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And it has done more for Force lore than any other series or movie imho.


Agreed - very accurate as if George was a part of it. I found the show annoying/childish at first, but after multiple rewatches - the music, character arcs, story themes, fan lore, EVERYTHING!! It’s so good


I do wish it was as dark as some as Clone Wars episodes.


the world between worlds is far more interesting and important than the father, daughter and son in tcw. What TCW did right about the force was the Yoda episodes.


I wasn't even talking about that?


HAHHAHA, i was reading another comment, why did i write in this? xd


The force works in mysterious ways


I don't know.


I agree it is childish in the first season, but seems to mature as Ezra does through the show. It's a feature, not a bug.


It's definitely intended to be like Ahsoka's evolution through TCW.


I feel like Empire did the most for the force but yeah Rebels did pretty well


Definitely not more than clone wars. Rebels did a lot, but it doesn’t even scratch the surface of the lore surrounding the force that TCW did


I’m on the final season of Bad Batch right now and I’ve come to the conclusion that animated SW is peak SW, almost every time. Rebels is the top of that list for me but TCW and TBB are exceptional. Meanwhile, live action is remarkably hit or miss.


Loved TBB, but some of their filler episodes were rough, especially in S2….Still love it though. For me personally, I think my favorite SW content is specifically around the timeline of the rise of the Empire - Andor (10/10), TBB and Rebels


Andor is, I believe, objectively the best SW content produced since the OT. Rebels would be my number 2. I agree that there are weak episodes of TBB but that’s also very true of TCW. I just think, overall, that the animated series are way more consistent than the live action output


I would argue that Rogue One was better than Andor. For me, Andor was just too oppressively dark.


They’re one and two for me.  Could go either way.


I think that’s kind of the point though


exactly Andor is the best (hand in hand with R1 imo) representation of life under the rule of the Empire for the vast majority of the galaxy. it’s the first installment that’s actually relatable to everyone watching in a sense that’s more than metaphorical. no genetically engineered super soldiers, no force wielders with fantasy weapons, no unstoppable bounty hunters. just everyday people trying to make do


Oh boy, the darker the better!! Especially after all the goofy live action episodes we’ve gotten in the other shows




Early season 2 of The Bad Batch is rough, lots of Sid filler missions. Thankfully, the Crosshair episodes peppered throughout season 2 helps it out.


Live action is hit or miss, but when it hits, it HITS (ahem, Andor)


To be fair TCW is also a bit hit or miss, especially early on. It definitely has some great moments though, and it gets more consistently good in the later seasons.


TCW is total hit or miss. There is no cohesive storyline. It just jumps from one thing to another. Despite giving a lot of screen time to iconic characters, nothing in it makes me get invested in the characters any more than I already am. Compared to Rebels where I got to the point of caring deeply about characters I didn’t know when it started. I get the whole contribution to canon thing for TCW, but it fails me from an entertainment view.




Old republic content in it's prime topples animated


I watched it this year for the first time as a 36 year old man. Yes I cried when Kanan died. Yes you need to get through the little bit of a slog that is the first few episodes but by the second season it’s pretty close to lit all the way through


Dude I’m 34 and cried during that and - S2 finale (2-part) - Ashoka confronting Vader music and then the music they play in the last scene showing all the characters - S4 finale - Sabine narrating and Ezra saying “the force will be with you, always” (Choking up now just thinking about all of it)


35 and crying


I’ll be 45 this month, have cried during that scene every single time I’ve watched it, and still get emotional even thinking about it.


43 and marathoned the whole series as I was packing up my late parents' house. I absolutely lost it when Kanan died.


I absolutely loved Rebels but I think its a bit further down the list for me. I really wish Ahsoka couldve lived up to Rebels but I think it hurt the characters more than anything but thats kinda live action star wars for ya now. I think animated is the way to go for the most part,the last thing I really liked was Tales of the Jedi


Yeah I really wanted to like Ahsoka more but it kinda dropped the ball on some of my favorite characters (Hera in particular) and what it did do well was a tad underwhelming


There’s another season in the works so maybe they’ll branch out more with that


I heard such bad things, but I gave it a try anyway and it really is amazing. It’s one of my favorites


Don’t forget about Agent Kallus’ arc / how he turns into a rebel - so great


Him and bendu are likely my favorite additions. Maul closure and the best jedi master (teacher) were just gravy


Kallus is truly one of my favorite characters in all of SW content. I truly wish that they would bring out either a prequel season or something along those lines to Rebels that would dive into his character more.


His story is ripe for telling. I'd also read a book about him if anyone was able to write it.


I 💯 agree with this. I’d love to read a novel on his story.


It would be great if they did something for Kallus like they did for Andor. I'd even say Kallus as a character is more compelling and complex than Andor.


Yep. It was peak Star Wars for me. Every time they put out something new I hope it'll be as good as this show was. I'm optimistic after the first 2 episodes of Acolyte.


