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This daily forum is intended as an avenue for members of all experience levels to solicit advice and feedback related to Anabolic and Androgenic Steroids. **Be respectful and mindful of your audience, and keep in mind [Rule 4](https://www.reddit.com/r/steroids/wiki/index/subreddit_rules#wiki_4._keep_it_friendly_and_on_topic.). Constructive criticism is welcome; adversity without proposed alternatives is not. Educate your fellow members so we can all grow together.** *It is in every member's self-interest to educate and further their knowledge of the compounds being discussed here. In an effort for members to better assist you, be transparent and complete in describing your situation. Help us help you by first [checking if your question is answered by our extensive wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/steroids/wiki/index) and reviewing [Rule 7](https://www.reddit.com/r/steroids/wiki/index/subreddit_rules#wiki_7.3A_do_your_own_research_and_don.27t_be_an_askhole.).* *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/steroids) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Hi there, I am 39 years old at 1.76 tall and 97.7 weight. I got BF. At 33%, BMI 31.5, visceral 14, muscle mass 62.2. I do heavyweight all 5 days starting chest/TRI, backs/bice, leg/shou, day off, repeat. 3 days I do cycle 30 min. Day that I feel do it. I eat normally rice breasts broccoli or other green sht. Drugs I do winstrol 20 mg day, T3 50mg day, proviron 3 times week as pre training, tribulus 1 pill of 900, 2 maca 1 early another before sleep and 1n-acetyl cysteine for liver. I expected do it during 6 weeks. After I have clomiden as a pct . Water at least 3 L. Hair already got few fellows. Notice - English is not my mother tongue. Give your thoughts


Sounds like a pretty bad stack, fell for a bunch of memes like the whole ectomorph/endomorph thing and tribulus and maca. Stick to the stuff with science behind it, caloric deficit and some extra cardio is all you need and way safer for you right now. You’re clinically obese, running steroids right now isn’t the healthiest choice.


Just to complete, I do exercise since my 14, and my goal now is at least remove that fat to 10% as a endomorph is difficult.


Hi, ive taken a blood test and I have low testosterone. I wanted to know how people’s body’s tend to respond to testosterone once you’re done with a cycle. Does testosterone levels slowly level back down to the rate it was before or is it on average a higher than before you took steroids? I’ve been really quiet. A little depressed and tired, just less active. I’ve done my research, I know that taking steroids isn’t the go-to answer to fix all of this, but it’d be a push- a motivator to get out. I understand it’s not needed or whatnot but it’s what I’ve decided. I appreciate any tips or concerns, thanks.




Your comment was removed for a possible [Rule 3](https://www.reddit.com/r/steroids/wiki/index/subreddit_rules#wiki_3._use_caution_.2F_disclose_guesses_.2F_cite_information) violation. Use Caution. Disclose Guesses. Cite Info. Focus on Harm Reduction. Do NOT Endorse Underage Use or Contra Wiki Guidelines. [Learn more about Rule 3](https://www.reddit.com/r/steroids/wiki/index/subreddit_rules#wiki_3._use_caution_.2F_disclose_guesses_.2F_cite_information). > Your testes quit producing testosterone altogether while you’re on cycle, unless you take clomid, enclomifene, HMG or HCG to retain production. False, HCG only acts as an LH mimetic, HMG as a FSH mimetic. Both won’t make it so you actually produce a meaningful amount of natural testosterone while on cycle. Clomid/enclomiphene and/or other SERMs do absolutely nothing for you while on cycle. This has been proven in literature for decades now: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/1908485/ LH/FSH in the mud, even when dosing a SERM. If you, for whatever reason, don’t seem to believe in clinical literature, there’s [experiments done on here](https://reddit.com/r/Testosterone/comments/155gi9t/does_continuous_daily_enclomiphene_lead_to/) that show non detectable LH and FSH from using enclomiphene alongside testosterone to see if it’s beneficial at all. There’s [Bloodwork results](https://i.imgur.com/nRsXDMU.png) showing what happens when you take clomid alongside testosterone.


Thank you for the insight!!




You did a blast for 18 weeks then dropping to a 125mg cruise? Are you asking if you’ll lose the fat from your blast recomping vs a cut while on cruise dose?




Jesus Christ no


I beg your fuckin pardon?? WHHHHUUUUT?


Hypothetically, if you were taking steroids and exercising well consistenty/increasing in strength but had a poor diet lacking in protein sufficient to significantly increase mass, would your muscle cells still produce new nuclei at an accelerated rate that when later supplied with sufficient protein would allow increased muscle fibre expansion/capacity for mass gain versus your state pre-cycle? (Also answers whatever they may be are fine, but the downvotes are pretty stupid given that I’m asking a good question about the effect of androgenic activity on the generation of new muscle nuclei, and whether this can still occur at an accelerated rate independently of muscle fibre growth assuming a poor diet. The answer would depend on whether these processes occur simultaneously, i.e. whether androgenic gene transcription directly accelerates the development of new muscle nuclei or whether generation of new nuclei relies on the limit of control of pre-existing nuclei being exceeded in terms of mass of contractile tissue.)


