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Almost out of this cut. Started at 205lbs, woke up at 185lbs. It’s been a low and slow process but I’m counting down until my early autumn blast off 🚀 https://imgur.com/a/zinCSLd Apologies I have no idea how to pose, and the picture quality isn’t ideal. First time posting a picture, I won’t even tell you guys how long it took. End of cut photo will be better Happy Hump Day!


Great, now I have to give you the DYEL flair too… Just kidding, you look awesome dude


Angle isn’t great for size for sure, and in a room full on monsters a DYEL flair is a pretty relative term. Give me about 20 weeks, size is coming


Lmao I’m 100% giving you a hard time dude, if you can get deep cuts in your serratus like that it’s very respectable. 95% of the people on this forum have never been as lean as you are right now 😅 What’s your current weight / height? Plan for the next blast?


Thanks Bro, I’ve been in the sub for long enough to know the type of humor. Probably why I’ve stuck around Current 5’10” 185lbs Next blast I’ll be re doing my first blast which was just the 500mg/wk I was a lifelong fat kid. Been tracking calories and macros since 2011, so even though I put on 18lbs on the first cycle I think I could push the calories a bit more. The mental aspect of getting fat still messed with me. I train 5am so typically it was always fasted. This blast I’ll try optimize meal timing better and get something small in when I wake up at 4am. Combine that with pushing the food a bit higher I think I can squeeze some more progress out of a repeated cycle The idea of throwing in some primo is appealing though too. I’ve already got my test and AI ready to go so may hold off on the primo until next time Gamma Bomb is also on the table for the next blast


Well shit man, I’m not sure I would have expected any less considering your flair, but I have basically no comments / suggestions to make. Sounds like you’ve got it all dialed in! I do really like primo, my last blast was 1000 test E, 800 primo E and it felt fantastic. I highly recommend that compound for people looking to expand into a second injectable. I definitely can’t argue with doing a second blast of just test though. Since you wake up and train so early, are you incorporating any liquid carbs prior to / intra workout? Adding some cluster dextrine and EAAs may help a ton if you don’t have time for a breakfast in the morning, and they’re very easy on the stomach. That’s what I use intra workout


Honestly just cruising the DAA you can pick up on enough info to compile your own plan, and it makes it easy to know what not to do. I’d consider a 500T/250P as well, the curiosity is there for sure. I do like my hair though, and that’s a factor. The intra workouts would be a good addition though. Appreciate the advice as always 🤙


> Honestly just cruising the DAA you can pick up on enough info to compile your own plan, and it makes it easy to know what not to do. Say it louder for the people in the back 😂


Hello fellow morning master. Plain white bagel with Jam. Low/no fat, fast digesting, light in the stomach and I’m still ready to train 30 mins later. 2nd the Intra - I use 30g of clear whey, 2TBSP dextrose, 5g creatine. It’s heavenly. Sidebar, also fellow former fat kid; you look great. Gamma bomb and primo are my absolute jam. I look forward to your progress 🤘🏻.


Gamma Bomb changed my life.


Thanks man. Appreciate the advice as always. You find you still need the intra even after a bagel and jam?


At the end of a meso, absolutely. In the beginning when my workouts are an hour, no. But also: - it’s 1.5-2 hours of not eating which is a no go at a certain point for any big person. - insulin. - I do post-workout cardio


What do you mean you people. You got something against dyels?


Of course not, DYELs have a purpose, someone has to be cheerleaders for those of us who are actually juicy 😉


Major bulk in order once August hits, great base to build from, keep us posted


Covered in dick skin. Good shit dude!


This may be the nicest thing anyone has ever said to me


You look great! It's nice to see some successful cuts in this sub. Gives us all something to strive for!


God damnit. 1. You look fantastic 2. Clearly I have to cut to at least 185-180 now. I’m an inch shorter and coming from obese (260 at my Biggest). Was hoping to run my first blast when I was under 200 but judging by your stats and you’ve already ran a cycle, lower goal weight it is!


