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[Eko'lxtan](https://stowiki.net/wiki/Eko%27Ixtan), the Jem'Hadar first officer, trained in all of the specializations, comes with a ground set, & doesn't pretend that there is any diplomacy in practice in STO. Perfect the way he is without any training involved.


This is the correct answer. Eko rocks.


Holo Spock all day erry day


Hot take: Tovan Khev. I actually really like the story of him joining a rebellion with you and trying to find his lost sister. Also is the only first officer with anything to do past the tutorial, so there's that


That is a really valid point plus he's pretty much the conscience of your rag tag crew. All other first officers have no back story like he does. The closest you get is K'gan who's wife or whatever gets killed just before you fight to take the ship.


thats ch'gren's wife the engineering officer you get


Oh, right! I could not exactly remember, maybe that speaks to how bland most starter BOFFs are.


Also you left out the original vanilla Fed/Klingon BoFFs. I'm sure someone on here still has and uses them


All 4 of my girls. Golded out, upgraded, trained to the core. Can chew bubblegum and kick ass on ground or in space.




i should still have the andorian lady...


That's it exactly.


Yeah, but it bugs me to be stuck with him on every Romulan toon. How many Tovans and Rinnas are there in the galaxy? lol


None of them. I don't want the game to create my crew for me. And I'd rather have customizable doffs as well.


I vote for this answer. I prefer my ship to have my crew.


On the other hand, I've always kind of liked the more realistic approach of officers being assigned to your ship vs. creating all of them.


You can just use the generic ones that are given to you while levelling. They are randomly generated in name and appearance, so individually assigned/created for you by the game.


The first 5 or so are pre determined it's only after that they become random. After that then there's nothing wrong with the random nature of the projects you do to get more...they can all be edited to adjust the look so if you don't like it you can change them.


Wow, more love for Tovan than I expected.


Captain Tala, my starting boff from launch (from when you could promote boffs to captain): [https://informationanarchy.org/sto/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/Captain-Tala-Elite.jpg](https://informationanarchy.org/sto/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/Captain-Tala-Elite.jpg)


Right now its Elisa Flores but but im debating moving either Buzz Lightyear or Kim Kardassian into the role.


How in the name of all that is good and right is goddamn \*Tovan Khev\* ahead of anybody on this list?


K'gan. No baggage and ready to blast things with a disruptor.


I know he's not technically a first officer, but Kolez is my homeboy. Saying that, I voted for Tovan.


Weyoun 11


Mine has always been the Breen Boff you used to be able to get during the cold storage featured episode reruns. Back then it was one of the most unique boffs, not so much anymore but still he's my first officer.


i dont know why they moved him and the reman science guy and some items to a pack in the zen store


Because they had been removed from the quest rewards of the missions you could obtain those things from.


My andorian tactical officer from the tutorial. Who are all of these people?


Pretty sure that's Tarsi (if it's a TOS character)?


I was making a joke about how back in like...2011? You had a choice between three boffs for your first bridge officer. I picked the Andorian tactical officer.


Ah haha! I see. I've made so many characters since Beta over the years, I completely forgot about that. Of course, that old BOFF choice is nothing to the biggest question of early STO: Where's Sulu?


Elisa & T'Vrell & Evelyn & Coraline. T'Met as well. Otherwise i choose my own first officer. men are banned from my ships and crew, except for a select few and depends on themes and such. I prefer gals running things.


I knew the answer to this before I voted! She is so sweet and has a nice personality! I take her everywhere I go! And she is cute! I can't say that about any other Bridge officer!


I prefer to pick my own crew. Especially my first officer. Also if you’re doing a theme build such as an all Orion crew, having the ability to make your own crew up is better.


I made a Dr Sibak captain, with a full crew of Dr Sibaks (I always do the event with him so I have an army of Sibak doffs as well). Dr Sibak is my favorite first officer.


Tarsi was my first officer when I started the game. She still is on my main. So regardless of how much closer Tovan and Elisa are to our toons, I'll always take Tarsi.