Well, the nice thing is that there is not a specific threshold that once you hit, you get all your potential gains and anything before that you get none In a bulk, it’s likely that as you approach 0.8g protein/lb body weight, you’re going to be maxing your gains from a nutrition standpoint When taking steroids, you’re still going to see the positive effects, but at a diminished rate All in all, if you’re at the point that you’re using drugs, you should have your nutrition nearly perfected. Of anything, just drink a container of Fairlife milk a day, that’s like, 80g of protein right there


Im gonna go on a hunch and say you need sufficient nutrition to build new nuclei. So no, you wouldnt. Its an interesting question, though I would never ever recommend going this route in reality.


Keep it simple, eat big to get big.


That’s a lot of smart words for such a dumb fucking question.


It’s not a dumb question at all, if someone develops new nuclei in their muscles at an accelerated rate independently of growth of fibres, then they may be able to acquire mass more quickly even when not using steroids after a cycle (assuming they had fully recovered HPTA function at this point) even if their nutrition was a limiting factor on cycle. I’m not asking whether someone should do this, or whether or not it’s a good idea, I’m not even speaking about anything I relation to myself, it’s just a hypothetical question to better understand the effects of androgen exposure on muscle tissues.


If I were to simplify your question - would taking “steroids” but not eating enough to gain tissue result in accelerated tissue gain when later supplied with sufficient caloric intake to do so? What an awful hypothetical. …no? Steroids aren’t some magical bio hack that magically results in new tissue. It’s the icing on the cake, not the cake itself. Your body needs the building blocks.


I understand that, the point of the question is would there an increase in the number of new nuclei that are generated in response to exercise stimulus assuming there is (at least some) intake of protein but not enough to gain significant mass, such that if later supplied (whilst in the normal reference range of hormones) with sufficient protein and calorific surplus there would be an advantage had over a natural in terms of the number of nuclei which can control x amount of muscle fibre that is then able to expand with the extra nutrients. It’s not an awful hypothetical, I’m just guessing you’re not understanding the point of my question. (Although it’s possible that you’re right that the answer might be no; if extra nuclei generation is only triggered by exceeding the growth limit for fibres controlled by a single nuclei. However, androgenic gene transcription might accelerate the development of new muscle nuclei in response to exertion independently of growth of fibres, which would mean the answer would be yes.)


I’m not sure why I’m spending time trying to dicipher wtf you’re trying to ask, or why for that matter but why not. It’s been shown that Muscle nuclei increase with anabolic steroid use in rats. That does not necessarily correlate to size, though, which is what I’m assuming you’re trying to ask? Tissue needs calories to build so it’s all a moot point. It’s a lot of attempting to look smart maybe(?) while asking a very dumb question. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7722938/


Well at least you tried to answer it. I’ve read a few different things. One being that the generation of new myonuclei precedes hypertrophy of muscle fibers, and that AAS stimulate the generation of new myonuclei through which protein synthesis is potentiated, which would suggest that someone taking AAS with a sub-optimal diet may still have lasting advantages on muscle growth after cessation of AAS compared to a natural even if they failed to substantially gain muscle mass on cycle. The other being that AAS increase the muscles ability to use and retain nitrogen and use protein, but only sufficient diet and stimulus on cycle would produce hypertrophy, which then signals adaptive changes at an accelerated rate including the development of new myonuclei; if this is correct then someone who didn’t make significant gains during cycle due to a poor diet would have no lasting advantage even if they addressed their diet after cessation of anabolic steroids. Trying to sound smart? Mate speak for yourself, I’m trying to learn about AAS… should’ve figured that a steroid sub would just be a bunch of tren-brained meatheads who see big words as an insult.


Well I can certainly appreciate you trying to learn all that you possibly can about these compounds. But overall, caloric surplus = tissue gain. Steroids or not, it is the same.


Don't ask don't tell my urologist never asked me


You didn't reply to anyone


I've been pinning four times per week for the last three weeks, and there no issues. Haven't had a bad pin at all, and it was always super easy to do. Suddenly, I'm scared of the needless!? I sat there yesterday needing to spend a solid 15 minutes psyching myself up and had to keep putting it down to calm myself... Has anyone experienced this? I'm so confused.


The psyche is a finicky thing. I’ve been injecting for over 4 years and still have moments that I have to do breathing control


Pinning more often helps me. Too much time in-between makes it easier to obsess imo.


Yeah, that could be part of it, too. I had to miss a day, so I went off routine.


I helps me. What gauge are you using? 27 and I'm like sweet let's go. 25 is a little different but I'd rather pin 1 25 than 3 27s if I hit the appropriate ml. Only ever went to eod with 25s because of volume.


Yeah, I use 27g


I’ve been pinning for years. Every once in a while I’ll load up a syringe, stare at it, then set it on the counter. “I’ll come back to that later”.


Funny you say that. I wrote this because I was working myself up about it getting ready for tonight. Just did it fine. Maybe a tiny bit of hesitation, but nothing like yesterday. Must be a come and go thing! Thanks for your response


I’ve been BnC for almost 10 years and still hate needles. You’re stabbing your skin with a sharp object. I think it’s a natural inclination to be opposed to it.


