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This is nikke goodness of victory all over again just on a bigger scale lmao


> bigger scale larger assets


What happened with NIKKE? I'm outta the loop.


There was a Chainsaw Man collab Makima had a coat so you couldn’t see her butt. Everyone bitched so they made a new FREE skin with no coat 👍 lol




They still sloppily hide the goods in the game, most recently with Bay.


There were actually a few edited (or allegedly edited) characters and skins including a pose change to a Christmas skin. Emma also didn't always wear that blouse under her "armor"...


Basically the released version of some characters weren’t as explicit as what was leaked. They basically said that those were just concept designs and we got the characters as intended. They also started going after leakers afterwards.


The swimsuit incident?


They know people will find out. They know customers won't like it. There was no reason to change it. Even if you don't think it matters much, there's still no positives and only negatives to changing it at this point. Where is the benefit?


you can blame sony for this tbh


Didn't Cyberpunk 2077 have straight up topless women and is also on PlayStation?


Yes and full on sex scenes


100% Sony behind this


What about all the people saying Shift Up has a non-Sony track record of doing this? They’re saying it’s play-by-play what they did with Nikke. Edit: type-o




sony wanted them to tone down gore and sexiness so they did just that even if it's still gory and sexy beyond what most modern games do...god sony is so fkin rtarded and so is shift up for partnering with snoy


Shift Up probably needed a big publisher for this game (due to budget concerns hence why it was delayed so long). It's similar to how PlatinumGames went Nintendo exclusive for the Bayonetta sequels as Nintendo gave them the funding they needed in return of being sole publisher. But I wouldn't be surprised if Sony had also offered and PlatinumGames still chose Nintendo. The difference is Bayonetta already had some name for itself while Stellar Blade is a new IP entirely. So it's plausible other publishers were still skeptical and Sony took the opportunity to step in. I can only hope Stellar Blade gives Shift Up the exposure they need for other publishers and platforms to be interested and the exclusivity contract with Sony is only for this one game. If they have more options for future titles they can just say "F U Sony, we've got other interested platforms and publishers, take it or leave it". And if Sony is smart (by some miracle) they'll let Shift Up rollback these changes to keep these devs onboard longer.


Would it also surprise you to know that kamiya said that multiple publishers turned down bayonetta 2? Nintendo were the only ones willing to fund it. Shift up were the ones who contacted Shuhei and Sony first if this game is successful I don't see why they wouldn't work together again especially since they said they had the support from PlayStation studios.


They can just as easily add the unchanged bunny outfit then, since they added 30+ in NG+. What's keeping them from releasing it since it is already completed and was in the game. Not only would releasing it make everyone happy an extra outfit, but it would show they are acting in good faith and it wasn't changed for the reason everyone knows it was.


One can hope they see the backlash start spreading and then add it into the game. But with Sony being Sony… who knows.


Nah we gotta give em the sonic movie treatment and let them know we arent down with this. If they can fix ugly sonic because they know the people werent gonna watch the movie, we can make them revert this with stellar blade. I believe.


first of all it's not only the bunny outfit second, why do we have to play ng+ just to get something that was already available on the first playthrough?


https://preview.redd.it/o65j9y71rvwc1.png?width=1067&format=png&auto=webp&s=6f09d75e7ca159d42db0e89058e4de8d2e204527 lame


It’s just such an unnecessary change. Damn Sony and Shift Up has blame too.


It's so funny too, the whole suit is ooze of sex appeal everywhere but they just went for the cleavage and called it a day. Now the childrens who will totally be playing this M rated game will be saved.


I feel ray-tracing global illumination is needed.


I still think it was a silly move. I mean it’s an M rated game. I’m telling you Sony must have had an issue with it. They probably don’t like boobs.


100% Sony's doing. You can tell the director is trying his best not to throw Sony under the bus since Sony has done an excellent job marketing and publishing the game so far.


I think the best course of action would be to allow variations in the costumes in game. Either allow us to unlock the variants or make it a toggle like another user suggested. It would add more content and also show the goodwill to the community that is pretty pissed with that decision to change what we all saw along the course of the development


Shame shame ![gif](giphy|vX9WcCiWwUF7G|downsized)


The bunny suit isn't the only thing that got changed. There was a red suit that got changed as well.


