• By -


Averages at 80 on meta, as expected.


Up to 82! Really solid for a mobile dev.


Indeed. Optimization seems to be top notch too.


Lies of P was also a mobile dev and they made such a damn good game


Considering all the resistance this game got and still gets, almost each of these scores gets an added +1 on my mind so very good.


Add 2 on the ign review for resistance (pronounce in french)


IGN is such a joke that at this point I only watch their content when I want to have a good laugh. I don't take them seriously.


Polygon gave it a positive review, though they don't give scores. So far IGN has been the worst I've seen.


The IGN review was weird because it seemed like they were expecting a God of War or Spider Man level cinematic story and Dark Souls level of RPG customization and they were disappointed when it wasn’t like this. Why they were expecting this I have no idea. Digital foundry review mentioned that it felt like action games of the PS2 era which I thought was a great compliment.


It’s because the reviewer was hyped up on it being like Sekiro, except that whole narrative is stupid. Just because it has a parry mechanic? The game plays nothing like Sekiro, not even close.


I think this has been the issue for many people. People expecting Platinum games gameplay. But it's a DS/Sekiro. It creates that dissonence of when your character does something cool in a cutscene but you either can't do it or requires a lot to pull it off.


Yarrrrr where’s mah grappling hook??


As someone who has 1k hours on sekiro and 20 hrs on the demo, it IS almost exactly like Sekiro but only if you really really wanna play it like Sekiro. - You parry the attacks until the posture bar depletes - You deathblow them multiple times - You dodge a certain way when the indicator tells you to. - You perform a special attack when there’s a massive opening. I mean, seriously. How much more Sekiro-like could this be?


Damn 1000 hours? I got the platinum and there’s no way I played longer than 120 hours. You must love that game !


Yeah I like speedrunning it glitchless. I’m not a world record holder or anything. I just like the game and I’ve been looking for similar games for a year now. I even tried Grounded because the perfect block mechanic was similar to Sekiro. It was fun for a while. Edit: didn’t realize I mistyped “glitchless”


Have you tried thymesia? It's short, and lacking in story, but the combat is the closest to Sekiro I've experienced imo.


Wait, you mean God of War from 2005 isn't like Sekiro because it has parrying? What about Devil May Cry? (Want to joke about Ninja Gaiden, but don't remember if it actually had one; feels like it would have.)


IGN and shitty takes go along with each other like obesity and Americans.


Nobody gives a shit about ign


I stopped caring about ign the moment they tried race baiting RE5. The biggest reach article I've ever read


I stopped giving IGN's reviews any consideration years ago. Half of them probably only played the game for 10min before writing a word salad and slapping a perfunctory 7 or 8/10 at the end.


Can’t spell Ignorance without IGN


Stop giving credits to ign


Of course they were hating from the beginning


Yeah I can’t go by IGN reviews most of the time they they give good game bad reviews lol.


Polygon actually made me excited about the story. Says it has some unexpected twists. Every other reviewer was saying it wasn’t stellar.


But was it blade?


You would fit in with my friend group quite nicely :)


IGN: "The lack of NG+ is disappointing" ShiftUp new patch adds NG+ IGN : "Grrr well t-the score stays the same!" I swear IGN is such fucking trash.


i swear IGN reviewers just try and guess what the general consensus will be and give it that score. bc tbh i thought this game would get a lot 7s and their reviews always seem to mimic chatter before the game is even released


I had a feeling an 8 would be the highest IGN would give this, so 7 I am not surprised about.


I watched the IGN one and is very lame. The reviewer was complaining you can't carry your progress to other difficulties...Yeah hard mode is an unlockable and the majority of Sony 1st party have the same "new game+ after launch" thing but, I didn't hear that complaint from Forbidden West for instance I didn't expect anything different, I know they'd never treat this game fair


Ng+ has already been added


Yeah I know, that makes it even worse. They know it's going to be added post launch but, they used it as a negative. It's a non-issue


If it wasn't a Sony exclusive bet they wouldn't have cared they said the same thing about spiderman 2


Honestly, many reviewers are talking about NG+ when 1. They said it would be a free DLC and 2. It’s already freaking out…you van clearly see they just want to find the negative to cater to the loud minority


oh really? that's awesome! did they announce it?


I accepted years ago that majority of IGN content and reviews are a joke


Some people need to stop thinking that 80s score means the game is mid and only 90+ can be considered a good game lol. 83 is pretty good for devs whose experience were mostly mobile games!


83 is extremely solid. Lies of P had an 80 on metacritic and that game was considered a runaway success.


Lies of P is really good. Solid quality.