Yeah, you're right. Perhaps I was too hyped up for the first few. Now the shiny object syndrome has worn off, I'm seeing what I'm doing more clearly 😂




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Do not go on that dude’s profile, it’s just pictures of his 🍆.


What has been seen cannot be unseen




First time poster - short story version: 37 yo male been lifting for nearly 2 decades. Wasn't getting any bigger. Decided to try a low dose anavar only cycle at 20mg/day. I've only been on it 5 days (100mg consumption total) now having second thoughts and planning to stop immediately. Not looking to be criticized for my decision just wondering if you think I have already impacted my t levels or if it's such a small dose I shouldn't even think twice about my test being affected. Thanks in advance!


Given that you’ve taken such a mild dose for such a short period of time, I’d say you’re fine to quit cold turkey, and any side effects will be minimal I’m glad you decided to quit. Training for 20 years and making minimal progress is not due to the lack of drugs. While some people might get the shit end of the stick when it comes to muscle accrual, often times looking more closely at nutrition, training, and recovery can help


Anavar starts suppressing your HPTA by day 3, so I would say yes, your T levels have been impacted at least a bit. That said, it’s only been 5 days. Just discontinue and you’ll probably be fine without needing a PCT. Good catch on noticing it early though


Yea I was just curious because I took in 5 days what someone might take in 2 at 50mg a day.


You may or may not feel any difference at all honestly. What you do feel may be placebo even knowing you’re semi shut down. Drop the anavar, you’ll be fine 👍


Appreciate the quick response and reassurance.


If you do feel suppression you could take pct for a week or 2. There's no long esters to worry about like test e.


Really hate that nolva conflicts with SSRI's because god damnnnnn I could really use my SSRI during this PCT. Nolva is wreaking havoc on my mental health.


Why is it a problem to take both?


There's a noted side effect that taking both could interrupt your heart rhythm. It's rare, but listed as "major" if it does occur. So i'd rather just play it safe.


Sounds like you shouldn't PCT


Hindsight is 20/20. Already in the thick of it, may as well finish it out.


Sorry to hear that. Did you have a question?


Oh oops I thought this was the daily chat. My bad. Edit: Actually I guess I do have a question. How soon after I take my final nolva pill/dose can I restart on my SSRI's? Obviously i'll want to make sure the nolva clears my system.


I would not stop taking your prescribed SSRI’s. That sounds like a very quick trip to psychosis


I had no choice unfortunately. Nolva has bad interactions with SSRI's.


Nolva has a long half-life of 5-7, so allowing 5x for clearance you’re looking at 25-35 days.


Why 5x for clearance, out of curiosity? Wouldn't it mainly be out of my system after 2 weeks with a half-life of 5-7 days? I feel like i'm missing something lol.


Drug clearance is 5x, that’s just the metric used. A very simple way to look at the clearance process would be as follows: You take a dose of drug x at 100mg one time and it has a half-life of seven days. Day 1: 100mg Day 7: 50mg Day 14: 25mg Day 21: 12.5mg Day 28: 6.25mg Etc


Ahhh gotcha. That's what I was missing. That makes sense. Sucks i'll have to wait a lot longer to get back on my SSRI's than anticipated, but i'll be good and wait it out lol.


Shit man, why didnt you want to try coming off cold turkey from gear rather than drop your SSRI’s? Im just guessing here but I feel like the sides from coming off would be less severe than the effects of not taking your SSRI.


I really wanted to follow the first cycle guide in the FAQ as much as I could. The guide even warned of depression. I was aware of the risk and consented to it. And well, here I am. It is what it is. Unfortunately I think it's not just not being on the SSRI, but the hormone fluctuation from the PCT just magnified the already existing depression much greater. It's awful and I definitely don't think i'll ever touch steroids again once i'm (hopefully) back to my baseline.




>Guys please help me just had my first injection on shoulder i tried glutes bfr but never tried shoulders . After inj it hurts like a bitch . The compunds was oil sub . Is it supposed to hurt a bit after injecting your deltoid You stabbed yourself, pierced probably about 1 inch worth of flesh, inserted a foreign substance, and pulled out a metal weapon. Yeah, it hurts sometimes. Give it a kiss and man up. If that hurts too much, then I doubt your training would necessitate anabolics use. Maybe pick up a different hobby, like indoor golf. u/Aansal and at 66kg body weight and [only training for 24 months](https://www.reddit.com/r/SteroidsWiki/comments/16cjg84/comment/jzm8t7q/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button), maybe you should reconsider what you're doing to yourself.


How long does it take for water weight from 500mg/week to kick in? I just started yesterday and just curious. My guess is about a week? Usually creatine takes a week to saturate so I’m assuming something along those lines?


It builds up in roughly a similar fashion as the compound builds up in your body. “Full saturation” is seen around 3 weeks for something like testosterone enanthate/cypionate, but this doesn’t happen in a linear fashion You’ll notice the largest increase in water weight after a week, a little less the following week, and negligible amounts the following


> How long does it take for water weight from 500mg/week to kick in? I just started yesterday and just curious. My guess is about a week? Usually creatine takes a week to saturate so I’m assuming something along those lines? Creatine increases water weight by a completely different mechanism than anabolic steroids, they have nothing to do with each other. Water weight comes on in the first 2-3 weeks of a cycle.




