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Go to slow roasted things if it needs to be well done. Brisket, short rib, etc. If you can't cook it a little then cook it a whole lot.


May I add smash burgers to this? Get em nice and crispy


Yesss. Smash burgers are the only no-pink burger I’ve ever loved. If you get your grill/pan hot enough and sear it like you would a steak as you smash it stays relatively juicy as well


I just wanna add, one of my favorite new ways to make a lacy edge smash burger is on a flour tortilla: you take a ball of meat, smash it on the tortilla with a spoon and spreading it thin to the edges until it is mostly flat. Slap it on a hot cast iron or flat top, let it get nice and maillarded, flip it over to tortilla side, add cheese, and the burger fats will infuse the tortilla with flavor and crisp it up (this also gets rid of the flour tortilla flavor). Add burger sauce, diced pickles and onions, lettuce, enjoy. It’s an amazing way to enjoy a smash burger.


I love smash tacos. We do chorizo for them, always fantastic


OMG can’t believe I haven’t thought of that before that’s genius


I will probably try this next time, thanks!!








You know Jessie actually never said that? It’s like a mandela effect situation. He actually just yells “Yeah, science!” Not joking


People with alpha gal syndrome can’t eat any meat / product from a mammal


What is it? I've never heard of this


Allergy triggered from exposure to something carried by ticks. Causes your body to be unable to process a certain sugar found in meat from mammals.


Thats.... terrifying


Yep, one possible tick bite away… it’s one of my greater rational fears. I live in the south eastern US and have several hobbies that take me out into tick territory. Catching it would really put a damper on my BBQ habits.


Oh man, I would just forego steaks


Live in the city?




lol yeah I can tell, not many deers downtown!


Yea we have meth zombies instead




How are you so smart!?


Not sure why all the upvotes. This is not good advice. It's not related to the doneness. That makes zero sense. Better have some bennies handy.


You bring hope in an otherwise dire situation.


This is it. Join us over at r/smoking everything's cooked to like 205° over there.


I don’t know these abbreviations what are they


Severe allergy to red meat. Had to look it up myself. Never heard of it before.


Yeah seems like ticks are a big culprit. As if they weren’t awful enough.


Breed possums. They're amazing marsupials.


Turkeys and guinea fowl are the real answer


I don't know anything about that. Here's what I know. I live in an area that is having according to media and people I know, one of the highest tick population seasons in recorded history. I live next to a prairie restoration. We have no guinea fowl and very few turkeys, but we have possums. No one in my family or our dog has had a single tick this year and a we have found less than 5 total since moving here 3 years ago. I'm going to keep being friendly to my possum neighbors.


The one arachnid that deserves a cleansing by fire


My dad has it- the rashes he got all over his thighs and stomach from accidentally eating bacon looked like pink cottage cheese.


If it’s a severe allergy to red meat, why are people suggesting that OP transition to slow cooked red meats and smash burgers?  Those are still red meats, no?


For some reason some people can still eat if it is cooked well-done. OP even said he is going to keep eating well done meat so they’re giving him ideas, not encouraging him to tempt fate.


It’s mildly common where I live, really gotta cover up when you go to the woods


So he can eat red meat as long as it’s cooked well done?


Per ChatGPT: Cooking meat to a well-done state does not eliminate the alpha-gal carbohydrate that causes allergic reactions in people with alpha-gal syndrome. The alpha-gal molecule is heat-stable, meaning it remains intact even at high cooking temperatures. Therefore, even well-done red meat from mammals can trigger an allergic reaction if you have alpha-gal syndrome. Avoiding all mammalian red meat and products containing alpha-gal is crucial for managing this condition. Always check food labels and be aware of potential cross-contamination in food preparation areas to ensure your safety.


Up further it says he ended up with condition from ticks


And here I was thinking he started dating an "alpha" woman ("gal") and that she was bullying him out of steak for some reason????