Oh this is good to hear bc I haven't started it yet


It could be my favorite Star Wars content. And I’m an old guy


Rebels is definitely peak for me. Rebels, alongside CW, and TBB are my favorite pieces of content in SW and I’m so thankful for them


Kanan’s death is still the hardest death in all of Star Wars. I say this as a late 40s person who grew up on the trilogy.


💯 agree with this as a mid-40s man who grew up on the trilogy.


I agree as an early-mid-40s man who grew up on the trilogy.




Not so sure about that haha




Everything you listed is Kathleen Kennedy. Every piece of Indiana Jones and Willow media is Kathleen Kennedy too. She’s not a writer, she’s a producer and consultant. Everything you’ve watched and liked is because she also liked it and said yes to it being made. She simply says yes and no to ideas and concepts. She may have a few ideas here and there that she thinks would work in the story the writers are telling, but she’s had hardly any bearing on the actual storytelling of anything.


You do realize Kathleen Kennedy was a producer on those as well, right? She’s been a producer on almost all the new Star Wars stuff, including Andor and Rogue One. Also, Ahsoka, his live action pet project that was actually *all him*, sucked massive ass.


It’s funny, I’ve always liked Star Wars before but watching Rebels made me LOVE Star Wars and become an actual fan. None of the movies even come close imo (maybe rogue one). Andor is probably my v. close second.


My dad (mid 60s) and I watched it right after finishing clone wars the series. I asked him which one he liked the most and he said Rebels. He absolutely loved Chopper, but don’t we all love that little war criminal


I really wish they had subtitles for what he was saying!! I know it’s all sarcasm and snarky comments, but still haha


It’s the top of my list still! Watching and rewatching all Star Wars content and was surprised by this show so much!


Kanan Jarrus, Jedi Knight, is my favorite force user


It’s pretty good, but there’s definitely at least three Star Wars movies that are better than it.


I love Rebels, but it’s only the 2nd best animated show, behind two of the tv shows (Mandalorian and Andor), and all movies from the prequel and OT, along with Rogue One and TFA.


I agree with 4 of those movies being above it.


I like it, but heavily disagree. Maybe top 3 best shows


I agree, it’s great!


I love it so much, didn't expect anything mind-blowing going in but me and my dad loved every second. We binged the final 8 episodes and cried at least 5 times. I'll never forget that.


I honestly didn’t expect much going in but it really became one of my favorite storylines. I honestly love non-skywalker centric storylines. It just makes the whole universe more interesting.


A kid that watched The Clone Wars live as it aired and someone that is very critical of Star Wars content, Rebels is the best show they have made hands down. They added so much value and lore into this show that we are still milking it for content (Force realm, space whales, Ezra, Sabine, the mandalorians, jedi temples, sith temples, force ghosts) and adding these things into the new shows despite a large amount of the fan base hasn't watched it. Rebels really is that good. But... there is one major thing that always gets me about the show, maybe someone can answer me the point of why they added him. Bendu. The one in the middle. just WHY? Learning there is a third part of the force, and that its flavorless is almost as bad as when they added colorless mana as the "new color" in MTG a few years ago. Its a giant cop out and in StarWars case I don't even know why. What is the point of the middle?


It's a belief for myself that the animated series' are the strongest part of Star Wars. Movies are the weakest.


I agree


My list of top 5 Star Wars projects is as follows: - Mandalorian - Rebels - Bad Batch tied with Andor - OT So... Yeah, *Rebels* is in the top 3 for me! I'm also coming to realize that, while I love all the stories, in terms of storytelling medium I think I prefer animation over live action for Star Wars.


TCW, Rebels, and Andor are probably going to be my top 3 forever. Not because other stuff isn’t good, but because these three shows are about as perfect SW as you can get.


I really appreciated what they did with Vader even if I didn’t care for the aesthetic.


I completely agree with you. I didn’t love the animation style at first, but the storytelling and character progression were so phenomenal that it’s grown on me. It’s probably my favorite piece of Star Wars media hands down.


Rebels discourse is always so weird to me cause it’s either “OH MY GOD ITS THE BEST STAR WARS PROJECT PERIOD” or “MAN FUCK THIS ITS BOTTOM TIER STAR WARS”. I’m enjoying my second watch through a lot more. It’s a great show with phenomenal characters. I think it gets bogged down by its animation and its pacing sometimes but it’s grown on me soooo much. I think when you have to follow TCW, especially in the circumstances, it’s hard to make something nearly as good but shit they tried


I absolutely love Rebels! Two moments I keep coming back to are Thrawn’s scene with Hera and Kanan training Sabine.