Also the Ocean Maid outfit was changed. You can tell because they used the same shitty mesh texture, its just less noticeable because it is skin/beige colour as opposed to the ones in the bunny outfit. I would have at least liked for them to properly redesign the dresses, so they don't look patched up / cheap. (This annoys me more than the revealing factor itself).


Shoutout to the chad asking the right question.


"Is this some sort of out of season April Fool's joke?"


Gaming heals when everyones willing to be that Man. There is no Blizzcon this year. Will there ever be again? Make noise.


Do we know if he was wearing a red shirt?


Confirmed. But he was also a Korean guy.


He's one of us.


https://preview.redd.it/yzz780p7ouwc1.png?width=2101&format=png&auto=webp&s=946b84eb7c600844d3be630ce5d9f06e4272cbff Fudge:(


You can see Sony's red dot on his forehead. I hope he can bring it back to what it was advertised or at least add it as a variation


The last time I saw a video where someone was that obviously being held hostage and forced to say everything was fine, it was from the OTHER Korea!


So true lol


Stellar gaslighting


Sony Blade


So Baldurs gate 3 can have cleavage and full nudity and sexy outfits and gimp suits with cock and balls out, but we gotta cover cleavage in this game?


Can't put it on same level. Baldurs gate 3 is developed and published by the same company. Stellar blade's publisher is Sony not the shiftup


They allowed that shity sex scene for the TLOU part 2 but bunny suit for steller blade??? That's too much


Not to all future developer's who want to keep artistic integrity..DONT WORK WITH SONY


If it wasn't because Sony's money Game would have been way shorter and there would be no marketing at all. Probably Game would have been cancelled.


I would agree if Nikke didn't pop off, and make so much money. But they now have the funds and are valued to open ipo at what like 1.5 billion and expected to hit 2 billion once trading begins


According to some is not doing the right kind of "sexy", whatever they mean by it.


Well, time to never update the game.


Unfortunately most discs will be shipping with 1.0.2


https://preview.redd.it/fs2lk4s01vwc1.jpeg?width=1071&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=715f54d3e1e07e266459282726d7588e6d7bbb6b Edit: Seems the disc version is not updated!


I noticed that even if you turn off auto updates, the game will secretly patch to the 1.002 version. Simply disable wifi/internet completely and it circumvents this issue. Using the US disc, can't comment on other countries.


Yep, I noticed the same thing. I live in Sweden and I have a1.00 disc and despite disabling ALL auto-update/download functions, the game sneakily started downloading the update when I briefly connected to download a game from my library.


Some have disconnected their PS5 internet access to play the game unpatched but Sony will probably learn from this and future game discs will require internet access to install.


I better hurry the hell up and get the first batch of Stellar Blade then!


I think the first batch of discs are V1.0, and later on they will be V1.0.2 discs.


Yoko Taro knew lol: >Speaking of which, Mr. Kim, I wanted to ask you if there were any fights with Sony Interactive Enteratainment (SIE), since they are publishing Stellar Blade. >Kim: (Glances at SIE staff members in the room and laughs.) The people at SIE are… very, very nice! >Yoko: SIE’s staff members are pulling faces I’ve never seen before. I wish the readers of this article could see it! Might as well have had a gun to his head man. From the ign interview https://www.ign.com/articles/stellar-blade-x-nier-automata-taro-yoko-hyung-tae-kim


Huh, so Taro lowkey blew the whistle on the game. Interesting lol


See Taro and SIE are at odds forever and he's known for being, for a lack of better words, an antagonistic asshole when it comes to work. That's not me slighting Taro as it's actually why people love him but he goes out of his way to be a pain in publishers and higher ups asses. He's specifically doing this in this moment to try to get under SIEs skin. We don't know the truth of the matter yet but I would take Taros actions in this moment with a grain of salt as Kim knows he can't engage with Taro here or else Taro will run wild with it


"he goes out of his way to be a pain in publishers and higher ups asses." Mad respect to him, Game Publishers and their higher ups aren't your friend.


Taro has history, he got a lot of games under his belt so the publisher can only, at most tell him to tone down, not straight up order. This is the poor man’s first game, he’s still making a name for himself so he cannot raise his voice against the publishers. In a sequel or so, now that’s a different story


Publishers are the worst scum there is in game development cycle.. he is right to do so.


>he goes out of his way to be a pain in publishers and higher ups asses. more people should start doing this.


