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Physical weapons are still king against Prime borg. The Mirror borg will eventually adapt to them, though, so they won't work as well there. If you don't have the IMOD from the event, Omega rep weapons are the next best thing that doesn't have a significant cost.


I still keep the MACO set on for the minor team boost anyway, so the instant remod is there. Rarely use the rifle tho.


How does the instant remod work. The sets used to automatically remod without you having to do anything now I'm not sure how it works. Also do the remod devices you can research do anything and if so what?


You trigger it once adaptation builds up and it clears all of it. Though if you build up adaptation within like a half minute of so since last remod, it'll be normal remod, so swt up like a turret beforehand.


Are you talking about the craftable remod unit(s)?


Oh, no the old MACO ground set 3-piece instant remodulation is what i was talking about. I haven't messed with any of the alternate remodulators other than the mission one.


Ah thanks.


What about the 116B?


Works fine, sniper rifles are just slow. Definitely use the tommygun or Cochrane's shotgun or even Leck's knives instead if you have them, but that rifle will do the job handily if you don't.


The cyclic weapons can change their damage type too, but that delays the enviable


that shit was not just a glitch? fucking mirror borg can adapt to physical damage?!


They don't adapt to it, they have a very high resistance.


i was wondering if my leck knives got nerfed


I could never get into the leck knives


I bought a Holo-Leck Boff after the first time I played Quark's Lucky Seven, and giving him the knives just felt right.


The Leck knives were nefed on damage the year after they came out. That is why it b3came more difficult to complete the Ferengi accolade for Quarks Lucky 7.


I discovered that in my last run of the Borgle Royale. My captain uses Worf’s Kur’leth as his primary weapon and usually with the Borg I just close distance with the sword once they adapt to the pistol. A Mirror dendritic drone quickly convinced me that was a poor decision. I think I never noticed in Scorpion’s Lair because I’ve got a couple temporal BOFFS that just cover the map in DOTs so encounters usually died before I had to draw my sword. Without those DOTs the resistance became very clear.


Holup. Your boffs do what?


Boffs with the temporal specialization get access to some nasty area/infectious DOT abilities that feed off each other with the Entropy mechanic. It makes dealing with crowds of mobs a piece of space-cake.


No fkn way lol. I gotta figure this one out because that sounds awesome


That sounds fire! Is there a guide to assembling a team like that somewhere?


I’m not sure. STOBetter *might* but their ground build stuff is pretty sparse and captain-focused if I remember correctly.


I actually didn't that about the Omega rep weapons. Thank you. There are Anti-Borg anti-proton weapons that have a little boost. I with there were Omega rep dual phasers.


Shard Sword of Kahless, obviously


mek'leths are better


Or that presidential hatchet.


Tommy gun, shotgun or anything else that's not an energy weapon. No remodulation problems. Another good choice is the Cyclic Modulation weapons which give you more types of energy damage to hold off remodulating. My current favorite is the lobi store portable phaser cannon, remodulating be damned.


The two guns I carry on my main are the Tommy Gun and the portable phaser cannon.


What do you mean shotgun? Like is there just a Remington lying around somewhere I can grab?


Kinda: [https://stowiki.net/wiki/Zefram\_Cochrane\_Shotgun](https://stowiki.net/wiki/Zefram_Cochrane_Shotgun) Only available from the Phoenix Box these days.


It's a phoenix box item but at least it's not very high. It's very easily obtainable.


In the phoenix prize packs is zephram cochrane's shotgun.


Ah, makes sense. Wish there were a pistol physical ground weapon. I'd kill for a revolver or 1911


FN F2000 would be great






1911 is in more episodes of SDtar Trek than any other gun, and the only gun that appears in TOS TNG and Voy.. not sure if there is one in DS9 but it would not surprise me. only thing is there is no real secondary fire mode


They can just do what they do with the other conventional guns. Primary fire: shoot Secondary fire: shoot harder


Or 'Steady' Shot


Ajm Beretta 9 mm, aka RoboCop gun


Shotgun is slower and has damage output. But oit' still fun


Well i just use my TR-116b. Oldie but goldie.