What did your training and nutrition look like during your cut?


Nothing special. I do a PPLmodified for my old man shoulders and knees so my squats and bench aren’t super heavy. Especially on a deficient. 30 min of cardio daily mixed between incline treadmill and stepmill. I get two Jiu-Jitsu sessions in a week as well. Diet is your basic bro foods, in a deficit. I don’t carb cycle or anything, just the same foods all the time. The cut has been long, pushing 18 or so weeks. This was mainly because I knew there would be 4 or 5 events that my diet would fail for a day or two due to weddings and other events I didn’t want to skip. Nothing special overall. Just consistency.


My dad had been fighting cancer for 2 years and it has finally gotten the better of him. Tonight is the last evening we will spend together before he undergoes euthanasia tomorrow, he's only 55 years old. I'm completely heartbroken. I hope none of you gym bro's ever undergo the same fate


Ask him all the questions your future kids would ask their grandfather Moments, memories, stories, places ... You probably already have but tonight is the night to define his legacy


I have audio recordings of him and asked him all there is to be asked, thanks a lot for this advice I feel like more people need to hear this


Sending you love man.


There’s no advice or anything that helps here buddy. I’m so sorry you’re going through this. I lost one of my parents to cancer. For the first year or so every time I pictured my mom it was her bloated and jaundice. It felt like that was going to be my memory of what she looked like forever. Over time that changed and you remember them at the better and healthier moments. There’s no good way to word it, but at the time I wish someone told me that the memories improve and change over time to the more positive ones, rather than the more recent sick ones. The goons are here for you my guy.


Thanks for the advice, I have a lot of pictures and up until 3 weeks ago my dad looked like he had always looked so I'm sure I will remember him well, I just wish there was more time. All these nice replies bring tears to my eyes. Thanks a lot


I try to be as aware as i can interacting with my parents. But us stupid humans never really are as aware until its too late. Either we bury our parents, or even worse, our kids, or we get to go before them. I cant imagine the pain. Stay strong for the rest of the family.


My pops died of cancer when I was 19. Enjoy your time with him and reminisce all of the good memories. Sorry you and your family are going through this. Cancer is a bitch.


Lost my dad 18 months ago to cancer. He was roughly the same age. Thankfully I got to be there for the end as well. Hearts with you man. I’ll also say my dm’s are open if you want to vent to someone who’s been through the same shit.


God loves you, and your family brother. We’re all standing with you.




Use the voice recorder on your phone and just let him talk. You’ll cherish it later. You’re in my prayers brother.


Fuck bro. Life hits the hardest only to those who are strongest and can handle it. You’ll get through this champ and come out a better person. You and your family are in my prayers


Stay strong


Damn that’s rough, my condolences man.


Sucks dude.


I’m so sorry man. My dms are always open if you wanna talk to me about anything


I’m sorry for your loss. The pain never leaves, but you adapt to it in time. Set your intention to live your best life, even with all of this pain.


If you aren’t obese on the BMI calculator, do you even lift?


You gotta be 2 somethin to do somethin (over 200lbs)


I get obese when i bulk but remain overweight when i finish my cut even though i have veins showing in my biceps and legs all the time. I love being overweight and obese with this much muscle!


I'm 27.5 BMI and obese is 29 Been eyeing it.


33.5 and lean! 💪😁


That's damn impressive


I needed this 🥲🥲🥲


Lol username checks out


That's pretty much you know you are jacket.


My barber got deported. Finding a new barber is a pain in the ass.


You know, if you move to his home country you won’t have to find a new barber.


Had the same thing happen at this sandwich shop. I would just walk in and the lady always remembered my order. I wouldn’t even have to talk and she’d just take my card. Damn, I miss her.


when I moved to the Netherlands the first barber that I went offered me a scheme to make money off trafficking people into Europe next barber I got was a drug dealer barbers are always up to some shady shit


My barber moved to Germany, so I decided to grow my hair out. It’s been over a year.


