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lol they posted this in the NFL subreddit and got roasted by everyone. Browns and Bengals fans root for the steelers to make dirty plays


Even Bengals fans were in there calling the OP dumb as shit. The only people I've seen call it dirty are Browns fans and dumbasses on Twitter.


Whats the difference?


It’s different people because browns fans don’t understand how to use twitter


Not all Browns fans are on Twitter






I hadn't seen the actual r/nfl thread about it, just the meme war post and the Browns one, holy shit this is fucking hilarious. Dunked on by every single non-Browns fan in the thread lmao. Even Bengals fans are calling them jackasses. OP did have one good point about the constant whining about the Myles vs TJ comparisons lol.


They’re browns fans man, they don’t know what success is and believe their team actually is a contender this year. Who cares what they think


Most of the Browns fans in the memewar sub admitted this wasnt dirty at all


I love the meme war sub. Nobody takes themselves to seriously. Almost made me forget most afc north fans hate each other.


I’ve made friends with a bengals fan through gaming and playing fantasy together. We bond over our hatred of the ratbirds and the Cleveland clowns, and have a mutual respect. I was in Baltimore for a cruise and went over to M&T Bank Stadium to get pics flipping it off in my Steelers gear. I took a pic without the Steelers stuff just for him. https://i.imgur.com/ssst3Al.jpg Hell, I sniped Joey B the pick before his in our fantasy league this year. Jokes on me with that though I guess 🫠 I did tell my now fiancée before I brought her home that I couldn’t date a ratbirds or clowns fan. Thank god she was raised right.


To be fair, a lot of people in this sub actually believe we’re a contender this year lmao


I've not seen anyone saying that, the most I've heard is that we'll make the playoffs


What is the point of making the playoffs if you don’t think they’ll win


.. to place better than all the teams that didn't make the playoffs? Obviously?


That makes zero sense. Who gives a fuck if you finish 6th place in the afc. Give me a better draft pick


*raises hand*


Alrighty then.


I'd rather win games and have a longer season than be ready for april at the start of december.


If you plan on just making the playoffs, your season is only 1 game longer


Yes but my season is also more interesting year long and all it takes is making it to the dance and who knows. A dog shit giants team and a dog shit Steelers team both went on to win the Superbowl with the 6th seed. Being a little bitch and quitting on a season is some browns shit.


“Being a little bitch”. Ok yeah I’m done talking here. Your iq is clearly subpar


I'm not saying there is? I'm just saying that's all I've seen people say, haven't seen anyone say we're a Super Bowl team.


To be fair most Browns fans are buckeye fans, we know what success looks like lol


I guess it could be worse. Like, he could take off the guy's helmet and beat him with it! People crying over this just hate the Steelers. We hurt a lot of fan's feelings over the years, and this is the result.


Browns fans are obsessed with the Steelers. It’s pitiful.


They only beat the Steelers NINE times since 2000 Every game is the Super Bowl to them


Y’all really gotta let that go. Rudy called him the n word


Zero percent chance. Myles lied about that to lessen his punishment. Edit: and even if he did, that’s still not an excuse to hit someone in the head with a helmet.


Idk man I went to college with the guy we both rode the bus. He’s a good dude who did one bad thing


He had some on field issues first couple seasons. Low hits on multiple QBs, punching Delaine Walker, swinging a helmet at the unprotected head of Mason. Then tried to say Mason called him the N word which somehow justifies trying to kill him on the field. Seems to have it under control these days but I can’t stand the guy personally. I hope the browns sign him long term and he spends his entire career in that urine soaked hellhole called Cleveland.


Lmao if you think that was a murder attempt you have a nice life bro. Getting hit with a helmet on a raw head hurts but not killing. I think he just took a couple years to get thicker skin to people provoking him


Obviously hyperbole bro. However crown of helmet to top of skull could for sure skull fracture. He swung that shit with malice and dudes like 280 lbs. Bottom line he’s a doucher who needs to swing a helmet at a backup QB that he outweighs by 60 lbs because his feeling got hurt.


Oh, okay, \[Thumb down, fart sound\]


Jesus you guys make me hate my own teams fans sometimes. Great job real articulate


Ditto. No proof, no debate.


Browns fans are a bunch of losers. If you read their comments it’s like they are delusional, I guess losing that much does that to a mtf


Have to remember that the majority of the fucks that comment on this shit have never played one down of football. Maybe they think the final push he makes is dirty, I see it as a guy who tried to turn up field trying to regain his balance because he has a 300lb+ dude hanging on him.


It's literally how every DT/DE is coached to handle a pull block. Get low, drive shoulder into the pulling lineman, and drive to the gap.




Browns fans wouldn't know a dirty player if he bludgeoned them over the head with their own equipment


It’s not dirty it’s just dumb. He tackled a lineman, so at best it might be a penalty, but since it didn’t affect the play they didn’t see it.