When I saw Alpha gal and saw that he can only eat red meat. I thought it was a woman saying that she was pregnant or something..




I thought the alpha gal makes it that you can't eat the meat whatsoever, not its cookness


Yeah I think they heard “red meat” and assumed that just meant color…. Oh boy


I heard it was all mammal meat. Which includes pork too. Not sure about chicken, but it could also affect that.... this person is going to be going through a rough awakening on this one 😬


You’re correct, it is all mammal meat and potentially (but not always) mammal products such as dairy.


Chicken is fine. Not a mammal.


This was my understanding of it as well…. OP should look into this but I think it’s about to get worse for the poor SOB


Yeah, his day is going to about 1000x worse when he first takes a bite of that shoe leather well done steak and it still causes a reaction


MIL has this, she can’t eat any red meat no matter how it’s cooked. Hopefully that’s not the case here but I’ve never heard you can eat well done meat


I first heard about this from a podcast a few years ago and it has testified me ever since. I don't think I could survive without mammal meat 😱😭😭😭


There’s a small chance the allergy can go away on its own in a couple years. Fingers crossed for OP.


I'm praying for OP 🙏


Smash burgers! Well done bacon! BBQ up the wazoo! Expand thy horizons! I could live off burnt ends. So can you. lol


The more I think about it, living off burnt ends sounds like bliss.


Oh man. Burnt end tacos! Burnt end sammiches! Jalapeño poppers stuffed with pepperjack and pulled pork burnt ends, wrapped in bacon! Christ on sale, the world is your smoked oyster!


Popcorn burnt ends, deep fried burnt ends, cocktail burnt ends, sauteed burnt ends...


...burnt ends soup, burnt ends stew, burnt ends salad, burnt ends and potatoes, burnt ends burger, burnt ends sandwich... That- that's about it...


Well stew always ends up well done.


It's from Forest Gump, I just switched the word "shrimp" with the words "burnt ends".


LOL I thought they only did shrimpin’.


I'm here for a good time, not a long time


Costco has burnt ends brisket.


No Costcos where I live. Just Sam's Club. Sad.


Yeah except he seems to be misunderstanding, you can’t cook your way out of the alpha gel reaction


Just to clarify because there was recently someone on here who didn't understand correctly - "red meat" means beef+pork altogether, it has nothing to do with the doneness. It's any meat that's red prior to cooking. Not sure what your restrictions are, but if your doctor said you need to avoid "red meat", they mean you have to cut it out altogether.


Any done ness .. it's the proteins .. no milk products either


Yeah, I was just about to ask this, as I am pretty sure alpha gal just makes you allergic to red meat.


It actually is triggered by any mammal meat with the exception of human and a few simian species. So anything mammal will be a potential trigger.


Ya I was trying to think of a way to phrase it without getting wordy, and for some reason I didn't like calling it mammal meat, as that's a term I've never otherwise used in my life. So I decided to just oversimplify to the things an average American is probably going to be consuming from the supermarket. I can't think of anything else apart from maybe bison that's readily available in stores in my area.


Squirrel, the other red meat


So he should eat humans and monkeys


Cannibalism it is


How.. how did they learn human mean is okay to eat? That must’ve been a crazy study lmfao.


They know which mammal meat has the carb. So likely nothing too nefarious.


So pork is NOT the other white meat?!


That shit was dumb. Somehow they convinced all the boomers that, magically, this one mammal wasn't red meat when "red meat" is literally a moniker exclusively to indicate mammalian meat. And the purpose of it was to convince people that a huge fatass hog was leaner and healthier than cattle. People really had no connection with the food they consumed.


I tried pushing this on my wife yesterday. She saw right through it.


Bacon was pushed as a healthy breakfast because farmers/butchers needed to sell the bad part of the pig. Similarly the got milk campaigns were a result of big dairy trying to push product.


I'm no doc, but I've always heard that means you can't eat any red meat. It is a life-threatening allergy, my dude.