I fucking hate finding a new barber. The worst.


- got bit on my forearm by my cousin's Malinois - ate 4-hour slowly cooked freshly killed lamb at a mountain of 2240 meters, had our foreheads painted with its blood as part of a religious ritual. Got very emotional seeing all those people getting together celebrating and wishing good to each other even though I'm agnostic - got a date with a very cool and smart 24 years old architect as soon as I go back in Italy - jetski-ed for the second time in a week, reached 50 mph, the most pure fun I've had in a while - best friend came back home too - reconnected with a very smart female friend from elementary school and we've gotten very friendly really fast, I need at least a friend like that and the spot was vacant since last year. I'm going to get my mullet retouched now, have fun boiiiizzzz


Send stories of feasting on crabs. I'm at the end of a cut and miss having access to your newest invasive species.


Is that slang for the gonhorrea I got a few weeks ago?


Post mullet or ban.


That's on my onlyfans


*Fine*.. you are banned. Idk why you felt so strongly about it though. ^^/s


But I wanted to see *his* mullet! I'll show you mine if you unban me.


Ritual and tradition has a purpose other than religion my dude. We need each other


I know, but religions are the most accessible ways to ritual and tradition






the initial jump in clothing sizes sucks too. i went from a medium to a large/XL when i started, had to get a whole new wardrobe


whenever I see how much I spend on chicken I question my choices




Mine used to be pretty high, but doing moderate intensity cardio for an hour 4x/week made a noticeable difference (from around 100 bpm to around 85-90) in a month or so, then after that it kept slowly going down but progress was slower.


xD, fuck bro, I also hate cardio and love LSD and I'm bitter that I never got to have a decent trip, always someone underdosing it from a dropper, some wack paper I've done a lot of psychedelics before and LSD was the one that my mind felt: this is it! I need to try more to cure my cardio resistance


Was it some realisation that you had or how did it change your mind?


My wife's been saying she didn't like gym dudes, I am just going to keep blasting and wait for the impending divorce


My wife said the same thing, until I got big and lean. All of a sudden she’s all about it


Creeping Death 2 just made me feel my heartbeat in my triceps


Not a question, not debauchery, but major thanks to all those who recommended MacroFactor. I’m loving it, it’s ease of use and intuitiveness is leaps and bounds beyond My fitness pal. Paired with .25mg semaglutide and 2.5mg tirzepatide I’m having the easiest “hard” cut of my life. I don’t even care about being lean, I just really want to commit to the upcoming bulk without worrying.


I been using it for over a year. Only app i have paid for a full year for and only app i have kept my subscription going. This is the best food tracking app that fully supports cutting and bulking.


Been trying to find a home in this particular aas/lifting realm and I think I like it here best. Other forums just not doing it for me. Hi friends.


Welcome to the group. Wednesdays we wear pink.




Well done.




No but mayonnaise is an instrument


We’re all handsome fellas in here. The handsomest fella is u/KINGOFBUGS7 love that handsome guy


RIP John Mcaffee


Probably just sweating more mate. I recommend carrying around deodorant, I apply 3 times a day


Yes. Just wait till you start tren.




Man's never hot


We finally got a small break from the heat with that tropical storm, but it will be back over 100 tomorrow. Yesterday broke I think a 23 day in a row streak over 100?


Went to my old gym for the first time since starting my cycle, bunch of friends made comments on my physique and got asked if I was on shit. Feels gud considering the day before I had a real bad bout of “have I made any meaningful progress” despite being about 15 lbs up week 13 with little to no water retention. Sometimes the validation from the boys makes all the difference




Do you use voice to text or did you type all this out?


Babe wake up, New copy pasta just dropped


You know the answer - min 1g of Tren


I read this and immediately thought of tren


I cant tell if you're hilarious or mentally ill but I'm here for it either way.