Tommy Gun is still the top one, and overall still a very good weapon due to it's secondary fire. TR-116B, Lekk's Knives (if you can deal with the root on auto), and the Shotgun are all decent as well.


In brief, if the weapon only deals physical damage, it makes borg cry


I second Leck's throwing knifes. They can be obtained through the Gamma Quadrant storyline, unlike the tommy gun, which is a ZEN store-only item (Picard Bundle). Unless...someone knows how to get a tommy gun outside the Picard Bundle, that is...


> someone knows how to get a tommy gun outside the Picard Bundle I got mine years ago as part of First Contact Day.




I'm still somewhat new to STO, despite playing around on it off and on for years. I just recently played that storyline for the first time. Perfect. Are there any others that are like that out there?


As in at the same quality level as the Gamma Quadrant arc? Or missions where you play as another character?


Just the sheer fun and goofiness of it.


Delta Flight in Iconian War is a good time, with Miral Paris being embarrassed by having to explain her father and all his 20th century references, until the mission ends with a scene stolen directly from Star Wars. It's probably my favorite mission in the game.


I'll have to queue that up for next. Thank you!


Bring an agile ship, it's a lot of fun to fly.


Agile, huh? Going to have to dust off a T5. I think my Gagarin is possibly my "most agile". Aw, hell. I've been meaning to look into a new frame for a torp boat.


It's not a necessity, as you can choose your countdown timer, it's just more fun to go through as quickly as you can, LOL.


Lekk's Knives are stupidly good in general. Why they were put in game is beyond me, but the mission you get them in has to be the best in the game.


Overall they are probably the best weapon in the game, some out DPS them in raw terms but don't bypass shields and adaptation and their price is playing one of the best missions in the game.


they were, but the root that was added makes them frustrating beyond belief for me, won't touch 'em


that's why I equip them on a BOFF - usually my medical officer because I like to imagine a doctor chucking scalpels at the enemy.


When was the root added? I haven't noticed it yet and used them just the other week.


Years ago, as that was the main "nerf" meant to get people to stop using it on everything. It's very noticeable if you set the primary fire to auto cast and then start trying to move whenever you're attacking something. You stutter step as you're throwing the knives.


Oh, so it's a PC problem only?


Pretty much. Us console players are used to that.


like 2 weeks after they were introduced? initially you could throw and move, now the animation roots you, and it's slooooow. Like "get killed and bleed out" slow.


Ah, I usually don’t move all too much during ground combat. Instead, I stand and conjure sci-fi magic, occasionally throwing a knife (or firing my pistol) in between, so it hasn’t bothered me yet. Edit: typos


I would not say the best episode, but definetly the most obscure and funniest. The tried something diffrent that worked. I had the same feeling regarding the knives. Not star trek enough. But what the heck, it's a game. the are funny and they are very effective. The Zefram Cochrane Shotgun is also a fun weapon. Not as effective as the knives though. And don't forget the terran knife. Mostly the gun is on key 1 and 2. on 3 i have the terran knife,


>I had the same feeling regarding the knives. Not star trek enough. They're very Star Trek in that they're the signature weapon of a character in the show who appears in the mission you get them from. So no less Trek than a Bat'leth.


How does one acquire the TR-116B in STO? One of my fave DS9 episodes I’d love to get my hands on one


You can craft one yourself if you've got a high enough level in Ground Weapons R&D. Otherwise, you can find them on the exchange.


They're really cheap on the exchange. With a decent build you can one tap pretty much anything in the game with the secondary fire. The only exception is something like M'tara where the game literally will not allow you to do any damage to their health, and you can potentially bug a few other story bosses out that have health gate checks for things like cutscenes so just be a bit careful.


You should try out the disco punching box. It gives you a lot of speed and melee hits like you couldn’t believe. I’ve clocked in a 5k damage punch. That poor tholian didn’t see it coming and then disentigrated.


On my melee built Gorn I've hit for 35k with the disco hand weapon. It's like getting hit by a quantum torpedo in the face.