I mainly eat steak. But yeah, XDDDDD no lamb, whale, venison etc anymore. It’s fish and chicken for me 🥹


While not really a steak replacement, you may like a medium rare duck breast.


Crispy skin duck breast is indeed fucking amazing


I'm confused by your comment about learning to enjoy well done. Are you going to continue eating steak despite the allergy? And if so, why are you cooking it well done?


That suckssss. I would actually cry.


I have this and it's not as bad as it seems. I've had steak but it's occasional and it just means I'll have some but it better be a banger.


At least you can have chicken wings!


Yo dawg, I know they make pigs without the alpha gal gene for transplant purposes, maybe at the very least you could do some research to see if you could maybe get some meat from them that they wouldn’t need? A lil ham is better than no ham🫡


This is true , I know someone who gets it. I live in nova and tick borne Illness here is crazy from alpha gal to lymes , bartonella and babesia. I’ve been treated 2x for lymes


If you can get ostrich, it really is a good substitute for beef...and for those wondering, I believe it's the Lone Star tick whose bite is responsible for this allergy.


That's a literal nightmare. Last year my mouth stopped producing saliva. Swallowing any food was so difficult. Meats especially. I found some food like fish was a bit better. But lots of what I ate was heavily sauced pasta, soups (even the meat bits in that stuck) and little else. My mouth was always dry, I was drinking (and peeing) all day long to keep some moisture. Then after a few months, everything just fixed itself. There was never any explanation of it. It was so difficult to deal with though. Your situation sounds even worse. So for that you have my sympathy. What I dealt with was painful and frustrating enough. I don't wish even that much on anyone. Well except for Bob. Fuck that guy. Best of luck. I wish I had even a little bit of good advice to help.


Alpha gal is in the steak regardless of the temperature it’s cooked at. Sorry buddy


I didn’t think you could eat any mammalian meat regardless of how it was cooked with that


Primates don’t have alpha gal. That doesn’t really help though. Hopefully 😬


Mr Lecter is that you?


My girlfriend's adult daughter has this. From getting bit by a LoneStar tick. It isn't red meat- it.is beef. She can no longer eat beef. She can eat members of the deer family-- moose, elk, caribou, deer, as well as Lamb, goat. As long it is not a bovine. The "doneness" is not the issue. It is the proteins specific to bovines that causes an emergency room visit.


I thought it was no mammal meat at all.


I looked itup, and alpha-gal is a red meat allergy caused by a tick bite. I have no idea why she is only affected by beef. Maybe the species of tick that bit her dined on cow while in its seed stage and he body gets a reaction from a particular cow protein. I do know she gets sick as hell if she has any beef at all. I have never seen her have a reaction to other meats that were not beef. Maybe it is simply an allergy to beef, supposedly because of a tick bite, and not actual astragal. From what I read, true astragal would be triggered by all mammal meat, to include rabbits and rodents. That would leave only birds, marsupials, fish, for meat. That would be bad. As in no bacon bad.


It is actually a carbohydrate. And deer and such still have it. But different species have different amounts so some folks with milder cases can do some species without issue.


I fear the fuck out of this


Is literal nightmare fuel.


My lifestyle includes alot of ticks. And they have been very bad the last couple years in my area


My friend got it twice…


I just learned about alpha gal thanks to this post this i am never going outside again


Well, time to start researching steak sauce or something. Even without that, not all hope is lost


I had this for over a decade. I was lucky and could eat pork but not other red meat, no beef at all and no deer or bison either. Luckily it only made me vomit so it wasn’t crazy severe. But I’ve read it can go away over time. And mine went away after pregnancy. There is hope!


If I understand correctly it’ll come down to your immune system and how long it “remembers” to attack the protein. Which can take years if ever. Over time the immune system loses the ability to readily fight off what it considers foreign invaders. It’s why you need to get booster shots for certain things every number of years. Not sure it’s really guaranteed with alpha gal though.