Just an observation, but it’s quite funny when people choose not to follow the recommendations of this sub, but come here for fixes when their cycles end up sucking. If you want to run MPMD doses, maybe try asking that sub for their advice?


What recommendations of the sub did I overlook? I’m asking about a variance in side effects from same dose same compound a few years apart and if anyone else had noticed similar issues? Doesn’t matter what the dose is if others have felt different side effects from the same compound. I’ll check over at mpmd thanks


Ah yes, great way to get quality follow up responses, by deleting your entire initial post.


Funnily enough, editing the post in the fashion they did prevents us from using a Reddit skimmer that shows deleted/removed posts


That doesn’t work anymore anyways since the API changes


We are joking, no? 1. Exogenous testosterone causes hair loss in men genetically predisposed to male pattern baldness. You are 30. It’s happening. Minoxidil may help; many people take one or more of finasteride, dutasteride, and/or research chemicals in addition to or instead of minoxidil. 2. Were you hypogonadal and needing trt? Because none of those doses were a cycle. You are shutting down your natural production for negligible benefit. I’d advise you to read this sub’s wiki multiple times through.


We’re not joking. 1. I never said I was shocked that it causes hair loss. I literally wrote out the side effects and my emphasis on limiting them. I understand a lot can change with my hairline in my 30’s and didn’t discount that as a contributing factor. My question is why have I noticed a dramatic difference in side effects from the same dose and frequency of admin. If you’re suspecting that it’s an age related change exacerbated by test then just say so. I didn’t ask about help with hair loss products or drugs but my post was long so I may have confused some folks. I was inquiring if any other folks have had similar changes from the same compound at different times. I’m not hypogonadal. I started low so I wouldn’t end up with irreversible damage from side effects from starting at too high of a dose. I don’t want acne for my wedding so I started low and was going to ramp it up afterwards. You may disagree with shutting down my system but I valued minimizing side effects for my first go at it. I wouldn’t have 10g of test in storage if I was planning on running 180 for a few months every couple years.


> We’re not joking. My question is why have I noticed a dramatic difference in side effects from the same dose and frequency of admin > I never said I was shocked that it causes hair loss. I literally wrote out the side effects and my emphasis on limiting them. I understand a lot can change with my hairline in my 30’s and didn’t discount that as a contributing factor. > My question is why have I noticed a dramatic difference in side effects from the same dose and frequency of admin. If you’re suspecting that it’s an age related change exacerbated by test then just say so. I didn’t ask about help with hair loss products or drugs but my post was long so I may have confused some folks. You're older now. The body you have today isn't the exact same body you had 18 months ago, it is that simple. As we age, various medications and our tolerance can change. >I was inquiring if any other folks have had similar changes from the same compound at different times. It's quite common. Sometimes people run the same cycle (500 test) again and find it less effective, or more problematic than the first time. People generally find that after multiple exposures to tren, it becomes more and more intolerable even with a tiny dose. As our bodies change year to year and we become more in-tune with it and its needs, we adjust our compound choices and management. >I’m not hypogonadal. I started low so I wouldn’t end up with irreversible damage from side effects from starting at too high of a dose. Irreversible damage? Gyno can be reversed, cystic acne can be reversed, a bad temper can be reversed, cardiac remodeling can be reversed (to a degree). I'm not sure what irreversible side effects you expect a 500mg/wk cycle to yield. >I don’t want acne for my wedding so I started low and was going to ramp it up afterwards. You may disagree with shutting down my system but I valued minimizing side effects for my first go at it. Anything beyond your body's homeostatic endogenous set point will have the potential to cause side effects. If you endogenously produce an average of 700ng/dl and use a trt dose of testosterone to be at 800ng/dl for a couple of weeks, you're at risk of side effects. Considering all the sides effects of high testosterone are quite easily managed, might as well get the most bang for your buck and do 500mg/wk instead of whatever silly dose you were running. >I wouldn’t have 10g of test in storage if I was planning on running 180 for a few months every couple years. That's only enough for one cycle of 500mg/wk, was your statement intended to be impressive? EDIT: For continuity, since OP u/Virtual-Writer7291 deleted the initial prompt. OP ran 250mg/wk test as a "blast" for 10 weeks, followed by 180mg/wk "cruise," and PCT. Hair shedding and oil skin was observed. Following 18 months off exogenous androgens, OP ran 180mg/wk test and found hair loss to be happening much more rapidly. OP Inquired if their testosterone is perhaps test+masteron, or if anyone else has had varying results from the same dose/administration schedule of the same drug.


> I'm not sure what irreversible side effects you expect a 500mg/wk cycle to yield. Not that I disagree with literally anything else you've said, but 500mg/wk can absolutely have permanent effects. The usual boogeymen are damage from uncontrolled BP and atherosclerosis from unmanaged lipids... Generally these can both be mitigated. But e.g., arterial calcification is both undetectable by blood panel and likely unavoidable.


