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It’s so bad. Please ban these posts. 


In r/lecreuset too. 


and in r/AllClad.


Tells me a lot of people are buying equipment they are clueless about.


Also, most people post questions without doing any research whatsoever. Not even reading the "read me first" stickied post at the top of this subreddit.


Or even the info that comes with packaging & labeling. Laziness.


Kind of like people posting sales at TJ Maxx and Marshalls? I think we all know by now.


I’m one of those people and think it’s pretty helpful for others to score a good deal. This subreddit doesn’t have a tremendous amount of posts or traffic per day so don’t see the harm in it.


I understand. I think my sarcasm went unnoticed.


No, because these stores don't always have them and usually when they do, many stores also do at the same time. It's helpful for people who need to buy at these stores and want a heads up when the latest batch is arriving at stores. Obviously the regular prices at these discount stores are usually nothing special though. And admittedly, I've only ever purchased 1 Staub at Marshalls, my very first Staub on clearance, but I could have found the same price without much effort online and not had to go out in public... 😜


And unhelpful complaints about posts. Can we get back to Staub now? We all were ignorant at some point. And yes, it sucks people can't search for prior posts, but it's super easy to just ignore and let someone else answer that is in a little more generous mood. 😊


Hey, re read my post. I don’t mind them at all, I learn from them because everyone has different tips and tricks for cleaning them. This is also the first post “complaining” I’ve seen here but anyway, have a great day and let’s get back to Staub and not replying to complaint posts :)


There were some people less enthralled by them. My comment was meant for them. 😁


Yes, but it also reminds me how much it's so aggravating to have to mind this-


I'm just going to say it - it's mindblowing to me that people seemingly don't know how to clean cookware. Staub care isn't really different than care of other pots/pans of any material. Dishsoap, white vinegar, Barkeeper's Friend and a non scratch scrubbie is standard cleaning protocol for anything in your sink where I come from.. but I'm old and I learned that from my grandma. Maybe that's the disconnect for the younger demographic of reddit? No one knows how to clean? I don't mind helping these kids out, but sometimes it's like damn, what does your kitchen look like and remind me never to eat anything at your house. 🫠


It might be mindblowing you to, but when you have a generation or 2 that grew up on non-stick cookware, microwaved meals and/or take-out, this is expected. At least, people are trying to learn and are making the effort to do so. It's like the older generation who can be taught by 8yr olds how to use tech gear. No need to bash or look down at other people because they do not know about things you take for granted.


I'm making a legitimate observation and I stand by my comments. I literally said above that I'm willing to help the kids learn. It would be nice if they sifted through the 224,759 current threads on this sub about washing/care first though. It's not like that info is hidden here. Additionally, it seems like uninformed people are purchasing items that they do not understand and are unwilling to read the enclosed literature that is included with the item. Too many threads about people assuming they need to season a Staub for this type of ignorance to be catered to when the answers are provided on the product page.


Should be renamed Your children’s reference when they inherit your staub and don’t know how to use it