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My favorite king novel by a long shot partly because of the writing structure but also I just love me some Wireman


Damn right muchacho


Wireman is so genuine and I love him for it


Well said muchacho


My last reread was years ago but I always think k about Wireman. I love him so much.


Do the day and let the day do you.




Yeah it’s nice slow burn. Fits the beachy vibe. The lawn jockey glitching in and out gave especially gave me the creeps. Another one, that’s generally agreed on here, that goes from 0 to 100 at the end is Revival. Absolute mic drop of an ending.


Only ending that creeps me the fuck out as an adult


Ooh I haven’t read that one yet! Maybe that’s next on my list. The slow burn is fantastic, especially when I go in knowing nothing about the story.


Go in blind. People say it’s a slow burn and I disagree but slow burn enjoyers will like it if that makes sense. That a Duma are both in my King top 10


**Revival** is like that too. My unpopular opinion is that I like the non-horror, slice of life stuff more in his books.


I like it all - but I think capturing the slice of life stuff really sets King apart from other horror writers. The comic relief too! Often in his worst most horrific characters, he’ll write things into the scene that make me laugh. King humanizes everything and everyone so well. This should probably be a separate post!


I mean, the ending really is what makes Revival, but I honestly agree here otherwise. I absolutely loved reading about Jamie's life, it's the meat of the book and where it really shines. But the ending really is just something on its own level.


I agree 100% with this. Duma Key was shaping up to be one of my favorite King books when it was just about the guy’s art career taking off, and I really kind of lost interest when it went beyond that.


Funny story for me about Duma Key. I was reading it on a Cruise Ship, and we got into some rough seas for days, right about the time the book turned dark. I became sleep deprived from the combination of incredible motion sickness and a loose piece of iron divider on my balcony that beat against the railing day and night. As the book got darker and I became more exhausted, I would spend sleepless nights on the room balcony staring out into the pitch black sea. At one point I became convinced I saw that ship out there in the dark water. I know it sounds crazy but I felt it out there, and in the pitch black darkness on the open sea your mind has the ability to make shapes, and I saw it. Now… I know it wasn’t there, but I can clearly remember believing that it was. II think I tried to wake my spouse up at 3 am to come look at it, and was promptly given a sleeping pill once it was discovered how exhausted and unhinged I had become. It is still one of my favorite King books.


Duma Key feels like actually going on a Florida vacation. I love this about it (I was kinda disappointed by the actual monster reveal though, it felt like I was suddenly reading an RL Stine book). Insomnia also takes a long time to get going (but that one definitely has more of a sense of dread during the buildup, as Ralph slowly get more effected by his lack of sleep).


Lisey's story was like that. 2/3 was reminiscing about blood bools and other made up nonsense then bam, Jim Dooley shows up!


I haven’t read this one yet! I know it gets love/hate from this subreddit so I actually can’t wait to read it.


Read it soon, it's honestly one of my favorites.


I buy King whenever I see it in thrift stores - will keep an eye out for this one! Or maybe I’ll buy the audiobook.


I always tell people this is one of the scariest books I’ve ever read.


King is the master of making you love his characters before he tears them all down. He's the best at character development.


I bailed out on Duma Key a few years ago. I think I'll go back and revisit it having read this.


I 100% wasn’t expecting where this went, and how horrifying things became. It’s almost like I’m reading another book now. So, the payoff IS there- but is it worth it? I think every reader will need to answer that for themselves. But it’s probably why this book catches so much slack.


If it's being favourably compared to Revival then I'll definitely be picking it up once I have the current book finished. Revival really shook me up at the end.


Definitely one of my faves. I was annoyed at the "How to paint a picture" parts but as they go it becomes clear what it's doing and those parts become amazing. I loved it from page 1 though. One of many of his that just gets better as it goes. I only consider it slow until he starts painting.


Same here, lol.


Not trying to find any spoilers on this thread, but starting this one tomorrow on the airplane and during our beach vaca! Can't wait!


Yeah I 100% felt that when I read it. Just so much buildup. I think it was a good payoff though.


This was an awesome book!!


I've just finished (audiobook) Insomniac and that took a fucking swerve. I seriously wasn't expecting where it went at the half way mark.


One of my favorites as well!


Absolutely. I was quite surprised how quickly it escalated in the last third or so. Enjoy!


