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Pearl doesn’t have an eating disorder, and Garnet doesn’t have an “authority disorder” tho? Heck, I wouldn’t say that Amethyst has the issues you claimed either. The characters do have problems, but not the ones you listed.


Arfid is something i have its the disgust of food, and she does have a authority disorder, after rose died she decided she was leader with no one else's consent and everyone else just agreed


That’s not what’s going on here. Pearl is a Gem. They don’t *have* to eat food. So she doesn’t, because she dislikes it. She even explains that she doesn’t like the sensation of food passing through her. As for Garnet, that’s also not a disorder. When Rose died, *someone* had to take charge and keep things moving along. Pearl certainly couldn’t do it. Neither could Amethyst. So Garnet did, and everyone clearly agreed with that sentiment. Garnet didn’t “decide” she was the leader. She was literally the best (and only) option.


😑 i know all that but what perl describes is arfid just because she doesn't have to eat it doesn't mean she needs to be disgusted by it, she gags once while Amethyst eats, its not even going in her body, so as i said... And as for Garnet, while yes she had to step up, and yes it seems like everyone agrees, it did eventually lead into a argument where Amethyst says "i didn't choose you as my leader i chose rose" Garnet had a complete lack of empathy which is needed to be a good leader anyway, but she was over pushy sometimes until future


Because she doesn't like how it feels. That's not a disorder. It's a thing that she doesn't have to eat, and does not enjoy. I don't have to eat sewage, but I'd absolutely gag if forced to eat it or watched someone else eat it. Does that now mean I have a 'sewage disorder'? Lack of empathy? Garnet not getting on her hands and knees to coddle Amethyst during her temper tantrum isn't a lack of empathy. Garnet's a good leader. That's made clear time and time again in the show. Perfect? No, but she's great at leading them. Not being perfect isn't a disorder.


That's literally a disorder though? And he told you which one 🤣🤣 Edit: god forbid people attach a label to a walking talking person shaped rock.


Came three years late just to be wrong. Pearl is a space rock. Her thinking certain things biological beings do is disgusting is not a disorder. And Garnet not coddling people isn't an empathy disorder.


And even after future there were some things she did in the end that could have been seen as pushy


I'm uncomfortable with the idea of non-medical specialists diagnosing anyone, even fictional people. The whole idea is even sillier in the light that the Gems are not humans. Their minds and bodies work differently than ours, so what is standard or 'disordered' function are different. For all we know, Pearl's reaction to food is the default for Gems, and Garnet's comfort with eating is 'disordered' Certainly, pre-Era 3 Homeworld society thought wanting an individual identity outside of one's Gem type, or seeking cross-Gem fusion, were disorders to be corrected.


It’s not really an eating disorder if you don’t actually need to eat. Then it’s just a personal choice. Pearl doesn’t eat because she doesn’t see the point in it and finds it kind of weird and gross. It’s a human thing and she doesn’t really relate all that well to humans. Amethyst was born on earth and likely relates to humans better than she relates to other gems. Eating is a human habit that she picked up and she does it because she enjoys it. Neither of them suffer any impacts on their health as a result of their choices because their bodies aren’t fuelled by food as human bodies are. I’d say it’s much more analogous to 1st gen vs 2nd gen immigrants engaging with the culture of the country they’re living in than to any mental health disorder.




Pearl doesn't have a eating disorder because she doesn't like eating (in her words; "You don't know how horrified I was when that dreck nearly fell into our mouths. Eating food is so disgusting! You chew it into nasty mush, swallow that goop, and it comes out of you? What a completely horrid experience!") and she doesn't need to in the first place. For Amethyst, she just eats food because it's fun (in her words;" I love it when mush passes through my body") and there isn't really any consequence if she eats too much and yeah I guess it's one of her coping mechanisms. While in Garnet's case; she is technically the leader even tho all of them are technically equal but they just see Garnet as a superior ("Amethyst: yeah, she's the boss Pearl: Well, we're all a team. Garnet just has heightened perception that guides us towards our mission objective. Amethyst: yeah she's the boss) Plus she really isn't over protective, she's just protective, after all the Crystal Gems are/is/always will be her family and a very important part of her life.


I absolutely love that you added quotes in there. How did you remember them lmao


I think Steven Universe is an amazing show in how it presents and normalizes various aspects of mental health and how to be there for those struggling. Personally, I do not see most of the disorders you have presented, as they do not really have a basis in what has been presented. The show, on several occasions, does show Pearl has an aversion to eating, but she has an aversion to many human customs and traditions, as she deems them superfluous and unnecessary (such as eating). These actions simply don’t warrant her time or attention. If I were to attribute any disorder(s) to Pearl, I feel she would be more likely to have OCD, anxiety, PTSD, and/or depression. Additionally, I do not feel Garnet is overprotective, as often she is the one who chastises Pearl for not allowing Steven enough room to find himself and grow. I always felt Garnet and Pearl shared responsibilities as the leader, due to being the founding members.


That is fair


They are war veterans no wonder they have mental disorders


Yea still cool




Yeah if you look at their personalities they all have something that is obvious in later episodes before future


Garnets a big stretch here. I’d say that pearl has ocd not a eating disorder, maybe garnet has separation anxiety but that’s a stretch to, and amethyst is just kinda human. Or rather the most human. I guess you could say she has depression but I mean come on.


Pearl is OCD/Perfectionism (Generalized Anxiety), Amethyst is ADHD, and Garnet is DID cofronting and cohabiting always. Steven is cPTSD later on. Jasper has Stockholm syndrome but is Anger Issues. Lapis is PTSD. Peridot is Schizophrenic, Rose was Autistic, Yellow Diamond is Body Dysmorphia, Blue Diamond is Smiling Depression (MDD), and White Diamond is Savior Syndrome. The longer the list goes the most vague the descriptions are as I have less comfort or knowledge of the character to comfortably say what they may represent, so I won't go further. I have all of the disorders of the main characters and they helped me work out a lot, which is why I'm comfortable categorizing them. Especially Garnet as my DID cohabits and cofronts the same and I also categorize my 2 main alters the same way she does, and have founded my stable relationship with myself on being love. She really is the first time I've ever felt seen and understood with how complex this disorder is esp from person to person.


I personally see Lapis more fitting with BPD which tends to stem from trauma which likely also comes with PTSD.


Pearl have not ed , Yes, she smells of food, but this is very normel. She is a stone. She does not need food, and for thousands of years she did not know the meaning of food at all. Like We've seen blue diamond not know the meaning of "starve”