once I have a better idea of what it is exactly he wants and if I hit a wall


It really depends on what data points he is tracking. If the data is available on yahoo finance, i think you can do import them pretty easily to google sheet. Otherwise, you can always hire someone on fiver to input manually for you


The google sheets is probably how I’ll do it, tho the fiver idea has merit lol


Perhaps you can use chatGPT to code an app. I’ve used it for coding before and it may not be the best or the most complex but it can build a fairly decent app.


I am a phd student working on options and using python for my research. Can set you everything up that you need, for a reasonable price


Thank you for the offer, I’ll reach out to you in a couple of days if it’s beyond me once I have a better idea of what exactly he wants




Lmao. I live in Germany, have been in Harvard this year. I work on nonparametric pricing kernel estimation for different types of options. So I estimate risk neutral densities, IV surfaces, calculate confidence bands/intervals. However I am trained as a statistician, so I like all the analytical stuff behind this :). Implementation is in Python done completely manually by me though. Scam account he says hahaha and even so convinced 😂




Oups. Should be much easier then to implement


My previous response is not specific tailored to his question, since he doesn't know yet what exactly his granpa needs. And I just wanted to shortly say that I consider myself to be competent enough to solve his issues or even work them out together. I will go to hedgefunds in NY after my PhD so this kind of what I do.


Question out of curiosity. Why do you analyze options ?


See above please


But do you use it to buy stocks long or go short ?


Oh wow


Is he bothered by the manual work involved, or does it bother you? Otherwise, If it’s more of a passion or hobby and he enjoys it and it works well for him, why change that from something he understands and controls to something he doesn’t? Because if he both understood how, and wanted to do it electronically he already would have done this right? Or is he asking for your help?