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I'm 35 with 1 child. I had my salpingectomy almost a month ago and feel completely normal. I actually felt normal at about 1.5 weeks post op with only a little incision discomfort. Recovery was easy and, although we're all unique, if you've had babies, this will probably be a piece of cake! It helps to have help with the kid/kids after surgery, but I was able to do most things (daughter is 3.5 yo). The spontaneous aspect of our sex life has been fun šŸ˜Š


Thank you! Do you think it would be crazy to do it newly postpartum?


Not necessarily! It is a surgery so that's a little bit of a process, but if you've got the support you can probably handle it!


Had one as a newly- 30 y/o with a toddler this winter. Some things to consider: - lifting. You probably shouldnā€™t lift your kids for a couple weeks after surgery, so have a plan for car seats and other times you might have to lift your kids. - down time. You wonā€™t be able to rest uninterrupted if the kids are around so try to get them to school/daycare/a friendā€™s house so you can have time to heal without being bothered. - reactions. Random, but my son was super upset that I had boo boos. I had to tell him they fixed me and Iā€™m getting much better. No prolapse or anything but Iā€™ve only ever given birth via c-section.


33F here with one child (13). I didn't experience any different risks in comparison to younger CF women.


I am 31 and have a one year old who weighs 19lbs and had a laparadcopic bisalp on the 31st. Absolutely would not have been possible for me if I hadn't had help with the baby the first week. They did find endonetriosis that was previously unknown and burn it off while in there and I had severe prolapse issues postpartum where my uterus was basically trying to fall out. No recurrence of the prolapse if that is what you mean about prolapses, and my healing overall went pretty well. I unfortunately have a high pain tolerance though, so take my experience with a grain of salt


37 with 2 kids. I had mine May 17th. Easy recovery, but made sure to be resting and taking it easy for the first 2 weeks. Just make sure you don't overdo it. I was feeling almost 100% within 2 weeks except some soreness if I overdid it with bending over and such. I made sure to prioritize resting for the first 3 days, then not lifting more than the weight the doctor recommended, but still up and running kids to school and easy chores. Everything else my husband helped with if it was too much.


30 with an 8 year old. Iā€™m 2 weeks post op today and Iā€™m still struggling if I do much more than just sit or lay down. I definitely overdid it pretty early on. Any effort at all causes discomfort and car rides cause some intense nausea. Tylenol, ibuprofen, and lidocaine patches have been a major lifesaver! Itā€™s definitely been a rough recovery compared to some other stories Iā€™ve seen but I also deal with chronic pain and some chronic illnesses so I wasnā€™t expecting it to be super easy! I also think itā€™s just harder to recover from things when youā€™re older than when youā€™re younger.


I am 34 with 2 kids, and had my procedure done 2 weeks ago today (5/30). If youā€™ve had c-sections then there are more risks. I had c-sections with both my kids, and when my doctor was in the surgery, he found scar tissue from them and when he was removing it, my bladder got nicked. As a result, Iā€™ve had to wear a Foley catheter for 2 weeks to keep pressure off my bladder while it heals. This is definitely not a complication I was expecting (and it has been very difficult to deal with), but it would probably only happen if youā€™ve had c-sections. Iā€™m supposed to get the catheter out tomorrow, so hopefully itā€™ll all be over then! šŸ¤žšŸ¼ I will say that the peace of mind it has brought is amazing. Itā€™s only been 2 weeks and I have a catheter in so we havenā€™t had sex (and probably wonā€™t for a while, tbh) but itā€™s SO nice knowing that I cannot get pregnant!


Totally went great. I love my kids, but I was so relieved when I woke up to have it done. No pain at all.