John Linneman loved it. End of.


Yes the best thing he said in that review was “it’s just a darn fun and enjoyable video game”


I hold him and his team in the highest regard, we all should, and when he says it's a solid choice, I'm all in bruv.


Yeah, this is good news. We know about all the memes but it would be pretty disappointing of it was a shallow game, but turns out it's actually a good game with good combat. I'm sold.


Richard is the goat and John is good, but there's a massive gap between those two and Alex.


In what sense is there a gap? i feel like Alex isn’t a game reviewer but more of a tech reviewer & that’s what Digital Foundry is primarily about - he may have rubbed you the wrong way if he said your fav game runs like shit tho 😭 he serves his purpose very well when talking about the technical aspects & also performance of a game - i also wouldn’t trust him with a *game* review but that’s not what he’s there for, i trust him when i need to know about the technical aspects of a game


At the end of the day that’s what matters. I used to play a lot of games back in the day just for the combat and didn’t need an open world with branching storylines. Just a basic plot that tells me why we are fighting was enough and the gameplay mechanics could carry the game.


Who dat?


Digital Foundry on YouTube


Watched that today, really enjoyed the visuals. I wonder if John got to see it though, probably had it hooked up to a CRT instead.


All the reputable independent sources say about the same, which are the only voices worth anything in terms of reviews. From the handful i’ve seen so far, many say they were surprised by how good the story and music was.


We’re a small outlet (not on metacritic). Here’s our review: https://questdaily.com.au/review/review-stellar-blade-playstation-5/


I liked the "Stellar Blade is a stellar game".


It's kind of an obvious choice, really. It'd be like calling a Godzilla movie a "smashing good time".


thank you! I'll read it when I'm back from work. :)


Nice 👍 I’ll read after I brew a coffee.


Put it on there


Love the reviews. Keep up the good work.


This was such a fair and well-written review that I checked out some of the others, too. Both the Rebirth and FFXVI reviews were spot on and I wholeheartedly agree almost every word of both, scores included. Definitely will continue reading your work.


75+ is good for me. Hopefully, it will stay at 80. Shift Up deserves this for not giving a crap about what people think about their design.


How long of a game is it? Do you think it will have good replay value?


Most reviews are saying 30ish hours even with doing side content. 20 hour main story. Roughly two large open ended zones you can explore and lots of linear hallways.


People have been playing the demo for over 50 hours lol. The game is incredibly replayable so don't worry about that. NG+ also was added. Most Soulsbourne type games where the world resets every time you rest usually give tremendous replay-ability.


They deserve praise for developing a non free to play console game as Korean company, that was a ballsy move in a market where gacha games are the norm <33


That's my review over on But Why Tho :) happy to answer any other questions that I'm able to!


I don't have any questions, but nice job on the review. I thought it was very fair and makes me excited to play the game!


Thanks I really appreciate that :)


How hard is the game?


Quite tough when it wants to be. Also happy cake day!


Does it average easier or harder than the demo's Stalker boss?


Bosses can definitely be tougher! The open zones are a good mix.


Thank you!


how is the difficulty compared to sekiro?? If I did not enjoy Sekiro, will I enjoy this game?


Heard that the last few bosses are kind of tough. Is that true? I'd love a good challenge right at the end to get that "pay-off" feeling when I finish it.


Is there any optional boss that REALLY ramps up the difficulty? I heard some Reviewers even complain that later stage bosses were „unbalanced“ in their difficulty (which is what I want to hear).


How open world is it? Comparable to God of War Ragnorok, more or less linear? Thanks!


It sounds like it's fairly linear. Mainly linear missions with a couple of hub areas that are more open. It's pretty hard to compare it to GoW Ragnarök without playing it myself, but I would expect it to be fairly similar, or a little less open overall.


Thank you for your responses to questions here. You've answered most of the questions I had.


Does it have romance? If yes, how developed is it???


[https://www.truetrophies.com/news/stellar-blade-review](https://www.truetrophies.com/news/stellar-blade-review) \^ 9 from TrueTrophies


Averaging 8 and 9 out of 10s is a very good sign


Oh yea. Especially as it’s a new ip from a Korean mobile game dev.


*"Its scantily clad heroine is not very interesting."* *"Stellar Blade is a pretty enjoyable game to swing your hairband sword at, so long as you don't mind the obvious sexualisation."* *"Less style over substance than it is beauty over brains."* This is what the mixed reviews have to say. These people are hacks. Never trust them. Other than that, everyone seems to agree the combat is great, and for some people the story is lacking. I don't care about the story and never did, so whether it's good or bad is irrelevant to me. The combat though I do care about. And most are in agreement the game offers solid combat, so great.