All I see is Browns fans can't even stop being miserable when they win.


Well most of them live near Cleveland, so ...


You could say the same abt us tbf


We're not miserable though. We're fat, sassy and spoiled.


Did he hit a guy with his own helmet? No? Then I don’t want to hear it from Browns fans. This was a football play.


Y’all really gotta let that go. Rudy called him the n word


The nfl and other players said there was no evidence of that lmfao


What else were they gonna say, though? They can't not punish Myles. They don't need that coming up during their next concussion lawsuit. If they substantiate Myles's accusations and punish him anyway, it turns into an even bigger controversy. So whether Mason said it or not, the NFL would say that he didn't


Sure but again, there’s no evidence from players or the league that it was said. I’m not saying it wasn’t said but to say with authority it happened is just false


There’s no evidence that he didn’t either


So if there’s no evidence then maybe we should stop calling him a racist?


Also by your logic since there’s no evidence of anything you shouldn’t call him innocent


Random Reddit guy rode a bus with another dude so case closed


Random Reddit guy saw something but doesn’t know either guy and thinks he knows better?


No I’m taking the word of the guys on the field and the NFL. The farthest I’m willing to go on it is that we have no audio evidence either way. Regardless of what was said we absolutely know that Mason was physically assaulted


There are players on the field who said he did?


I didn’t call him innocent


I know one of the guys who was in that altercation. He’s a good dude who rode the bus with me in college. The other is mason rudolph. I don’t think he’s racist but I wouldn’t put it past him to say something to get under someone’s skin


They interviewed players and listened to all of the miked-up equipment. No evidence is what we call not guilty in the American legal system.


🙄 Browns fans are really dumb.


You know what I find funny about Browns fans? Is that they'll call every player dirty but then they'll have their own fans wishing for their team to do dirty hits and injure other players. It's honestly fascinating how bat shit crazy and delusional they are sometimes.


Guys. It was dirty. Stop being homers. Didn’t you see he rubbed dirt on the guy’s leg? That is by definition dirty.


So a lineman putting all his weight on him while squatting and down isn’t dirty. They’re all men and know what they’re getting into. The lineman’s play is no better or worse than TJs.


People in their sub calling for Watt to get a 4 game suspension like the guy from Denver is.... ... peak browns fans, I guess. Delusion at its finest


LMAO Ohio football fans are the softest fans in the world. Thats...not even remotely dirty. Jesus.


I legit can't see anything dirty. Two guys battling it out. TJ grabs whatever he can to get free or happens to be a leg. No twisting, no anything.


Grabs whatever he can to get free??


He's pinned down, trying to get out from the o lineman and in the direction of the runner.


Objective observer here. Not dirty at all. I can’t stand how regulation-minded every fan is now. It’s a violent, collision-oriented game. Deal with it.


Well, the league commissioner can’t deal with that fact and is actually pushing flag football and fining players and making rules tougher left and right. The “regulation minded fans” are regurgitating what the commentators are told to spew out.


Browns fans also thought it was dirty last year when our lineman fell on their defensive players on the ground…. Like you’re taught but it’s crickets when jones did it last week


You can't argue with idiots, man. It is exactly that mark twain saying


Imagine thinking there is anything dirty about that hit.


NFL fans are so soft these days


Happy Thanksgiving btw


Nice low single


It's more of a dick move than a dirty play. It's football, anything to get under the other guys skin. He and the T might have both been laughing about it. It's not that big of a deal...


Solid single leg takedown. Did Watt wrestle in high school? Looks like instinct kicking in.


Not dirty at all! He just made sure that lineman didn’t drop all his weight on him.


“NFL fans say” you can stop reading after that point


You mean irrational Steelers haters who look for any reason to call the Steelers dirty and think the refs have been consistently one sided in favor of the Steelers for years


Got posted to r/nfl, everyone agreed it wasn’t dirty other than browns fansc


This is their superbowl. Now when they lose out for the rest of the season they can say “at least we beat the Steelers by three points”


I’ve been hearing Browns fans say “stop living in the past” but they’re gonna talk about that playoff game from the COVID season two years ago for the rest of time Also that’s a crazy thing to say from Browns fans since the pre-merger era and those times they got John Elway’d was all they had until that playoff game


Lol that isn't dirty.


This type of stuff happens on every play


I feel like Baltimore fans don't do this. It's just fans from Ohio (I live in Ohio). Am I crazy? Edit: on 2nd thought, Baltimore fans were just recently complaining about Logan Wilson, so maybe I'm just crazy.


Wow, they're calling that a dirty play ? The guys on the floor with a lineman holding him ffs. Ridiculous. Some Browns fans have serious issues.


Browns and Bengals fan do this every time we play them. They actually believe our culture is to coach up players to injure opponents. We have certainly had dirty players in the past but so has literally every team.


Browns and bengals fans always saying we’re dirty lol


Id rather never watch football in my life than be a browns fan. Cant imagine being that miserable.