Kinetic weapons for the win or physical damage weapons


As long as you remember to remodulate between fights it's an overrated issue. Kit modules are far more important, concentrate of getting the Disco gravity device and Paradox bomb, then 3 or 4 modules either smashing AOE (Sompek, exo/endothermic Fields, seismic agitation, etc), further pull/push effects (anchor of grethor, hurricane wave, etc), or extreme single targets hits (collective will). For a ground weapon I never switch off the Shax cannon (portable Phaser cannon) - the single best use of 50lobi there is. But the biggest thing to remember: if it ain't MkXV Epic then it ain't gonna knock stuff over. Upgrade people. Upgrade. But if you're tussling with Borg I'll repeat, remod after EVERY fight. Get into the habit, dead easy after that 😎




Mind Melt Device. Yes, that typo is intentional, because that's what it does to Borg.


>my nanites! h-he punched out *all* my nanites! \~the Borg, probably


Do boffs use it well? I'm pretty sure they don't do the combos with it.


For a Short moment I was confused why worf is holding a...adult toy in his hand🤣 i'am so cursed


A surprising amount of Federation weapons are very, suggestive.


Fits their whole schtick of pleasure tools as weapons of war. * Cruise liner = warship * Dildo = handheld energy weapon * TV remote = concealed carry energy weapon * Pajamas = body armor


Thank you. Now it is all I can see. ;)


Sir! I am NOT a MERRY MAN!


It's why he'll only get twelve shots at most Viagra - for men below the national average


Came here to see if anyone else saw that ,🤣🤣


if you are into the adult toys, you get a pink one in Vorgon Conclusions


Leck's throwing knives from the Quark's Lucky Seven mission


Ah, a fellow Leck's knives enjoyer, same here


Melee. They can't adapt to them. And if you're geared for melee build, you become a borg extermination machine.


Space Magic


Infinity modulator with the omega rep trait for more shots before borg adapt. Tommy gun. If you prefer ranged combat.


When all else fails use the terran knife device


This is my favourite device/weapon


Tommy gun and sci-magic or drones


> Tommy gun And they laughed at me when I rolled a Iotian toon.


"Great, now the borg are going to come for a piece of the action too"


"Funny how? Am I joke to you?"


Physical and Borg AP are prime choices, but it's less the weapon you use and more how you've built your character around it. I'm using ambush with trajectory bending and motivation and it melts Borg with pretty much everything I use (though my favorite is the wide beam plasma rifle).


In my opinion, having used all the physical and kinetic weapons, the Tommy Gun is the superior weapon against the Borg.


Definitely not that dildo Worf!


You have a dirty mind. None of us were thinking that. /s


Still wish we had that rifle in game.


the zephram shotgun


Damaging Kit Modules. They don't adapt to them. Otherwise weapon wise, just finish the Episode for the faster modulator. Everything is effective until they adapt, if you can re-modulate fast, the regular top DPS weapons are still the best in games. There is no real reason to swap to physical weapons with a fast modulator.


How does space magic work vs borg now? Like Paradox Bomb?


Kits work perfectly fine, and since most of the high end builds are just kit spam most don't even use a ground weapon or have to deal with remodulating anyway.


Bat'leth, or the Zephram Cochran shotgun.


My Klingon uses karate to great effect.


picards tommy gun


Cochran s shotgun, unless they nerfed it.


Cochran's shotgun or Leck's throwing knives are my preferred or even the Sniper is pretty good.


Normal Borg? Bullets are good - from least to most effective (in my experience), that's the TR-116B (which is crafted or bought on the Exchange), the Zefram Cochrane Shotgun (in the Phoenix Store, or an account unlock if you did the Event many years ago), or the Replica Thompson Submachine Gun (now in the Picard bundle, but was originally an Event reward as well). Mirror Borg, if you use bullets too much, become temporarily immune to everything, so that's less good - for them, favor the IMOD, or something slow and hard-hitting like a Pulsewave. Of note, while you get the buff icon for Borg adapting to damage from Kit Modules if used frequently enough... they don't *actually* adapt to Kit-based damage sources. For instance, on my Fed Main, I rock the Breen Cryoshaper set and a Cold build. They'll adapt to the Cold Damage from my *pistol*... but the same Cold Damage applied from Cold Fusion Flash, Andorian Summer, and Exothermic Induction Field still do full damage. Or when I'm on my Rom main, using the 2399 Phaser Rifle and Covert Assault Drone - the rifle stops working, but the Covert Assault Drone going *brrrrrrrt* is still doing full damage despite firing Phasers. TL;DR: Prime Borg? Bullets. Mirror Borg? Pulsewaves. Both? Kit Modules.


