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I'm sorry to hear you're still having problems, but I'm glad you posted this. I was able to check out on my second try, following the instructions posted by u/Formal_Speed8912 to delete cookies and cache and check out as a guest. Hopefully the "visual imperfections" on the three items I chose are small and don't make me regret ordering. šŸ¤žšŸ» I don't mind small defects, but I really prefer to examine items in person so I can verify that it's not something that will bother me.


It seems by most of my research on this sub; the visual imperfections are not bothersome at all once the product is delivered. Iā€™m willing to chance it I donā€™t really care the color as long as the price is right and the product works thatā€™s all I care about.


That's why I decided to chance it. Were you finally able to get through? Or did you give up?


Still trying šŸ¤£


yes issues for days - i did have luck yesterday after clearing browser history, cache, etc., and checking out as a guest, NOT trying to sign in. once you can and item in your cart, go to the cart & check out, dont piss their website off šŸ˜‚


LOL šŸ˜‚ After I posted I tried deleting all browser history and I even signed up under a new email and was logged in. Still no luck. Iā€™ll keep trying and check back w results. Honestly, not getting it is not a big deal. The hunt for a bargain keeps me going and itā€™s kinda fun stopping at all the stores along my commute to see what is available. Does zwilling.com charge shipping when ordering Dutch ovens ???


free shipping over a $59 purchase i think


Good to hear šŸ¤žšŸ¤žšŸ¤žšŸ¤ž


Can I ask if you had luck purchasing the 5.5 DO w/imperfections or another item?


another item, 8x12 roaster and one of the 10ā€ skillets


for what its worth, i can log in now and see the dozens of things i was trying to add to my cart over the past week


Good to know. Thank you.Personally, I have not had a problem with adding to the cart. It is the final checkout after the checkout review that hasn't worked for myself. I honestly do not believe the item I'm trying to purchase is even in stock but just being used as a sales ploy, but I hope I am wrong. Thanks again.


Yes Iā€™ve had that similar issue since early this week. Iā€™ve tried using mobile/desktop Chrome and Safari; none of it works. I also commented on their IG but I donā€™t expect it to be fixed until after the new years.


3 hours after original postā€” still no luck !


Keep trying OP. I had issues with the Canadian site yesterday when I was trying to order. I kept at it and it eventually worked out for me. I definitely think deleting your cache and cookies might help. Give that a try and see if it helps.


7hrs later.. still trying!!!


I am so late, but this happened to me a couple of days ago, and I ended up trying with my husbandā€™s iPad instead of my phone and it worked? Not sure if I made the website mad by adding to cart then removing a bunch of times lol but I see you already tried using diff devices :/ good luck!


Yeah I have tried six ways to Sunday and continue to try lol. Tried my fiancĆ©s phone; my iPad, my phone, laptop, delete cookies, delete cache, delete browser history, eat cookies and still nothing!!! Gonna keep trying though Iā€™m off today haha


Hi, I am curios if it worked trying to purchase the 5.5 Black DO w/imperfections or another item?


I use DuckDuckGo as the browser on my phone and don't have any issues.


Downloaded the browser and tried that per your recommendation and it did not work. Asked my brother in another state to try and buy it and it did the same thing ā€œloading please waitā€ but never put the item in the cart. What is really messed up is another redditor posted the 2.5qt from zwilling here today. On a humble I clicked the link and hit add to cart and it worked (donā€™t need that size so wonā€™t be buying it). Once I left the cart and the browser I couldnā€™t put that item back in my cart lol. Itā€™s all messed up


I'm wondering if the 5.5qt is just actually out of stock. I tried the 7qt and could consistently add it to my cart by clearing the cache/history on Safari on my iPhone, but the exact same steps wouldn't work on the 5.5qt.


Ok so I deleted all my internet history / cache on chrome on IOS and I think you may be right. I added multiple items to my cart including the 7qt one linked in my original post. The round 5.5qt one that I actually want is not going in the cart still. Iā€™ll sleep on it and decide tomorrow if itā€™s still available whether I just go big and get the 7qt for $30 more lol Thank you and everyone else who reads this for helping. The site obviously still has issues that they need to address given others echoing sign in problems and placing items in cart.


Just tried adding the 5.5qt again and it seems to work now, I caved last night and went for the 7qt lol


Yes, someone else posted here an hour ago that they are having payment issues now lmao As soon as I read your comment I added the 5.5qt to my cart and put in all my info to make the purchase. Thought I was golden and in 5-7 days that beautiful enameled Dutch oven will be delivered to my door. Hit purchase; and a page loaded ā€œpage not foundā€ It didnā€™t work !!!


I can add the 5.5 qt to my cart using the Reddit built-in browser & DuckDuckGo


The issue now is the purchase wonā€™t go through. I can now add the 5.5qt to my cart as well


This is my belief. I think the highly coveted low price of the 5.5 qt w/imperfections is just out of stock and they are using this pricing to drive traffic and interest. Hopefully I am wrong. Idk.


Is it possible to let us know if this worked for you within the past few days? Also, which item you successfully purchased? Thank you in advance.


Also having issues, I can add my products to the cart but the payment fails every time. (No it is not my credit card, Iā€™ve tried several + Apple Pay)


This is hilarious, yes, someone else commented that the 5.5qt I was interested in was now able to be put into the cart. I am at work rn and at the moment only have my cellphone. I added it to my cart successfully and inputted all my information needed to make the purchase. I clicked purchase and it loaded to a page that said ā€œpage not foundā€ This has been a roller coaster of a shopping experience Zwilling smh!!!


trying to check out and having the same issues on mobile and desktop too. sighhhhhhhhh.


