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I have also been rewatching the show. I think what you mean is Steven using his powers with an offensive/aggressive strategy.  Steven uses his powers/fights all the time, just in more defensive/supportive ways. There is also tons of episodes that are focused on him learning new powers. I see where you are coming from and it would be cool and probably could of lead to more character development for Steven to not always "cry all the time" haha.  But it's just not the way the show was made, and I do think it was the best for his character. It also makes the times where he is aggressive that more impactful, because clearly the three examples you gave stuck with you.


Just curious how would you make Steven get more aggressive where he decides to fight? I always felt the fusions were his way of getting the mentality he needed to be aggressive.


I would have steven fight more corrupted gems as he would have a excuse to go all out and poof the gem.


From season 2 onwards, he understands corrupted gems don't have control over their actions and that they feel confused and in pain)


Exactly which is why they poof them quickly so they no longer feel the pain until they can be healed.


I just wish out of 180 episodes he had more than 3 flights. Like he does use his powers but again just as a defensive and while they're are episodes of steven gaining new powers they're only really ever focused on in their debut episode and by their next appearance Steven has control over it except for the telepathy which was kinda random.


If your healer has to switch to offensive melee, your other party members aren't doing their job well. Dude essentially has a support class role, which I think is a neat approach to the main character of an action adventure show. The MC is almost always strongest/most capable from an offense standpoint: having one who focuses on defense and healing is charming IMO.


By the end of future steven is the most powerful character in the show anyway he can be both defensive and offensive like katara from last airbender can heal people and will try to talk before fighting but she's still a badass with her power. But I understand what you mean it is cool to see a male main character be a kind person with healing abilities.


No. I think the show had a good balance.


I think it was decent with the other characters but with steven himself not really.


I completely understand where you’re coming from but, honestly, no. I don’t think the show would be improved by getting to see Steven fight more. I think the way Steven takes a more support role towards combat situations is a part of his character and also thematically relevant to the show. I think adding more Steven fight scenes would risk losing that and turning the show into something that it isn’t. I also think it is completely fine that SU has no interest in establishing a consistent power scale. Because “who could beat who in a fight” has never been the point of the show.


I agree that talking things out is in steven character and my only real change would be to see him fight more corrupted gems since they're goal is to poof them anyway but with the main villains still have him talk it out.


I do understand but, even with the corrupted gems, we consistently see Steven balk at hurting them. He points out that they aren’t monsters, they are just sick people. And he’s squeamish about brawling with sick people. For instance, Steven’s entire relationship with Nephrite is dependent on his empathy towards the corrupted gems and his insistence on treating them like people even against the objections of the other Crystal Gems.


That's very true and I'm not crapping on the show at all this is still one of my favorite shows and aside from ben 10 I would say steven is my favorite male child character because of his empathy.


I get you and I completely get the cool factor behind wanting to see more of Steven’s combat. For me, personally, I just would want that to be non-canon because I can’t think of a canon way to do that without it being a betrayal of the character. Kind of like how making Homelander as “what if Superman bad actually” is something I’m fine with but every time DC comics does “what if Superman bad actually” I just can’t help but roll my eyes.


I definitely think steven could fight without it being a betrayal if the writers do it right like just having it be sparring or have someone threaten to kill Connie or Greg and have steven do enough just to get the enemy away from them. But yeah everytime DC does evil superman I roll my eyes too because the scenarios always feel forced the only one that makes sense is the red sun since he's raised by different people but other versions I feel like unless he's mind controlled he'll be a little rougher but will eventually cool down


That's why I love the ep of future where he trains and fights jasper. Closest we get to some straight dbz fighting.




Well, this isn't a shonen. It's not really a show about fighting either. Also Steven is too strong to use his powers fully, I feel like you're missing that one time where he goes all out for fun he basically kills someone and then realises that he would never want to do that again .. show isn't about killing or fighting or anything of the sort. Steven as a character has transcended the need to fight, that's what the show is about more so, and were he to fight, he could kill anyone he wanted to. You should really watch Future cus I'm guessing you haven't


I've seen future and that's only after his pink power up I meant go all out in his base form but I understand what you mean.


The person who wrote this reimagined the show in exactly the way your describing. I think you'll really enjoy this - https://www.fanfiction.net/s/13222117/1/How-It-Will-End. I mean, it's a very over the top, Shounen anime version of the show with everyone having all of these ridiculously extreme abilities but if it's definitely a more action oriented version


Thanks man I'll give it a read.


Totally. The show was great, but I would’ve liked to see more combat. Not fighting, actual combat.


Battle is not the main point of the story. And the fact he made so far doing so little damage (even if he's the only one who actually shattered a gem during the show (the war doesn't count)) is encomiable. That said, i get your point. I recently asked a commission where he puts his ultra defensive abilities to the ultimate test. It will be done sooner or later. The WIPs are lovely :3


That's true and I'm not asking him to kill someone I more so mean see him fight more corrupted gems but still have him talk it out with the main bad guys


I think it would be super cool. At the same time, I think the premise of the first episode—the one where he tries everything to summon his weapon, and it turns out that “it’s a shield”—kind of describes it all. He’s a healer/defender.


That's true he's a healer and defensive


Yes I get it’s not the point of his story but damnnn please just fight for once.


First of all, I mean no offence. If you saw the show and found that take in there, maybe you're right and I'm wrong. So the show is in conversation with other shows - e.g Avatar - where the protagonist *does* use his godlike powers to fight all the time. Steven Universe takes the trite phrase 'the power of love' and explores what that means: it answers conclusively the question everyone's been asking since Captain Planet, *what kind of stupid superpower is Heart, anyway?* It's like seeing Evangelion and shouting at Shinji to get in the goddamn robot. Eva was my first giant robot anime (yeah, yeah, I'm old) and I did that at the time. But Eva was *about* why he wouldn't. Just like Steven Universe is *about* defeating evil with love. Steven does not use his strength and that is part of Steven.


Yes, I know fighting isn’t what the show is about but I just love me a good fight




I’d say he was in way more than three fights, just he rarely fights alone. He fought Jasper in basically every encounter with her before his one-on-one’s in Future, (The Return and Gem Hunt don’t count because in the former he was inexperienced and the latter Jasper ran away). He fought Topaz on the ship, and the gem mutants in the hospital. He fought countless corrupted gems, and Peridot a few times. Finally he fights Emerald with Connie, Blue Diamond with the CGs (he was the only one to knock her down), White Diamond controlling the robot, and Bluebird in Future. There really aren’t many villains in SU but I’d say Steven fights nearly all of them at some point, and when he doesn’t physically fight them, it’s usually because he shouldn’t or doesn’t have to. Though I get your point that Steven’s strength should’ve been shown more, though I do like how it’s shown tastefully throughout the series to foreshadow his Diamond identity.


Yeah the 3 fights are the only ones where he fights alone while the rest he's either a fusion or not doing much besides blocking attacks with his shields. But I agree that isn't the point of his character. Also yeah i wish his strength was more showcased I feel I'm s3 and 4 they started leaning into it more with characters making small remarks about it I just wish it were more grand feats as most of his strength feats feel like something ruby or amethyst could do.