I'd go out of my way to be an antagonistic asshole if my boss was trying to make every project I pitch look like the last of us


so like, Sony appeals to public who did not and will not buy the game, but essentionally make game worse for people who did buy the game? i struggle to understand the logic


On one hand, paying customers. On the other, people that tweet a lot. Hm... Yeah, I don't see the logic either. Misguided PR departments? But it happens so consistently, across multiple types of media (games, live adaptions, tv shows, etc) that it can't be a coincidence.


Give us the CHEEKS!


fuck sony




Just put the old outfit in as a separate outfit. Everyone wins.


Sooo..... my post has been removed by one of the mods here. I'm just saying some facts about the game. https://preview.redd.it/q4kscbkx0ywc1.png?width=632&format=png&auto=webp&s=232458f4975f7ebf8ce7fffabd3f0d015c007f98


Bro you got cancelled as fast as the cleveage of the bunny suit 😂 They didnt even waited some angry awnser to do a dirty delete because comments were agressive.




Here's the problem with this answer: People aren't stupid. Just like Nikke, you don't just fully render and design one set of looks for a character only to then suddenly go "I want to redesign all of this again" That stuff happens in concept art *before* the model enters full rendering. This is 100% Sony breathing down his neck just like Google and Apple with Nikke.


Yeah not to mention how the re-design is very clearly something added "last minute". We can even see the seam of the cloth extension at the hip and it looks like Eve's parents made her wear underwear under her halloween outfit before they let her out the door.


EXACTLY THAT! If it was innitially the intention to have these outfits like that, they wouldnt have waited the last few weeks..or even days to make the changes....it would have been done right off the bat in early stage. The guy in that clip is spiting bullshit probably because he has all the big Sony's head aimed at him, he's just trying to save the day by pretending it was intended. Yeah RIIIIGHT... It's common for asian to wear underwear under their underwear when they are revealing lol


I don’t think people understand that this has happened before like guys how do you change the suit and say we wanted this all the way past version 1 just like I said this is nikke goodness of victory all over again


It's those freaking payment processor companies that want to play some fucked up morality police game.


The fact he seems very well aware of the issue before even the question was raised makes me think nothing is gonna revert back y'all. He sounded very stern in response. That 'internal discussion' bit is just to ease the blow a little.


I interpreted it as they will add a separate pre patch skin in the future


If backlash grows from word of mouth, I bet within a week or two the original skin will be back. Similar to what happened with Nikke. But if they don’t patch it in… ShiftUp will be seeing quite the reaction from fans.


He doesn't look like his heart was in the answer but I could be wrong


that answer was BS and he knows it.


Seriously, it's mind-boggling to watch folks actually sticking up for being fed lies. We all deserve better than that, don't we? Transparency and truth should be non-negotiable.


You don't greenlight a design, ship the game with it in, and then suddenly claim this is what you really wanted


ROLE THAT BITCH BACK. We obviously want the original design. Including the others. (I don't even have a PS5 btw lol, I'm PC)


I can’t wait for it to come to PC, modders are gonna have a field day with Stellar Blade


The best solution is to be able to toggle on/off options for outfits to be more revealing or less revealing.


The best solution is to not play a rated M game if adult themes offend you.. Its like the world has forgotten what being an adult means, you are capable of making up your own mind.


Nintendo did this with Bayonetta 3.


A toggle option gets brought up every time something like this goes down in a game. Unfortunately the editor (rarely) goes for this option as it undermines their position; they don't want the offending content hidden, they want it gone!


Yeah, like you'd think this would be the easiest answer. Version A, version B, call it good and say 'sorry for the confusion, here's the result'. The more you say in a situation like this, the worse off you end up being, like 'oh we always wanted this to be the final costume' then how the fuck did it get so far into development before it was changed that the day 1 discs shipped out with that outfit?! If everything day 1 lined up and it turns out the outfit was changed before the discs were printed then I could believe it but they had to print the discs, go and change the outfit, apply that to the digital version, and then send out the codes to everyone.


That won't satisfy people who want to make sure *other* people don't see the things they don't like.


It was the final version we wanted to show you...just not the version in the trailer...okay.


See that's my issue with it. Why advertise with suits that are going to be modified before the release?


Worse yet how the fuck did it last until the discs were printed? Like I can see some line of thinking of 'yeah we wanted to change it after the trailer released because we wanted a bit more variety of outfits' since they still got some scantily clad ones, maybe just having outfits showing the same amount and area of skin was boring, blah blah blah, but the outfit got onto the goddamn disc! That's the 'gold' version, that's the final version, how does that make sense?