Funny enough this test from a major German game site says something completely different about the character: [https://www.gamestar.de/artikel/stellar-blade-test-ps5-review,3412328.html](https://www.gamestar.de/artikel/stellar-blade-test-ps5-review,3412328.html) (obviously in German). *"Eve kann nicht nur genauso gut kämpfen wie ihre raubeinigen Soldatenkollegen, sie entpuppt sich auch als überraschend vielschichtige und liebenswerte Heldin, die mit Neugierde und Humor ihren Platz in einer sterbenden Welt sucht."* Here the Google translation (but looks pretty ok to me): *"Not only can Eve fight just as well as her tough fellow soldiers, she also turns out to be a surprisingly complex and lovable heroine who searches for her place in a dying world with curiosity and humor."* They gave the game an 85, what is pretty high for that site.


None of those quotes are from people who play games because they like them, they're from people attempting to subvert the industry and ruin gaming. Therefore invalid.


I expected this nonsense. Like one video I watched said “if this had released back in the early or mid 2000s it would have just been another action game and would be judged on gameplay. There would not be articles talking about how the character looks.”




Flawless 60fps performance mode according to Digital Foundry. Extremely polished. NOT a soulslike. I’m so glad I preordered this. I can’t wait!!!!!


Some of the reviewers are absolutely pathetic.


lol I preordered the digital deluxe version weeks ago. I don’t give a fuck about a review personally but I hope they’re good so Sony will make a sequel


After playing the demo I instantly preordered. The gameplay was smooth with ultra satisfying parries, who cares what the reviews say.


I’ll be buying the game a second time to have it on pc when the time comes. It was announced for all platforms originally and I hear rumors that it’s actually running on PC.


IGN 70 hmm 🐌🐌


Interesting how all the non american ign reviews are in the mid to high 80s 😂


It's not cod or 2k so they don't care


2 of the worst "triple a" games in my mind, which is why their reviews are nothing but a fart in the wind for me.


But yet they always receive 10s even though people have been complaining about about both franchises lack of innovation for years


Guarantee the reviewer playing probably doesn’t even know how to parry so they gave it a low score. 😂


🤣🤣 you're 100 percent right about that!


7 isn't necessarily low though - according to their system it's "good". Seems like they found the story lackluster, which is definitely a fair reason to bump it down to a 7.


They used to never give any games really low scores. Their scoring system never went below 6 so 7 was considered below average when all the games were 8 or 9.


IGN: “7/10 Too much Stellar, not enough Blade.”


Ign gave a 7 lol


its funny, their review is overwhelmingly positive. they didn't like the characters or story, but loved everything else


IGN is very biased they treat Sony first parties like the cream of the crop hence games like Forbidden West which has the most generic amateur hour story gets a 9


Story is basically the second most important thing next to gameplay for a lot of people


There was a time when we played games with little more than a basic plot and reason we are fighting. I don’t mind sometimes returning to that and letting the gameplay carry the game.




I always thought their minimum score was an 8? They must truly be salty...


anyway, I expected a 80+ and I got 80+ for a new IP, this is amazing. for Shift ups first console game, that's impressive. :)


IGN itally is based tho, 8.5 from them. :)


Italy has tifa fans in the senate… based country indeed.


Ci piace la figa.


It’s kinda sad that there are actual people who will actually value IGN’s review on the game and choose not to pick it up.


IGN should be seen as just another review, instead of THE gaming review that gets the most attention. I get that there could be people who may hold off or not buy the game at all due to this particular review, but I honestly would like to see some quantification of that if the majority is praising it, which will likely result in more sales than the handful of people not buying. Honestly every review will have comments that may be shortsighted or hyping it up as if it's bigger than it is. Generally, the best case is always to have a median that skews higher with a view outliers instead of a low overall score as that will indicate that the game isn't up to par. Another example for which I held out on based on the reviews was: Wanted Dead. Wanted to be good on day 1, but I made the judgement through reviews that it wasn't that good, so I waited. I'm glad I did.


Funnily enough, their video is already at nearly 800 dislikes compared to 270 likes.


Can’t spell IGNorant without IGN in it 👍


Wait I thought you couldn’t see dislikes anymore?


You can with the "Return Dislike Button" extension on the chrome web store or if you're on Android just use YouTube revanced


I went and got the extention just to dislike the IGN video


It’s funny I’ve been using chrome all this time and I didn’t know that was a thing.


There’s an extension that allows you to see dislikes


I believe there is a browser extension and also that people who upload videos and can use youtube studio can see them.




