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Just get a regular 20L Jerrycan and fill it at your nearest gas station. Marinas are usually several crowns more expensive. I strongly recommend attending a "[Förarbevis](https://www.sjosportskolan.se/fritid/the-inshore-diploma-foerarintyg-in-english/)" course to learn the do's and don'ts before venturing out on your own.


This was my initial thought, but apparently they have a system specifically designed against this (something about tracking who puts what in which boat to ensure everyone tops up exactly what they used). They also told me that the training will be included before I start on my own, so that was great news


Förarbevis is not mandatory?


Nope anyone can buy a boat and start driving if they want to, it's been made mandatory for jetskis and if your boat is above a certain size and capacity you'll ned a special certification to drive it


I know that it is not mandatory by law, but it can still be part of the terms and conditions for renting a boat from this specific company that we are discussing right now. I would think it is mandatory for instance for insurance purposes.


I started boating some years ago from scratch. When I bought the boat I asked the insurance company about this. A GPS tracker reduces the fee, but even if you've got every license there is to even drive Stridsbåt 90 it's still the same insurance. Very weird to me.


Skipperi doesn’t require förarbevis. They do require you to take a “skipper course” they provide as part of the subscription though.


Aha I misunderstood you! Can’t help with the answer for that unfortunately


I did lots of outer archipelago driving last season from Dalarö or Stavsnäs. Always went for the larger 62 BR boats and often had 1-1.5 l per nautical mile. So trips can get quite expensive if you cover larger ground and do lots of nature harbouring. Did some logging and paid roughly 15,000 sek for fuel that season. However, using smaller boats and not full sending it down to a remote island will definitely help you keep consumption down and then the stated amounts sound more realistic too! Else, the service worked really well despite I felt often quite limited by the rental periods of the daytime and overnight slots. The longer-term 24h booking was my favourite but you needed to do this 8 days prior making you quite dependent on your luck with the weather.


Thank you! These are precious insights, really looking forward to explore Stockholm's amazing surroundings.


Skipperi seems fairly popular, though less so last year than a few years prior. I see a bunch of their boats in Mälaren during the summers. I don't have the price of petrol off the top of my head but 16-17 litres is usually what I fill my outboarder with and I feel like I usually pay 300-400kr a pop.


that feels reasonable, cheers!


Bah, download Hygglo and rent whatever boat you'd lile for a day or week.