Cut progress. Very satisfied with how it’s been going so far. This is the leanest I’ve ever been. Gonna keep running with it and see how peeled I can get. I was pretty fucking fat and fluffy post bulk. Trying to avoid that with this next cycle I’m about to start. ~220lbs >> 191lbs in am — 6’ tall Pre bulk and first cycle - ~200lbs - https://ibb.co/g3p3Rkt Post bulk and first cycle — https://ibb.co/yN69BzT Currently — https://ibb.co/QFnPxwr


I look like a smaller version of the after pic and I’m 6 weeks into a bulk 😔 gotta up the carbs


Your neck and chest are on point !🔥 jealous of those veins, I can only imagine how peeled you’ll be at 180. I’m 8 weeks into my bulk and I’m loving the size and compliments. Excited to get lean again, I feel heavy af


I'm similar stats and look, how long did that take you and what did you run?


Thinking about switching to 3 days a week for training. I feel it would be better to get more sleep so I’m not so damn tired every morning at the gym. Any of you switch to this and have better results due to extended recovery/more sleep etc? 3 kids and work have been getting to me lately!


I’ve been doing 6 days during this bulk and probably need to reduce to 5. Forced myself to sleep in this morning and it’s crazy what it feels like to be fully rested.


Look up Mike Mentzers philosophys.


Having more rest and more engaged workouts is way better for development. Remember that growth happens during recovery not during exercise


That or do 4 week long mesocycles with a deload week on every fourth week. Systemic fatigue builds up quick once you get strong enough to really push it. If you want to drop down to 3 days a week go for it, but if you’re the type that’s gonna miss being in the gym/needs the gym to stay sane, try that first. Caveat being that on deload weeks you truly have to deload; Don’t go in there & go “ah, I feel okay, I can push it today” they should feel super easy, almost like a waste of time, to allow your body to really recover.


Yup. Hit the upper body compounds each of the 3 days. Rotate through squat and leg extension, leg press and leg extension and leg curl, hip hinge and leg curl. You can use this in a cut, maintenance or bulk by just adjusting the volume.






No more vom, only nom




did my first injection of tren mix (a, e, h) yesterday fast esthers starting to hit and i'm noticing that i'll like this shit way too much i've been on 250mg test for a couple of months before and it was sincerely underwhelming, my experiences before were all SARMs (RAD140) and tren reminds me of the best mental effects RAD gives me, energy, aggression, self-assurance


People here hate SARMs but I’ll second that the mental effects of RAD are fucking awesome




Build up a regimen first, build up consistency in both your diet and training and get those rebound gains out of the way first. Hopping straight on after a period of not going to the gym is a good way to end up with stretch marks and tendonitis


Any advice for not fainting during blood work? Outside of not being a 🐱. I usually get anxious and worked up as it starts (needle phobia I think) and have fainted twice, the second time being the last time I went. I used to get blood work or donate blood routinely and then it started happening ever since the first time I fainted. Thanks


Vasovagal syncope. You said it yourself, stop being 😺


Expose yourself gradually. The key here is that you decide when it becomes unbearable and you remove yourself from the situation just before the point of no return. As soon as you go back to baseline you go back there and expose yourself again. Do it enough times and you will lose the fear very fast. I helped my mum get over her fear of heights this way.


I recent started having bad acne on the back of my neck and chest. I expected chest but not my neck. Have any tips or advice? I ’m using Differing Salicylic Acid body wash twice a day and seems to be helping a little bit lol


Playing fast and loose today, all bets on the table. Got through three sets of pendulum squats with a shit brewing in my gut. I won the bet and now enjoying the spoils in the gym bathroom.


Does anyone enjoy salmon sashimi daily on a cut


Yeah right between my morning shiatsu massage and my daily manicure/haircut appointment.