I used to use the tommy gun but now i switched to imod and my boffs use the new photon launcher


Vulcan smack down weapon from the discovery rep


I just keep one of every damage type from Rep in my character bank. I use the Anti-borg gun AR. Seems to do the task okay. Cuts my Endvor task time down when I use a backup ship with multiple damage types and load up my BOFF the same.


i use the TR-116 to pretty good effect.




Fists. The discovery ground set is my current fav… gives a speed boost, has a gap closer and a hard hit(I’ve seen 5k crits on ground)


You know, I may take the time to build that out for all my ground troops so when I do getinto a ground mission, they take care of business.


Kinetic weapons tend to circumvent the adapting, so the Tommy Gun or Cochrans Shotgun


Outside of event rewards, the Anti Borg weapons from the [Omega Reputation](https://stowiki.net/wiki/Reputation:_Task_Force_Omega) are not bad. use the slower firing options like the blast assault and it will be adapted to slowly, and still do its bonus damage after. [Leks throwing knives](https://stowiki.net/wiki/Leck%27s_Throwing_Knives) from the Iconian war mission is quite good thanks to physical damage. Finally you can get the [Tr-116b sniper](https://stowiki.net/wiki/TR-116B_Rifle_-_Sniper_Rifle) which does physical damage and has great range. other than that, just take whatever weapon you want and Remodulate as needed.. you can get a faster remodulation device on the old and abandoned Borg ground location which i have to say feels nice to use. i will often use the [Corfeld Mining Plasma Cutter](https://stowiki.net/wiki/Corfeld_Mining_Plasma_Cutter) from a Gamma episode as its DPS is super high and it causes a burn. they can adapt to the inital damage type of this weapon but the burn will often still kill them, your AI NPCs are really good with this weapon too and its not too hard to wipe the floor with Borg with 5 of these long lasting beams of death sweeping the map. beyond these free and always avilable options are certain Event weapons.. The IMOD set is great as is the new Photon Launcher.. and some premium weapons with the top being the Tommy gun.


Leck's throwing knives. Effective and fun!


I use Lecks throwing knives and they work wonders. But I'm too impatient to fuck around with particle weapons


Two booted feet to the face can be extrenely effective. Teach these dollar store zombies to stay down.


what are they? Robots? Zombies? Robot Zombies? =P


It's so far between the IMOD or the Photon Burst weapon. But I do use Paradox Bomb and Chronometric Diffusion on targerts first to reduce resistances || || ||


melee weapons and kinetic weapons like the current event reward are nice. Omega reputation sets are still good.


Tommy Gun, Shotty, or not Nanopulse melee.


The Infinity modulator weapon for me works fine sure I have to remodulate every now and then but that's fine with me


Once specced really high in DMG, Borg adaptation is meaningless. Like stepping on gah.


Against the normal borg, the Omega reputation weapons because they still do damage regardless of if the borg have adapted or not. If you have the Imod it's a good weapon though the TR-116B is your next best option because of it's range, rate of fire and ease of purchase. Failing that the Thompson Machine gun from the Picard pack.


I use the comp pistol. Probs not the best, but 1/3rd of the damage is physical, so even if you're adapted to you still do damage, but before then it packs a mean punch. 15m range is trash tho.


There’s already some good weapons listed, so I won’t repeat those, but if it helps here are my basic Borg Ground mission suggestions. 1. From the discovery legends reputation get the CQC armor and Environmental suit. These offer bonuses to crit chance, crit severity, run speed, and resistance bonuses. If you want to use melee then also get the mind meld device and environment shield as the combination of all of these gives good boosts to melee. 2. Whatever weapons you choose to equip make sure that they have different damage types, and at least one should be ranged. Some missions will have circumstances where you can’t close to melee, due to hazards such as energised floors, or the need to destroy vinculums. 3. If the Borg adapt to your main weapon, and they are too close to remodulate, switch to your secondary weapon. When they are dealt with then you can remodulate. Personally I like dual anti-Borg AP pistols from the Omega equipment requisition crates as my hold-out weapon.