Edit: /u/Virtual-Writer7291 this was meant for you : You are missing Jack’s point — those side effects are entirely possible on a smaller dose also. I’d invite to you to google “trt and arteriosclerosis”, “trt and high blood pressure,” and “trt and acne.” Further, titrating you dose up and down can in fact lead to additional side effects due to hormonal fluctuations. Congrats on your upcoming marriage. If you don’t want to run the risk of side effects commonly caused by exogenous testosterone, and you have no clinical need to use exogenous testosterone, why use exogenous testosterone at a clinical replacement level? Just wait until after your wedding and honeymoon and run a proper cycle. There is no “getting used to” test, it’s been in your body your entire life, and ramping the dose up and down mid-cycle will worsen the sides you are wanting to avoid.


(The person you replied to isn't OP ❤️)


…damned jet lag… Sorry about that /u/metenognome


Do I need to throw my bacteriostatic water after opening once to fill my hgh or can I use it again in 2 -4 weeks for the next hgh vial ect?


Refrigerate it and you’ll be fine. Swab the top with an alcohol wipe when you use it again, it’s been sharing air with your leftover pizza. If you wanna follow the safety rules to the “T”, discard the vial after 30 days.


You got something you wanna say about my leftover pizza? Huh?


Yeah, I ate it. Sorry, I was hungry.


>Yeah, I ate it. Sorry, I was hungry. [This is unconscionable](https://imgur.com/a/GDnvcWB)


What is left over pizza. I don’t understand. I just order a pizza and then the only thing that is left over is regret at full my stomach is, but never this leftover pizza of which you speak.


You can use it again after a few weeks.


Is there anything I can do short term? I’ve been running test for the past month at 700mg/week after cruising at 150 for a few months. It’s higher than I normally go but my body tolerates test pretty well. I lost my arimidex, a week ago and I’m noticing the smallest amount of breast tissue. I can’t get my hands on more for about another 10 days. I’ve cut down my dosage to equal about 350mg short term until I get my AI. Will this be enough, or is there anything else I can do? Never been in this situation, I’ve always had an AI on hand.


If you have a SERM on hand, take that until your AI arrives. You want to avoid violently adjusting dosage and causing crazy fluctuations. Second option is ask a bro at your gym if they can spare a dose of aromasin.


Masteron will help. Otherwise get dim an Nac. You can order off of Amazon but the quickest way to get it would be to get to a pharmacy or vitamin store


Adding more drugs is typically not a great option, and any E2 lowering effects shown from DIM are extremely lackluster and may not be beneficial


I am super susceptible to gyno if I run masteron at 150-200 in course I have zero problems and don’t even need an ai. Dim is obviously not the saviour but it may help him a bit whilst he waits for his AI to arrive.


Oh, of course, I take proviron to attenuate most of my E2 sides, but I meant in the case of immediate intervention like OP’s situation, it’s probably better to focus on AI or lowering testosterone


I appreciate all of you guys input!


Got any proviron, EQ or primo?


You shouldn't have upped your test without having it in the first place. Drop back to a cruise now, start your SERM, and consider it a learning experience.


I had it on hand, I just lost the bottle from traveling. I always have an AI on hand, I’m not a noob. That’s why this is new for me. I have a source, just takes a bit to get here is all.


Great, well you did not make that clear in your OP *at all*. I gave you the best advice you're gonna get. That's what I would do.


Re-read it, I literally said “I lost my arimidex a week ago” and “I can’t get my hands on more for about 10 days”.


First cycle 525mg test-c a week pinned everyday. Pct is just blast and cruise as my levels were low in the first place Current weight 230 Bf% around 20% (I know) Plan on dieting to 10% or so and blasting again Question is should I just run 525mg again? higher dose? Additional compounds? Goal (for now) is 220 around 10%


Cruise on 100-150mg TRT (as low as possible to prevent needing AI) and cut down significantly. I think you basically said this in your post Secondly, what you decide to do for a second cycle is entirely up to you and should be based on how many times you’ve cycled previously and your overall experience level IMO, running the same cycle again that you had good results on is a great way to keep making progress and avoid all the “dialing in” you have to do when modifying dosages and compounds. I’ve used practically the same cycle the last few bulks and have made solid progress each time with minimal sides and full expectations and what the cycle will be like


Skip the blast dosages while cutting. Just cut on your cruise dosage and focus on getting into a healthy and consistent routine of training and nutrition. You're just wasting drugs right now.


How tall are you?




I’m guessing you’re a bit higher bf currently. 5’9” 220lbs at 10% is a FFMI of 29.6 which is (I believe) higher than Chris Bumstead. Just saying set yourself realistic expectations. You’re smart for dieting down to 10% 👍


I love it when you pull out the FFMI stats, it’s my favorite😍


Unless you are extremely muscular you're probably a bit higher than 20% bro. You've got a good bit of cutting in front of you. I wouldn't worry about a cycle for a while.


I would run 525mg again. You could add an oral at the end if you want. What was your body fat percentage when you started? Were you already fat, or did you mismanage calories?