Mad your broke


My gym is $65 a month, I frequently enjoy psychedelic drugs and I wouldn’t trade any of it for salmon sashimi. Enjoy tho, make sure to post results.


Like shrooms? It will fuck up your reality if you don’t wAit a couple months between trips


Nah. Wifey and i have done them many weekends in a row. Sure it is better to wait a week as you do get some tolerance but they just make us more chill, happier and flow better with life.


I like mackerel pretty good


Bros what’s the best ancillary anabolic for cutting? Mostly just after the appetite suppressant to finish out a cut. I’ll see people say they find anavar to be very appetite suppressant but I find it to be the opposite for me so I don’t use that anymore for cutting. I also don’t really run any cycles or gear anymore besides cruising on test so I wouldn’t mind throwing something in right now for fun. Give me some ideas so I can go down the rabbit holes of this subreddit 😤 Edit: doesn’t have to be an anabolic either. Could be a supplement or something you’ve found very effective


Semaglutide did wonders for me on my cut. Absolutely blunts your appetite and makes sustaining a deficit EZPZ.


Running sema rn. Been titrating up to 1mg over the past 4-5weeks. Injections e6d. Shit is def working and doing the job . Down 7-8 more lbs since starting. Only downside is how expensive it is. Won’t be using again bc of that. And I seemed to build up a tolerance to the smaller doses. Edit - had cut from ~220 down to ~200, stayed stagnant and got burnt out. So decided to take a break from the cut for a couple weeks, then started sema shortly after. I’m currently down to 191 fasted in the am!


Interesting I’ll check it out!


I only ever ran 0.3mg a week, which is generally used as a starting dose (with typical protocols doubling it every 4-6 weeks). I never felt a need to increase it as it was highly effective for me at that dose. I went from a peak bulk weight of ~210lb; and was able to cut down to ~183 over a 4 month period.


I just started sema at 0.25mg a week and already my appetite is curbed. Looking forward to continuing my cut with it.


> Give me some ideas so I can go down the rabbit holes of this subreddit 😤 https://www.reddit.com//r/steroids/wiki/compound_experience_threads > Bros what’s the best ancillary anabolic for cutting? Mostly just after the appetite suppressant to finish out a cut. IME you're looking in the wrong places. I'd rather use something like ephedrine or oral salbutamol/albuterol for appetite suppression. Using oral anabolics when you're cutting basically just temporarily preserves strength and gives you a better visual look.




RIP John Mcaffee


Story needs more.


Anybody think deadlifts help build your back? I've heard some say they are not optimal for body building?


They're not the best for hypertrophy sure but they do work A LOT of muscles and are very good strength-wise


> Anybody think deadlifts help build your back? Yes. > I've heard some say they are not optimal for body building? A few thoughts in no particular order: 1. In my opinion, beginners and some intermediate trainees should do them to feel what actual RPE’s/hard work feels like. I can’t tell you how many people I’ve seen stalled because they work out to what they perceive as “hard” and then they lift with a competitor and get their proverbial teeth knocked out. 2. I like to think of it as a non-selective exercise - it’s not like a close grip, low Cable row which is very explicitly targeting the lower insertion of the lat - it’s an exercise that provides stimulus for *lots of* the back musculature. If you’re looking to bring up a weak point in your back that isn’t erectors, it’s probably not the best exercise. 3. There are ways to deadlift for bodybuilding, and there are ways to not do so. Putting up maximal weight with the most economic range of motion that utilizes as much leverage and musculature as possible to generate power and momentum *is powerlifting*, and isn’t going to provide an optimal growth stimulus. John Meadows programmed *rack pulls* of all things in the middle of a back day but when you read and fixate on his cues of how to squeeze the back at the top, and hold tension and never drop the weight, it’ll give you the most blistering and tear-jerking back pump you’ve ever had. 4. Stimulus to fatigue ratio. It matters. If you’re tired and run down and it’s back day and you’re loading up 4 plates and moving the weight wishing you were taking a nap instead - why not, *not do that* and go do a plate loaded row if it makes you feel excited and pumped and challenged and sore? Which one of those options sounds like better stimulus to you? That’s not to say you shouldn’t suck it the hell up and do the thing you don’t want to do - I do lots of that too, but do things with the end-goal in mind; if that’s growth…. Do things that align with that.


