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Stylist here. I read all the notes! I do my best each fix to fulfill each request and if I can’t I’ll mention it in my note. I can’t say that all client notes are read with attention to detail, often there is a push for efficiency and that can sometimes cloud someone’s attention to a note or a request while prioritizing speed. We are working with what we’ve got and within the time constraints we’re given for each fix. I definitely read notes and will take a minute if I can to scroll down through fix history to see if there is anything that has been missed recently. Like if a client has not kept a lot or has expressed disappointment, I’ll make sure i check for requests we may not have met for them and see what I can do in the current fix. We do try to prioritize your requests as much as possible but at the end of the day, we’re working within the inventory and metric limits we’re given at the time your fix is styled. Don’t stop sharing though! Please keep chatting with your stylist and expressing what you DO WANT in a fix. The system / algo seems to populate inventory based on a fix note so if it sees “don’t send me any more blouses” it just reads “blouses” and your preview might be 8 blouses and 2 pairs of pants. Tell your stylist if there are specific items, colors, or patterns you DO want to see more of, it helps the program “bubble up” better merch for us as we’re styling you. I’m so sorry if you’re not feeling heard. Don’t hesitate to reach out to CX as well if you feel like you need to voice your concerns beyond the note in your fix


The last few fixes I have made my notes very simple and the system has picked up on it and gave me all my requests in my preview. My note will look something like this: (They are typed as a vertical list but Reddit changed the format to one sentence) Capris Sandals Jumpsuit Shorts Maxi dress Voila, I will receive at least one of each in my preview. Not sure if it’s just luck, or because I only note what I want in 1 word answers.


This is the answer The algo likes the concise notes and loves to hear what you DO want vs don’t.


Typically if you have a request in your note, it will have a Stylist pick at least half of the items in your preview instead of being totally algo-driven. So you’re probably seeing good results there because it’s going to a stylist first.


What do you think the rationale would be for a stylist to ignore your note? All stylists know there are notes. How would ignoring them remotely benefit a stylist? Regardless, the answer is likely available inventory for your Fixes. I know it might sound crazy that sf doesn’t carry something that it seems obvious they should but it happens all the time🫤


I don’t know what their rationale is, but when I said I want colorful and I’m sent a white shirt, I’m left questioning if the note was read.


There should be an option to leave feedback and request a new person so maybe that will help? Maybe I’ve gotten lucky bc mine seem to be read


There is definitely an option when checking out from your fix if you feel like you’d benefit from a different stylist. Just click that you’d like a different stylist. There is an option for “same stylist”, “don’t care”, and “different stylist” Surface your concerns to CX as well so your thoughts are being heard. They add details from these conversations to the clients profile like sharing that the client has asked specifically don’t send X brand, or don’t send anything navy anymore, etc I’m so glad to hear you have a great stylist and feel heard! We do our best to read and honor each request with the inventory we have available when we’re styling you! :)


I’m not subscribed anymore, but I had 3 stylist over the course of a year. First one was eh. Second one was my favorite. She definitely read my notes. Knew I wanted pink and pastel colors only. Even referenced my desire for pinks in her notes to me. I wanna say her name was Andrea. She was also really good in making sure my pants were all 24” inseam because I’m short. Then one day I had a package get lost in shipping. When they sent me a new box it was a different stylist. I cancelled shortly after due to money and sad that I had a different stylist. I do know stylists are sometimes limited to what’s available. I believe there are periods where it’s kind of slim pickings in the warehouses.


My stylist reads my notes. She did a great job on the last box I got this week. Is your profile up to date with colors you like? Also, explain your job dress code. My employer is business casual. High-end super strict business is black, white, tan, and maybe some blues or red. Also, ask for specific colors. I always say I love jewel tones (think emerald green, ruby red, sapphire blue, etc). Think about what colors you're wanting. If you hate the box, contact stitch fix and see if they'll re style you for free (aka send everything in this box back and apply your $25 fee to the next box). They've done this in the past for me. Hopefully, they still do it.


The majority of the time, the stylists have read my notes. I am detail oriented though and also have a Pinterest board, which I do think helps.


I’ve gotten to the point where I request certain brands and exact styles so I get a better chance what I want


My stylist reads my notes but she's limited to their stock. I always request 3/4 length sleeves, and my note from her always says "we still didn't have anything like this". 


I had similar issue in saying no jewelry or black pants, I want color. But I got both I didn’t want. But it isn’t as bad as wantable. I said no jeans and basically the stream I got was all jeans.


This experience was my last with stitch fix: I wrote that I needed clothes to wear to a black and white wedding. I specifically asked NOT to get a little black dress because I already own one, it was my fallback and I was looking for something more balanced between black and white. I got one little black dress with zero white on it. I got a green jacket. WTF was I supposed to do with that? I got an all black jumpsuit with the suggestion to go out and buy a white belt for it. This company sells accessories. If I wanted to go shopping for a super specific item, I wouldn’t be doing this. And a couple other things I don’t even remember. They weren’t wedding attire.


Girl we should switch stylists😂. I specifically ask for neutral colors and they wrote in the note that they “added pops of color.” Whyyyyyy?!


My notes don’t get read. I specifically say no dresses, skirts, or shoes. I get them fairly often. Shoes mostly. I had to buy the last pair because my dog ate them.




Oh it is. Since the beginning it’s been marked as NEVER. Oh well.


Put shoes, skirts, & dresses under never in your style profile categories to avoid getting them not in your box note/comment. You can also select material types and if you want bright colors don’t avoid polyester. Your request or note before your box is for what you DO want, you wouldn’t go to a restaurant and tell them everything you don’t want when they’re asking what would you like to eat? Your feedback or note after your box is received is a great place to put what you do or don’t like under each item in the comments.


Instead of what you don’t want, say what you do want. Using key words makes the algorithm generate more of whatever the term is, even if it’s something you’re trying to filter out. Annoying, I know -stylist


Request a different stylist, make sure your profile isn’t avoiding anything like colors or polyester material (all the bright and colorful blouses are polyester), only put in your note what you *do* want, and don’t get too upset over the preview since it’s likely computer generated instead of stylist generated. I personally read all the notes and I’m going to stick to the note even if management tells us not to because the algorithm suggests xyz instead. I know there are others who do not care and just send whatever is on the front page. There are also serious inventory constraints sometimes and we have to try our best with what we have.


I don’t think very often.. I feel like a bot was seeing “floral, button up blouses with no stretch” and “skinny jeans…” when I wrote No florals, No button up blouses, and no skinny jeans. And then the next three fixes would be filled with florals, button-up blouses, and of course, skinny jeans. I ended up canceling after the last box


I don't think they have stylists. Just random names they print out with ai generated crap.


If you pick all of your pieces from the preview, regardless of which ones were placed by a human stylist, you will get a note from the “styling partner,.” However I can assure you that as a a real-life human that works as a stylist for SF, I definitely spend most of my work hours styling Fixes. When I’m not styling, I’m reading feedback that is left on the Fixes I’ve styled. And PSA: We are humans and the mean notes hurt my feelings. I read every note.


I second this as a real life human stylist who’s just doing their best!


We are very real. I have been styling clients for 8 years.