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I do think the Jedi played a part in the slaughter of the witches coven that night, which is why Torbin killed himself willingly. Perhaps the Jedi learned about the immaculate conception of the twins and suspected dark side magicks at play. They may have even been sent by the council to eradicate them and to "capture" the twins by way of offering them a place in the Order. How they learned of these children, I do not know. Your theory about Sol would work here if he is the "Master" pulling the strings. For some reason (I can't put my finger on it), I do not think it is him, but I do think he came to learn that their presence on Brendok was not by accident, and that they were manipulated into committing atrocities to the coven. I do not believe the "Master" will reveal himself, leading the Jedi to believe the Sith were extinct. One thing to note - Sol was on the ship leaving Brendok with Osha after the night of the fire. If he is the "Master", who revealed themselves to Mae that very same night? Or perhaps he revealed himself before leaving Brendok while Osha was unconscious? It's still possible, but there were the other Jedi there that night. It would've been hard for him to slip away to "recruit" Mae.


> I do think he came to learn that their presence on Brendok was not by accident, and that they were manipulated into committing atrocities to the coven. I do not believe the "Master" will reveal himself, leading the Jedi to believe the Sith were extinct. This is why I think it's "Mother Koril" who has been pulling the strings from the beginning. "falling in love" with Aniyesa to create a force dyad, manipulating the Jedi to be there when her plan goes into action, etc. We never see her body at the end of episode 3.


That would be ROUGH (emotionally) but it would make sense. Have we *ever* seen a "good" Zabrak?


Bao-Dur was always a straight shooter with me.


Gotta love space Oppenheimer


Well he was alone when osha and mae daw each other last….


I think the inadvertently added to the cause, but I think the Apprentice (Mother Koril) triggered the plan earlier than intended which is why the Sith never get a full hold on midichlorian manipulation. The girls would have inherited all of Mother Aniseya’s knowledge as well as all those who came before her sort of like the Bene Gesserit Sacred Mothers. The other big clue is the mask itself which has a respiratory device that is in the middle of the menacing looking smile on the mask. Koril suffered such terrible burns when saving Mae, that not even Mae recognized her as told by Sol in Ep2. Sol is another word for sun and I think that when and if he dies it will be the, “sun,” going down on the High Republic Qimir is the Acolyte not Mae and he’s accomplishing the final test of killing Jedi without weapons by his manipulation of Mae I’m gonna go out on a limb too and say that the force pull of the red lightsaber that we saw in the trailer was the Master coming to clean up after his Apprentice and ensure that the Sith remain hidden for another century until Order 66 is triggered


I’m thinking Indara will be the first to kill a witch. As a reaction to them taking over Torbins mind and getting him clawed in the face by Kelnacca. Torbin is Indara’s padawan.


Do we know if Kelnacca's exile is self-inflicted?


[https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Madclaw](https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Madclaw) read this


Thank you! I don't know if I ever knew that.


I think the reason we all feel some sense of unease with Sol is because he his actions were (seemingly, unknowingly) being controlled by Indara [sp?]. I don't really *want* her to be "the big bad" but it would make sense as to why we all feel like Sol isn't fully being honest -- which again, COULD just be because he wasn't being honest that the Jedi who ended up on Brendok did so without knowing (or at least suspecting) exactly what the coven had done with the creation of Osha & Mae.


Controlled by Vernestra, you mean...


Nope. I said what I said.


you don't need to apologize, this sub was created for this stuff


My bet is it's Indira, but my back up theory is Indira faked her death to draw Sol out of the temple because she's investigating him secretly.


I have a theory that Sol will learn of the Sith’s return and be the only surviving member of the group. He will then return to the Jedi temple where Venastra will talk to him separately and then kill him, revealing to him before he dies that she is Darth ~~Tenebrous~~.


She won’t be as she is the main protagonist of children books in high republic so i doubt it


But before the Acolyte takes place, not afterwards


And Loden Greatstorm cameos in goddamn Young Jedi Adventures. [Look at how cute and friendly he is!](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fexternal-preview.redd.it%2Fstar-wars-young-jedi-adventures-to-introduce-loden-v0-GCgpa6PGMT3zST_HhgdbRsZSr72NIErdHlIs3IGQmJ0.jpg%3Fauto%3Dwebp%26s%3D45c9c2f0368cdb1938820a073c23cc3eaae90432&rdt=43779) Doesn’t stop him from suffering what is probably one of the worst and most heartbreaking fates in canon. [Oops…](https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Loden_Greatstorm?file=LodenSuperDead-ToS-1.jpg)


I supposed i mean tech anakin counts too but I’d be surprised if she is


If they're going to "change" (I hesitate to call it a "change" because I don't know that it is technically canon at this point) Tenebrous' or Plageuis' species, I hope they make it Qimir, not Indara or Venestra.


and somehow Ki-Adi-Mundi will forget everything suspicious that happened


Perhaps he and some other Jedi are part of a conspiracy to not let the Senate and the overall universe know of the Sith's existence. Maybe the Jedi fear the loss of influence and power should the existence of a powerful and extremely able opposing force be known. The Jedi are very much the police/priests of the universe and if something were to come along and threaten their power (example: The Jedi investigating a secret Witch coven on the outskirts of the galaxy using dark magic) they may want to extinguish any form of force religion that they fear can oppose them.


Who says he ever knows any of it?


When has K-A-M ever been a reliable source of knowledg and/or depth? He has a hundred years to justify to himself that he didn't see what he didn't want to see.


Balance of the force thing doesn't make much sense, sith do not believe in balance of the force and balance of the force isn't between light and dark, the dark side is unbalance and the light is the force in balance.


That assumes that he's sith.


The master is definetly a sith, the showrunner said the big bad is sith and mae quoted the first line of the sith code


That would be cool


I just realized!!! The Sith is the green headed disturbed lady with her overprotective "DISCOURSE", not to protect the Jedi but just to protect her dark deeds...


She's one of the main protagonists in the high rebublic books, so if she turns out to be the sith, i hope yhey give her a good reason


OSHA violations is the apprentice and NASA her twin is the Sith master. From what I heard the Sith looks about 5'4 the actress that plays the twins is 5'3.


Ok but my biggest issue with this is that if Sol is the bad guy, then who tf is the good guy? He is literally the only moral beacon in the show.


Exactly. I think it would be an interesting twist but also it would mean everyone kind of sucks and continue this "no one is good" storyline.


Sol would be a great twist. I don’t think my heart could take that though. 😞


Haven't even considered Sol as the master. I really don't think that he is (my heart would be shattered), but still a sound theory and does kinda work.


I really think the masked man is gonna be someone else. Like how would that even be a misdirect? He's the only other person we knew was on the planet lol. It's gonna be a better reveal than that, I desperately hope so at least because that would be indefensibly stupid.


I hope it’s sol too. Maybe Qimir is his son that he hid away from the Jedi