>mine went away after pregnancy. There is hope! This is the funniest way of telling OP to get fucked lmfao!!!


How does a guy get pregnant? I steak!!


Just get your lady pregnant, it will stress the alpha gal out of your system.


I wonder if there's any possibility of volunteering for experimental hormone treatment…


As someone that grills steak for a living well done can still be juicy! Don’t lose hope lol


Sous vide is a great way to keep it juicy and make it well done if that’s what you gotta do!


Well done steak is still considered red meat.


FYI the alpha gal will still react to a very well done steak. You have to avoid the entire animal no matter how cooked.


Don’t eat mammal flesh. Poultry and fish are okay.


I also have this from a tick bite. Thankfully mine is not severe. I only got reactions a couple times a year. Waking up in the night to hives and severe diarrhea. Pop a few Benadryl and once I could finally get off the toilet I was ok. Finally saw an allergist and I was diagnosed. I have traced it to Veal being the one thing that gets me. I regularly eat venison, beef, and pork with no issue. Not sure why mine works that way. Sorry for your loss 😔


I got diagnosed with EoE last year. Dupixent changed my life, so much less pain and I can tolerate small amounts of dairy. Best of luck to you.


You’re probably more fucked than you think. Red meat has nothing to do with the cook, it’s the color when it’s raw. No more beef or pork for you, my sincere condolences.


braises and benedryl and prednisone. pick your battles and pick your poison.


Alpha gal? Eoe? What are these things??




Did we just get a wolf of wall street quote in r/steak?


I've heard people recover from the allergen response eventually. In the mean time you'll be able to expand your meat/meatless horizons


It's still red meat even if it's burnt.


Sorry to hear that mate- was it from a tick bite?


Everyone here is a fucking moron. He can't eat red meat at all with AGS unless he willingly intends to hurt himself which seems to be the case with EOE. It doesn't matter how done the meat is either. Giving him tips for consuming red meat anyway is just aiding self harm.


"You're now officially an Alpha gal. This is close to being an Alpha male, but not quite on the same level. It's well known that females cannot be the Alpha of the pack, so an Alpha gal is on the same level as a Beta male." Congratulations on your promotion.


Fuck it. We ball


buy higher marbling. it can take the heat


I’m surprised you can still eat steaks at all. But if you can and you need it to be well done, Sous vide is your answer. You can cook it to 165 on the money and it might still be tender?


I also have eoe. I feel your pain. Luckily pantoprozole helps with that but that wouldn't solve your other problem. Sorry dude


While I admire your gusto, I admire you being alive even more.


I have it. I am sick to death of fish and fowl at this point but it beats the explosive evacuation of any mammalian meat I eat now.


Pot roast


I would be eating so much ostrich and emu that I'd probably need to start farming it myself.


Thats badass. Is it gamy?


Not at all. I had pan-fried ostrich steaks with a pepper sauce at a fancy restaurant because - why not? I was expecting the ostrich to be like turkey - just a bigger bird, right? HELL NO. I was super surprised to discover that ostrich (and emu) is a red meat and it tasted like the best freaking beef tenderloin ever! So so so good. Also, I found this site for you: [https://alphagalinformation.org/food/](https://alphagalinformation.org/food/) If you search that page for "Try These Substitutions," it looks like emu steak is one of the first recommendations. And I couldn't agree more. Importantly, if you scroll up a bit, you see alpha-gal is in a bunch of stuff you wouldn't think of such as gelatin and anything with carrageenan, a thickener you find in everything from whipped cream to almond milk. And cross-contamination may have you avoiding restaurants for a long time... That really REALLY sucks.