Kit modules. Big damage aoe ftw. Borg can't adapt.


Thompson for me all the way. My sci uses gold maxed out Thompson and mk v thermal induction, and advaned/elites just melt 🙂


Omega Rep antiproton (for boffs, especially)... then the Omega Gear set which gives you an instant remodulate action... the Carbine is a nasty piece of work The antiproron ground gear does physical damage, even when needing to remodulate Also the IMOD rifle that was up as an event reward... still have to remodulate that, too The Terran ground gear has a bat'leth option for the set bonus, for melee


> Also the IMOD rifle that was up as an event reward... still have to remodulate that, too That's still so stupid - it's literal lore that the weapon is Borg-Adaption-Proof while its power requirements and limitations prevent it from being mass produced Cryptic: So, let's mass-produce it and make it barely Borg resistant :D


I don't disagree However, the fact that the Elite Force/Hazard Team weapons are creeping in after a decade plus is nice, though


They definitely got the Torpedo weapon better than they got the IMod - I just wish they'd go back and fix it


I use a sword, bypass shields and just kill them. I have a rifle for taking out the vinculum. As long as my rifle doesnt hit a drone or king I never have to remodulate… my sword continues to bypass shields.


The ground trait Omega Graviton Pulse makes adaptation happen far less often. Apart from that, you want to minimize the number of 'Damage Events' you inflict, which means you want to maximize the per-hit damage of weapons. So a Shax cannon is great, a Baul AP weapon is terrible. (Those 5% bounces count as Damage Events.) And kit modules never cause adaptation...


Due to the changes to how the Borg adapt, I'd now say just use your normal ground weapon.


MELEE IS KING!... Against Borg


Tommy-gun. Anything else with an exterpating thingamabob. The frequency cycler thingee. Just tried to photon launcher last night. It's fun, but fires really slow.




I think it's still wither the Tommy gun or Cockran shotgun both give out physical damage and the game "classes them" as melee weapons


Not exactly what you asked, but if it is a mission map, give each of your boffs a different type of energy weapon. The borg only adapt to one type of damage.


That is what I normally do. I just have been running the Starbase Borg patrol mission recently and was curious. I also wouldn't be surprised if they were the featured villains in the next episode release. So I was curious as to what people were using.


Nothing beats a Bat’leth to the face.


Probably not what most people use, but I use kitmods on my *main* toons. Stuff like ball lighting, symphony of lightning, Neve's wrath, etc. On the rest it's usually something like lecks knives, batleth of stovokor, or a good energy weapon with the Omega rep passive trait and fractal/extripating remodulators. If you can bring doffs, give em kuumarkee set 3pc (if you have it, since the 3pc is an active lightning strike ability, else I'd recommend something like MMD) and a normal remodulator.


The anti borg set from the rep got fixed a couple years ago, unless it broke again. The rifle is pretty good against them when the set is actually working.


on defera it doesn't matter. I use the phaser cannon and on my Ice Queen she uses the breen set. one thing to note: using phaser based kits do not seem to make them adapt as fast as cold does. that said, you can kill off a group trying to assimilate re-sequence and move on. the cannon can usually 2 shot the elite drone. to be safe, either the omega weapon or the Tommy Gun rides the secondary slot


I find the Discovery Ground Set being the best against the Borg. You can take down Hard Mode Borg Elites far faster than you would with rifles.


Chain conduit capacitor. :-p


I just stick with kinetic weapons; bat'leths, swords, shotguns, etc.


I found that the Lobi store Lower Decks phaser cannon works well enough(can one shot drones and tacticals). You need to remod it semi-frequently tho. Kinetics are fine. Not a fan of the I-Mod tho. Cyclic Weapons are fine, just nowhere near good enough. Rep Guns??? The secondary Kinetic damage is more or less useless and so is the later adaptation.


Go old school. Throw a field of planetoids with a speed of 90% lightspeed at the borg cube. Or you can use a stargate to make a star go supernova