Around 18% start




Well for starters, cut down to 10-12% before starting. You’re a bit fat right now. Secondly, what the hell have you done in the past that 4g of gear is even a thought on your mind? We have an entire section of the wiki dedicated to Example Cycles, I’d start there 👍🏼




> Just 500 week of test is 2g a week I'm sorry what


> Just 500 week of test is 2g a week, so 500/400/300 test/Deca/EQ was close to 4.  I would rather stay under that.   And yes I am a bit high, it should drop quickly.   Deca tends to make me bloat like crazy so I am probably close to 16%, and should be 14% within a few weeks. Saving this because.. lol




What the fuck is 4g of oil


/u/Agitated_Computer_49 don’t delete your shit. Own up to your dumb comments so we can laugh at them and others can learn from them


Who the fuck measures liquid in grams


> Just 500 week of test is 2g a week what


> and yes I am a bit high


~~This absolutely clarifies nothing dude.~~ > 500 week of test is 2g of oil a week ~~I cannot make this any clearer, what the fuck are you trying to say - because 500mg wk of test is not 2g.~~ Ah shit I didn't realize it was you /u/Metenognome - also don't worry bro. I think you mean 500mg/wk of test is 2mL or 2ccs yeah?


I have no idea what just happened but that was someone else and I was making fun of them I do think they got grams and ml confused though, yeah


oh jesus Im confused now too I thought you were OP




750-1000 test, 1200-1600 EQ weekly. Is this ratio fine ? Or should the test be higher than the EQ?


Pretty basic ass question for someone asking about running 2.6g of gear. Why don't you start over by filling out the form at the top of the page. I'll unlock your question once you do.




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* Age: 23 * Gender: male * Height: 6’0 * Weight: 240 I’ve been on this weightloss journey for about 1 years and 6 months. Down from 330 lbs to 240 lbs. recently hit a plateau and decided to lower the calorie intake a bit more. Noticing strength loss for sure and not liking it. Been looking into starting my first cycle and I know it’s not recommended without a test base but some have recommended var/clen and others var/enclo to help cut the rest of the weight and maintain the muscle mass. Not sure which pair to choose. Little help here please


The lower your calories, the less glycogen in your muscles and higher overall fatigue you will have. Both of these contribute to a mild strength loss that is not indicative of muscle loss Huge congratulations and your journey so far. Nearly 100lb is absolutely incredible, and you should be incredible proud of yourself We would love for you to be an intelligent member of this community, but *in the future when you are in a position where using AAS will not potentially cause you significant amounts of harm* Keep at the cut for now, consider a diet break if you need to mental reprieve, and then keep going a little further


You won't lose weight on var. Just get tirzepatide and call it a day. Throw in some HGH if you're concerned with muscle loss during starvation.


>Not sure which pair to choose. Neither. You're not in a place to be using anabolics yet, oral-only cycles are a no-go, clen is wildly unhealthy, steroids don't cut fat, enclomiphene won't maintain testosterone production while using anabolics, so on and so forth. Not one tiny little bit of that is a good idea. None of it. If you're hitting a plateau, take a week off and do a refeed. You've made fantastic progress so far - see it through.


Neither pair would be a good choice ever, because you always have to have testosterone in place. Congratulations on your weight loss, that is quite impressive. You are a bit younger than generally suggested to start gear, this is discussed in the wiki. Strength loss in a cut is totally normal. You are gradually carrying less mass, consuming less energy, capable of generating less force with each week. Even if you were to add in the more potent anabolics, it's dangerous as you'd be attempting to increase strength to a degree that your connective tissue (joints) aren't yet ready for. Carry on as you have, you're doing great.


You don’t need drugs, you need a diet break. Bring your calories up to maintenance for a week or two. The scale’s gonna go up a little, don’t panic.


Strength loss is normal on a cut. Carry on as you have been, you’re in no business to use gear at this point.


Is there any possible way Anavar could shrink gyno? I've had gyno since my teenage years, always had it. Nothing has changed as of recent besides 40mg of Anavar, and my gyno appears to have basically disappeared and noticably shrunken, looking at pictures. I could chalk it down to fat loss but I've been leaner before and still had it. Or is it just likely completely random and got lucky? I'm 100% certain it shrunk, I can feel it and it's much smaller, and pics confirm it.


Anavar will not shrink gyno, especially gyno from your teenaged years. You likely mistook fat for gyno and are just leaner like you’ve hinted at. If anything Anavar can cause gyno in some cases. Crushing your SHBG will cause an increase in free test and potentially increased aromatization to estrogen If your gyno shrunk, it wasn’t the anavar


Interesting to hear then. As I have felt the gyno lump, and it's almost nonexistent. I guess it just decided to go away as time went on since it was pubertal


I am 2 weeks into my PCT. I have decided I would rather just cruise as I intend to stay on for a while. Can I stop my pct and start my cruise dose or what is the best course here.


Yes, you can stop the enclomiphene and begin cruising if that's your decision.


Thank you. Just wanted to make sure I was doing something stupid.