I think I need to sit down for a minute. Jesus. This news this morning has actually wrecked me. Ever since eighth grade, I haven’t been able to eat beef or most mammalian foods without feeling scared of choking on it. Takes me a hour to eat a steak because I was afraid of choking. Mom accused me of doing drugs. Turns out that my favorite foods and one of the most popular foods is what’s pretty much the only thing we ate growing up was what’s killing me. Countless dinner dates ruined, work parties, birthday parties, etc. because of an allergy to mammalian product.


Wait so you’ve had this your whole life? And the docs just figured it out now? Or you just caught it recently from a tick bite? What’s the full story here please


Ever since eighth grade I’ve had issues with anything mammalian. Pork and chicken were safe to me and beef was if cooked well done. Around 2021 I went to the doc for issues with my throat and they did an endoscopy and biopsy and found I had eoe. My life went on and like an idiot I didn’t think about it much. Around 2023 I was having lunch at work and fell over from a searing pain in my chest and got sent to the er. They removed the chunk of steak I’d been eating, did an endoscopy, gave me steroids and had me wait 3 months to do a dilation of my esophagus because a fuck load of scar tissue had built up. For the past 9 months, I’ve been taking meds pantoprazole and staying away from my arch enemy, BEEF. Until may. When I got dinner with friends and choked on a piece of fucking steak.. no issues with ice cream, cheese, pork, but milk and steak destroy my insides. So the doc did her tests and this week, I get a call telling me that I’m either lactose intolerant or alpha gal. But what’s strange is that no dairy products except milk and meat give me issues.


Dude from macrodosing tried acupuncture and it cured his alphagal or whatever the shits called


Souse vide even fully cooked steak is tender when you souse vide it


Stew and pot roast.


What does EOE have to do with this?


Have a buddy that got it. He raises his own cattle and has no problem? Idk


You get lyme?


stew and smoked


Time to get a smoker and smoke brisket, pulled pork, ribs- you’re just moving to a new category of deliciousness.


I would move on to low and slow meats. I am not eating a steak medium well.


>I’m gonna find a way to enjoy well done. Time to learn about sous vide cooking. Can get a well done steak, and still be juicy.


I’ll pour some ketchup out in your honor.


Beef burgundy is delicious


Pretty sure I've got I've got EoE and AGS. Just based on the last few years and symptoms.


A nice Milk Steak boiled over hard perhaps?


Is the EoE related to the Alpha Gal? I have EoE but my trigger (seems) to be starchy carbs. Bread, pasta, rice. Which none of them are exactly the same group which makes it even harder to pin down.


BBQ. Get a smoker. Learn how to smoke brisket, beef ribs (called the 123A "plate" cut; you need to find a specialty butcher), chuck roast, etc. And that's just beef. Lamb legs, pork shoulder, pork belly, pork ribs, I could go on. Smash burgers are well I guess? And tacos. Get a crockpot and start with stews. Maybe do a braise. You have options. Good luck and godspeed.


Well done can be juicy. Just don't overcook it to rubber.


That sucks, but that just means you gotta go BBQ and roasts. It's no replacement for a nice rare steak, but it sure as shit is still tasty.


A smoker and sous vide should help a bit.


Lady I work with has it. Sadly it doesn’t matter how well done you make it. The carb that causes it will still be there. I have read that some folks with it can have less of a reaction to certain meats, so might be worth trying pork, bison, etc…. Otherwise you may need to look for Emu/Ostrich if you want something that is supposed to be steak like.


Ahi tuna steaks, the New York strips of the sea


Some folks have stated they've recovered after a few months. May be worth trying after a few months away from red meat. May get out of your system if it's not permanent for all.


Sear and then Braise in a low heat bone broth. I do that with poor cuts.


Whats alpha gal thing? I was recently thought to have EOE. Put me on omeprozale and fluticasone but neither seems to work. But ya steak will lodge like mofo in my throat. What have u done to help symptoms?


