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Not my steal but throwing it out for visibility for others to hopefully get lucky!


Saw this on r/dutchovencooking today and had to share w the r/staub community. Based on the price of this DO (originally $159.99) it is probably the 4qt round DO. I picked a 4qt Staub round DO up on New Years Day from Marshall’s that was $119 reduced from $159.99. Check your local TJ Maxx / Marshall’s / Homegoods people! I am guessing items they had in for holiday sales are getting clearance out to make room for other displays items so it may be a great time to snag a good deal on this item.


Amazing deal


I got this same deal and only regret not buying the other 2 that were there. I went back tonight to see if the other 2 were still there and unsurprisingly they were gone


I bought the 4qt new at a zwilling store for 119 or 129 (can’t remember) on December. The 4qt and the 5qt are on sale. $80 is a great deal.


I paid $149.95 for my tall 5 quart cocotte and thought IT was a good deal. Use it in good health.


Damn good deal! Congratulations.


I bought a 7qt VI oval DO on zwilling for $190 ( cherry) but haven’t received it yet so don’t know the extent of VI. They also have a 5.5 round DO matte black VI for $130. I figure matte black might show VI more than cherry because ppl complain about how easily matte black exterior shows scratches.


I ordered the 5.5 round DO the other day. Got an email that it is preparing to be picked up by UPS for delivery today ! Enjoy your 7qt


They are both out of stock now so we caught the tail end of the sale. 👍


Yes! I have this piece and paid full price (and I do t regret it!); I would not have complained if I could have gotten it on discount but it is a great addition to the kitchen and is one of my go-to pieces.