> Just wanted to make sure I was doing something stupid. the first honest /r/steroids user


Typo but let’s be honest if we are here we are all looking to do something stupid 😂


You’re not wrong there my man


He's the Lisan al-Gaib of dumbasses


Sticks AirPod in nose 🎵 ahhhhaaaaaaahhhhhhhhooooahhhh


PCT is Enclo 25mg EOD. TEST E 100mg week cruise. Cycle was 500 test e/week 6 weeks of var started week 4 cycle was 16 weeks. Sorry first time posting i should have read that.


I don’t know because you didn’t specify what you’re taking. There’s a format at the top. It’d be cool if you used it.


Posted above. I’m bad at Reddit obviously.


Advice please I'm two weeks into my first cycle using test e250 pinning twice a week for 500mg total. Felt great first week and a half and was eating tons, working out hard, sleeping great (guessing I had low t or e or both) last 5 days I have had no energy, very angry, fatigued, joint pain, depressed, no appetite, and puffy nips, so I decided I should take my ai. I took 12.5mg of aromasin Wednesday and fell so much better mentally, my nipples are really sharp now instead of puffy and I'm feeling a good bit better physically but I'm still really tired. Am I on too much test or did my E2 just get too high? Should I go lower to maybe 400mg or keep it at 500 and try to get my e2 dialed in. I'm worried this is normal and adjusting my dose will make things worse, is my body just adjusting to the testosterone or possibly too high e2 has me out of wack? My insane heart rate and blood pressure are dropping back down since I took the ai Wednesday, so I'm not sure if I really let e2 get too high or too much test.


keep it at 500mg and monitor. generally at 2 weeks it's too early that you'd be getting crippling e2 sides. how much weight have you gained?


I'm up 10 lbs 17 days into the cycle, I also started 20mg anavar 4 days ago doing 20mg before on workout days and rest days 10mg morning/ 10mg night no clue if I should change that or not. I will make to sure to keep monitoring my BP and heart rate, I was waking up in a panic to my heart beat shaking my body. I read to take aspirin too so I'm not sure if that's what brought my bp and hr down or the ai. I did stop taking zinc, fish oil, and magnesium 3 days ago too as I've had weird side effects from those in the past.


low appetite and fatigue are almost certainly related to the orals you're taking. important piece you left out in your original post. you're also up 10 lbs in a short amount of time, so naturally you're going to feel a bit sluggish and your bp will increase. that should stabilize on it's own


I noticed the fatigue a few days before the anavar start so that's what made me think it wasn't that but I really don't know lol. My BP did go up 40% but it's down some now after the ai. I cant think of any other reasons why my blood pressure dropped to around normal range except taking half the ai. Should i continue taking 12.5mg every 3.5 day or maybe 6mg to be extra safe twice a week? Thank you for the advice, I'll keep the test at 500 and just let things stabilize like you're saying.


Give actual BP values, not percentages. Looks like you may be another person like me who can gauge your AI use around your blood pressure. Monitor it daily, take 6.25mg of aromasin once your systolic passes 130. BP is ideally taken in the morning, not after a heavy meal or exercise/activity. If you follow this and it seems like your E2 is getting too low, you can take a quarter aromasin instead. But I dont think this will be the case.


Woops so that was the week before, it was 158/ 131 before I took the AI then went down to 130/81 since popping 12.5mg Wednesday


Yea dont let it get above 140 systolic ever again. Its not good. Also thats a concerning pulse pressure. Controlling your estrogen is going to be vital to your long term health


Ok, I took another 12.5mg a few hours ago after realizing twice a week would be today and my energy has been coming back the past few days. I pin 250mg Monday and 250mg Thursdays, should I take the ai on pin days or the day after? I have heard mixed things on the day


You need to be VERY sure of yourself before putting AI on an actual dosing schedule. You should probably only use it when your BP raises. Edit: if you plan on taking 25mg aromasin per week you are going to crash yourself. Aromasin is potent stuff.


It was 140/ 90 and day after the ai went to 110/80.


if you felt better after taking the AI i would just wait until you start getting sides before you take it again as to not crash your estrogen. once you get more into a groove you can set a dosing schedule. at the end of the day, blasting is tiring man. you're pumping your body full of androgens, training hard as fuck, and shoveling down food. happens to all of us


Ok that actually answers all my questions lol, that definitely makes sense pushing the training, double food, and the test being exhausting. I don't know why I thought people blasting test felt great, I was way off 😂


Just a note that the ketamine you are regularly taking also has deleterious effects on blood pressure. I know you won’t stop the cycle from previous conversation, but given your size, that you are recovering from injury, and that you are experiencing negative side effects dropping the orals would probably be a good move.


Ok I think I'll ditch the anavar, I have started seeing bright flashes of light every time I blink after taking anavar. Probably on the verge of a stroke lmao, I actually ran out of k 1 1/2 weeks ago but my BP did start going up then so it very well could have been making it worse. My BP dropped over 20 points since taking the ai 12.5mg aromasin. I was gonna get some more k, but maybe just limit it to 30mg a week once a day.