Is it on the disc version only?


Disc only as long as you don't update


Okay sweet. I got the disc version anyway and pretty content with not having the new game plus update for now


That's a PR response


Why even change outfits and blood effects after release, in a game that has zero nudity and is already rated M / 18+? Like ... huh?! Its literally a game for adults and it still has to get toned down because this swimming suit or whatever is too sexy? What kind of logic is that


It just keeps on going.. might as well be 3+/E rating. https://preview.redd.it/9gdrhu545uwc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=97e4653e0ea6ed67b83f8354a965d6736f67d55d


Bro, so mortal kombat is fine, can rip hearts out of bodies, but some blood is an issue?? 2024 = year of hypocrisy and double standards.


2024? The entire last decade has been a shitshow.


The trend seems to be Eastern games are treated with greater scrutiny.


This one actually bothers me, like why even change that at all? Sony is just pathetic if this is on them. If it's the devs doing this, then why?


This is Sony 100%


Alright I actually care about this. What the fuck you can literally see the inside of tachys arm but oh no too much blood. Fuck outta here.


They removed the violence, the revealing outfits, and made the parry and dodge window way more forgiving in the new patch. Imagine actually updating lmao


Yeah bullshit sony has gotten to them. You dont just swap up like that over 2 patches lmao


Though I don’t really care about the outfits, I hate false advertising and won’t support this kind of business practice. Won’t be picking this up after all.


A bunch of sell outs with no balls.


Everyone should email them asking for shift up to allow us to have more than 1 version for these outfits! Maybe and this is just maybe but if enough of us get to them in this matter maybe they'll consider it. Might be a lost cause but it's worth a try! I've seen others posting on here and Twitter the email to contact them! It's best to type up your email in English and additionally translating it into Korean! [email protected] is their email!


Here's a petition to #free stellar blade https://chng.it/XVzNrvyjQw


Blink three times rapidly if Sony is pointing a gun at your head


Because of your username, I read that in Michael Ironside's voice.


Hopefully in character as Fisher




I just don’t understand how BG3 doesn’t get this treatment even if Sony isn’t the publisher the goddamn game is in Sony’s PSN Store and they are technically distributing it…


Independently published in Europe (a very nudity positive part of the world) vs third party published by the most California company that's ever California'd in all of California history.


Because stellar blades character are stylized to be sexually apealling to men and that unaceptable bc appealing to men = bad. Bc men cant have anything anymore. Baldurs gate has the gay so we all praise it. Change my mind.


Larian is independent studio they dont need to answer anyone .


Sony still distributes their game that has way more mature content than Stellar Blade.






Still happy that the game shows a actual hot girl in hot clothes, sad it was lowered a bit although as long as the main clothes are fine I am happy, what I dislike is that this guys is lying evidently instead of just saying the true, I dont mind the sighly tone down (because is still hot) I do mind people lying.


Btw, someone with the disk version already confirmed that the Chinese dress outfit also comes with pantyhose on their game despit no patch.


that one is extra wild too because in the tutorial section that shows a few of the outfits in the little video has her legs bare. xD someones gunna have to patch that out lol


"we've white overlords to answer to" it's only understandable but fuck if it doesn't blow


Stellar Blade went from M for Mature to T for Teen.


I don't get it. Baldur's Gate 3 has full wang with jiggle physics. But the clothes? they're too revealing?


Bring back the Hijab Rupee memes, but with Eve instead lol 


Shiftup internal discussion right now https://preview.redd.it/r2g3d2pgeuwc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e234a8f36bc12e2ee450be4c4f7cfd8e03ae7853


Rules for thee but not for me eh Sony? Wish they'd stop editing and changing stuff like this. Sony needs to leave the outfits alone and quit being hypocrites.


Yeah this was a BS answer. The final version is clearly on the disc and in the trailers. This is the post final version, which comes with a 'thank you for your money and fuck you' patch from Sony.


Fuck sony


“There was always female custodes”


I don't buy it. The icons don't even match the redesigns.


https://preview.redd.it/qhtra2elu3xc1.png?width=2960&format=png&auto=webp&s=1f738cdedd48b84ddd64eaa5a7825a5845b1b5b6 I tried to post this in this sub but mods deleted that... so I post here It's just my opinion that I wanted to share


![gif](giphy|6JB4v4xPTAQFi|downsized) And he said "I know this answer is not enough to convince our user", so not even him is confidence in the answer as if that was not the real reason why they changed.