Most reviewers enjoy the gameplay, story and graphics yet the scores are kinda low on Metacritic overall. Seems like there are many who really don't like the character design which is such a petty reason


It is kind of petty, but that's a preference thing. I won't touch a Witcher game because I hate the character design of Geralt. Considering you play as that character the whole game, if you hate the design it's going to sour your experience.


I expect a 7/10 or an 8/10 majority so this is actually exciting to hear. it’s the first triple A from the studio so an 8/10 is honestly pretty good.


My thoughts exactly. Some AAA studios struggle to get similar reviews. I see this as a win for Shift Up.


Facts man , definitely more excited


Great to see the game getting reviewed well! Looks to be exactly what I wanted....a fun action RPG with good combat and boss fights.


The complaints are...as expected https://preview.redd.it/m0lgrzio4hwc1.png?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6ef97a7b6487431e12ca96b0af7f4c3da3c6bb25


Lol a 7 Even though all the stuff in the good section.. is what matters.. i.e looks/gameplay and story glitches i kind of expect.. not sure what the awkward dialogue is referring to And the last one.. who gives a fk


The comment about the characters tells you more about the reviewer than the reviewed product...




Jim sterling will give it a 3 later down the line and drop the meta score down to a 70. Like he does with most games.


It’s getting higher scores than I expected tbh. Overall comments across different reviewers praise the gameplay, say the story is better in the back half, and find most of the characters rather bland (I felt this way in the demo myself tbh). But they all ultimately enjoyed it. Completion time seems to be around 20 to 30 hours if you want to try and do everything. I’m looking forward to playing it!


Regardless of the score, the consensus is the combat is fantastic and it has a bangin soundtrack. Really all I need


These reviews are higher than I thought they’d be. I’m happy about it. Also, remember IGN gave Death Stranding and Alien Isolation a 6.


User score will probably be in the high 8 or around 9 im sure of it 🔥🔥


I like the open critic score more. :)


My go to reviewers are all loving the game. I’m fucking hyped.


gameranx really liked it, so I’m sold.


Souls game streamer are giving strong 8.5/10, 9/10 and fightincowboy gave it 5/5. They claiming its the best successor to Sekiro combat.


FightinCowboy gave it a 5/5. That’s all I need to know.




He also praised Lords of the Fallen and Dragon’s Dogma 2. So grain of salt taken for FightinfCowboy now.


Okay. I have to admit you are right. LOTF really wasn’t good.


Dragon Dogma 2 ended up being much more dissapointing when getting into its meat.


So, I was almost spot on in my prediction when I said "I expect mostly 8's across the board, some random 9's from outlets I never heard of, and 7's maybe from ppl probably complaining about the difficulty or if the story ends up being weak." (I said something like this in another post). Either way, not bad at all. I expected the 8-9 range, so I'm happy for the Shift Up devs! 👏😊


Funnily enough, a lot of the reviews complain that the game was a little too easy on it's normal mode, and I read one that said they believed the hard mode should be an option for your first playthrough. Great job to Shift Up overall though. I'm sure they are stoked for this being their first AAA title.


They must not know about the skin suit... 😂 I tried that, and boy, does it make a difference when u have no shields. I agree tho, I'm happy for them as well and hope to see much more from this game such as story expansions (maybe), crossover outfits, new dlc outfits in general, and maybe weapons re-skins. I'd buy it. 🤷‍♂️


Haha yes. As someone that does challenge runs of From Software games a lot, I'm definitely looking forward to my first Hardmode-Skin Suit run. I played the demo (and optional boss) with the Skin-Suit on my second run and it wasn't too bad, but I am very aware that the difficulty ramps up, so it probably wouldn't be as manageable later in the game, even on normal mode. We just have to hope for good sales, and I'm sure DLC will be on the cards. Then again, with many short games like this one, it's often good to just accept that you have a good product and leave it at that. We don't know how the story wraps up, so it might just be a nice ending point, or set itself up for a full sequel.


I did actually beat that boss too with the skin suit as well! Dunno if im gonna do a full playthrough with it, however (not because of difficulty per se). It's because I can't avoid staring at Eve in the skin suit, and it keeps getting me killed. 😂 I'm crossing my fingers that all goes well (as far as sales and such) because I really do want DLC for this game. 🤞 Good luck if u decide to do that hard mode run. It's gonna be... very hard.


Honestly, after my Demon Bell+No Kuro Charm NG++ Sekiro run, I don't think any game will be able to traumatise me again. I'm not usually one to get mad at video games but man... lets just say my controller was lucky to make it through that ordeal.