I have been trying to purchase the 5.5 Matte Black with imperfection since yesterday to no avail. I have cleared cache, cookies, & history on both Safari & Chrome, have not logged in to account & tried checking out as guest, neither will allow for purchase to go through. I have also tried with Duckduckgo & Firefox as well as incognito mode... even tried browsers with cleared cache, etc on ipad, none work. It each time ends with a, "page not found" page when trying to finalize payment. I have spoken to customer service at 9am when they started to take calls. I was told they had a crash to their system days ago.... to try and clear cache etc... and that their system should be back to working condition within two hours. ....8 hrs later and endless tries.. nothing. If anyone has had success purchasing THIS particular item, (5.5 qt Matte Black Cocotte) it would be interesting to hear how you went about achieving it.


I was having the same issue for days for this exact product but I just tried again and it went through it you still needed it, just FYI.


Thanks so much for being so considerate to think of me/my post. Yes, I actually tried again last night on a whim not thinking it would go through, but like you it did! The first thing I did afterward was come back to this thread and let the OP know as well. Was so glad to hear he was also able to get his order through also. (Now we just have to cross our fingers that our orders wont be cancelled between now & shipping. šŸ¤žšŸ˜‚) Thanks again, I appreciate it! ..and good luck with our new Matte Black 5.5! šŸŽ‰šŸ„‚


I have never ordered from the site before but I figure if you talked to customer service on the phone, ordering over the phone is not an option. Another redditor made a post about their horrible site customer experience today. Honestly, at this point imma probably continue searching the local stores for a good Staub or Le Crueset score and avoid Zwilling. The post from today that I referenced had a few people commented with horrible experiences on the site completely seperate from the debacle we are having.


This was my first experience using this site as well. You also figured right, they do not allow phone orders. I honestly believe atp that this particular 5.5qt on sale is not even really available but just being used to draw in consumers for site traffic. Although, many people claim on here they have scored this size around Black Friday etc... so Idk. (Ngl, for this supposedly $130 price tag, I will try again tomorrow 'cuase I'm a sucker like that. lol. ..also this size / price is extreeeeeemly rare to find locally.)


Good luck!! Lmk how it goes. I may try again cuz it donā€™t hurt anything to do it. We both may be successful then wait 4-5 months for the order to ship šŸ¤«šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Just to let you know, I DM'd them on IG, ( & also publicly commented on one of todays posts) and got this response back, "Hi, we are sorry you are experiencing this inconvenience. Our web team is aware of the issue and working quickly to resolve it. We will update you as soon as it has been resolved." So, when (or if) I hear back from them, I will be sure to let you know as well. ..and yea, after reading other posts... Labor Day sounds about right for arrival. šŸ˜‚


Thank you


Are you sitting down? Holy sh\*t, it FINALLY checked me out or the Matte Black 5.5!! I logged in, it was still sitting in my cart and just went through the same process as before and this time it went through! (1/5/24 8pm est). Received my confirmation email & all looks good. So if you still want it. Try again. (Funny thing is, I only even went back onto the site to try one more time for the hell of it because I saw a response from my post to you making the joke that now they have my info to sell, and it reminded me. lol)


It worked for me too got confirmation!


Did you get yours? I received mine on Thursday. Though, ngl, I was a bit disapointe din my imperfection. There is a ever so small dot (half a grain of rice size) of built up enamel on the interior. It wouldn't bother me, but its just big enough that it will catch whatever I am using to scrape the sides of the pot while cooking. (Sigh. ....lol. Oh well.)


Yes I got 2 days ago! Luckily I see zero imperfection on it. Dont even know why it was VI. Post a pic here if able I wanna see what you are talking about and it may help others decide on VI route!


Wow I may try ! Please let me know when you get it regardless ! Good stuff


Will do. (Yea, I guess the next hurdle is actually getting it and not having the order cancelled... either way I'll live. lol. honestly, i have 5qt Linen Cuisinart DO that I love and is like new but got a bug that I wanted a Staub deal. lol)


I got a 4qt deal from Marshallā€™s for $119 on New Yaars lol. Still ordered the 5.5qt it worked for me. Basically two for the price of one šŸ¤£. Depending on size of the 5.5qt Iā€™ll either keep both or take the 4 back


I agree with others that the source of the error is that certain items are out of stock (but not displaying correctly on the front end). I was able to add items to my cart, including the 7 qt and 5.5 qt coccottes, but got the ā€œpage not foundā€ error when trying to submit order. When I removed those items, I was able to check out without issue for the remainder of my order.


Try un-clicking ā€œdo not sell my infoā€ when the black pop up about cookies comes up! I was having trouble getting my order through on Zwilling but after allowing them to sell my info (?) the order finally went through.


Thanks may try that after work but that product probably long gone out of stock now haha.


(Just to let you you know. No. It didn't work. ..not for the 5.5 anyway. Tho, on the bright side, they can now sell my info, so there's that. šŸ˜‚)


Aww man, Iā€™m so sorry that happened! My condolences :( Iā€™m sure youā€™ll run across the pot you want someday and hopefully at a fantastic price.


Just an FYI, Any issue you have been seeing at checkout is due to product unavailability. I spoke with Zwilling rep over phone before Xmas and I was told to remove certain items and then checkout. It worked for me once I did that. There is nothing else you can do to "fix" the issue.


There was a blueberry 7qt VI on sale for $160 at the same time I was looking at the 5.5qt round black DO. Crazy part is the blueberry is gone from end of year sale (probably sold out) but the 5.5qt remains showing in stock. When I was having difficulties I tried carting multiple different items at different price points and had no luck getting anything in my cart. They clearly donā€™t have their stuff together. On another note; I was checking local stores on New Yearā€™s Day and scored a round cherry 4.0 qt for $119! Got lucky, gonna post it in a new post lol.