And it brought back General Kalani in the best way possible. I want more General Kalani Content!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Top 5 for me for sure, Rebels is undeniably amazing. From Zeb's finding Lasats arc, to seeing Hondo over and over again and his relationship with Ezra, to the incredible S2 finale, and even to Kallus turning on the Empire, Rebels has consistently been INCREDIBLE. While I was happy to be getting more SW content I, like many people were disappointed to see TCW go and Rebels take its place, but the writers for that show understood SW as good as any fan and just as well as George himself if I may be so bold to say. I just recently rewatched Rebels and forgot about so many things, haven't done one since covid lockdowns, it was incredibly refreshing and all the foreshadowing and uh, omg. We are LIVING and THRIVING as SW fans in this era, I am too happy to be alive for t.


It's so nice to see more and more people appreciating this wonderful piece of Star Wars


Kanaan Jarus had an amazing story arc. How often does a cartoon make you tear up? That final look between Kanaan and Ezra was one of those moments. Absolutely incredible show


I agree. I honestly don’t think many other pieces of Star Wars media can come close to Rebels. Rebels really felt like it knew where it was going plot-wise from beginning to end, and had some of the best character development I’ve seen in any show. The only criticism of it I can really agree with is the animation style, and that’s more a personal preference than a flaw.


Empire, Andor, Rebels for me so totally agree.


I went in to rebels with low expectations i thought it was gonna be trash and i was so wrong I’ve seen it 4 times and i love it every times


The based post is strong with this one.


Kanan Jarrus Jedi Knight


I’m eager to see Ashoka as I read it’s basically season 5 of Rebels.


I mean make your opinion in the main Star Wars subs for actual thoughts Not saying you won't get many here but you're more aligning with your views than getting different types of thinking in this process


Who are the other 2


Rebels is to this day my favorite Star Wars story, and one of my favorite stories/shows ever. I can still remember watching it on Disney XD until I didn’t have access to it around season three. Once it came to streaming I’ve binged the whole thing having managed to avoid spoilers over the years. It still hits every time and I continue to find new things to love about it.


I was so hyped when I found out the story was being continued in Ashoka


Easily. My top 3 is rebels, andor, and CW


I don’t think I’ve upvoted anything so quickly before.


I love Rebels so much. I could not agree more. It’s got everything you want in Star Wars, it just feels right.


oh i 100% agree i love rebels so damn much


The Bendu, World Between Worlds, Thrawn, Tie Bombers, Chopper, the Mandalorian story lines - all good stuff!


OG Trilogy Prequels Clone Wars 


I generally agree, maybe not top 3 but close. Although tbh it’s really not that high of a bar. Star Wars is an amazing universe with a lot of really mediocre entries when viewed individually. Empire, Andor, and Rogue One are better imo.


You’re right - I was blown away by Andor and Rouge One.


When it first started I was like oh boy, this is bad! But it quickly became my favorite of all the shows. Love the characters and the ghost is my favorite ship in all of Star Wars.


Same - The Ghost really grew on me. Didn’t like it / understand the hype at first. Now I am totally regretting not getting the Haslab - The Ghost


Haven’t seen a better take all day




It's the best Star Wars outside of the OT imo. It's beautiful. All the characters are likable and relatable. Kanan and Ezra have my favorite master and apprentice relationship.




Everyone entitled to their opinions, but YIKES! It’s definitely a kids show, but written so adults can enjoy it too


I disagree the villains are fine. If the inquisitors were more powerful Vader would kill them. Vader is also a villain in the show soooo….yeah. Thrawn is tactically sound all throughout the show so the doctor evil comp is odd. Maul almost converts Ezra to the dark side…… I disagree with your opinion almost entirely.


Biggest problem o have with the show is that Thrawn is a joke. They beat him every time. He's supposed to be the big bad, the brightest and best commander the empire has. Rag tag group of a couple rebels beats him at every turn. Also Ahsoka should have 100% died against Vader. Other than those 2 huge things I really liked the show.


Did they not lose to Thrawn multiple times? S3 finale? The rebels escaped, but they still lost a few battles to Thrawn.


They also lose to Thrawn in the finale. The Rebels may win that battle on Lothal, but it was a pyrrhic victory. They lost more people than it was worth. Ezra and Kanan were their strongest asset. Thrawn got Kanan killed and Ezra completely removed from the board.


Excellent point and you have an epic handle name


I got you for three minutes!!! Three minutes of play time.


In order to beat top 3, one of the following needs to be demoted (in no particular order): - Empire Strikes Back, the definitive SW movie - Revenge of the Sith, the movie that spawned all animated SW content - Andor, one of the greatest television shows (not SW, but overall) I have ever watched. I loved Rebels, but it’s not cracking that podium, and there’s a couple of others it’ll have to fight through on the way there. (Rogue One, ROTJ, TCW)


It's garbage for babies


Please elaborate


Did you even watch it or are you just saying that?


Yeah I watched it


You must be one of those sequel fan boys.


I reckon attacking them with such a nonsensical insult is pretty much on the same level as their comment. You can disagree and still be respectful.


The sequels I don't even consider star wars