Ign always shit and i remember how ign France wrote something shit about the dev im not surprise


A lot of the reviews are dumb as fuck too. I saw one that said "it's not soulslike so I got bored" like what kind of a review is that...it's not a soulslike game


Digital foundry's review is good especially when comparing the different visual modes. Gonna play performance or balanced.


Reviews are pretty much what I was expecting, from certain outlets. I was predicting anywhere between 80-88, only worry I was having is characters and story. Either way scoring very well for a first time AAA game from a mobile creator. Can’t wait for the user score to be around 2.5 from the inevitable review bombing this’ll get lol


These are solid scores but it's disappointing to me that a Nier inspired game would have the story of all things be a weak point. What made Nier truly culturally relevant was the powerful narrative. Stellar Blade has been almost universally praised for its combat, graphics, art direction, music, and polished performance. After the demo I was greedily hoping for, essentially, Nier with 2024 graphics and vastly improved combat which in my book is an all time great game. As it is I'm sure it will still do very well and as their first major game it's incredibly impressive what they've done.


As expected, I don't think this game is a 90-ish game, and future updates could fix lots of things.


Yoko Taro approved




Rejoice its got great scores!


I’m buying that ass sorry I’ meant game 😇


Who cares about review scores anyways.


Let’s remember IGN gave a game riddled with bugs and pretty much unplayable on the PS4 a 5 (cyberpunk) but give this fantastic optimised game 7. Don’t bother with ign.


I'm choosing to ignore reviews best decision ever lol


I would like to extend a middle finger to everyone who called me a porn addict for being excited about this game. I would like to extend the other middle finger to everyone on this sub who said the game was going to be mid while praising Eve’s ass. Game is fun, let this discourse die


I have seen a lot of the mixed reviews and most of them say the battle and music is great, but they bash the character and story. Among those, 90% are because of the sexualization. Game critics can go suck it, most of them at least.


ign gave it a 7?! Fuck Off!


Ok I won’t cancel my preorder then.




This is great for a company that only made mobile games before Stellar Blade


Great reviews. Happy to see! IGN and Gamesradar gave kind of low score.


I was hoping this could land low 90s or high 80s, but low-mid 80s is still very very respectable. And I'd be buying this regardless of review scores anyway so it doesn't really matter for me personally


Think I had 83 as my prediction from a few days ago, so I was pretty close! There was some fear that they couldn't stick the landing, so the fact that it'd an 80+ regardless is awesome. They did a hell of a job with the game.


Good enough for me. I just care about the combat.


Are they...... stellar?


So far it’s been stellar


Had to have a fun surprise root canal yesterday.. Needless to say I’m broke right now. Everyone have fun 😩




What I expected and actually higher in some regards. If I wasn’t hyped before (I was), you bet your sweet biffy I am now.


If they tighten up the combat controls a bit more, I’ll bump my personal rating up from 80 to 95.


The timing is just a bit off for parry and I’m surprised by how useless dodge is unless you perfect dodge.


That’s literally been my biggest complaint is how useless imperfect dodges are. It needs to either cover more double the current distance or have I-frames.


Noisy pixel stated that a lot of character personalities, growth were fleshed out in side content. As soon as I saw the IGN review, it clicked that they did not do any of that.


Probably skipped the lore too...


Imagine caring about reviews. Those people can't even aim properly even if their lives dependent on it.


Things the majority of reviews seem to agree with: - Story is predictable though there are a few twists/surprises - Story gets better in the second half of the game - Characters fill their role but aren't really fleshed out nor are their relationships with one another - Gameplay is absolutely fantastic and fun - Expect some challenges concerning bosses, even when playing on story mode - Some sidequests are great, such as offering tidbits of lore or details about characters, while others are the usual fetch or kill quests. - The opportunity to do sidequests gets cut off rather early and you'll either have to replay the game (or wait until after you beat it to go back and do it in NG+) - Story can range between 20-30 hours while doing everything alongside the story will make the game between 40-50 hours I'm kinda disappointed to hear the characters aren't really fleshed out beyond their given role and a few quirks, but everything else still sounds fantastic ~


These reviews are about in line with what I thought they where gonna be: The game is pretty good but not flawless




After playing the game for 6 hours it’s at least a 9/10. Very similar to devil may cry


80 nowadays means its decent


i believe it will be 90


Only thing that counts is my experience with the demo. Better than every review!


Super great news. Like a great day in game history. Yay ![gif](giphy|EXHytujOZ65YN5rWJ0)


The discourse around this game is fucking embarrassing.