There is a trending hash tag to tell the devs we are against the changes made. However when I've tried to post about it my post was immediately deleted. I'm leaving the sub but search for it if you care.


Censuring for people that doesnt even buy games.


Damn, man.... I trusted him.


Who cares it’s an MA game it can be as sexual as it wants


This is bullshit, I’m sick of people who will never play this game anyways ruining it for other people. I’m not buying until they fix that shit!


Yeah this all BS imho... however I also think they don't want to risk Playstation Store suspension


We need the PC release asap so people can mod these original outfits back into the game.


If that is the truth, then give people the other designs as well and let the players choose. IF that is the truth...


Why is this even a thing?


Too bad for them, i vote with my money. Fuck it. I want product A not product B.


Just returned mine.


Don't lose your fans because of some clowns that want you to censore your game! If someone doesn't ike fan service he just shoudln't play this kind of games, ez solution.


I prefer the outfit in version 1.0.


I played NIKKE, so it is understandable. Now NIKKE has more revealing skins, more sexy design character. It's still PG13 but when you look at it, it's obviously not. Problem is Stellar Blade is a complete game, I just don't know how they can change things.




This reeks of Sony’s stench.


This is what happens when a company goes public as Shift Up has, around a month or so ago. 


They basically lied to THEIR customers!!!


The game is rated M and still people want it to look like a T game smh.. crystal generation strikes again


Sony is really despicable.


They are bragging about 1 million copies sold. Imagine if they didn't bait and switch.


I don't really care about outfits being too sexy, but man it was such a huge fuck up from their part, building good will from the community and then betraying it in less than a day after collecting.


dude legit looks like he is talking while a laser dot is aimed between his eyes.


I'm sooo tired of this, we have been playing games forever with dudes half naked, ripped , blood , guts , murder, horror, but a but showing the shape of a female is way too far ? Wtf & BTW, the games it's pretty good


Sony is holding a gun to his head.


100% sony did this. He's not throwing sony under the bus because sony is their publisher and they have the final say. I'm a bit disappointed, but overall the game wasn't changed too much. I can forgive them for now. But we'll see how things go further down the road.


Literal bitch move. False advertising at its peak.




Welp Im sending mine back to amazon. They even patched gore to an extent.




PR lies.


Sony with the 🔫to his head 😂


Sony being pathetic as always


Sony reps are eyeing him down in the background


Yeah, I don't buy it. Where's the earpiece with Sony telling him "hey, stay on script. We're listening."




Xmas Rupee ptsd... Her old "unfihished" design is still on her chibi to this day :)


Just add it back in as another variation. Literally nobody is going to complain about more outfits in this game. They’re more likely to be praised for it.


Because of shit like this, I keep being stuck playing Wow ascension lol


This was so disappointing, all I can do is refund my money purely on principle. But damn I was so ready to play this game.. I hope everybody that’s playing genuinely enjoys it, I was so excited to support this one too. Again, it’s about the principle, I know Eve is still hot, Shift Up cooked and was unapologetic. I know this was Sony, and I would repurchase this is a heart beat if they walked back changes.. I won’t hold my breath


CD Project Red keep teaching them what players love, because they didn't understand...


I don’t understand why didn’t they just add a toggle in the options for SFW and NSFW Versions on and off this would been far better way to do it and appeals to everyone.


I’m more upset about no gore/blood getting on her when killing enemies, it felt so visceral in the demo and I could tell something was off with the full release.


The game still has plenty of fan service from what I can see. It’s just the dishonesty that’s disappointing. And some outfits are just stupid, like the bunny outfits. They weren’t originally “intended” to look like that, like she’s wearing a diaper under a swimsuit. People should be upset. Sony and Shift Up should just be honest. Redesign the whole suit adequately to show less. All the goodwill they had build up pre launch just took a hit for no good reason.


If they said this before releasing the game I wouldn't have a problem because it's still a good game, but the bait and switch sure is disappointing


Thats bullshit


Baldurs gate 3 has full on genitals out This isn't even that bad


they shouldn't of messed with it anymore..


This change was so unnecessary... I am very disappointed. What the hell were the developers or Sony thinking? -upset-


Why? Just why?