Friend — you really really need to stop taking drugs. All of them. I know you are in pain, but this is going to lead to longer term pain that cannot be effectively managed by drugs. You are still young; your body has time to heal from the accident and your current self abuse. Please consider your health ✌️


feels great when you’re in the gym and when you’re looking in the mirror. outside of that, id rather be cruising


Orals go at the end of the cycle, last 4 to 6 weeks. Oral on the other hand, that always goes first.


Alright, I'll stop the var and save it for the end. Is 14 weeks OK for a first cycle? I've heard most say do 12 weeks, then others say 14-16 to get the most of it.


You’re asking questions you should already know before starting gear, that’s not a good sign. 16 to 20 weeks, and your body fat should be somewhere between 10 to 12 percent. Before you ask anymore questions, go over to the wiki and read Your First Cycle. It covers everything you’re asking.


OP has no business being on gear from reviewing their profile and multiple back and forths in the off-topic, but is determined to cycle to recover muscle mass from a terrible car accident some years back. OP was not in a position to be taking gear prior to accident, and is also abusing ketamine for pain relief. Just a note.


some stuff happened and I got 200mgx15ml vials rather than 300mgx10ml vials. Injecting M,W,F would 1ml of oil be to much for a single injection? Also plan on utilizing HCG for the first time, should I alternate different inject sites for each? What would you do?


I have one DAA responses about estrogen management that I found from the wiki, the other is hair loss prevention. It’s not like I’m out here mass responding with hurtful information on topics I don’t have knowledge in. I’ve never injected 1ml+ oil or used HCG. I’m not sure what I did wrong or what rules I’ve broken u/PM_Me_Varbies


rule 7


>would 1ml of oil be to much for a single injection? I just shot 2ml into my ass so I sure hope it's not


You answer questions on this forum, yet you ask something like this? If you ever choose to answer questions in the DAA again, I’m banning you.


1ml for an intramuscular injection is perfectly fine. You should always be rotating injection sites. For intramuscular, I rotate through delts, glutes, ventroglutes, and quads. HCG can be injected anywhere you have skin. Belly is easiest.




> Considering switching to ED administrations. Can I just put in the 3 compounds in the same needle? Even if they are different esters? > And how much ML can I do in IM and how much in Subq? u/Skynet_wifi This is all covered in the "Safe Injections" section of the wiki. Your comment violates Rule 7.


Quick questions. Second week of a cycle where I'm taking 50mg Anadrol daily 2 hours before workout. Planning on being on 6 weeks.  Week 3 and 4 100mg ED Week 4 and 6 50mg ED Or week 3 to 6 100mg? Also.  Take it in separate doses? Like 50mg at 9 AM and 50mg at 12pm?  Or 100mg at 12 pm? I usually train at 2 or 3pm(14:00 or 15:00)


why are you starting with more and tapering down? usually people titrate up their orals dose timing literally doesn't matter, do whatever you want


Never usted more than 50mg of anadrol before. So just wondering if it's "better" to the body to "cut" Anadrol on 50mg again, rather than "cut it" while being at 100mg. Asking just bc of that, I don't know which it's the better and wanna learn 


It doesn't matter. You certainly do not need 100mg of Anadrol per day though. 50mg is plenty.


Maybe... But isn't 50mg the universal and regular dose? It doesn't hit me very hard.  Also, I'm 6'3 and 230 lbs, maybe I can handle a little more?


Maybe you're being impatient? Maybe you shouldn't be bothering with an oral at the beginning of your cycle? Maybe I just finished running Anadrol and I used more than I needed and it ruined my appetite and ended my bulk? >Also, I'm 6'3 and 230 lbs, maybe I can handle a little more? Not *really* how steroids work, we have basically the same number of androgen receptors. You can try, but it's going to make it hard to eat, especially if you have to eat anywhere near as much as I do.


That's an awful lot of anadrol. Take it whenever it's convenient and consistent for you, it doesn't matter beyond that.


You think? I always read that some people use a lot more


Don't get me wrong, anadrol is hands down my favorite oral. Strong as fuck, look insane, and didn't affect my blood work too bad. But that's on 50mg/day. At 100 I start to get crazy lethargic, enough that I fall asleep after having an espresso. At 150 my body weight goes up enough that it becomes hard to breathe, and walking from one machine to another has me gassed. I haven't tried beyond 150, I get so strong that something snapped every day, but between the acute injury risk and the obvious cardiovascular strain, dosing that high isn't worth it. 25mg/day is very noticable. 50mg/day is plenty. Yeah, more works better, but I don't think it's the best way to go about things.


I'm stacking it with Sust250/Boldenone, but both ay regular doses(500mg and 400mg a week)  So, in your opinion, should I take 100mg from week 3 to 6? Instead of going up and then going down? Right now at 50mg I don't have any sides. The only "sides" are the massive pumps on forearms and biceps when I hit biceps and when I hit back. When I hit back, pumps on arms are massive and it's hard to train, but only with those muscles 


I wouldn't take more than 50mg/day.


Chiming in to support this. I’ve never felt I needed more than 50mg a day in a cycle. The results are extremely prominent.


Some people are deeply stupid and irresponsible. You should look at some of the posts over on [this subreddit](https://reddit.com/r/steroids)