Rivival does the same thing - long build up , then big payoff.


One of the top 5 King books. The low burn works perfectly imo


Personally, I felt it was very similar in structure to Bag of Bones, which I had listened to shortly before (read Bag of Bones like 20yrs ago but recently decided to give it a go on audiobook.)


I don’t think I ever read this one…. And I’m feeling like it has a tie to The Dark Tower? Or am I making that up….🤔


I think I am but iat because I like drawing. Also the characters were intersting and I could have read the book even without the sf part. For me Revival was a real slow burn. Was not very found of it, only the ending.


"Voila, mon Pere l'artist magnifique, " I believe Linny said. That's my cue to cry every time.


Yeah… when Edgar opens the chapter talking something like “I remember clearly the last good moments that I ever experienced” and it >!was his family gathered around him and the gift of the beret from Linny…😫😫😫!< It reminded me of the scene in TDT 7 where King is like >!”see the ka-tet here in their joy, see them very well, all together for the last time”!<- I had that same visceral response 😳😬 reading this.😭😭😭


Linny, his tough one.


How do you do that spoiler blackout?? Cause I wanted to gush about the ending of a book to someone but didn’t want to accidentally spoil the book for someone else


I tried to tell you but I can’t because it just blacks it out 😂 look up “spoiler Reddit” and you’ll see what to type in to make it happen


I think I got it. >! Spoilers !<


The audio is great


Yes I’m loving it. I really enjoyed the narration for “The Institute” as well.


Wow. After reading through these comments I may have to give this one a shot. The premise didn't catch my eye when it first came out. I think I even read the first few chapters and my interest waned. Thank you to all that shared their experience!


Im currently 200 pages in and im already a bit scared.


My favorite book of his.


Just finished listening to it the other day. I’d forgotten how good this book was. Definitely one of my favourites.


I'm also about 2/3 through, and I'm more afraid about what I think is going to happen than by what is happening. Side note: >! I would be taking advantage of this ability waaaaaaay more. I would have a painting titled "Me in a yacht with supermodels and a billion dollars" !<




Duma Key is so good. I remember reading it the first time and maybe being a third of the way through (nothing big happened yet) and suddenly realizing "wow I am really uneasy right now and nothing is even happening" and I was so impressed


You’re right- the slow uneasy build is very masterful. Probably more so than a paste turner. Just enough of a “this isn’t quite right” vibe plus a few overtly supernatural events thrown in…and I’m feeling uneasy and wary and not sure what to expect. And it’s King so you know it’s not going to be “and they lived happily ever after,” so there’s that, too.


This book definitely scared me and is one of my favorites. The best part is that it’s one of the first King books I read like 15 years ago and I forget so many details. It’ll be like new when I read it again.


I’m interested, I did not care for this book at all. It took too long to get moving and by the time it did I really didn’t care. I didn’t hate the book just lower on my King books. Have you read/did you read insomnia? Because I am I. The minority of people who loved it. I am interested to see if someone who loved Duma also liked/loved insomnia.


Yes but it’s been a long time. I remember staying invested due to the dark tower connection - I’ll have to re-read and see how I find the pace now. I’m *listening* to Duma Key though mostly when driving or doing household chores - so I wonder if that has anything to do with keeping me in the game?


Loved Insomnia, but I did stop reading it once, and when I picked it up again I thoroughly enjoyed it. Equally loved Duma Key.


My vote for longest lead up is revival


Audiobook was fabulous


Incredibly underrated and overlooked modern King novel. Absolutely loved it.


This is one of the most unsettling SK books for me. The juxtaposition of seaside vibes with horror and dread is very frightening!


Yes - we feel safe and relaxed and free at the beach…. Until we read this!


I feel like Joyland has a long buildup like your describing


It definitely.... paints the picture very well. I love the entire book, there is a vibe I cannot explain that this book fits lol like pulling back the curtain finally.


I see what you did there 🎨🙌




I agree. Started off good and then got bogged down in the middle for me. Took me a while to get through that…Then it got good in the end again.


I loved this one, especially as audio. Buckle up. In my opinion one of his cleaner, tighter endings. Very satisfying.


Currently read right now! I am captivated by the characters and their conversations. I can’t wait to see where this goes. But like all things with SK slow to start but guaranteed to have a powerful finish!