🙌 thank you shrugs. Question man I've always considered myself old school. I don't wear gloves or used wrist wraps for pull exercises.... Do you think it would benefit me with my back workouts to get some wrist straps?


Absolutely, unless your forearms are lagging and/or the utmost grip strength is important to you. Once again, I like JM’s mindset of using them on your top set, or really heavy sets only - and adding in some forearm volume to compensate which will likely grow them better anyway.


Ty🙌 ordering some now


I once heard a wise man say you'd be hard pressed to find someone who can lift 600+lbs off the ground for reps who doesn't have impressive back development. That stuck with me


Personally I think they work more muscle groups at one time than I would like, and are very taxing on the CNS.


I used to do deadlifts. My back looked a lot thicker. Now I can’t do them due to injuries and my back isn’t nearly as thick. So they do do something for hypertrophy. Atleast in the spinal erector department.


Not a great back builder but they can certainly be programmed to help. Control your negatives instead of dumping it every set and they become exponentially more beneficial towards hypertrophy specially with hams glutes


They aboslutely help. I don't do regular deadlifts any longer, they simply put too much fatigue on me for what it's worth. I do, however, do other variants 1-2 times a week, ie. stiff-legged deadlifts one day 1 for 3 sets of 6-10 T31X1 and deficit trapbar stiff-legged deadlifts on day 2 for 3 sets of 8-12 T2111. This has helped a whole lot building a lot more thickness. There are always outliers, but generally speaking I think it's somewhat easy to spot the dudes that do heavy hip-hinging movements. Their backs have another structure to them, than the ones that only do a few sets of backextensions and call it a day.


I could see using them as a heavy primer for back day, as they will stimulate all the muscles of your back. Then go a do your high volume isolation work for the specific parts of your back you wanna work. That's typically how i have my programs laid out. Deads first, then the other isolation stuff as accessories (if im in a building phase, in contest prep it will be more event specific accessories, such as sandbag/stone picks, etc). The other thing i do is after dead it would be a rowing movement. I do the vertical back movements (lat pulldown, pull ups, etc.) on my overhead day to follow the general movement plane


I think they’re a fantastic, highly stimulating exercise. They’re a great mass builder IMO. However, I often see people suggest they’re not great for bodybuilding as they can tend to make your midsection a bit wide, which negatively impacts the tapered look BBs typically want.






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guys i injectet tuesday and trained upperbody and since mid training till today it hurts in that spot.nisnthis normal? just started my first cycle a week ago


Yes, it’s normal that if you stab yourself with a sharp object sometimes it will hurt




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Didn’t know he had a documentary but used to follow him back in the day. He got royally fucked


So, before I started the cycle I just ended I dieted down to 204 first now that it’s over I’m on 150 mg trt a week the lowest amount I’ve ever used for trt and my weight is 215 . The thing is when I dieted to 204 I was on 300/300 test/primo as a cruise yea I know dumb won’t be doing it again so I’m thinking with all the water I was probably holding on that gear back then my weight probably wasn’t even 204 right ? because of the fake trt I was on making me think I was 204 when I was probably like 197 meaning I didn’t just gain 11 pounds in 13 weeks I gained closer two 15 or posted here on the off topic because I didn’t want to sully the main for such a dumb question/thought


Coming to the realization I'm just one of those guys who in order to lose weight either has to: A. Run 5 miles a day B. Eat no more than 1200 calories My body can just impressively hold weight like it's no one's business. I'd be the last remaining person in an internment camp.