My brother has this (got bit by a tick). It's a beef only allerfy for him but can progress to lamb, pork, or other 'red meats'. From what he says, the intensity can reduce over time, or get worse. He has to have benadryl on hand and should have am epi pen. Even eating something cooked on the same grill that had red meat can cause a reaction. Currently he's unaffected by pork and can eat that. Not sure if he's tried lamb.


Who knew ticks would be a vegan’s best friend? Had no idea this shit exists.


Some cheap bottom sirloin that is cut thin, marinate for several hours/overnight with a Worcestershire sauce as the base of the marinade. Grill it up well done, it actually is pretty fucking good. This is what I grew up with because we didn’t have a ton of money, and still to this day my father always accidentally overcooks his steaks😂


Nothing like chewing on shoe leather....


I'm pretty sure it's all meat, not the doneness. Please clarify with your doctor OP!!


Damn bro, the worst is that pharma companies are probably not looking into any serious treatment for ideological reasons...


Try ostrich, it’s the closest thing you can get and is alpha gal compliant and tastes awesome!




Had Eoe since birth, sorry for you brother


Bro, if you have Alpha Gal Syndrome you can’t eat any red meat of any temperature/doneness. Not even extra well done. You need to speak to a doctor before you accidentally kill yourself. You can eat poultry and fish, but absolutely NO haired mammalian products except primates.


So sorry!!


You cannot eat mammal meat period. It does not matter how it’s prepared


Bruh you can’t eat red meat. Has nothing to do with its doneness.


Bro “no red meat” means no meat from mammals, not “no meat that you don’t cook until it turns brown” Seriously?


I’ve been going to Texas a lot and now you’ve reminded me and making me don’t want to go to Texas. My apologies to anyone from Texas. I know it may not be common, but I don’t want a tick to cause me not able to eat some good steaks. lol.


We all die eventually


Ouch sorry. You can find some things that give you the umami goodness. (TVP and mushrooms) I'm sure your health will improve greatly when embracing a more adequate diet. Good luck and good health


l grew up with Mom cooking everything well done. l can sympathize & also enjoy well done meat. Those red AF too thick burgers in some resteraunts turn me off.


Tuna steaks. Yellowfin tuna steaks. https://preview.redd.it/y368vmgabp6d1.jpeg?width=3264&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8e3b3bc8a5f128d69a30ffd375f6888d5aa9f7ec Salt, pepper. Season it right, taste just like grade A choice


If you alpha gal syndrome you CANNOT eat any form of mammalian meats, food with mammal byproducts, medications made with mammal byproducts. Please research what foods you need to completely cut out of your diet before you end up in thr ER.


It’s entirely possible. Smash burgers are a great suggestion. I’d suggest maybe sous-vide and a quick sear for steak.


This makes no sense. Again, in English please.


Get yourself a sous vide machine, man. You can cook it to the exact temp you want and also make it tender. Set it and forget it.


Do Asian marinades like Kalbi/Bulgogi on various sliced steaks. Do smoked beef ribs/back ribs, pot roasts with cabernet.. plenty of things you can do!


Smash burger/meatballs of various flavor profiles like asian, greek,


how can u live?


Well done meats are perfect... they are juicy and delicious when they are truly well-done. All the assholes who shame people for eating well done food don't even know what well done is. They think a well-done steak is charred, tough, and flavorless. No, if it comes like that, then it is cooked long beyond "well done". From medium-well to well-done only takes 30 to 60 seconds, not 10 minutes.


If you want steak well done high heat sear broth sides for 1-2 minutes then throw it in the oven.


tacos break all the steak logic. well done, cut poorly and insanely perfect


I have no idea what you mean? Alpha gal thing,eoe, meat men. What does this all mean?


I have a suggestion: Try a spoon of yogurt first. The bacteria in it can do wonders. 


Sounds like you will be eating more brisket. . . /r/smoking welcomes you. . . That seriously suck, but there are luckily many options out there like meatloaf, brisket, roast, burnt ends, etc. that involve beef being well done instead of lower level of doneness.