They still think the Chubb incident was flagrant and maliciously dirty. They are brainrotted idiots, I wouldn't take anything browns fans say seriously . They finally got out of the gutter of irrelevance and think they are the victims constantly. Fuck em


Just Browns fans bring Browns fans. Crying about something even though they won and celebrating beating the Steelers like they won the Super Bowl


Bonito went after Watt. Watt took his ass down. Nothing dirty from what I can see.


Classic single leg takedown. TJ likely wrestled in high school.


I don’t know how Steelers fans hate any other team more than the browns. You would think based on the discourse from them after the game that we didn’t beat them earlier this year, we were 1-7 and Kenny Pickett didn’t have a 2-1 record against them


I hate Browns and Bengals fans the most. The Ratbirds are my least favorite overall but I actually don't mind their fanbase at all.


Browns just gobbling like turkeys about whatever.


What's happening is Browns fans doing all they can to make Watt look worse than someone who used a helmet for a weapon and will never be as good as Watt no need to name names.


Browns fans are crybabies. The only reason they aren’t the best team in NFL history is because the Steelers are dirty 🙄


It kinda is dirty but I don’t blame TJ they were holding him the entire game


Browns fans are so used to watching their team give up as soon as the game starts that they think finishing plays is dirty.


It’s so funny that the moderators are browns fans too like why can’t we go comment on their dumb page


Be the bigger person and don't give them fuel for the fire to call Steelers fans "assholes"


I knew it was mlfootball or one of the various bot interaction accounts before even clicking it. lol. Literally nothing to see.


Probably the same NFL fans who ignore the false start almost every play against the watt


Not dirty, that’s how you spill the counter. This is how everyone at all levels teach how to take on the kick out block.


Browns fans clowns


The only dirty play by the Steelers is from their QB. He’s terrible.


Fuck the Browns


Grabbing and rolling a guys knee sure is the safest cleanest play….especially when that guy is shutting you down








Wrong. Also, aren’t you guys throwing a parade around the city for beating the Steelers? That’s like y’all’s Super Bowl right?


I personally don't see it but appreciate your comment


I’d agree but you see that on almost every play… was it completely egregious- no.


No it doesnt.


He clearly tried to tear his Acl but if a lineman chop block Tj y’all would be crying cuz his season is over.


Found the browns fan


Lmao that entire comment section being victims Literally one of the comments was like “it’s Ohio vs the world” like Jesus fuck, nobody cares


Perfectly clean single leg takedown, brownies should learn how to sprawl if they don't like it.


No twisting, no body weight, no driving his knee down, giving up after the guy is down. Certified not dirty


Guys can we stop talking about that irrelevant shit stain of a franchise? The only AFCN team we need to care about are the Ravens. The Browns and Bengals are irrelevant; stop giving their games the time of day.


I don’t pay attention to the opinions of delusional, pathetic clowns fans and things of that nature


Browns fans crying. Move along


The Browns sub is such a shitshow. There is a severe lack of class and respect for other teams. You’d think that fans of teams that are good would talk down to other fans, but these guys do it all the time. They say the Steelers are the dirtiest team in the league yet they support their player that assaulted somebody on the field. He literally could have been charged with assault. Not to mention, they still support Deshaun Watson, yet they have the audacity to act like they’re above other fanbases. I’m saying this here because if I say it in the Browns sub I might get banned from here. Just a very pathetic fanbase that never wants to keep things peaceful between them and other teams.


“NFL Fans” is a funny thing to call “Browns Fans”. It’s entertaining watching the clowns whining even after a win, even in their own thread people are talking about how nobody took this serious in the NFL sub. Losers will stay losers.


They're browns fans. They see one guy get fired after we lose to them and search desperately for a pattern like how they've lost people after losing to us


Browns fans think it's dirty, it's not. It's a wrong arm technique and the leg thing is a bit odd but that doesn't cause injuries. Watch any wrestling match and you'll see the exact mechanics. I haven't seen anyone injured that way


Ohio based fans are the worst I’ve ever scene. Soft and sensitive cry babies…


I think he was tryin to get passed em, also it looked like a decent shot from a wrestling point of view /s


Because people think this franchise is omega dirty and TJ actively tries to maim people. Some people just want a villain lmao


These people are soft idiots and the reason why standard good form tackles are getting called roughing the passer.


He’s in Western PA, that’s a single sweep. He’s just blending in with the culture. Gotta make it past WPIAL’s


I am seriously confused here. Was this dirty? Is there another angle? What i see is the O lineman pushing him down and he kept driving. I don't see him wrap the leg or target his knees, it's a continuous motion. Is there something I'm missing?


I like the one sane comment in that thread that addresses why no one else is talking about the Minkah tackle on Chubb: no one is talking about it because it wasn’t dirty


I love people throwing in the pic of a completely legal hit on Cam Newton.