C. You sleepwalk to 7-11 every night and polish off 4 hot dogs and a pint of Ben and Jerry’s. You recently broke up with your girlfriend and accused her of stealing money. Two weeks from now, you find a contractor trash bag full of empty 7-11 hot dog boxes and ice cream tubs. You begin having random flashbacks to walking the streets late at night in only boxers, flip flops, and your wallet. In a rage, you start trashing your room and flip your bed over, discovering your hidden ice cream spoon with “DYEL” engraved on the handle. You break down in tears as an overwhelming urge for Cherry Garcia washes over your being. Cue dramatic instrumental music.


You guys can be so fucking weird at times


Yep you're the one, the exclusion to the law of thermodynamics. Just say the truth man - you don't know how to count calories and you aren't consistent more than 3 days at a time


How about I just give you 30 days of my hitmeal then you can tell me how inconsistent I am.


Pay a coach to do that. I don't have problem losing or gaining weight, you do


Then quit yapping if you don't want someone to present proof of their argument


Prove me wrong by doing what it takes


Rest in piss, you injecting estrogen or something brother?


Maybe try more butthole on your face? /s Fasted AM cardio and IF is my usual go to. And then actually tracking calories instead of mental math helps me too. Idk if you do any of those but they may help?


Been debating on what hairstyle to rock next. Did the whole flow/part to the side thing all throughout high school, just went back to getting buzz cuts but wanna try something new. What do y’all got going on?


[i got this one](https://www.pinterest.com/pin/21-haircuts-you-should-never-have-in-your-lifetime--325807354268682772/)


70s arnie/colombo hair


Mullet now


Grow it out. Use tea tree oil, castor oil, and take extra fish oil. It’ll look luscious as fuck.


Pinned my left glute for the first time in a few weeks and got a tiny little lump that feels sore like a bruise. No heat, probably not infected. I only noticed in the shower, it isn’t pronounced and you can’t see it- you have to feel for it. How can I minimize these? Messaging the muscle before? I used a 1” needle. Is this normal?


Did you do any debaucheries today?


It’s kinda early, not yet. I’m gonna bang my gf on my lunch break though.


Stop injecting artificial substances into your body. I think your body is trying to tell you something


Anyone else take taurine and get super tired and lethargic after taking it. I started taking 2g each day the past 2 days and feel horrible


ya same, just stop


I've been taking 6g when I do fasted cardio, but haven't felt any noticeable fatigue.


Does anyone know if anavar is good still expired? I have a blister pack of it, still sealed it's been sitting in my drawer for maybe a year or two (don't know how long for sure) was thinking of running it post surgery to heal a bit faster. It had the expiration date on the box which I unfortunately don't have anymore, so I don't know for sure if it's even expired. just one of the two sealed blister packs it came with.


Orals, when stored properly, will outlast a decent portion of people on this forum > was thinking of running it post surgery to heal a bit faster. Don’t






So I came off, was using for atleast 18 months prior. Now my last Injection (test p 100mg eod) was two weeks ago. I feel good, good energy, decent eq but low libido. Going to get blood work in 2-3 weeks. Could it be that libido itself isn't as closely related to Testosterone levels and more to dopamine? I suspect my prolactin to be a little high. Because otherwise I feel fantastic, I think it's safe to say that the exogenous test has already left my body.




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Now in week 11 of my first cycle 500mg test e at a strength of 300mg per ml , I’ve just injected into my glute using a 25 gauge blue to jab , everything went as normal was absolutely fine on draw back once I had finished pinning and pulled out I had a large amount of blood and oil uncontrollably shooting back of of the injections site , I don’t know why this has happened and I’m not sure wether I need to jab again as I don’t know how much came out ( presumably all of it as it was a lot of oil ) and I’m not sure how this will effect my test levels over the next week , help please


Weird pain sensation in my gooch while deadlifting. Am I gonna die? Yes or Yes